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(AQ) Warlic's New Spell [Narrative]

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5/23/2010 0:05:44   

Author's Notes: Although this story takes place in the world of Lore, a real person and song is referred to. Readers take caution. This story does contain mild language and suggestive dialouge, but nothing too seriouse or harmful. I hope you enjoy the story!

Warlic's New Spell

The famous Paladin, Artix Von Kreiger, was back in the town of BattleOn once again after a long, hard quest. He was in Yulgar’s Inn buying some potions. After a short talk with some of the people hanging out in the inn, he found out that his good friend Warlic had been working on a new spell. He strolled over to the Mage Shoppe to spend some time with him. Artix hadn’t seen Warlic in several months, he thought it would be nice to catch up with each other again. He strolled through town, stopping briefly to talk to Twilly and Valencia, who he ran into on the way. Artix enter the mage shop, and when he went in, it stank to high heaven. The whole storeroom had this overwhelming smell of rotten eggs. He immediately covered his nose and mouth through coughing and hacking, and looked to his right to see Warlic sitting in a recliner.

“My goodness, Warlic,” he exclaimed, “What happened, did your bathroom explode? Why does it reek in here, man?” he was still coughing through his words, so bad he could scarcely speak. Warlic laughed at the remark.

“Ah ha!” Warlic exclaimed with joy, “Artix, my friend, my pal, my buddy, how are you?”

The Paladin’s first reaction was one of horror. ‘Something is very wrong.’ He thought. Warlic, the ever so serious and intelligent archmage was smiling, laughing, and did not speak very intellectually. ‘This is the first time Warlic actually laughed… something’s not right.’ Thought Artix. He tried not to show his surprised reaction.

“What the heck, man? You’ve been standing there for a half an hour, take a load off!” said Warlic. Artix became more frightened. ‘What is he talking about!? It’s only been two minutes!’ Artix now thought that the situation was dire. ‘Warlic must be on some kind of mind control.’

Artix slowly and cautiously sat down. “Did you hear,” began Warlic, “I’ve been working on some new stuff. I think it’s finally done!” he laughed heartily. ‘The mage has lost his marbles.’ Thought Artix.

Artix asked, “What’s the new spell?” Warlic replied, “I’ll show you after we get some tunes on the situation.” Warlic danced over a CD player and pushed play. The thing was on full volume, and Mick Jagger’s voice pierced the Paladin’s eardrums with the words “I live in an apartment on the 99th floor of my block!”

“What’s going on!?” Artix shouted through the music. “I’ll show ya!” replied Warlic with the top of his voice. He walked over to his alchemy desk and picked up a bottle of potion. He began to walk over to Artix. “This is my new formula!” he said. The potion he held up was of a green color, and steaming. “I call it, Ozbok!” “What?” asked Artix. The song was still playing.
“The telephone is ringing, I say hi it’s me who’s that on the line?”

“Smell it!” exclaims Warlic. Artix put it to his nose and gave a big whiff. He nearly hurled. “It smells like rotten eggs that something ate, threw up, and then whatever the hell eats throw up came along, ate it and then crapped it out!” Warlic started laughing so hard he fell flat on the floor. “D—Dr—BWAHAHHA---Drink—HAHA—Drink it!! Haha!”

Artix was of course very hesitant to put whatever smelled so horribly inside his body. The song continued,
“Hey! You! Get off of my cloud! Don’t hang around ‘cause two’s a crowd on my cloud, baby!

“Are you sure it’s safe to drink this?” asked Artix. “Of course it is, I made it didn’t I? I drank it too!” Warlic was still on the floor laughing. “What is it supposed to be for?” Artix questioned. Warlic replied by saying, “Look at me!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!”

The song ended with, “Don’t hang around, baby!!

Warlic started crying with laughter. “Are you absolutely sure it’s safe?” asked Artix. “Positive!” Warlic replied, “Just drink it.”

Artix said a quick prayer, and downed the juice. It tasted like the smell, and it burned his mouth and throat very badly. He immediately went into a coughing fit, and almost threw up again. “Now what?” he asked. “Just give it a minute.”

He sat there in what was almost horror. Absolute fear. Then, suddenly, all that fear just started to go away. All the negative feelings, fear for and of Warlic, and the trials of his long, hard quest, all seemed to just go away. His heavy Paladin armor started feeling a little lighter than normal, and his head began to whirl. “Warlic!?” he said, “what the hell is happening to me!?” Warlic, at this point, was unable to respond, or even stand up. Artix fell out of his chair on onto the floor with Warlic, he looked over at the shelf where all of Warlic’s spell scrolls for sale were displayed. He blinked, and they had all suddenly grown arms and legs and were running toward him. He screamed, and they were all back in their original places with no body parts. He looked up at the ceiling and it was spinning. “Oh damn!! Oh no!! Warlic, what’s going on!?” Warlic had regained enough of his consciousness to respond.

“How much of that potion did you drink?” he asked.
“I downed it all at once.”
“WHAT!? You drank that whole thing all at once!? Damn it, dude! I hope you can handle it, I’ve only had three, and look at me!”

Artix would be terrified. But, it was as if he couldn’t be terrified. As if he couldn’t experience any negative emotions. Now, the whole mage shop was spinning. He couldn’t stand up. He laid, enjoying whatever was done to him, and eventually, threw up. After awhile he passed out cold.

To Be Continued…
Learn more about this strange new potion Warlic created and learn more about what’s going on in general in part two!

< Message edited by PowerFusion50 -- 5/23/2010 0:06:55 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 1
5/23/2010 18:00:11   

Warlic's New Spell: Part Two

The Next Day…

Artix awoke the next morning with the sensation of being hit. He could not open his eyes quite yet, but he felt a hand hitting each side of his face repeatedly. “Arrfick!!” he heard the faint echo through his ears. “Arrfix!” he heard again. He started coming to. “Artix, wake up!” He opened his eyes to see Warlic, very concerned and panicking, standing overtop of him. “Thank goodness your alive! I feared you would never speak again.” The Paladin’s head was pounding atrociously, and his whole body was very weak. Each word Warlic spoke went through his ears like breaking glass. Warlic gave him several headache pills to take for his migraine, and something else to restore his energy. Since he was an archmage, he could make them himself. Artix eagerly dry-swallowed all four pills in a row.

“Do you remember any of last night?” asked Warlic. “I don’t know,” replied Artix, “I came into your mage shop, it stank, I was afraid you’d gone crazy, I drank a health potion and I can’t remember anything after that.” “Uhh, that potion you drank wasn’t a health potion, or mana potion for that matter. Come with me into my back room, I’ll show you what’s up.” Artix was guided by Warlic through several dark always which he didn’t even know where there, and taken to a large pantry-like room stocked with mage supplies and closet. They slowly walked over to the closet, and Warlic unlocked the door, and opened it.

Artix was dumbfounded, he couldn’t believe his eyes. There were probably 100 little potion bottles with a green liquid in them. “Wow, what is this stuff?” Artix asked.

“I call this formula, Ozbok.”
“What is it supposed to be for?”
“It’s meant to calm one’s nerves after a straining battle or a long, difficult quest. After you’ve been on the road fighting countless monsters for awhile, one of these will do you much good.”
“Is this your own secret stash?”
“Some of it, yes. But the majority of the supplies I will eventually market in my shop.”
“Wow, how much will it cost?”
“Each of these potions contains 8 fluid ounces of Ozbok, and I will accept both currencies for them. Either 900,000 Gold or 10,000 Z-Tokens per bottle.”
“Wow! That’s expensive for one potion!”
“You drank one, do you remember what it did you to?”
“Well, the prices I’ll be offering are actually quite cheap. Here, take another.” He reached into the closet and got one of the potions out and gave it to Artix. “Drink it slowly this time.”
“But my quest was yesterday.”
“Doesn’t matter. They’re purpose is to aid drained adventures, yes, but you can still get it’s effects weather you’ve quested recently or not. DRINK IT SLOW!!”
“Thanks, Warlic. How limited will your supplies be?”
“It’s quite a long and complicated process to make it. I’ll put 70 on the market, wait awhile, and stock another 70. Then, after a longer while, I’ll stock my market with an unlimited supply of one liter bottles of it. Of course they’re prices will be much, much higher.”
“How high are we talking?”
“I’m only accepting Tokens for the bottles. It’ll be about 80,000 Tokens per bottle.”
“Face it, man, you’re overpriced.”
Warlic grumbled. “Drink a mouthful of it right now.”

He did. It had the same horrible taste and smell as before. And also the same burning sensation attacked his mouth, throat, and carried down to his stomach.

“Now, give it a minute.”
“It doesn’t taste too well, does it?”
“You can use an HP or MP as a mixer, but I prefer it straight.”
“Your senses must be made of steel.” Artix started feeling light-headed, and very relaxed. Then, he got a very strong urge.
“Warlic, do you by chance have any potato chips.”
“Yes, here’s some” He handed Artix a can of Pringles. “That’s one of the side effects of this stuff, you have an unquenchable need to snack on chips, candy, whatever you can get your hands on.”

As Artix snacked, he thought he heard a tapping in the next room. He gave out a loud, boisterous gasp, and began to panic. “Warlic! It must be the Guardians! They’re coming to take us away and imprison us in the Tower’s cells! We must board the windows and doors! They’re coming for us!!”

“Hey, hey, wow, calm down, Artix. Don’t worry, that’s just another side effect. You become exquisitely paranoid.”
“But, just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they’re not watching… listening… waiting to strike.”
“Trust me; no one is coming to take you away. You’re fine.”

After finishing off the entire can of Pringles, Artix began to lose focus, both in mind and eyesight. “I need to go sit down.” Warlic closed and locked the closet, and as they both were leaving the stockroom back to the storeroom, Artix noticed a little yellow potion sitting on the table with a bunch of Health and Mana potions.

“What’s that yellow stuff?” he asked.
“That is merely a prototype. A new formula I started working on after I finished this. It’ll take a few more years to perfect, but the only thing I can tell you for sure is that it’s 30% Ozbok.”

When they got back into the storeroom, Artix sat down and drank another mouthful out of the potion. It didn’t taste as bad as it did before. The effects were enhanced.

“Warlic, dude, this is an unbelievable discovery. This is like a miracle potion.”
“Now do you understand why the prices will be so high?”
“Aww, man… you can’t sell this stuff! It’s too good for normal people. Even Guardians don’t deserve this!”
“Now I know for a fact you’re feeling it. Never thought I’d hear you say that Guardians don’t deserve something. It’ll be for them though, as for all the Adventures who can afford them, too. Only one rule with this stuff: If you can afford it, you can have it. Of course, since I make it, people like you and I will have almost unlimited access to as much as we want.”
“By the way, what’s in it?” asked Artix.
“Do not reveal this to anybody. Nobody can know the contents of the potion. I tell you now out of trust, because we are such good friends. Besides, you’ve been drinking that potion so you probably won’t even remember what I say."
“Thank you for your trust, Warlic.” He drank another mouthful. At this point it almost tasted good.

“The Ozbok formula contains for one: A mixture of LightZard and DarkZard’s blood. Two: Hydra’s tears, hence its green color. Three: Liquefied DragonBane, mined and retrieved personally by Galanoth. He knows nothing of the project. Four: Liquefied rocks from the central volcano of the Igneus clan; hence it’s sharp burn. Brought by Igneox the Firefox, who does not know anything either. Five: Chopped up Cyclops eyes. Thoroughly chopped until liquid. Six: Cyclops’ blood. Seven: Liquefied rocks from the Dwarfhold Mountains, given to me by Lord Cyrus, who also is oblivious to the project. Eight: Moglin Essence. Nine: Bad juice. Ten: Mermazon Kelp. Eleven: Detoxified and liquefied magma leaves. And finally, eleven: Melted snow from Thunder Mountain. I mix it all in very small casks and let it mature for ten days. Then I bottle it and let it age for another five days, et Viola! Ozbok.”

“Damn, that’s quite a process.” Artix was slurring. Through all the details he had finished the rest of the bottle. A timer beeped. Artix jumped out of fright and paranoia.

“Relax,” Warlic assured, “That’s my timer. The next batch is ready to be bottled. I shall return. In seven days I will market the Ozbok!”

Artix passed out.

To Be Continued…
Learn about what happens when Warlic’s new potion goes on sale in chapter 3!

< Message edited by PowerFusion50 -- 5/23/2010 18:06:15 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 2
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