Eye color: #054f99 (And could it be the round eyes that look atleast almost like the artix plushie?) Hair color: #422304, I would like the hair from last time....the one with no tint. Just this time I would like it if it looked more like that guy in the blue armour and the crown's hair. Armor/Armor color: My Color Custom Evolved DragonLord Armour Please. The main armour color is a dark grey, and the other color, that blue, should be this color: #114070 Backround (Optional): hmmmmm......nah. Skin color: Exactly the skin my character has now. Not yellow like last time. PM when finished: Nope. Carly, I guess I'm gonna have to request a plushie here.....since even though Pink did and EPIC job, she got da hair wrong. :( Okay, so is it possible for you to do my DF character? And remember......same hair as last red tint..... You know, I think you remember. I made it REALLY detailed so you can get it right. No helms or anything, just a tough hairstyle and armour. Okay, so that's my request!!!!!!