Chainsaw of the Black Rogue Lim loves it when rogues dual-wield. It's even better with chainsaws! This item requires a Dragon Amulet. Location: Lim's Shop Price: 10,000 Gold Sellback: 1,000 Gold Level: 27 Damage: 39-55 Element: Metal Bonuses: Dodge -1, Crit +2, END +2, DEX +2 Resists: Nature +2 Rarity: 5 Item Type: Dagger Damage Type: Pierce Equip Spot: Weapon Category: Weapon Other information Weapon is animated; the green glow flickers continuously. Weapon's Nature Resist was previously Wood Resist; this was updated on December 30th, 2020. Also See: Chainsaw of the Red Rogue Thanks to Jay for image, other information, and corrections. DragonBlade for original entry. nightslayer321 for information. Stephen Nix for corrections.
< Message edited by Jay -- 3/2/2022 18:57:36 >