In the shadows...
Bright Sun Rise The brilliant white-gold colors of this dagger are used by sun-worshippers to pay homage to their Sun-god. (No DA Required) Location: Memorial Day '09 Price: 5,000 Gold Sellback: 500 Gold Level: 37 Damage: 51-62 Element: Light Bonuses: Crit +3, END +3, LUK +3, STR +3, Bonus +1 Resists: None Rarity: 10 Item Type: Dagger Damage Type: Pierce Equip Spot: Weapon Category: Weapon Also See: Sun Rise Thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf for original entry. Stephen Nix for correction. Slayer Zach for image.
< Message edited by Peachii -- 8/11/2022 10:39:34 >