For those who saw this in the showcase thread and thought: yes, this member is an idiot, I can admit to that. Just realized that threads in that forum can't be replied to, which this one really does need as it is a piece that multiple AQW players are ideally meant to take part in. And, the request forum seemed ideal as people hopefully will be requesting to be a part of this. I recently discovered how to cut images apart using GIMP, and I'm not obsessed with doing this with characters so that's when I thought of this project. Basically a house party. This is a real AQW project I'm doing, in which I take pictures of players sporting interesting designs (not showing their names in the pic in case they got offended when they see this) and am just putting them in a party scenario. Here's what I've got so far to give you an idea. Not much yet, and that's not even the whole picture in there. And as you can also see, the majority of them haven't been reposed. They were added before I thought of doing this properly. So, if anyone has an interesting design for their character, that they'd like to see in this, go for it. Your name won't be over the picture, but if you want, when I make the official thread (this is just the in progress thread) I'll have a list of people's names who actually were ok with me listing them, and just where they are on the picture. My name will be the only one on the picture, so that people get an idea of which smug attention seeking player, made this project :P. I don't know, I might also add my own stuff like disco lights, and, what ever. Any ideas you'd like to give me, go for it! And don't be afraid to tell me I've cut something out badly or if something needs more attention here or there. Just any thoughts and suggestions to help me improve this post, tell me.