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RE: =Elemental Championship= Sign ups now open.

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6/14/2010 1:34:05   
The Dragon Knight

Nooo! You can't use Jonathan, Deehee! He must survive! Although it's nice to see you using him. Haven't seen you bring him out since A Tale Begins Anew. It's interesting that you're using him as an energy combatant, considering his previous lack of magical ability.
AQ  Post #: 76
6/14/2010 1:38:11   

Huh... Did I forget to include those last time I used him? Silly me. He had them in his first incarnation in Zylo's 'Burning Convictions' (I think that's what it was called, been a long time)
AQ DF  Post #: 77
6/14/2010 6:36:04   

Just in case Kell misses it, I've tinkered with Slugger to make him a more traditional Ice competitor. Apologies for confusions.
AQ  Post #: 78
6/14/2010 12:13:59   

As a second note to Kell, Reinharn is now a great deal heavier (he was always envisioned to be this size, I'm just not good at giving appropriate heights/weights) , and paldrons has been corrected to vambraces.

Ged: I hope we're in the same arena, then we'll have at least one guaranteed fight!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 79
6/14/2010 20:40:09   

Well, I used to RP a while back on an old forum. I still have to RP in these forums. Hopefully I can in the EC? :D A true newbie coming out? (:

Name: Eiro Tempestros
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Weight: 173 lbs
Height: 6'0"
Element: Wind

Race: Human

Appearance: Tan skin. White, spiky hair. Pupils are grey. Slim figure, yet strong, and firm arms and legs.
Clothes/Armor: Wear's a white robe, with a grey sash going around his left shoulder, and his right waist. A grey belt is worn Sleeves are long, and cuffs large. His hands are hidden in the sleeves. Wears an enchanted white gold ring on his right hand. A source of some of his mana. Wears chainmail underneath the robe, on his upper body to protect his vitals from any close-combat attacks.
Weapons: A glorious silver stave of which atop rests an enchanted diamond, carved into a hurricane by a great Aeromancer. This stave can be used to summon small hurricanes to attack his enemies, maybe even send shards of wind to impale his enemies. In his other hand he holds a spell book, filled with spells to conjure monstrosities from wind elementals to gryphons to aid him in battle. Aside from summoning monstrosities (which require alot of mana and energy), he can use the spell book to craft wind spells to attack his enemies or defend himself from a slew of attacks.
-Aerostratus: Summons a spear of wind that slices through the enemy. A scrawny, yet long, and quick spear which moves at blinding speed. At times, can be deadly if shot through the heart, or other vitals.
-Hurricanus: Summons a small hurricane to attack the enemies, or defend him. Rages around Eiro in defense, or can be used to attack enemies, depending on Eiro's whim. When used, it often is only usable for a few moments. It disappears rather quickly.
-Tempestite: An orb of wind engulfs Eiro completely impenetrable by magical attacks. Yet, objects of certain sizes have less of a struggle to get through.
-- Eiro can also use his stave to send blasts of air at his enemies, or create a shield to protect him. The shield has the same abilities as Tempestite, yet it blocks physical attacks better than magical attacks.
Weaknesses: Any human, or creature, that uses the power of the Earth to battle. The weight of the Earth is too much. Eiro, being an Aeromancer prefers to be light-weight and free. Women are a weakness of his. Not out of battle, only in a battle. He goes by a gentleman's code, and would not lay a scratch on a woman.

Personality: Calm, cool, and collected. He's a lazy person that only does something when he's in the mood to, or forced to. Though he's lazy, he is loyal to his friends. His friends can count on him to do many things. His courage often puts him into very dangerous positions. He's an honest, caring person that's always there for people. He never backs down from a fight, and never breaks a promise.

History: Eiro was born in Soriranashi-Sonikan, where he aspired to one day become an Aeromancer. After years of training, his dream finally became true when he was able to have his own spell book of wind magi. In a battle against the Devourer, his parents were both killed when Eiro was away fighting. He went into a great depression, but eventually came out of it when he realized this was all part of life, and that he shouldn't go around sulking. Everything was done for a reason. Ever since the day he left his depression, he devoted himself fully to the Wind Lord in hopes that one day the Wind Lord would notice him for his good deeds and his power as an Aeromancer. But, not only to impress a great elemental lord, but to fulfill his dream. His dream to battle alongside the forces of good and unity.

Impenetrable to either magic or physical attacks. Just so we are clear, if, for example, the shield is impenetrable to magic, physical attacks will shatter/cut right through it, yes?

Physical attacks can penetrate the shield and attacks of large size will have an easier time getting through. After all it is a magical ball of wind. ~V_J


First post: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=17769871 ~V_J

< Message edited by Viking_Jorun -- 6/21/2010 21:11:49 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 80
6/14/2010 21:53:48   

Despite the fact that it's pretty obvious which element you are representing, for sake of easy reference, it might be a good idea to add an extra line to your bio saying something like 'Element: Wind.'

Also, I believe there have been concerns about summonable creatures in the past, so perhaps if you give some more detail on that ability it will help Kell judge your application (for example: How many creatures can he summon at once? How long does a summon last? Does Eiro suffer any ill effects when the summon is banished?).

It seems the battle for Wind Champion is going to be very interesting.
AQ DF  Post #: 81
6/14/2010 22:45:50   

Oh dear, it appears I'm late to the party. I'll post a bio tomorrow, late now. Don't think I'll be able to sleep, though, with the prospect of head bashing and heart wrending in the air. Teehee.

< Message edited by ont -- 6/14/2010 22:46:28 >
Post #: 82
6/14/2010 23:04:55   

*Sigh* I wanna join, but I am having trouble making a character, so I suppose I have to skip it this year. T.T
DF AQW  Post #: 83
6/14/2010 23:08:30   

Geddesmck I'll just scratch out the summoning ability all together. It'll make it easier, plus I don't want to be responsible for such "issues" that may arise.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 84
6/15/2010 0:44:02   
Guardian of Nekops

Ah, the Elemental Championships are here. I have always enjoyed these contests, and I am certain that this year will be no exception.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present humbly unto you;

Name: Jarvis the Worker

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Element: Darkness

<First post>

Abilities: Jarvis has decently powerful, but unrefined, telekinetic power. He can do such things as lift a heavy stone block into place (specifically a block the weight of a small family car, rather than that of a truck), pick up items of that size or less and manipulate them crudely, and push or pull with a telekinetic wave of force either in a full circle or in a cone (again, no more in total than would be required to lift and move a small family car with moderate difficulty). More complex uses of telekinesis, such as swordplay with a possessed weapon, immobilizing an opponent, manipulating buckles or clasps as might be found in armor, etc, is well beyond him. Pulling your average lever at range is probably about his limit… he could manage it if he could see it properly, if it was of decent size, and if he had a minute to figure it out. This power becomes useless at about a range of thirty feet, and the outward wave of force tends to deflect magical, missile, and melee attacks of appropriate strengths assuming it can get a hold on them.

In addition, Jarvis is a fair hand with a blade, and a spell that has been cast upon his eyes lets him see through darkness, magical and otherwise. Though not the Pillar thereof, of course, if it comes to that.

Vital Statistics:
Height: 5 ft 4 inches
Weight: Slightly, but not overly, gaunt for his height.
Hair: Brown, short, unremarkable.
Eyes: Hazel, though currently shadowed.

Weaponry: A single rapier, its blade folded in a damascus pattern between thick stretches of obsidian black and thin lines that glow a sickly green. The dark weapon often, but not always, causes a zombification effect in the flesh it cuts as a fiery sword would cauterize… turning just that part of an opponent’s flesh that is along the gash into an undead version of itself. The corruption spreads naturally throughout the body, but is delayed by normal life force. That said, if a victim dies, or part of him is severed from the body, the corruption will rapidly turn the remaining flesh undead.

And now, a note to my fellow competitors; I will be the last person to comment, one way or the other, upon how much life force your character has. Perhaps the strength of your connection to life is enough to abolish the corruption from your system immediately, or it might be weak enough so that this effect becomes a real problem for you. I leave this entirely in your hands, as the affected party. If you wish to opt out of the whole ‘turning undead’ thing, after being cut, then good on you! I certainly will not blame you.

That said, it’s a tad easier to impress the Lords as an undead than as an already-dead. Think about it. I’m sure you’ll come to the right decision. :-P

Other Equipment: Around his neck, Jarvis wears a solid silver collar with an inset chunk of obsidian. He cannot remove it, and though it is magical it is useless to him. It is basically a physical instant-kill curse for him if he ever touches the Light of Reprieve… did anyone bring that artifact to the arena? Plan to? Nope, me neither. End of story.
He wears on his wrists two guards of a thin black metal which produce black mist over time. This mist is a form of magical darkness that billows out across the floor until it fills a space and which is evaporated slowly by sunlight. Funnily enough, the wrist guards produce the mist at about the same rate as full sunlight will burn it away, with the sun tending to gain a bit on them rather than the other way round.

He also wears a gray set of simple clothing… loose-fitting pants and shirt. These garments absorb magical darkness, and use up that stored Darkness to provide a measure of protection against physical and elemental attacks. The protection is equivalent to medium plate where they cover at full charge, and equivalent to standard cloth when at no charge. The garments are as black as night at full charge, and scale down to a dirty-whitish color at no charge.

He also carries a simple scroll, scribed by Jarvis himself, which contains instructions for a specific magical technique he cannot cast and will not use. It is, in the interest of full disclosure, for the arena healers.

Background: Jarvis is a Worker by trade… a rather specific and prized type of stonemason who uses telekinetics for heavy lifting. A tragic, unforeseen, and overall stupid accident deprived him of his wife, his little boy, and his ability to look himself in the mirror a couple years ago, and he resorted to attempted grand theft to make it all right again. After miserably failing there, Jarvis was found in his jail cell by an imp of Darkness, who saw in him an interesting candidate who might win the imp favor with the Lord of Darkness or others higher up in its realm, which might improve its lot. The imp provided him equipment and busted him out of jail, suggesting that the Lord of Darkness might be persuaded to undo this horrible accident, restoring life to the poor man’s family and finally dispelling the guilt that plagues him.

And so, in search of redemption and his lost love, does Jarvis the Worker grudgingly bear the banner of Darkness into battle.


< Message edited by Guardian of Nekops -- 6/26/2010 16:27:23 >
AQ  Post #: 85
6/15/2010 6:34:22   

OMFG! Wow! Rpers everywhere, from the depths of the AE Forums... A question for kell: How many RPs can one be in in the RP + RPA? I heard somewhere that it was 4 each. Just checking for clarification. I will post a biography anyways. Aww shucks all the elements are taken...

Name: Van Gholkn
Element: Earth
Age: 29
Gender: Male

<As above, reserved link space>

Abilities: Van serves the clan Geoto, however he specialises in stone as a specific. Stone and mud, actually. View his history to see the reasons why.
Barricade: Taking strength from the metalloids deep in Lore's core, Van can summon forth a 4x4metre cube, of iron. The inside of the cube is hollow, and one side is open, just like the good old picnic box. Appears as a silvery-thingamajig. Only one can be around at any time.
Manipulation: Traditional earthen manipulation, like walls of mud, spikes 'n' stuff, clay snowballs, large stone pillars etc.
Gravitation: Direct alteration of the rock around someone. Can alter the weights of anything containing a pure element (Earth elements, not Lorian elements) and cannot (directly) affect anything with sentience.

Weaponry: Large gauntlets. Made of diamond, but dulled to look like iron (Don't ask.). About 30 centimetres larger than his hands, and look like fist-maces, with 5 centimetre stone spikes summoned forth from the earth around him. Surprisingly light and easy to wield, but when they get stuck, they really, really get stuck. Can be removed by sticking them in something, and then yanking one's hands out. Not that portable, so normally equipped.

Weight: 103 kgs. (He is overweight, on the verge of obesity)
Height: 180 cm
Hair: Dirty-brown, knotted, neck-length.
Eyes: Hazel


Van Gholkn is very tanned, and has let himself go over the last few years. He actually wears a loose sheet of chain mail beneath his darkly coloured poncho. He wears dark blue parachute pants, and flip flops. Underneath his parachute pants are steel leggings and greaves. Gholkn wears a headband to push back his hair, and a gold necklace, which shows his chieftain-ship.

Personality: Fun loving. A bit stupid, and likes to hit hard and get things over and done with, or just keep delaying something until he works his way up to it. Tries to be friendly, and doesn't hold grudges unless someone calls him stupid, and does it in a way that no-one will forget.

History: Van Gholkn was born into a druidic family, but took up house building instead. He disliked animals, having being bucked off a horse at the age of three, and kicked in the face by a dog at seven. Before that, he was one of the brightest young minds on Lore. Afterwards, not so much. When he took a degree in house painting and brick-laying, his parents decided it was time to do something with him. They sent him to Geoto, where he spoke to the Lord of the Earth clan, and swore subservience to the Elemental Earthen Lord. After he took over an island chain and established himself as the honcho, he let himself go, as there was no more competition for him. When the EC's first kicked off, Gholkn was uninterested. Soon after they started, they caught on like wildfire and Van decided to check this competition out for himself.


Rejected. The combination of Barricade and Holy Hell is ludicrously overpowered.

EDITED: Sorry, they were two spells from two different thingies which got mixed together, and then forget to separate. Also, changing Barricade.


< Message edited by Kellehendros -- 6/23/2010 17:32:30 >
Post #: 86
6/15/2010 11:19:15   
The Dragon Knight

Wow, GoN, I half expected you to use Roch this year, seeing as you tend to use him every other year. And a darkness user instead, no less. Well, at least TD will have some competition now. Good to see you!
AQ  Post #: 87
6/15/2010 11:22:27   
Nex del Vida

Name: Illian Fairweather
Element: Light
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Weaponry: Two double-bladed daggers, the blades of which are sharpened prisms. Light can be focused through these prisms with different effects due to their magical properties, listed under Enhancements.
Light Burst: A small starburst of light, capable of doing physical damage if touching the opponent or blinding them if not.
Double: A copy of Illian appears, though not a perfect one. Dissolves if touched. Can be told apart from him relatively easily, but can cause some confusion.
Beam: Relatively useless in regular combat. This projects a beam of light from any place on his body. Usually this is used in combination with Blind but it can also be used as a lantern in nonmagical darkness.
Blind: This can only be used once per battle, as it requires quite a bit of energy and more time than the others to cast. Any natural light in the area is intensified tenfold. Blind can be used to brighten sunlight to a level painful to many, or to power up the Light Burst spell or his solidified-Light weapons, listed below.
Illian can shine light through or around his daggers in several ways. They are magically enchanted so as to solidify the magical light he can create. If the daggers are taken from him, he can no longer use these. Any Enhanced weapons do not do as much damage as a physical weapon would, but are still capable of inflicting magical harm.
Light Shield: A bubble of solid light appears around Illian. This is mainly useful for deflecting magical attacks, but can slow melee attacks and stop some weak projectiles (i.e. sling bolts, thrown objects.)
Light Spear: Light is focused through one dagger to form a spear.
Light Sword: Light is focused through one dagger to form a sword. This can take the shape of a scimitar, a rapier, or a broadsword.
Light Wings: Light is projected through either end of one dagger. Rainbow "wings" of light emerge, due to the refraction of white light when shone through a prism, and Illian can fly for short amounts of time using these.

Description: Illian presents a childish figure, standing no more than five and a half feet tall. His hair is grey, as are his eyes--the entirety of them, as he has no apparent pupils or sclera. These eyes protect him from overly bright light, but render him nearly blind in low light. His face is pale and slim. He wears a billowing white robe, sometimes exchanged for a nearly skintight white jumpsuit with wide, trailing streamers almost like capes on the front and back. Each of these garments has a holster on the back for his daggers, which can be easily slotted in or out.

Bio: Illian comes from a family of priests of the Light Lord. The Fairweather lineage has handed down a book supposedly written by a Communicant of the Light Lord many millenia ago. This Communicant is said to be the progenitor of the family, and so the book is regarded with utmost respect. This book says that all generations of Fairweathers are to be clerics until a child is born with glowing eyes, and that this child is a direct descendant of the Light Lord herself and must be trained as a Champion of such. Illian was born with shining white eyes. As soon as he could walk he was given the ceremonial weapon of his family--the dual prism-dagger--and taught basic magics. When he reached the age of ten, already a proficient close-range fighter and spellcaster, his eyes ceased to shine, becoming entirely grey. There was a schism in his family: those who thought the fabled Champion's eyes must glow for his whole life voted to throw him out as they thought he had lost favor with the Lord, but those of the opinion that the fact that he had been born with glowing eyes was symbol enough wanted to continue training him. The first faction won out, but instead of just throwing Illian out the smaller group decided to go with him. They traveled in a caravan to the Dwarfhold Mountains, where they set up a camp in a mountain valley and began trading with the nearby towns. The focus of the settlement was, obviously, continuing to train Illian. Without other distractions, the next five years proved incredibly beneficial to the boy. He was subjected to rigorous physical and mental training, becoming as close to a hardened warrior as a fifteen-year-old can be. This Championship has been his goal since birth, as men in his family traditionally reach adulthood at 15 and children should not fight in such a competition.

First Post.

Approved. As a note, however, flight is in general a very iffy thing in the EC, just be careful how much you use it, and for how long.

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 6/21/2010 18:44:48 >
AQ  Post #: 88
6/15/2010 11:44:15   

@Kell Quick Question: It's all right for me to add in a background/history since it is not changing Reinharn's power/appearance/items, correct?

EDIT: Hoping I haven't overstepped any boundaries, considering the background is up.

< Message edited by Apocalypse -- 6/15/2010 14:49:43 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 89
6/15/2010 13:11:23   
Guardian of Nekops

@TDK: Nah, Roch is pretty much out of the running now unless something changes drastically... his ambitions that require the aid of the Elemental Lords are about nil at this point, and what he stands to gain is no longer as valuable to him as what he stands to lose. Besides, I enjoy him far too much as a peacetime character to let him keep risking his life in attacking people he really does not want to kill... quite adorable, actually, once he steps off the arena sands.

Thus the fresh blood, steeped in ambition and guilt and mindless rage! Not a bad guy either, in his way... poor Jarvis is just in a bad situation. He'll carve you up to get out of it if he gets the chance, though, so don't feel too sorry for him. :-P
AQ  Post #: 90
6/15/2010 14:44:50   

Might as well join! I never actually got to use this character.

Name: Feng
Element: Earth
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Serpiente (A humanoid race with snake-like attributes)
Class: Berserker
Equipment: Full suit of light armor. Dark green in tone, with shoulderpads that look like the heads of serpents. A Kanabo made of all steel, enhanced with Earth magic so it does not break. A dark green broadsword at his waist. (Neither weapon is his main, he switches at will.)
Personality: Quiet, but will lash out when pushed over the edge. Merciless and cunning.
-Geomancing- Can control the ground around him; rocks, dirt, other minerals, etc.. Basically everything that's natural. He cannot control someone's weapon if its made of copper (for example). Powers are not fully mature. After prolonged use, fatigue sets in and his Rage ability becomes nonexistant.
-Rage-If Feng takes a substantial amount of damage at one time, or becomes enraged his physical prowess improves exponentially. This only comes into play in a clutch situation. Afterwards, Feng will most likely die/collapse form the damage he's taken. It's a last breath sort of attack.
-The more damage he takes, the stronger he becomes. (Excluding Rage)
-Venomous bite (as I know a one shot death would be annoying, the poison merely slows you down and makes you sloppy for several minutes only)


EDIT: First Post: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fwd.asp?messageID=17768139

< Message edited by lycanknight570 -- 6/22/2010 19:06:15 >
AQ  Post #: 91
6/15/2010 15:03:59   

Mail Moogle of AdventureQuest

Another Earth? that's the 5th one. When I joined, there was only one other, now we have 5. >.>

Oh well, it'll make it interesting.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 92
6/15/2010 15:26:34   

Actually, Pie, when you joined, there were two others.

Also dammit, GoN, you know I'd prefer to face you in finals! *shakes fist*

Good to see you back though.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 93
6/15/2010 16:09:10   

Well, Pie, that only makes the first round more fun! What use is a tournament without a little healthy competition?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 94
6/15/2010 16:20:02   
Frenetic Raptor

Not sure how acceptable Lillith is for this, but I thought I would at least post this to find out. Attempted to participate last year, but didn't get anywhere with my last character.

Name: Lillith Morningstar
Title: Daughter of the Moon
Element: Energy
Class: Energy Witch
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 148 lbs

Hair Style: Blond hair that is kept straight in the front and dreaded-locked in the back. Straightest part of her carefree hairstyle fades into dreadlocks at just about eye level. Length of hair extends just above her lower back. When energy courses through her hair, it is said to resemble free floating, streaks of lightning.

Eyes: She has deep blue eyes that fade to a darkened gray when using her magic. Her eyebrows are narrow with a black coloration and her lengthy eyelashes are also that of a black color.

Body Type: Slightly toned and muscular, although it isn't excessive in any specific places. Her fair skin is for the most part white with a touch of a developing tan.

Clothing: Her pure black vinyl dress has a deep v-line in the front and long sleeves. Length of dress is floor long, covering her feet. Chosen footwear happens to be a pair of knee high black leather boots. Only accessory she happens to wear a leather buckled choker, also in black. Has a matching leather belt to hold her split lightning secure when not using them.

Weapons: Split Lightning (Refer to picture)

Magic: Create and manipulate lightning/energy.

Glyph Location: Center of her lower back.

Gyph Design: (Refer to picture)

Glyph Color: The colors of the stars (the triangles in the picture) and moon vary from black, turquoise, red, and gray depending on her overall strength and her spirits. Every part of her glyph is subject to frequent color changes. This glyph kind of acts like a mood ring, which can be a problem. If an enemy figures out the patterns, it will make her very vulnerable. That is why she covers it up, completely hidden from others.

Powers of the Moonlight Glyph:

1. New Moon: Cultivation
Before Lillith has the ability to call upon the assistance of spirits, she must basically capture the souls of the dead. Only then can she manipulate them under her control. Her body also has restrictions as she can only hold eight spirits at one time.

All Daughters of the Inner Circle must call forth their own element to release the spirit from the recently deceased. Since Lillith is a Energy Witch, she must use her elemental magic to persuade the spirit to be with her. If she gains the trust needed, she can form a temporary contract with the being's spirit. The soul of the deceased will join with hers, amongst the stars that surround her moon, within the glyph on her back. From there, she can call upon the spirit for assistance.

Under the terms of this contract, she is forbidden to keep any soul under her control, against their will. At this point, if a resolution cannot be achieved, the spirit must be released, terminating the contract. This is a preventive measure for both the soul of an individual and Lillith. If a resolution is not obtained, Lillith could lose her powers or her life and the spirit will be lost forever. Fair treatment of her souls is necessary or they will retaliate against their keeper.

Each elemental star can hold a single spirit that can be summoned to do certain tasks. For Lillith, she has to release energy from a certain number of stars in order to successfully perform a single summon.

2. Crescent Moon: Communication
The activation of one star, with a spirit, will allow her to communicate with it mentally. She can also temporarily free the spirit through a single element. If the spirit's original position was placed at the Western Star of Fire, the being can only travel through fire, unseen by the human eye. Once communication has been terminated, for any reason, the spirit will return to its home star and remain dormant for a minimum of an entire day's length in time.

3. Gibbous Moon: Visualization
The activation of two stars, each with a spirit, will allow her to summon one of the two spirits into the form of a ghost. The ghost can be seen by others and speak to them. If she chose The Northern Star of Light and the Southern Star of Darkness, for her summoning, she can pick only one to summon as a visible ghost. The second spirit must feed it strength or the ghost will disappear. Once a sighting has been terminated, both the active spirit and the provider spirit will return to a dormancy phase for a minimum of an entire day's length in time.

4. Full Moon: Conjuration
When the activation of four stars comes into effect, using these spirits, she can actually summon one of them back to their physical form as they were before they died. That means that she can actually have an ally to fight with in battle or for any other reason. Of course, this can only remain in effect if all four spirits used in this summon are active and is always only temporary.

If one of the four becomes dormant in any way, the summon will be lost and the spirit will be returned to its home star. If the being that was summoned happens to die, the spirit will be lost and will go on the afterlife. Once it happens, she can never get it back. The others will enter a temporary phase of dormancy. If there are active substitutes available, it is possible to switch a provider star with a weakened one, provided the power of such a spirit within a specific star hasn't gone dormant.

If the keeper of these spirits, in this case Lillith is defeated in battle, both the spirit that was physically summoned and Lillith will perish. Every star, inactive, active, dormant, and weakened will also be forever released.

5. Blue Moon: Transformation
The last of her abilities requires the activation of all eight stars. If she can obtain eight active spirits, she can take the form of one of the spirits and can shape shift into that being. By activating all eight stars, she must keep the balance between the eight elemental stars. If one puts forth too much energy or the other doesn't produce enough, it can put a strain on the others and cause the summoning to collapse and she will revert back to her original form. This will cause all eight stars and spirits to go dormant. Only until they are active can she use them again.

As with every other ability, the spirit will remain dormant for a minimum of at least an entire day's length. No star will collapse permanently and the spirit will remain within the safety of its own home star. If the keeper of these spirits is defeated in battle, resulting in death, the keeper's original form will return and every spirit will be released from their respective star locations.

All spirits available to her are listed below as well as placement. Her Blue Moon ability is unavailable as she doesn't meet the minimum requirements. She only has seven stars active at the present time. All are elemental witches and human.

Elemental Star Location = Name of Individual Spirit
Northern Star of Light = Angelita Hunter
Northwestern Star of Wind = Aurora Delacroix
Northeastern Star of Energy = (None)
Western Star of Fire = Luna Faust
Eastern Star of Ice = Delilah Maganti
Southwestern Star of Earth = Rosalyn Lockhart
Southeastern Star of Water = Celeste Morelock
Southern Star of Darkness = Lucretia Cane

Excerpt from Lillith

You really wish to know a little about me. Not that it is important, or so I think. If you do, I guess I should start off by describing my origins. I come from a bloodline of elemental witches. I know, how original. It is as it is; nothing I can do about this little fact. Being a energy witch does have its perks and downfalls, but I won't go into detail. You kind of get the idea; playing with lightning can be dangerous. Too many accidents for me to ever want to recollect.

One thing is for sure, I did have the time of my life though, forming our so-called "Inner Circle". All eight of us, sisters bonding, sharing tragedy and triumph. We were mainly travelers, seeking no particular destination, never staying in one place for any great length. I'd say we could be considered nomads. No matter what terminology one prefers, we were always going to be family. Nothing was going to keep us apart.

Of course, when the moon and stars align, events tend to alter reality just a bit. One moment you're going about your normal routine during the night and then the next morning you find a freshly inked tattoo on your body. Not just mine, but all eight of us; every sister included. Coincidence? I think not. Sure it looked all fine and dandy, but not when you start seeing things not of your control. So there appears a glyphic marking on my skin and then I begin to see spirits. What a gift it would seem? Unless you want to see and hear trapped souls bicker about aimlessly, attempting to catch a cheap scare out of mortals, in hostility. If that is what you seek, I would be more than happy to give you my ability. More trouble than it is worth.

That was just the start of events to play out. Can you believe there is more to this ability? I can control and summon spirits under my own will. Sounds powerful, but it isn't what it is all cracked up to be. Not unless you want to spend countless hours or days in a temporary state of comatose. Certainly not my idea of an enjoyable time. Did I mention the splitting headache that follows after one awakens?

Enough about my abilities. I should probably mention something about my recent history, I suppose. Not pleasant or something I would wish upon anyone. This whole ordeal has cost me my entire sisterhood. I am the only survivor left, at least physically. The others are still wandering about in spiritual form, trapped like many others I've attempted to release from limbo. They are still in good spirits; none have gone bad, so far. For that I am thankful, even through all their sarcasm.

What caused their deaths you ask? I certainly don't remember all the gritty details. Just call it an experiment gone terribly wrong. None of this happened until I met a certain someone I will not mention by name, for she has had the biggest positive impact on my life. If I say her name I think she would be quite embarrassed. I will save her the trouble, although she hasn't always done the same. I know she means well and I appreciate everything she has ever done. She was always there to assist me and get me through the burdens of losing one sister after another. They are not completely gone, but I know that the day is approaching.

I am just a bit confused. The elemental references on the stars, along with your explanation, seem to indicate multiple elemental allegiances, which would lead to entrant rejection. Summoners in and of themselves are problematic for the EC for several reasons, but mostly I was hoping you could clarify the star thing. If, for example, the star of fire is used, the spirit manifests as fire, yes? If that is the case, then I'm afraid I cannot accept the character.

So far as the summoning is concerned, it would appear that there is no energy spirit to summon. As previously mentioned, multiple elements is a no no, so the summoning of an ally with an allegiance outside of energy is, in essence, against the rules. Furthermore, the allies are unknown quantities. Should the character be allowed on edit/clarification, I would like to know at least a bit about the spirits. If you would rather not share the information publicly, we can PM.

< Message edited by Kellehendros -- 6/15/2010 20:56:48 >
Post #: 95
6/15/2010 17:29:50   
The Dragon Knight

@lycanknight: You're probably going to have to explain your character's abilities a little more. For example, Geomancy. Just listing a title for an ability tells us absolutely nothing. Explain what it is, what your character is capable of doing with it, and what its limitations are. Also, how long does his Rage ability last before it wears off, and does it leave the character with any temporary side effects, like dizziness, weakness, etc.

Remember, as Kell said, the Devil is in the details. An obscure ability leaves itself open to being retconned, or worse, god modded. Explaining the abilities in general will help prevent other competitors from needing to pester you for clarification in the middle of a battle.
AQ  Post #: 96
6/15/2010 20:09:44   

I gots a bio for you!

Name: Liam Garder
Element: Fire
Age: mid thirties
Race: human
Gender: Male

<link to first post>

Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 160 pounds
Build: Wiry, compact, very slim and flexible.

Hair: Wavy, fiery red hair that falls down to the base of his neck.
Eyes: Mirthful yellow eyes, full of life.
Face: Round, though not fat, clean-shaven and slightly scarred.

Physical Description: Compact, slim, and very flexible, with wild fiery hair and mirthful yellow eyes, Liam looks the part of a well-trained acrobat.
Personality: Liam is a not too unkind person, although he is not what you’d consider ‘honorable’. He enjoys the thrill and throng of combat, and finds it somewhat amusing. He is very daring, and will do things most people would not. He can be a bit arrogant at times, and this can get him into trouble. He is a very jovial and outgoing person, and enjoys life.

-Two meteor hammers (a chain with a counterweight at each end), each sporting a chain seven feet long. The chain is made of a biosynthetic metal that is very strong, light and flexible, allowing the weapon to move smoothly and quickly. The counterweights at each end are made of reinforced
steel, weighing at around two pounds, with a ring of small flanges going around the middle.
-A plain throwing knife hidden in each boot.
-A pair of leather pants and a long-sleeved white linen shirt.
-A leather vest with no sleeves.
-A pair of tight-fitting gloves made of a light rubbery material. These are to stop sweat from interfering with his grip on his weapons, while still allowing maximum flexibility.
-A pair of thick leather boots.

-Liam is an acrobat of sorts. He can balance very well, do impressive Arial maneuvers, and other things along that line.
-He is very proficient at using his meteor hammers. He can manipulate each head separately from the others, allowing him to use them as four different weapons. Granted, the pair of heads on each chain are limited by the general direction of that chain, so he can’t, say, strike out with one head and use the other to defend him from behind. If worse comes to worse, he can operate each chain with only two fingers, although at a lower level.
-Liam has a basic grasp of fire-based magic. He can only use this knowledge for the skills he has learned, but he can do these skills very well.

-He can focus his fire magic on one of the heads of his meteor hammers. When that head impacts something, it will send out a small shockwave of heat. The shockwave itself isn’t that strong, maybe able to jerk someone back slightly, but the heat is very intense, and will burn flesh.
-By focusing on one of the heads on his meteor hammers, he can cause the head to leave a trail of flame behind as it spins. This trail of flame will only stay when the head is spinning, and will dissipate within a second if the head stops. The flames are very hot, and will burn through flesh and cloth, and scorch metal.

If enough people don't understand what a meteor hammer is, I'll add a link to the bio. Anyways, can't wait!

Approved. Meteor hammer is a fascinating weapon, very elegant, I'm looking forward to this.

< Message edited by ont -- 6/22/2010 23:26:17 >
Post #: 97
6/15/2010 20:49:29   

How long do I have to put something in? I'm in a really *Searches for word*... *Can't find one*... *Checks Synonym/Antonym* ... Bad mood. So yeah T-T
MQ  Post #: 98
6/15/2010 20:50:30   

June 23rd. Same question I asked Tim ;P

It's on the front page :D
Post #: 99
6/15/2010 20:51:04   

Good, I have time. Now can somebody find me a walrus named cleatus?
MQ  Post #: 100
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