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RE: Mistermafio's Poetry

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12/1/2008 17:36:49   

Wouldn't it be beautiful

Wouldn't it be beautiful
if everything was ugly?

Noone would be jealous,
everything would be the same.
Not appearance,
but personality
would make the world go 'round.

Wouldn't it be beautiful
if everything was ugly?

Or would ugly,
just become beautiful
and would the world repeat itself again.

AQ  Post #: 151
12/1/2008 17:38:56   

Red door

I see a red door,
it leads far away,
I won't take it anymore,
as I'd rather stay.

Please take my red door,
I'd rather see it green.
Because honestly,
I've seen everything,
that possibly can be seen.

I don't need my red door,
don't need it anymore.
I'd rather have it green
but I'm all out of paint.

So til I find more of it,
I will have to leave.
My red door cannot go unused,
to my personal grief.

AQ  Post #: 152
12/1/2008 17:39:57   

Questioning the question

Who are you?
To question me?

He questioned me in reply.

I shook my head,
and sighed a sigh.

He who questions everything with a why
forgets to question the why.
AQ  Post #: 153
12/1/2008 17:41:09   


Aren't I something?
Aren't I special?
Aren't I unique?

There is no one quite like me,
just ask my daddy
just ask my mommy

Just ask the world.


Yes you are,
you are unique,
you are one of a kind...

Just like every one else,
my beautiful child.
AQ  Post #: 154
12/1/2008 17:41:48   

True beauty

Rarely does one lay his eyes upon true beauty,
rarely does one see an angle amongst men.

I'm glad I am not one,
I'm glad I am me.
I am so very glad I do get to gaze upon,
what is most definitely,
true beauty.

Are you jealous yet?
I know I'd be.
I'd be so very jealous,
at me.
AQ  Post #: 155
12/1/2008 17:42:38   

Running late

Running quickly down the stairs,
no time to think,
no time to consider.

Just how ridiculous this is.

Walking quickly,
already too late.

As always, in a rush,
I realize.
“Screw this, I’ll just take the bus.”
AQ  Post #: 156
12/1/2008 17:43:23   

Can't stand myself

I can't stand to hear myself ramble,
I hate my voice and what I say.
But if I shut up now,
I'd hate me for not speaking,
for not saying what I think.

Sorry I make you listen,
sorry I bother you.
If it is any consolation
I hate myself for that too.
AQ  Post #: 157
12/1/2008 17:44:19   

Banging my head against the wall

I'm banging my head against the wall,
it hurts,
not at all.

“Help me!”
I scream,
“I don't need your help”

I frown upon myself,
happy with who I am,
I hope I'll never change


Never change at all.

AQ  Post #: 158
12/1/2008 17:45:05   

Our time

It is funny,
the way mankind treats time.
Relatively seen we have so little of it,
-none, to be precise-

As compared to a tree,
we live mere months.
Compared to the world,
mere days.
And compared to the universe that surrounds us,
we do not live at all.

Yet we choose to spend
that little time we have,
sitting in a classroom,
or working for a boss.

We are happy to have spare time,
next to all the time we've lost.

Wouldn't it be easier
if money would not be of our concern?
Wouldn't it be easier,
if we just chose what we wanted to learn?

Or am I just rambling?
About a world that could never be.
As the last thing mankind seems to want
is to spend the little time they have,

AQ  Post #: 159
12/1/2008 17:47:18   

Stalk me

I know you are watching me,
I can feel your gaze in the back of my neck.
I know you are near me,
for if I am really, really silent,
I can hear your soft breath.

I feel your presence,
but do not see you.
As the second I turn around,
you disappear into thin air.
Not a movement,
not a sound.

Stalk me through the night,
hide in my shadow by day.
I might not like you.
But please, I beg you to stay.

For without you,
I'd be all on my own.
You are the one thing making me feel special.
The only thing making me feel...
AQ  Post #: 160
12/14/2008 13:44:56   

1337: Greek, Geek, or from another planet?

Walking through an online world
I see many a face
and meet many a person,
all of which seem nice enough.
They look nice
and seem friendly...
I don have a clue what they are saying though.

what's this 1337 stuff anyway?
"Wud u lke 2 dnce?"
They look at you funny...
Whut? O.o
I repeat

Don't they understand?
Its not like English is that hard.
Perhaps they are from another country,
perhaps we just live way too far apart.
Excuse me, do you speak English?
I ask.

I thought Southern slang was o.O
but this is even worse
I didnt know such a thing was possible
Could it be, the one next to me
is from my neck of the woods
and is typing like from another planet?

Again this person looks at me with that funny look.
"I speek Engrish, dun u c?"
What this one is talking about? I don't know.
It all looks like jibberish to me.

Perhaps Greek
or some sort of computer geek
coding langauge would be easier to understand?
I hear German, Dutch, or perhaps Russian are hard
I wonder which is harder, them or 1337?
I seem to pick up some Dutch, but that
1337 stuff? It just seems to give me a headache....

I try communicating with this person a little longer,
but I just cannot look past the c's,
or the u's,
not even past those unneeded 3's.
I give up and with a sigh,
I say my goodbye.

I begin to wonder
where went to school
if went to school at all
Wonder what the teacher thought
when saw the writing this one "spoke" to me

Even his goodbye
wasn't just 'goodbye'.
"bi c u l8tr"
was his brilliant reply.
Again I sighed a deep sigh
and asked myself, why?

Why do I even try?
as I look on in frustration
trying to understand that which is vexation
and here I thought "the Rule of Three perplexed me"
as I try to compare that 1337 to mathematics
in hopes of better understanding the semantics

< Message edited by mistermafio -- 12/14/2008 13:45:34 >
AQ  Post #: 161
12/16/2008 17:08:17   


My puppets dance!
Do what you need.
My puppets play for me,
just follow my lead.

think you are yourselves.

Wearing what I want you to wear,
saying what I want you to say.
Whatever you do,
-if you know it or not-
you do it my way.

Always under my spell,
from birth to death.
My puppets serve me well.

And together
we'll create our own heaven,
and our own hell.

You just do what I tell.

< Message edited by mistermafio -- 12/16/2008 17:20:18 >
AQ  Post #: 162
12/17/2008 12:32:37   

The daredevil

I have fought the world
and won,

I have fought my existence
since the moment it begun,
and I am pretty sure,
I'm winning that battle too.

Trust me,
that sounds much better to me,
then it probably sounds to you.

I took my chances,
embraced the risk,
I lived my life.
Not a second of it I've missed.

I've laughed and been in love,
I've cried and been in pain,
I've reached the point
where I have nothing left to gain.

Now I embrace my death,
knowing it will not be in vain.
AQ  Post #: 163
12/25/2008 19:38:36   

Merry Christmas L&L

Another year has passed,
here in legends and lore.
Many things happened,
good, bad,
happy, sad
and whatever more.

Many a story was written,
many a poem concieved.
The purge came,
and some writing got lost.

But soon that was replaced,
by works newer,
and more fun
-much, much more-
then all that came before.

I will tell you,
people of L&L,
you have me amazed.

New authors found their way into our midst,
welcomed with a smile and a hello.
Old authors left,
-temporarely or forever-
and will be missed til the day they come back,
be that tomorrow,
be that never.

We met friends,
we got close,
we supported each other through poetry and prose.
We were a community,
through the good times
as well as the bad.
For that I can do little more,
than smile and tip my hat.

I salute you,
Legends and Lore,
the board that holds my friends,
my poetry,
and the works I adore.

Have a merry Christmas,
have a happy New Year.
Let it be a fun one,
have a blast
and let's hope this year's good tidings
will turn out to last.

< Message edited by mistermafio -- 12/25/2008 19:59:07 >
AQ  Post #: 164
1/2/2009 14:50:25   


I am running,
from my home,
from my family,
from my friends
and all things I've known.

I am scared,
and thus I run.
From my husband and my children,
from danger,
from fun.

I cannot help it,
I cannot fight this urge.
No matter how much I struggle against it,
I must run.

I do not stop to rest,
never do I stick around.
I am here once,
but never twice.

Always passing by,
never stopping,
never questioning,
never explaining why.

There is nothing I can do,
but keep running.
Til the day I die.

The first rest I will ever get,
will last an eternity.
AQ  Post #: 165
1/3/2009 19:01:13   

Good night


Is anyone there?”

A timid voice questions through the darkness of the night.

A small voice,
a sad voice,
a voice belonging to a child.

But there is no reply,
not a reassuring voice,
not a hug,
nor a little white lie.

This child is all alone,
in the darkness of the night.

“Help me mommy!
Help me daddy!
The monsters are coming,
I can hear them laugh.”

The voice screams,
followed by a cough.

Thick black smoke fills the tiny room,
and though the night is illuminated by fire
the room stays black as night.

The only things keeping the voice company,
are pain, and fright.

Screams of fear turn into screams of agony,
as the fire begins to dine on this nameless child.
Though it is unclear what did it,
-the poisonous smoke,
or the devastating flame-
the source of that voice,
that child with no name,
died that horrible night.

Trapped and alone,
without a father,
or a mother
to say that its alright.

Only kept company,
by pain,
and fire,
and fright.
AQ  Post #: 166
1/4/2009 16:17:53   

New collab between Ana and me ^>^

Poetic Exercise

Lets start something
Something fun
Let the words flow
Cause I want us to show

I'd love to start something,
though I have to question what.
As my brain seems devoid of inspiration.
I can put these words on paper,
but not very much more than that.

tsk tsk, I say
I think we need to show today
just how much fun poeting can be
Like how much fun you have
just poeting with me

Poeting with you is heaps of fun,
it puts a smile on my face.
But poeting to me is much like running a race,
I need to be in the right shape
or I won't be very good.

Perhaps we should warm up first
Stretch them "poeting muscles"
Prime them for action
cause I love your reaction
when we poet together

That might help
very well.
Honestly I can already feel them muscles warming
as I fall under your poetic spell.

or perhaps you felt my Spanner
as I poet in my usual manner
it seems to make
those who wish to be inspired
better able to aspire
to poet, a least a little

Oh, I am surely struck by your spanner,
I can feel it through my mind.
Watching you poet inspires me,
that's a thought I'll never leave behind.

I heard writing is good
mental exercise for folks
perhaps poeting, the art it is
could be even more strenuous
on one's mind than the average word

It might not be easy to poet,
at least, not always for me.
But when I poet, alone or with you
I seem to reach a state of mental ecstasy.

Oh I know the feeling
and I enjoy it too
whether alone or with you
I just love poeting too

Then I know just what to do,
as I seem to have refound my lost inspiration.
Let us poet together.

yes, lets
Exercise with a friend
is so much more fun
I agree with you
poeting is like a race to be run
but I do believe with proper
warming up, that one can do
an excellent poem or two

Well then,
my friend,
I'd like to do such a poem with you

I see you thinking
I see them gears spinning
I think you'd say
Lets show the world now
Lets show them how
how much fun poeting can /really/ be

Lets ^>^

< Message edited by mistermafio -- 1/4/2009 16:20:16 >
AQ  Post #: 167
1/6/2009 18:33:05   

Cold winter morning

I sail an ocean of white,
stretching all around me.
I'm not touched by its cold,
only by its beauty.

I stare over this frozen sea,
and quite frankly,
it bewilders me.

Snow, untouched by man,
stretches as far as the eye can see.
Seagulls and seals roam around,
nearly invisible.

I gaze and I wonder,
as I stare and ponder.
How this life is so wonderful,
though monotone.


I open up my eyes,
and the ocean disappears.
It was a dream,
the embodiment of my greatest fears.

I get out of bed,
and kill the alarm,
stumble upstairs
complain on how it should be warm.

I go through my day.
And forget about the dream.

As I forgot about so many,
so many things that could've been.
AQ  Post #: 168
1/6/2009 18:36:55   

Running II

always running.
From your home,
and from your kin.

always running.
From your life,
in pursuit of things that've been.

always running.
From the devil,
and from sin.

always running.
AQ  Post #: 169
1/9/2009 19:09:56   

Please don't read this, it'll be the end of me

I do not exist,
did I ever?
Did I ever live?

I remember thinking to myself,
I remember feeling pain,
but I'm not sure if I should trust those memories.
If I can be so sure about what happens in this brain.

I remember seeing myself,
but was that really me?
Not just an illusion,
not just the image of how I want myself to be?

Do I exist?
Or am I just an illusion,
that's fooling only itself.

If this world is nothing more then a figment of my imagination,
then who are you?

And if it where the other way around?
Would you then be talking to yourself?

Perhaps this is a cry for help,
you invision me,
and me writing this,
in the hope you'll see,
and understand.

In the hope you'll realise you're living a lie,
in the hope you wake up before its to late,
before you die.

But then,
would I not be ending my own existence?
By simply writing this?

Please do not read this,
I might not live,
but I'd like to exist.
AQ  Post #: 170
1/18/2009 18:36:54   

The lords

They sit,
alone, together
looking over this world
trying not to make it better,
or to make it worse

they look simply for their entertainment
at this silly little world

once enjoys the funny things
good jokes.
The other enjoys the parties,
the drinking and the dancing.

Wishing he could join

The last enjoys death,
the misery and sorrow.

He's not evil, just different from the norm.

They sit alone,
influencing the world,
not for the worse or for the better

Just for their vision of fun
would you not do the same,
if you had sat there,
since the moment time begun.
AQ  Post #: 171
1/18/2009 18:37:38   


I turned on the news today,
and watched the war that didn't have a bad guy.
Being demonstrated for,
and against,
both sides.

People showed their true nature today,
one of treason,
one of hate.
One that hasn't been very rare as of late.

And I'm afraid that today,
this beautiful winters day,
my faith in humanity dropped another notch.
AQ  Post #: 172
2/7/2009 9:09:47   


Poetry, I always thought poetry was putting one's feelings on paper,
in a rhyming manner,
or not.


Apparently I was wrong.

See, people have told me I'm good at this,
well, not this, but at poetry
writing it, to be precise.

I never really believed them.

Why would I?
I was just messing around,
writing what sounded good to me,
what sounded true,
and what rhymed.

In most cases, that is.

Bleh, poetry.

Tell me,
people that claim I'm so good.
If I can write poetry,
any poetry at all,
how come when I truly am feeling something,
truly feeling something I just can't put into words.

How come I can't poet about it?

My guess is because I either can't poet,
or poetry just isn't what I thought it'd be.

Meh, whatever it is,
I do it terribly.
AQ  Post #: 173
2/7/2009 9:12:22   

A perfect day

Quickly birds fly over,
singing their happy songs,
as you spot a four-leafed clover.

Today is lucky,
filled with rights,
instead of wrongs.

The sun shines softly,
and it’s quite cold.
But you have your warm jacket.
Free of problems,
free of scold.

You don’t see,
you just behold.

Back home homework is waiting,
together with other stuff like that.
But who cares,
when there is so much fun to be had.

Sure it's getting late,
sure this great day is coming to an end.

But at least there will always be tomorrow,
at least today was time well spend.

The world might not be perfect…
Today came pretty close.
AQ  Post #: 174
2/9/2009 14:06:15   

Clowns: A Day at the Circus

by Ana_Maria && Mistermafio

The smell of saw-dust in the air
little chairs.

big tents
and loud sounds
people on stilts, tall indeed

Animals of all shapes and sizes,
lots of things to see,
lots of people to meet.
down there in the circus

Lions, tigers, and bears
oh my
Tamers with whips
and with chairs
cages and chains
but well cared for

magicians and snakepeople,
all nimble and fast
I do enjoy all these things,
but there is one guy I really can't get passed

he has big floppy shoes
and a painted smile
a huge red nose
that beeps when squeezed

He wobbles around,
left to right,
never really talking much,
and his face painted white

big red lips
in shape of smile
if ever frowned,
how'd we know?

This man is here,
to put up a show.
He giggles to his friend,
dressed just like him.

blowing up balloons
shaping them like
dogs and other things
funny animals
and little hats

entertaining the kids,
even making the adults laugh from time to time
as he does that little act
in which he finds a dime

hidden behind my ear
how in the world
did that get there?

he laughs loud,
and hands the dime over
as he offers you a snuf,
of his giant fourleaved clover

silly person to smell
that clover
didnt know
would get wet
when this man
squeezed the bulb

laughs from the audience
as his face got bright red,
a little embarrassed,
but not really mad

nor embarrassed
just awesome at job
he loves so much
doesnt even see as work

Ah yes the clown,
every circus' best part
no tension,
no gasps,
just plain old laughing very hard.

Shot from cannon
but not hurt
landed in net
keeping safe
that which he

He walks back out,
and without restraints,
grabs a delicious looking cake.
He moves to offer it to his friend,

or was it a pie?
Pie in your eye
as it lands in your face

Again the crowd is lauging,
me joining in as well,
as our friend is nice enough,
to try and clean up the spill

but the cloth you see
goofy patterns
and oversized spots
keeps coming and going
from his pocket!

Never ending,
it seems,
as cloth after cloth appears,

Solid colors
and stripes
lots of various
patterns I see

Until we reach the end,
But what is that!
That ain't a cloth

'tis fake vomit?
or some other gag
maybe fake guts
to make us gasp

But its all ok,
all fun and games,
as after the gasps die down,
only laughter remains

this clown is here
to entertain
making us laugh
children smile
and everyone happy

Yes, a day at the circus
a sideshow of animals
and a funny clown
'tis how my day went
though the clown was the best!

< Message edited by mistermafio -- 2/9/2009 14:11:30 >
AQ  Post #: 175
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