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RE: Poetry~Compressed Meaning

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1/9/2010 7:39:14   

Whispering Fog

A dense grey fog descends upon the land
A gloom to match the gloom within my heart
It hangeth heavy, shrouding all in mist

The fog doth swirls in ever-changing shapes
And in these shapes my disillusioned brain
Invents a vision of thy radiant face

And through this veil of most depressing grey
What once was clear now shrouds itself in doubt
The cold air quivers with your whispering voice


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 1:31:36 >
DF MQ  Post #: 26
1/11/2010 3:13:20   


To those who see how high I set my goals--
And ask: “Why strive for that which cannot be?”
I say to you: “The higher set the bar--
The higher those that strive for it will leap.
Though I may not achieve that final mark
It is in trying that I reach new heights.”


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 1:32:05 >
DF MQ  Post #: 27
1/13/2010 21:06:22   

The Dance of the Satyrs

I woke one night, no longer wanting sleep
And wandered out upon the rolling hills
That lay dotted with peaceful forests green
My bare feet lightly crushed the velvet grass
I wandered free; my mind knew not my way

When all at once, methinks I did perceive
A hint of music floating on the air
I knew not whence it came, but listened still
And when it came again I set my course
To whence my ear did say it seemed to come

At length, as I grew closer I could hear
The reedy music of a shepherd’s pipes
I came upon a clearing midst the trees
And what I saw caused me astonishment
My petty mind consumed in wonderment

For there in that clearing amidst the trees
Lit palely by a silvery glowing moon
I saw what now is thought no more than myth
Full twenty Satyrs saw I at a glance
Carefree as larks that danced upon the wind
To haunting tune that from rude pipes did flow

I hid among the trees, and gazed in awe
For who am I, to witness such a sight?

The tempo changed; the dance grew faster
The wind picked up, clouds scraped the sky
When suddenly, before my watching eyes
They simply disappeared, no trace remained
That any dance had ever taken place

And so, somehow, my mind with wonder filled
I wandered back betwixt the rolling hills
And found, at length, myself at home once more

Returning to the bed from which I'd fled
Only to witness such a miracle
Then Morpheus came to stake his claim on me
And into peaceful sleep I helpless fell


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 1:40:37 >
DF MQ  Post #: 28
1/16/2010 12:37:48   

I Go Gentle Into That Good Night

My life has been a wand’ring path,
With many twists and turns.
So many times I’ve gone astray,
So much I’ve had to learn.

I look back on the life I’ve lived,
The time I’ve spent on earth.
So many smiles of sorrow--
So many tears of mirth.

I think about the day you left,
No more does my heart grieve.
For I am sure that very soon,
Together we shall be.

And so, as mist doth cloud my sight,
I go gentle into that good night.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 1:41:50 >
DF MQ  Post #: 29
1/18/2010 10:25:27   

I’m Two Years Old

I’m two years old, still young, still small
I write with crayons on the wall

I’m eight years old, a happy child
I live and play, carefree and wild

I’ve fourteen years, and things have changed
No more is life so clear and plain

I’m eighteen now, no more so young
My life as me has now begun

I’m twenty eight, I share my life
With the woman I now call my wife

I’m thirty now, and we are three
My wife and I, and our baby

Two more years pass, she now is two
The cycle doth begin anew.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 1:42:43 >
DF MQ  Post #: 30
1/19/2010 9:43:58   

Sad Reality

It is the sad reality--
That there are some, who in this life,
Have eyes through which they cannot see;
And live lives plagued with tears and strife.

The sun's warm rays perceive they not;
They have not seen its golden light.
Instead it is their curséd lot,
To live in everlasting night.

And so I say to you, my friends,
That if ever you feel the need,
To curse what life doth to you send,
Recall that you are blessed indeed.

For we, who live beneath the sky.
And in the sun’s caress do bask.
Cannot imagine what it’s like,
To live our lives in darkness masked.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 1:43:29 >
DF MQ  Post #: 31
1/20/2010 22:02:34   

Stormy Regrets

The winds did howl, the sea did rise,
The ship by raging storm was wrack’d.
But God heard not our desp’rate cries.
He cared not for our human lives.
His anger He would not retract.

I looked out o’er the raging sea--
The ever larger frothing waves.
I saw the grim reality,
That I would never again see,
The beauty of your radiant face.

The lightnings flash, the thunders roar.
This next wave is to be our last.
Dear God, your mercy I implore,
For soon my life shall be no more,
Forgive the errors of my past.

And as my life doth come to crashing end,
I wish I’d had more time with you to spend.


< Message edited by shreder110 -- 1/25/2010 22:17:13 >
DF MQ  Post #: 32
1/25/2010 22:14:02   


I sit in my seat, and stare
At the scribbles on the blackboard
Numbers and symbols all jumbled and mixed

There may be some who like this
Who find this torment enjoyable
But not I.

The harder I try to understand
The less sense it all seems to make
I fall into a stupor.

The numbers leap from off the board
And dance in circles round my head
Taunting, laughing, and jeering.

There may be some who like math
But not I.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 1:44:49 >
DF MQ  Post #: 33
1/28/2010 8:17:47   

A Night's Respite

Oh Morpheus come, and upon me bestow--
The gift which thou doth hold within thy pow’r.
In gentle rest I pray thee lay me low,
My mind with quiet soothing sleep embow'r.

Permit me sleep, and bring not to my mind--
The cares which o’er my head do heavy lay.
I pray thee grant me rest, that I may find--
A night's respite from the worries of the day .


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 1:46:01 >
DF MQ  Post #: 34
2/1/2010 21:33:00   

Waiting Seeds

A simple seed
Lightly falls upon the softened earth
It nestles down among the rich brown dirt
And waits.

It waits while winter doth encase the world
With chilling winds and icy frosts
It waits.

Spring comes
The earth is warmed by gently shining sun
A tiny shoot of green doth lift its head
And peep out at the world.

It grows
Roots delve deep as shoots reach toward the sky
And leaves of green, unfurling gently, come
To catch the rays of sun upon their faces.

It flowers full
Ornate blossoms of purest, fairest pink
Plucked from the stalk in beauty to adorn
The locks of dancing girls.

It fades
As winter comes and chills impale its heart
Leaves fall from the shriveled shoots
It dies.

Its seeds
By autumn’s winds spread far across the earth
Beneath the frozen ground still lay in wait
For spring to come again.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 1:48:07 >
DF MQ  Post #: 35
2/4/2010 22:10:38   

Heavenly Bodies--A Series of Haikus

Fiercely burning orb
Orange against the blue sky
Its light warms the earth

Pale curving crescent
So softly radiating
The sun’s brighter beams

Slender rays of light
Shine silver through the deep night
Piercing the darkness

Barren rocky sphere
Devoid of living creatures
Wandering through space


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 1:48:45 >
DF MQ  Post #: 36
2/5/2010 1:38:26   

I Wish I Could Write Poetry

I wish I could write poetry
But every time I try
The end result simply makes me
Want to break down and cry

My meter always falls apart
I’m sorely lacking rhyme
I tear it up, and then restart
For the nine-hundredth time

I cannot get the words to flow
The way I want them to
Instead they’re rather like a boat
Trying to sail through glue

I simply cannot seem to see
What metaphors entail
My sad attempts at similes
Inevitably fail

I wish I could write poetry
But every time I try
The end result simply makes me
Want to break down and cry


< Message edited by Shreder -- 2/15/2011 0:53:30 >
DF MQ  Post #: 37
2/8/2010 2:17:08   

River of Time

Time is an ever-flowing river
That slowly wends its wandering way
Forever pushing further forward
As day leads on to day

At the time of our birth we are thrown
Into the swift stream, to be carried
Its current doth draw us on, until
By death we are set free

Out of the coursing river we climb
But what our eyes will then perceive
I do not know, nor will I
With lies, seek to deceive


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 1:50:27 >
DF MQ  Post #: 38
2/8/2010 9:58:19   

I Fall Within the Darkness of Your Eyes

I fall within the darkness of your eyes
My sight grows dim, my senses seep away
No one is there to hear my helpless cries

I call out and an echo doth reply
Never again shall I see light of day
I fall within the darkness of your eyes

I’m trapped, my body frozen fast in ice
My soul is dead, and lifeless it shall stay
No one is there to hear my helpless cries

My heart with quiet resignation sighs
In this imprisonment I’m bound to stay
I fall within the darkness of your eyes

I can’t escape, no matter how I try
Against these chains I ineffective rage
No one is there to hear my helpless cries

My will to live doth swiftly away fly
And now for death's sweet kiss I, kneeling, pray
I fall within the darkness of your eyes
No one is there to hear my helpless cries


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 1:51:35 >
DF MQ  Post #: 39
2/11/2010 22:17:59   


One step follows another
As I slowly onward trudge
One breath follows another
As my lungs take in the sludge

One day follows another
As I wander all alone
One tear follows another
For sins I can’t atone

DF MQ  Post #: 40
2/13/2010 7:36:10   


Thump Thump
A glowing missile blazes toward the sky
And there, amidst that darkling field on high
Boom Boom
In fizzy sparks and multicolored light
Exploding, they illuminate the night


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 1:52:02 >
DF MQ  Post #: 41
2/21/2010 8:01:21   

Stepping Back

My outstretched hand curls round the branch
As I hoist myself, heaving
Further up this ancient tree
Until at last I reach a point
Where climbing further would be folly
I sit upon the slender limb to rest

From out my shady perch I peer
Observing those that wander far below
Oblivious to my lazy gaze
Sometimes it’s nice to simply sit
And step back from life’s chaos
To briefly rest--and in that rest, reflect
No more reaching, stretching, straining
Simply thinking.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 1:53:48 >
DF MQ  Post #: 42
2/28/2010 9:06:05   

Fear of Death

Why do men hold within their hearts--
So strong a fear of death?
Why do they regret to depart--
And breathe their final breath?

Is it because of things they’ve done--
Or things they’ve failed to do?
Battles they feel they should have won--
Yet failed to carry through?

Or is it just the human fear--
Of all that is unknown?
Something untested and unclear--
That each must face alone.

No matter how hard we may try--
To avoid or delay.
The fact remains that you and I--
Will surely die someday.

So I say, if death comes to all--
Why live in constant fear?
Why not while waiting for its call--
Enjoy the passing years?

DF MQ  Post #: 43
3/7/2010 10:19:11   

It’s Okay

Verse 1:

I heard someone say the other day
That you’d left me to go your own way
I just thought I’d call you up to say
It’s okay

Girl you know I loved you but I know
That if the time has come for you to go
I’ll just have to go along with the flow
It’s okay


If you’ve gotta leave that’s okay
I’ll be waitin’ here for you
And I know you’ll come back someday
And that’s okay too
Cause I know there’s nothing I can do
To try and make you stay
But that’s okay

Verse 2:

I know some men might hold to you tight
But I’m too smart to try and fight
So I’ll let you go into the night
It’s okay


If you’ve gotta leave that’s okay
I’ll be waitin’ here for you
And I know you’ll come back someday
And that’s okay too
Cause I know there’s nothing I can do
To try and make you stay
But that’s okay


And I’ll let you go for now
Cause I know that you’ll be back
We’ll meet up again somehow
I know it for a fact (x2)


If you’ve gotta leave that’s okay
I’ll be waitin’ here for you
And I know you’ll come back someday
And that’s okay too
Cause I know there’s nothing I can do
To try and make you stay
But that’s okay (x2)

It’s okay (x2)

DF MQ  Post #: 44
3/16/2010 21:45:24   

Fast Falls the Rain

Fast falls the rain, Heaven’s belated gift--
Upon the dry land, cracked with weary thirst.
The liquid droplets saturating swift--
And bringing life back to the long-parched Earth.

The thirsty ground rejoices in the rain--
That comes at last--Life to rejuvenate.
The Earth, now watered, shall be green again--
No more for living liquid must we wait.

And as Heaven this precious gift doth send--
At long last this accursed drought doth end.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 1:55:21 >
DF MQ  Post #: 45
3/18/2010 3:04:52   


Waves wash up, upon the shore,
Carrying grains of sand--
That they had carried out before
And now bring back again.

I stand alone, upon this shore,
And look out o’er the swirling sea.
The last vestiges of the storm,
That on this island stranded me

Two days ago, all was well.
The sun shone o’er us, below the sea,
Rising and falling in gentle swell
Worries nor cares had we.

Then suddenly that peace was shorn,
From out of nowhere howling came--
An unpredicted, violent storm
That pulled our ship beneath the waves.

I know not what befell my friends,
Though I have little doubt that they--
Each met with their respective ends,
And on the ocean bottom lay.

So here I stand, alone ashore,
Looking out o’er the swirling sea.
And wondering what Fate holds in store
For a shipwrecked sailor such as me.

And as my eyes pass over sea and sand
I wonder if they’ll e'er see Home again.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 1:57:28 >
DF MQ  Post #: 46
3/31/2010 1:51:57   

Again I’ll See

As I stand here, upon the edge
And look down at the world
Thoughts running through my dizzied head
In tangled, confused swirl

My life was hard, I’ll freely say
But I could make it through
So long as each and every day
I could come home to you

But since Death beckoned you through
His wide, inviting door
I do not see a reason to
Keep living anymore

And so I jump, this present life to leave
That in the next, your face again I’ll see


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 1:58:49 >
DF MQ  Post #: 47
4/6/2010 23:51:47   

Father is Coming Home Today

My leaping heart exults within my breast
And in this classroom I am loath to stay
My pure excitement cannot be repressed
Because Father is coming home today

At long last he is coming home to me
For three whole years at war he’s been away
But finally his face again I’ll see
Because Father is coming home today

The clock hands seem to slow down to a crawl
And for the closing bell I sit and pray
The sun is stuck, and evening will not fall
Because Father is coming home today

After what seems like an eternity
From school to home I make my hurried way
My impatience threatens to consume me
Because Father is coming home today

But on arriving there it’s clear to see--
Something is wrong, but Mother won’t explain
And so I wonder, half-despairingly
If Father is coming home today

I come across a letter, stained with tears
Having been in a trashcan thrown away
I read it; it confirms my deepest fears
Father will not be coming home today

Nor any other day.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 2:00:34 >
DF MQ  Post #: 48
4/14/2010 23:12:50   


Grey are the clouds that float on high
And grey the earth below
Grim-faced, grey people pass me by
As to grey homes they go

I think of you, a lone bright spot
And mournful, I recall
How hard, against disease you fought
Yet o’er you spread Death’s pall

Grey are the clouds that float on high
And grey the earth below
And I, with grey-tinged tears, I cry
As to grey home I go


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 2:01:40 >
DF MQ  Post #: 49
4/29/2010 7:12:40   

Fair Warning

Lo! To those who would belittle me,
And mock me with your sharp and scathing words.
Who’d make a noose, to hang my dignity,
And pierce my heart with frigid, verbal swords.

To those who’d clip my wings and shoot me down,
Make me the object of your ridicule.
To you who’d try to make of me a clown,
And have the world see me as but a fool.

To those of you who’d do these things, beware!
For should you try to make of me a fool--
I give you warning, in advance, and fair:
My retribution will be swift and cruel.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/13/2012 2:02:30 >
DF MQ  Post #: 50
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