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AQW Q&A Forum Needs More Attention

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10/25/2009 15:53:58   

I have been residing in the AQW Q&A, along with other forums, for almost a whole year now. Many questions get answered right away and then are left unlocked for many hours, allowing others to just come in and put answers that are already there. Not only that, but it can lead to discussions ( not allowed ) and sometimes even arguments. For there is at most one or two AKs that do their job. I understand people have lives to deal with, and other boards, but that is not to say that this board is to be left on its own. Not only that, but there are also many questions that are repeated on the same page. There are also nonsensical answers that are just thrown in there because a person just wants to discuss something related to the topic. What I am trying to get at is that there has to be a serious change in who is moderating the forum and how they do it. I would like to thank Theo greatly for every day coming in and locking a good 20 threads. Thank you for your time.


< Message edited by Beowolve -- 10/25/2009 15:56:53 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
10/25/2009 16:02:17   

This problem, might be cured, simply by either Hiring more AK's for AQW's, or simply give pre-existing AK's a new board to moderate, if They haven't got more than 3 boards to supervise.

Although, even so, since there are players around the world, and there are only so many AK's, it's just too hard to actually solve permanently.
Post #: 2
10/25/2009 16:31:46   

Understood, but you must remember that the AKs accepted the boards because they felt they could do their job and take care of it. And also, you mentioned that the AKs are not all around the world like players are, you can solve this by assigning AKs to the board that are from other countries. Hiring new AKs would also work because they may be more motivated then the older ones.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
10/25/2009 17:41:28   
The Arcane

Beowolve, I completely agree with you. But AQW Q&A just needs more AKs spread out along Time Zones, a bit like what Venturer90 said.

I must say, ever since Theo was AKed for AQW Q&A, I haven't seen this problem. (Maybe due to my Time Zone?)

If Circe feels the need to add more AQW Q&A AKs, she will so.

Untill then, there's really nothing we can do.



AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
10/25/2009 17:51:28   


I completely agree with you. But AQW Q&A just needs more AKs spread out along Time Zones, a bit like what Venturer90 said.

I also agree with this, I meant that when I said:

And also, you mentioned that the AKs are not all around the world like players are, you can solve this by assigning AKs to the board that are from other countries.

I also agree that the boards have been better since Theo has been around, but him and him alone cannot handle the amount of spamy posts and other things that go on when he is not there.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
10/25/2009 18:02:52   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

SomeMany ArchKnights are piled up with work, as like Theo, and may not have time to get to other businesses; also, even though moderators can hire new ArchKnights, there is the matter of competency, whether or not they can do the job, or whether or not they want the JOB

Other than that, be patient, and more ArchKnights will probably be on their way to help out Theo...hopefully

< Message edited by DragonBlade -- 10/25/2009 18:03:29 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 6
10/25/2009 18:18:09   
More than a Game


I don't beleive its a problem with the AKs. Theo does a vast majority of the locking, GriffinFire does the locking sometimes, and Icy drops by from time to time. TLH comes by often, too. V_J's hasn't been on for two weeks or so, but thats just one AK. Its just the large number of questions; its quite impossible actually to get to them all.

I've just checked, and in the past 5 months, there have been 300 pages of questions. Thats about 1500 questions a month. Now, I doubt that there are actually *1500* questions that needs to be answered, which leads to the conclusion of not the number of AKs that are needed, but the forumites themselves.

During the release days, there are at least 10 questions asking the same thing. There should be more emphasis on checking the other threads before making your own. Questions are repeating and repeating itself way too often. I know the Q&A are for help and support, but checking other threads, is that too hard? It'd surely save AKs time, the question answerers time as well as the poster himself.

Just my two cents.

< Message edited by moneybags -- 10/25/2009 18:22:17 >
Epic  Post #: 7
10/25/2009 18:19:07   

Dragonblade: I see where you are coming from. Now the thing is, I don't want this to be like "Oh we an fix this, lets just higher more AKs".

MoneyBags: I completely agree. So if there is going to be a new batch of AKs or if they higher one or two, they should focus more on how people are posting and posting habbits.

I am kind of at a brain freeze on a way to fix this. I completely agree with all you have posted, I just feel that if there are new AKs that come in, what would keep them from not doing their jobs and getting to the point where they say "Oh ___ can take of it"? That is all I am saying.


< Message edited by Beowolve -- 10/25/2009 18:21:31 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
10/25/2009 18:27:06   
Gone with the wind

Life is eating me right now and as so, my activity has dropped, yes. However, I also feel that locking a thread right after somebody posts the right answer isn't always a good idea because the thread starter may not understand. If the OP gives thanks or requests a lock, yes, I lock immediately, but that is just my opinion.

There is also the problem of not having a delete button for normal members in the AQW Q&A, as a result, they may start posting and be beaten without the option to delete. But, generally, I can tell from the posting times if someone is just repeating. For repeat offenders it is warnable, but generally, just a deletion notice is better telling them not to do it.

MQ  Post #: 9
10/25/2009 18:35:36   

Icy: Yup, I totally understand that you guys have lives to deal with. Yes a delete button would also help. I understand that you guys don't lock till lock is requested, but it is what happens after the request. Sometimes locks are requested and then about 2 hours later the thread will be necro'ed and people will start repeating questions. I don't mean to sound like you guys aren't doing your jobs in a bad way, MOST of you do your jobs when you can, but recently it has been seeming more and more to be Theo only and GriffinFire here and there. You are excused because you have stuff to deal with. But that still leaves two other AKs who could help out. I just wish that there was some way that there was always at least one AK moderating the area. And yes 3/5 AKs do moderate, some less then others.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
10/25/2009 18:50:00   
Gone with the wind

Well, I don't want to speak for someone else, but both V_J and Coyote have reasons for being more inactive right now.
I just finished my first week of midterms and hopefully will be more active after this.

Indeed, people post too late, I just deleted eight spam posts in a thread there, so yes, it is a problem. But, we do get to these, even if it is a hour or two later.
It is nearly impossible to ALWAYS have a AK there, I try to be on at least 2 hours a day even with my schedule, but we live in fairly close time zones so someone won't be there 24 hours a day - even when we all are at top activity.
MQ  Post #: 11
10/25/2009 18:55:35   

Icy: I noticed =p. I guess you are right, locking will have to be worked with. And the spamming can be deleted, it is just that it gets hard when people start answering answered questions. Guess there is not much I can say or due, I have made my point and hopefully made my voice heard. Unless anyone has something to say you can lock this thread :/


As requested. ~ tflo

< Message edited by tflo -- 10/25/2009 19:35:58 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
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