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RE: Mistermafio's Poetry

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7/1/2009 3:42:46   

Beautiful day

Do you see the sun shining
down upon the green grass?
The yellow sand
and deep-blue sea?

Do you see this oasis
of unending, impeccable beauty?

Not a cloud in the sky,
only birds and bees.
Why should I be afraid to die,
or worry about the world around me.

There’s no way anything could go wrong,
no way anyone could cry,
or be in pain.

Stuff like that only happens when it rains.

AQ  Post #: 201
7/1/2009 3:46:06   

Where have the days gone?

I remember a time,
it seems so long ago,
when I was truly happy.

I saw my friends every day,
and had all the time I needed,
I wasn’t pushed to spend my time,
doing things I didn’t like.

I could go run,
I could go bike,
I could go picnic,
or stay up all night.

No school,
no work,
no taxes,
no nothing to hold me back.

Just doing what I wanted,
when I wanted.

Whatever happened to that?
AQ  Post #: 202
7/27/2009 16:55:51   


The world is full of mysteries,
how can something so beautiful
be filled with so much misery.

How can a person love another,
with all he has.
Yet hate another,
because of something as trivial,
as the colour of his flesh?

What is this place that we call home,
but a collection of opposites?
where pain is funny,
unless it is you,
who suffers it.

A world where a man can feel better then another,
because he posses more more earthly goods.
where not brains or creativity,
but money and beauty,
define ones popularity.

Mankind once stood on the moon,
yet we still obsess over a person,
who can't even properly sing in tune.

Not because we like this person,
we probably never met them to begin with,
but because this person appears on tv.

We live in a world that battles against war,
a world that hates crime.
If only it wasn't so cool to see,
during prime-time.
AQ  Post #: 203
8/6/2009 15:47:43   

Happily trapped

I've been sitting in this room
for quite a while.
All alone.

Nothing to do,
no books to read or games to play.
No things to hear,
or things to say.

Just me,
in this tiny room,
this tiny, dark,
tiny room.

At first I tried to count the days,
then I tried to count the nights.
But to little avail,
as there are no clocks,
no lighters, no lights.

My life has been spend in this room.
I was born here,
and I will die here

Never have I seen the world outside,
nor do I want to.
For when I come out,
should I come out,
I wouldn't know black from white.

Concepts of time,
of emotion and life,
concepts like love,
or husband and wife.

-they will mean nothing to me.

I will be what I always was,
in a dark place.

Only outside,
other people can see the horror on my face.
AQ  Post #: 204
8/16/2009 14:29:02   


“What time was it again?”
He asked for the third time that hour.

5 pm?
and I'm already feeling like taking my nightly shower”

“Well, it'd be 10 pm at home,
and you've been up since three this morning.
It's tiring,
the travelling.
Be glad you'll get to sleep tomorrow in.”

it'd be heaps of fun.
If I could only adjust the sun.”
AQ  Post #: 205
9/15/2009 5:47:14   


He walked a lonely walk,
over a dark and rainy road.
His back turned to a beautiful sun-set,
as he only liked the night.
At least, that was what he said.

People were having fun behind him,
but he didn’t care…
Really, actually, simply not at all.
He was too busy walking there- mysterious,
to answer their joyful call.

How must they love him,
he imagines,
heck, he knows,
as he hides his face a little deeper in his jacket
As they do in all those television shows.

The mysterious loner,
whom no one really got.
Whom always was the most powerful,
rivaling in power to the average god.
He looked behind him slightly,
an impressive final shot.

No one saw him looking though,
they forgot to notice his swagger-
his cool.
They were too busy laughing,
and calling him a fool.
AQ  Post #: 206
9/21/2009 17:30:27   

Nine to five horror show

The nine to five horror show!
Come get your tickets,
you want them,
I know, I know.

See the mysteries of this land,
every day the same,
repeating every day,
so bland, so bland.

Come visit the bosses that have too much to say.
The colleagues that hate you,
the coffee you hate,
all day, all day.

Cower in fear of the midday lunch break,
where people talk behind your back,
don't worry though,
it's fake, it's fake.

Get your tickets for the nine to five horror show,
we guarantee you'll find no joy inside!
AQ  Post #: 207
9/21/2009 18:03:24   

Sleep time

I've always liked this world better in the dark,
in the middle of the night.
Illuminated only by the cold glow of my monitor.
The only sound: the slight buzzing of my computer,
and in the background, the loud howling of the wind.

Tomorrow... No, today,
in a few hours even,
my alarm clock will start ringing,
its dry buzzing warning me that morning has broken
and I am probably too late for school already.

But that is tomorrow,
well, today.
The future,

This is now,
the present,
not what has already been,
nor what will be.

The golden road in the middle,
tucked between light and dark.
Between silent and loud.

I dare not make a sound.
I dare not look around.
I close my eyes,
and enjoy.


Well... Crap.
I fell asleep.

< Message edited by mistermafio -- 9/24/2009 4:40:20 >
AQ  Post #: 208
11/8/2009 6:21:08   

Spider lullaby

One little spider crawling on the wall,
two little spiders crawling on the wall
three little spiders crawling on the wall
a million little spiders -suddenly they fall.

One by one they gently crawl,
their little legs over my bare skin.
They smile as they punish me,
for my collected sins.

One little bite right between my eyes,
-now I am the Spiderman.-
Two little bites on my arms and on my legs,
-once I was his biggest fan.-
Three little bites right there in my neck,
-I begin to feel regret.-
A million little bites in a million little rows,
why they hurt so bad,
nobody knows.
AQ  Post #: 209
11/8/2009 6:22:36   

On my way

The sun is blinding me,
shining brightly in my eyes.
He prides excessively,
in his enormous size.

The wind is fighting me,
it doesn’t want me to keep on going on.
/He/ prides excessively,
in being so damn strong.

Gravity defying me,
pulling me back down to the ground.
/He/ prides excessively,
in doing his job so utterly profound.

Yet all those three combined,
couldn’t stop me in my track.
As I’m on my way to my true love..
And not even the proudest of the proud,
could ever hold me back.
AQ  Post #: 210
11/8/2009 6:23:36   

My beauty

There is no forcing beauty,
yet all I do is try,
to make everything of beauty mine.

When I see beautiful lady,
I want her to be mine.
When I see a spot in the shade,
on a nice and sunny day.

That spot,
I make it mine.

When I see a person sparkle,
when I see him laugh and shine.

Then I take that sparkle,
and simply make it mine.

None dare to stand in my way,
no one can keep me away,
from the beauty that I see.

The beauty that’s reserved for me.
AQ  Post #: 211
11/25/2009 17:14:23   


Remember that day?
Way back when.
We were still young-
hardworking men.

It wasn't very special,
that day,
somewhere in June.
It has no documentaries,
no song,
or even tune.

Nobody famous died,
nobody of note was born.
There was no heatwave,
or snow,
or storm.

As I recall it rained that day,
not very hard,
and not unpleasant at all.
I remember mentioning so,
in a telephone call.

There was nothing special about that day,
yet thousands of children died.
Millions of husbands lied,
billions of woman cried.

A young girl was murdered,
in cold blood,
because she just happened too speak too loudly,
within the wrong neighborhood.

Her family didn't miss her,
or mourn her like they should.

She was just forgotten,
like the rest of that rainy day in June.
Not a documentary,
nor a song in her honor,
not even a tune.

AQ  Post #: 212
11/28/2009 4:47:26   


What is love but a thought?
A feeling or a song?

Why is love...
So wrong?

Why is it that you never realize,
love that you have missed?
Until the first time,
you dream the two of you have kissed.

Why is it that the woman in my dreams
keep turning out to be
so much uglier then you?

Yet when it truly matters,
I am too afraid to do.

Too stunned by fear to be serious,
too stupid to be smart.

Too broken in my heart.
AQ  Post #: 213
11/28/2009 4:48:36   

What is wrong with me?

Sometimes I wish I had a list,
of everything that's wrong with me.
point by point,

It could start with arrogant,
maybe end with...
there must be /something/ wrong with me,
starting with the letter Z.

A list of things I cannot do,
a list of things that annoy you,
or a list of things that make you cry.

And if you don't know why...

This list I ask of you,
I have one for you too.
AQ  Post #: 214
11/28/2009 4:49:42   

Against me

Sometimes life is easy,
or at least, that is what I'm told.
Yet whenever I try to live like that,
disasters just unfold.

This world seems to work against me,
every corner of the way.
As if it doesn't want me,
to enjoy or entertain.

It throws everything it can against me.
Thunder, wind and rain.

But don't get me wrong!
No, I don't complain.

If the world has just decided,
I'm nothing but a stain.

I find my joy in showing,
that I can still take a lot of pain.

And while I might not have even the slightest thing to gain.

Every little victory
makes me feel a little less insane.
AQ  Post #: 215
12/2/2009 14:33:36   

Don't hold me back

What a life we have,
what a life to spend.
What a beautiful path it is,
that leads us to the bitter end.

What a waste to spend it the way I do,
what a waste to spend it,
with you.

You hold me back on the path of my life,
you tell me you love me,
yet we live in a constant battle,
constant strife.

I wish I was someone else,
someone not stuck with you.

Someone free to do what pleases him,
go out for dinner,
go to the movies on a whim.

Walk around outside,
see the bright,
early-morning light,
of the rising sun.

I want to hear the birds singing,
feel the dew on the grass.
I want to live!
...But alas.

You disagree.
-as you always do-
with me.

You say you want to sleep in today,
you aren't in the mood to go out.

You are tired,
you are sick.

You're back is broken,
you're head is thick.

Why can't you just work with me,
do what I want to do for once.
Come on, man in the mirror,
give me a chance.
AQ  Post #: 216
12/21/2009 1:03:22   

Wriggles in my mind

I have wriggles in my mind,
little thoughts and feelings
I have no clue how to find.

They just wriggle along,
all day and all night.
In my mind,
but out of sight.

They wriggle wherever they want,
not by design,
but purely by chance.

Until they wriggle where I can see,
where I can read the words they write for me.
Hear the songs they sing to me,
feel whatever they feel for me.

Before I go and write them down,
they leave my body via my pen.
Just so you can go read,
learn, and forget about them.
AQ  Post #: 217
1/19/2010 5:30:24   

The hall

A long, yet empty hallway.
Filled with nothing but sorrow and cold despair.
As the silent crying of grown men,
fills the empty air.

Lit with only a single light bulb,
somehow filling the entire hallway with just enough light.
Casting the long shadow of your former self,
your past mistakes the only company in sight.

I watch over you,
see who you are,
who you where
and what you could have been.

All your humanity,
I have seen.

You walk,
unaware of me.
Down this hall,
towards your destiny.

Dazed and confused you look around,
as you stand still to listen to the sounds.
You know where you are
but you do not cry,
for you are strong.

You do not fight,
you've fought too long.

You touch the smooth, grey walls,
Trace their surface with your fingertips.
A weary smile on your lips.
You are tired,
I can see.
Tired of your old self.
Your old soul
and worn-out body.

I watch you walk your last walk.
Poor young woman.
You could've been so much more.

I wish we'd met before.

< Message edited by mistermafio -- 1/19/2010 10:30:02 >
AQ  Post #: 218
1/24/2010 10:17:40   

Glorious night

It was a dark night,
that night.
Clouds blocked even the faintest moonlight.
From reaching our eyes.

Through the darkness we travelled,
that night.
Hidden from the eyes of the world,
we travelled out of sight.

Our feet took us far,
that night.
Further then we'd ever gone before.
Further then we ever thought we might.

We travelled far.
That night.

Through cities,
we ran.
Without waking a single soul.

Past houses,
we ran.
Never averting our eyes from our goal.

Through fields,
and forests.
Over vast, grassy plains.

We ran,
that night.

And when the morning light came,
that gruesome light.
We hid from it.

waiting for the night.
AQ  Post #: 219
4/15/2010 7:46:45   

Do you love me?

I have no need for the words I cannot find
to tell you, how I feel about you.

I have no need for the feelings I don't feel inside
that tell me, how I feel about you.

I have no need to feel alone or left behind
because you told me---

how I feel about you.

Love, --
a needless endeavor.
For now or forever,
we couldn't be together--

In love,
but it doesn't matter,
because in love never had-
or love lost-
I choose the latter.

I have no need for your faux-emapthy,
could it be?
Do you really, really, care about me?

I have no need for this dreadful insecurity,
so please feel free,
to let me see-
the feelings you don't feel for me.

Your love,
I want it.
Your love,
I need it.

Your love is yours to give away,
yours, and yours alone.
Yet I ask you anyway.

Do you love me?

< Message edited by mistermafio -- 4/15/2010 8:38:38 >
AQ  Post #: 220
6/1/2010 4:35:03   

Your conquest

Tell me your tales of conquest.
Tell me your stories of love.
Tell me about life,
and the horrors of the world
as the daylight slowly dies.

Fill my feeble little mind
with your stories and your lies.

I will listen.

Explain to me why the sun lives in the sky,
why grass is black and water white.
Why I should run from strangers in the night.
Why I should be truly petrified.

And I will repeat your explanations,
even though I know you lied.

I will listen,
I will believe.

Tell me why you are better than me,
why I’m not all that I can be.
But how you can make me see.
If only-
I would follow you into my grave.

And I will not complain;
I will comply.
Even though I know you lied.

I will listen,
I will believe.
I will follow.

And you will tell me what to do,
yet I will not believe in you.
But again you will explain,
till my will is truly slain.

And I slowly go insane,
and your wishes seem inane.
And I have nothing left to lose,
for you told me the whole truth.

I will listen,
I will believe.
I will follow.
You will see.

For you will be my god,
my greatest love.
My mortal sin.

My father and my mother,
and everything in between.

I will listen,
I will believe.
I will follow.
You will see.

For you corrupted me.

< Message edited by mistermafio -- 6/7/2010 3:12:56 >
AQ  Post #: 221
6/8/2010 12:30:13   

Purple snowflakes

Purple snowflakes
fall sidewards.
Through a lake of stone.

Not caring,
not deserving.
just because they can.

Falling sideways,
'til the end.

Never resting,
always waiting.
Never calm,
always racing,
always singing.

Always complaining.

Purple snowflakes
don't fall.
They run,
because they are afraid of standing still.

They've never stopped,
and never will.

< Message edited by mistermafio -- 6/17/2010 15:27:04 >
AQ  Post #: 222
6/17/2010 3:47:45   

War torn

Blacks motors buzzing
through thick,
impenetrable shells.

Machines of the future,
fighting enemies of the past.
It's the end of the world
at long last.

Some fight,
others cry.

Most just simply die.

Blades and buzz saws working,
bullets biting through warm flesh.
Mothers and children crying,
all living things turned to ash.

Thunderous fury rains down from the sky.
Fire erupts from the earth,
and causes the world to tremble in fear.
As the sounds of strange men screaming in anger
draw ever near.

Warbeasts roam the country,
soldiers cleanse the land.
Dye the water red,
and blacken the sand.

my dying friend.
Simply is the end.
AQ  Post #: 223
6/29/2010 16:15:15   


We lived,
you said,

All I had,
you had,
it didn't matter.

'Cause from
the day
we met,
we were together.

And we lived your life,
and we dreamed our dreams.
And I made our money,
or so it seems.

my dearest wife.
Whom I love,
and hate.
With whom I laugh,
and mate.

my honey,
my bee.
I loved you,
but you didn't love me.

For I lived
your life.
And you were,
my wife.

But now,
you're gone.
you found another guy,
and simply moved on.

< Message edited by mistermafio -- 8/28/2010 6:55:03 >
AQ  Post #: 224
8/27/2010 8:56:15   

The Wise Red-Haired King

It is a dreary night,
in the village by the coast.
The woman and children sleep,
while the men drink, eat, and boast.

Cries of joy,
of anger,
and occasionally cries of pain
rise up in the air.
As the men tell another story,
of another hero,
and another beast he's slain.

Thunder crackles in the distance,
and the men jump up in fear.

"There's a dragon in the mountains!"
"We hear! We hear!"

Again the thunder crackles.

"There's a dragon in the mountains!
And it's coming here!"
"It's near! It's near!"

The men jump up from around the fire,
alcohol is flung aside.
One man grabs the nearest weapon;

"It's time this monster died!"

A joyous cry is quickly cut,
by another deafening sound.
And the once so brave men,
sheepishly look around.

Meekly holding their spears and shields,
not one daring to move.

Suddenly a voice calls out,
from the edge of town.

"I will go and slay the dragon,
I will travel into the mountains
and make him go away.

But in return I want but one thing,
the right to simply stay."

A strange man walks into the warrior's circle.
he looks weak,
and barely fed.

He has no muscles,
no weapons,
and his hair is the strangest shade of red.

The men laugh,
but their joy is cut short by another crack.

"Alright, stranger.
You'll get your chance.
Go kill the dragon,
and you'll get everything you want,
if you come back."

The strange man smiles,
and makes a slight bow.

"Thank you for this opportunity,
I won't disappoint you now."

He looks at the men,
and at the weapons in their hands.
Smiles, nods his head,
and leaves.

Early the next morning,
the red-haired man returns.
Covered in blood and scratches,
and his hair slightly burned.

He looks around the village,
and the men look back at him.
And right there, that very second,
they declare him king.

The wise red-haired king,
of the village by the coast.
Who knew about thunder,
who knew about make-up,
and who knew how to boast.

< Message edited by mistermafio -- 8/28/2010 6:53:38 >
AQ  Post #: 225
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