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(AQW) Arces

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7/22/2011 16:13:58   
Dragonslayer Chaos


Galanoth was in a temparery housing just outside Swordhaven.
He was getting ready to go to bed.
He was about to take off hisarmor, helm an all, when he heard someone knock at his door.
Galanoth wnet to the door.
When he opened the door, a man in rags was there, holding newborn baby.
The man said,"Please take care of my son."
The man gave Galanoth the child, and walked off.
Galanoth never got the chance to ask any questions.
He said,"I'll take care of you then."
From then on he raised the child to be a great Dragonslayer.
The boy was trained to fight dragons, how to read and write, how to act polite in society, and to make weapons from any material.

When he was armound five years old, Galanoth told him the story of how he got Arces.
He was given to him with a piece of paper that said,
'This child's name is Arces.
Please take care of him.'
Arces was surprized Galanoth wasn't his fater.

When he turned nineteen, his training was complete.
It was time for him to kill his first dragon.
Thats where the story begins.
DF AQW  Post #: 1
7/22/2011 16:38:33   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 1
Arces is Born

Arces had just finished his training.
He had just fitted himself with the official Dragonslayer's armor. His hair was blood-red and had blue eyes.
It was time he killed his first dragon.
Galanoth had heard reports of a dragon burning feilds due south of their current location.

Arces had traveled for two days now.
He had made it to the village that was being attacked.
Acording to reports, the dragon attacked at sunset.
People weren't moving around the town that much.
Arces went up to a man and asked,"Do you know anything about the dragon?"
The man whispered,"Turn back young dragonslayer."He walked off.
Arces decided to wait in the tavern for the time being.

Arces went into the local tavern, people stared at him.
He went up to the bartender and said,"A mug of ale please."
The bartender stared at the dragonslayer and said,"You have the money?"
Arces showed him the a pouch of silver and gold coins.
The bartender went and got a clean mug and filled it with a strong ale.
Arces drank the ale in no time. He gave the bartender a silver coin.

Arces began to roam around the town, gathering as much info as he could about the dragon.
It was black as smoke, had pircing red eyes, and breathed pure black flame.
A black dragon was what Arces was to face.

By sunset Arces was in the center of the town, waiting for the dragon.
He had sword by his side, made by Galanoth himself.

After an hour of waiting, the dragon began flying toward the village.
It was as the villagers discribed.

The dragon noticed Arces, and flew toward him.

Arces raised his sword.
The dragon attacked first. It lunged at Arces, jaws open.
Arces jumped and sliced off one of its wings.
The dragon howled in pain.
Arces attacked sending his sword through the dragon's heart.
When the dragon was on the ground dead, Arces felt something swirl inside his stomach.
The villagers came out and started cheering at the dead dragon.
Arces feeling a burning pain in his back. But, he ignored it.

He went back to the dragonslayers the next morning.
The burning pain had increased.

After two days travel, he told them what had happened.
He was officaly a dragonslayer now.
When they said he was now a dragonslayer, a pain went off in his stomache, and the pain in his back was worse.
Then, to everyone's surprize, wings sprouted from Arces' back. Dragon wings.
Arces looked at his wings, surprized.
The higher dragonslayers started to talk amugst them selfs.
Arces was a half-dragon dragonslayer.

They began to talk about what they should do ith Arces.
One suggested to kill him, another to imprison him.
Galanoth came to a disision.
Arces would be banished from the Order of Dragonslayers.
Galanoth had raised Arces like he would a son. And not even Arces knew that he was a half-dragon.

Arces left the day after. He was aloud to keep his armor and sword.
He felt torn between his training, and his heritage.

(from this point, Arces takes the place of the Hero of AQW)

Tagged to AQW then. ~MSamak

< Message edited by Master Samak -- 12/16/2011 2:33:29 >
DF AQW  Post #: 2
7/22/2011 17:05:06   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 2
The Dragon and the Princess

Arces had traveld for over three days now.
He had reached a small road, leading to Battleon.
Arces found a blue moglin waiting on the road.
He went up and asked,"What are you doing mogin?"
The moglin looked at arces and said,"First, my name is Zorbak, not moglin. And as for your question, go up and see."
Arces was confused by this, but continued along the path.
What he saw was a red dragon flying up ahead.
His gut started to churn.
And on its back he saw a little girl.
He began to run toward the dragon.
Zorbak was laughing behind him.

Arces stopped and found a small book store.
Out front was aa orc.
He was wearing glasses.
Arces noticed something wrong when he saw the orc.
Arces also noticed what was in the bushes. It was a person.
The orc tried to stop him, but Arces knocked him aside, and got the person out of the bushes.
She said,"Thank you. that orc knocked me out and toke control of my book store.
The orc was heading into the book store.
Arces followeed the orc into the store.
The orc attacked..
Arces simply waved his sword, defeating the orc.
Arces told the lady, Maya, what had happened, and handed her the book the orc had.
Maya gave Arces a new copy of that book. The Book of Lore.
Arces toke it and contiued heading toward the dragon.

Ahead a paladin and a ranger were waiting.
Arces went up and asked,"Who are you people?"
The paladin stepped up and said,"I am the paladin Artix. And this is Robina the Hood."
The ranger stepped up and said,"I can introduce myself Artix."She turned and asked,"Who are you?"
"I am Arces,"he replied"
Artix noticed his armor and wings."Your a half-dragon arn't you?"
"Yes. I was also trained by the dragonmslayers. Now whats happening?"
Robina and Artix exchanged looks, and then Artix said,"King Alteon's daughter, Princess Terra has been taken by that dragon there."
Arces said,"What can I do to help?"
Robina said,"Can you get the princess?"
Arces replied,"If you can get me up there."
Artix smiled and said,"Sure can."
They put Arces on the arrow of the balista they had. And fired the arrow.
Arces was ent onto the dragon's tail.
He went toward the head where the princess was.
He said,"I'm here to save you princess Terra."
She replied,"I don't need saving."
Arces looked puzzeled.
Terra explained that a blue moglin had given her a ring to control dragons.
Arces mutter,"Zorbak,"under his breath.
Terra then summoned a smalled green dragon, and made it attack Arces.
Arces defeated the dragon, knocking out the princess, and detroying the ring.
The dragon then ran into the mountain.
Arces grabbed the princess and began to slid down the mountain, toward Battleon.
Arces went to the local tavern, and got a room for the princess.

Thje next day, the princess was healed and moving arnound.
She left that afternoon.
Arces began to explore Battleon.
He meet Warlic, Cysero, Aria, and had a conversation with Yulgar.
He rented a room for thaty night.

The next day, Yulgar told Arces he could go serve the king in Swordhaven. King Alteon would acept anyone's help.

It was decided Arces would go to Swordhaven that day.
DF AQW  Post #: 3
7/23/2011 0:09:23   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 3
Sepulchure's Assault

Arces departed from Battleon that day, hidding his wings, heading toward Swordhaven acompanied by Artix and Robina.
They had roughly a five day journey ahead of them. They had suplys for them to last a week.

That night, the group set up a camp. There was one tent.
Artix and arces got out of their armor, and were wearing cloth clothes. Robina went into her tent.
Artix and Arces would sleep under the stars.
They were talking.
Arces told Artix his story.
When he was done, Artix told Arces his story.
When he finished, Arces began to fall asleep.
They continued talking until they fell asleep.

The next day, they had abreakfeast, and continued their journey to Sword haven.

Over the next four days, the group didn't run into any problems.

When they saw swordhaven, it was under attack.
Arces toke out his sword. Artix his axe. And Robina knocked an arrow.
They went to aid Swordhaven.

The group attacked the undead attacking the main gate. The three of them defeated them easily.
Artix did most of the work though.
The group went through the gate. The city was swarming with undead.
They began another attack on the undead.
Artix decided to stay behind and hold off the undead.
The other two went on ahead.
The defeated the undead giant at the caastle entrance.

They began to take down the undead trying to get to the king.
Robina decided to stay behind and hold off the undead.
Arces wanted to argue, but decided it better to continue on.
He went into the King's throne room.
King Alteon had anticipated someone coming to aid him.
King Alteon seemed to know this man, but decided to wait to find the answer to this question.
King Alteon said,"Welcome hero. What is your name?"
Arces replied,"I am Arces, the half-dragon trained by the dragonslayers."
King Alteon was surprized to hear that, but decided to wait for the explaination.
Suddenly, something began banging on the door.
Then, a giant cut appeared before the door broke.
A man in red armor advanced. Sepulchure. A skeleton by his side.
King Alteon rose, raising his sword. He readied for Sepulchure's attack.
He attacked the king.
King Alteon blocked the attack.
The two began a true battle against each other.
Sepulchure sent a dark spell at King Alteon. King Alteon made a sheild around himself.
Sepulchure then noticed Arces. He said,"JOIN ME AND LIVE!"
King Alteon responded by saying,"Don't join him Arces!"
Arces looked at both of them. King alteon was a kind ruler, but he felt more from Sepulchure.
Arces made his choise, he walked toward Sepulchure.
He toke his place next to Sepulchure.
King alteon said,"So be it."
The two attacked each other again.

A young women in red armor watched the castle, bored.
A purple orb of energy went by her.
She looked up.
A man in bulky armor was hovering above her.
He then went at the castle wall, destroying it on contact.

King Alteon and Sepulchure were sent flying away from each other.
A man had interupted their battle.
His face was showed to them.
The both shouted,"DRAKATH!"
Drakath sent a slash at borht his enemys.
They were sent into the walls. Both infected by Chaos.
Sepulchure rose and shouted,"YOU CAN'T KILL WHAT IS UNDEAD!"
Drakath said,"My mistake..."and attacked Sepulchure, ripping out his soul.
Sepulchure rose and shouted,"LONG UNLIVE THE SHADOWSCYTHE!!!"
Drakath crushed Sepulchure's soul.
Sepulchure began to fall apart, then exploded in to pure dark magic.
The women saw it and shouted, with a tear in her eye,"FATHER!"
She saw Drakath walk to the opening.
She knew he was responcible for killing her father.
Drakath said,"Sepulchure has a daughter? Amusing."
He sent a ball of charuted energy at the flying Dracolich. Shadowfall went falling to the ground.

Drakath looked back at Arces and King alteon and said,"You will be no match against my thirteen Lords of Chaos.
He flew off.

Arces aided King Alteon.
He had to find Shadowfall.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 7/23/2011 19:57:35 >
DF AQW  Post #: 4
7/23/2011 2:30:27   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 4
Empress Gravlyn

It has now been five days since Drakath killed Sepulchure.
Arces has been traveling in the direction Shadowfall went in. He was searching for the fortress of his fallen lord.

After a couple more days of traveling, Arces came across the remains of a giant dracolich. It was Shadowfall.
Arces went up to the fallen fortress.

When he made it up to the destroyed dracolich, and group of sketons came out of nowhere and surrounded him.
A women came walking out of the fallen fortress. She wore an armor like Sepulchure's. She had a golden band on her head instead of a helm like Sepulchure's. she had blood red hair, and blue eyes.
Arces felt odd looking at this beautiful women.
She said,"What do you want from the empress of the Shaodwscythe?"
Arces said,"I have devoted myself to Sepulchure. I wish to work for the Empress."
The women said,"Then come. My name is Gravlyn, daughter of Sepulchure."
The undead allowed Arces to follow the empress.
She lead him to a throne room.
She sat on the throne and said,"What are you here for?"
Arces looked at her and said,"For two reasons."
She waved at him, allowing him to talk.
"First, to serve the Empress of the Shadowscythe."
"And the second?"Gravlyn asked.
"To deliver a message from King Alteon of Swordhaven."
That name surprized Gravlyn. She asked,"What is it?"
"He wishes a truse."
"Why?"Gravlyn stared at Arces.
Arces looked her in the eyes and said,"Drakath."
Gravlyn was shocked by that name. She said,"But, hes dead."
"I thought the same."
"That man then?"
"That man was drakath. He kiled Sepulchure. I wish to have revenge on him as well."Arces pulled out his sword, and kneeled before Gravlyn. He said,"I devote myself to you Empress."
Gravlyn said,"Raise and tell me your name."
He rose and said,"I am Arces, the half-dragon dragonslayer."
Gravlyn laughed when she heard him say that.
Arces told her the story.
Gravlyn stopped laughing and said,"then give King alteon a message."
"My lady?"
"You can call me Gravlyn. Tell him i accept his offer, at least till Drakath is gone."
"I will Empress."
"You don't have to be formal with me dragonslayer,"she started to laugh again.
Arces stood, and went back in the direction of Swordhaven.

When he wasn't that far from Shadowfall, a man came running up. He wore an odd looking black armor.
He said,"You have no need to walk. The empress has found a way to get you to Swordhaven in less time."
A small dracolich was walking up to them.
Arces got onto the dracolich, and got ready to fly toward Swordhaven.
Before he flew off, the man handed him a package.
"A present from the empress."
"Thank you. What is your name?"
"I am Dage the Evil, leader of The Undead Legion."He wolked off toward Shadowfall.
Arces decided it best to be on his way. He started flying toward Swordhaven.

In only a few hours, he reached Swordhaven.
He landed just outside of swordhaven.
Arces went into the city on foot.

The guards let him into the city, and the castle.
He meet with King Alteon.
The king asked,"What is the answer of the Shaodwscthe?"
Arces stated,"Empress Gravlyn of the Shaodwscythe, daughter of Sepulchure agrees to your triety, at least until Drakath is gone."
King Alteon nodded at this news.
He told his knights that they would ally with the Shadowscythe to fight Drakath. The knights in turn told the people.

The next few days were tough.
Arces opened up his package from the Empress. It was a Dark Crusader armor.
Arces decided to get rid of it. He needed no armor to serve the Empress.

Arces was to deliver message to and from Empress Gravlyn and King Alteon.

When news came of something charupting Chiral Vally, both Empress Gravlyn and Kiong Alteon agreed to sent Arces to deal with it.

Arces set out the next day.
A dracolich waited for him.
He flew off to Battleon, when he would continue on foot.
DF AQW  Post #: 5
7/23/2011 19:56:15   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 5
Chaos Lord Escherion

Arces traveled for two days until he reached Mobius.
Two people were waiting there.
One was a guy in armor, with blue glowing tatoos.
The other was a women in red bobes.
He went up and asked what was going on.
The man said,"A man called escherion has come here, and taken control of the town. He calls himself a Chaos Lord."
Arces staitened himself and said,"What can I do to help."
The women stepped forward and said,"First we need to get the citizens out of the town."
When she said that, Arces ran right through the gathes, and started searching for anyone.
He found a big crowd of people. The ywere being watched by giants with only one eye each. Cyclopes.
Arces charged them.
He soon had them on the ground, knocked out.
He lead the people out of the town.
The two were surprized to see Arces come out again.
Arces then went back into the twisted town, and started searching for more people.
He noticed a certain house. He went into the house.
When he came in, a boy with an axe jumped out of nowhere. Arces got out of the way.
The boy said,"You won't take us or the cube."
Arces said,"I'm not here for any cube, or to hurt you. I'm just here to get you away from Escherion."
The boy didn't belive him. He was about to attack again, when a girl's voice said,"Stop brother."The boy stopped.
A girl walked out of the shadows and said,"Forgive him. He is scared as I am.
Arces forgave her little brother."He was only protecting his sister."
The girl said,"What do you plan hero?"
He replied,"To take down Escherion."
The girl and boy exchanged looks. The girl said,"Take this."She pulled out weird shaped stone relic.
"There are two other pieces. The fairies of the forest have a piece. Get the runix Cube, and you can take down Escherion."
Arces accepted the relic, and decided to goto the forest.

When Arces was near the forest, weird creachers were awaiting him. Fire imps.
The imps attacked.
Arces beat them with no trouble.
He then faced off against their commander.
He won, and comtinued toward the forest.

He meet up with Dewdrop, leader of the fairies.
She told him to save their sacred tree, and they would aid him.
Arces went toward the tree. It was surrounded by snevils.
He beat all those that faced him.

When he reached the tree, a giant cyclops. He was chopping through the tree.
Arces said,"Hey ugly!"
The cyclops looked at Arces with pure hate.
Arces threw a stone at the cyclops, which hit him on the eye.
The cyclops got his balance, and attacked Arces.
Arces ran up it's arm, and kicked it in the face.
He jumped off, landing on the ground. Then he stabbed the cyclops in the foot with his sword.
The cyclops fell to the ground.
Arces kicked the cyclops in the face again, forcing it to fall off the cliff.
Dewdrop came up and said,"You've defeated them so easily. We may have chance after all."
Arces asked,"To piece of the Runix cube?"
Dewdrop said,"Aracnea has it. It lives on that peak there."She pointed to a small mountain in the forest.
Arces ran off toward it.

He stopped at the base of the mountain. He touched it, and something grabbed him.
It was a giant charupted spider.

When Arces was finaly put down, the spider attacked.
Arces sliced off one of its legs in one strick.
The spider went back, crying in pain.
I began to form a sheild of webs around itself.
Arces didn't know what to do.
The spider emerged from the webs with a new leg fully grown. it lunged at Arces.
This time Arces sliced off two legs.
When the spider retreated, Arces attacked, slicing off the reast off the legs.
The spider began to form webs.
Before it got the chance to heal, Arces beheaded it.
A relix feel out of it jaws.
A piece of the Runix Cube.
He was almost done.

Arces showed Dewdrop the piece of the Runix cube.
She said,"Well done. The last piece is in the ruins due west of here."
"Thank you,"hea said before running toward the ruins.
DF AQW  Post #: 6
7/25/2011 1:48:51   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 6
Escherion Awaits

Arces had made it to the ruins.
A green moglin was waiting there.
Arces explained what he was after to the moglin.
The moglin said,"The last piece is in the ruins.
Arces decided to attack the ruins, facing any in his way.

Gargoyles were in his way. Arces destroyed them all in no time.
Soon Arces had reached a dead end. The path was destroyed.
He noticed a couple portals though.
When it didn't work, Arces decided to jump it.
He backed up. Then, ran and jumped.
When he was in the air, his wings came out, and he flew to the other side.
He landed, and his wings went back into the armor.
He continued climbing.

When he reached the last chamber, a giant golem was waiting for him.
The golem rose, and he saw it only had one arm.
The golem attacked Arces.
Arces hit its arm with his sword, only to have it bounce off harmlessly.
Arces backed away from it's second attack.
Then, he sprout his wings, and sttacked the golem.
His sword didn't do any damage. He felt a burning sensation in his stomache. Then, he spit out a blast of pure flame.
The flame hit the golem. The golem be gan to melt, becoming lava.
Arces kept up the blast of flame, until the golem was just a molten puddle.
He then noticed hothing in the room.

He decinded the ruins, going back to the entrance.
He noticed a painting on the bottom floor. It was out of place.
He decided to check it out. it moved to the side.
Behind it was a mirror and...a piece of the Runix Cube.
He had found all the pieces.
He decided to leave the ruins, heading back to Mobius.

Arces arived at Mobus, showing his find to his new friends.
The two looked surprized to see all three pieces. they decided to put it together.

After a few hours work, the cube was together.
They decided for Arces to infultrate the tower floating over the lake. Escherion's Tower.

Arces stole trhe cloth of some cyclopes, and pretended to be a cyclops. thankfully, cyclopes are dumb.
Arces went strait toward Escherion.
He defeated the imps and cyclopes in his way.
Then, right outside Escherion's lair, a giant gargoyle was in his way.
Arces faught it it.
His blade bounced off it like the golem.
He summoned forth another burst of flame, and melted it.
He went into Escherion's chamber.

Escherion was standing there, waiting for something to happen.
Arces burst through the portal, wings spread.
Escherion was surprized to see this.
He said,"What do you want half-dragon?"
Arces replied,"I seek to defeat you Chaos Lord Escherion."Arces pulled out the Runix Cube.
"The Runix Cube!?"Escherion asked in shock.
"Now you fall!"Arces threw the Runix Cube at Escherion, hitting him in the face.
"Oww. What was that?"escherion was uneffected.
"Me defeating you?"
"The Runix Cube is what I needed to summon the Chaos Beast you fool."Eshcerion laughed at Arces giving him the key to his victory.
"That won't stop me Escherion."
"I think it is time you left my tower."
"I'm not leaving Escherion!"
"That wasn't a choise."Eascherion rose his staff, raising arces with it. Arces was sent flying out of the tower.
Escherion placed the Runix Cube in it place behind him, relesing a monster.

Arces was sent into the lake. When Arces came to the top of the water, Something was coming up with him.
Three heads sprouted out of the water. Hydra heads.
Arces pulled out his sword and got ready to fight.
The Lake Hydra made the first move, waving its tail, sending Arces flying out of the lake.
With Arces went a few of the hydra's fangs.
Arces noticed the rune stones holding up the tower.
He toke one of the hydra's fangs, and sent it into the rune stone near him. It destroyed the rune stone.
He grabbed the rest, destrying the other rune stones.
He destroyed the second.
The hydra was following Arces, trying to kill him.
Arces raised the last fang, and sent it deep into the rune stone.
The rune stone shattered, sending the tower crashing down.
The hydra was crushed by the tower, killing it.
Arces could get into the tower now.

Arces went into the tower, going through a hole in the wall.
Arces saw the portal and went through.

Arces was face to face with Escherion.
Escherion was angered. He shouted,"You have crused my hydra! Taken down my tower! And defeated my army! You will pay!"He raised his staff, sending a purple beam at Arces.
Arces blocked it with his sword.
A noise was coming through the portal.
A group of town's people came through.
The boy from the house said,"Your not alone hero."
Escherion sighed and pointed his staff at the town's people.
The people became inverted images of themselfs.
They swiched their focus to Arces, and attacked.
Arces knocked them out, making sure not to kill them.
Arces switched his focus to Escherion, getting ready to fight the Chaos Lord.
Escherion said,"You are no match for the Staff of Inversion!"
"You relly on that staff to much Escherion. You're just a second rate mage with out it."
"How dare you!"
"I speack the truth."
"You speack lies."He pointed his staff at Arces, and sent a beam of purple energy at him.
Arces blocked it with his sword and attacked.
Arces hit Escherion's staff, nearly knocking it out of his hands.
Escherion sent antoher beam at Arces, forcing him to drop his sword.
Arces went up into the air, and sent down a blast of flame on Escherion.
Escherion sent a blast of purple energy towards the flames. they both colided in mid air. The two attacks stopped each other.
Escherion stopped his attack, as did Arces.
Escherion said,"Your strong half-dragon."
"As are you Escherion."
Arces charged Ascherion before he could react, snding him sprawling onto the floor.
Arces grabbed his sword, and pointed it at Escherion, saying,"SURRENDER IN THE NAME OF EMPRESS GRAVLYN, EMPRESS OF THE SHADOWSCYTHE!!!"
Escherion said,"Not yet."
He sent another beam of purple energy at Arces.
Arces pulled out the mirror from the ruins, and deflected the attack, sending it back at Escherion.
Escherion said,"It had no effect fool."He tried to send a fireball at Arces, only to have it backfire and hit him.
Escherion was surprized. He tried to hit arces with an ice spell, only to be hit by it. he then tried a simple pollymorph spell.
He was turned into a frog.
The town's people came too, freed from their trance.
They noticed the frog, and knew that was escherion.
Arces and the rest left that tower, victorious.

They had a feast that night.
The imps and cyclopes fled when Escherion feel, knowing to run for their lives.

Arces departed the following day.

He arrived in Battleon in a couple days.
He toke up his dracolich, and flew towards Swordhaven.
To his surprize, Empress Gravlyn was talking with King Alteon.
He told them Escherion had fallen.
Empress Gravlyn congratulated her servant.
King Alteon also gave his thanks.
Gravlyn noticed how torn up Arces' armor was, and told him to get a new armor soon. She also noticed how long and unruly his hair had become.
She said,"You eather need a hair cut or tie back your hair Arces."
Arces pulled back his hair into a pony tail going down his back. The remaining hair went over his face as bangs.
Gravlyn offered him a new armor.

After a couple days, his new armor was ready.
It was an armor a lot like a doom knight's, only was built for him, and more of a rusted color.
The shoulders didn't have spikes. The feet were designed like a dragonslayer' s armor. There was also a mane of white fur on the back on the armor.
It was a one of a king armor.

Empress Gravlyn decided to head back to Shadowfall with her father's sword. Arces was to stay in Swordhaven until another Chaos Lord appeared.

Arces offten talked to King Alteon or Artix when he was bored.
Arces also started befriending the princesses. Often he talked to Brittney.
He would walk around Swordhaven most of the time.

He had been in Swordhaven for one month now.
A man came to Swordhaven with dire news. A dwarf with a long white beard
A new Chaos Lord has arrisen in the Dwarfhold Mountais.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 7/25/2011 2:44:01 >
DF AQW  Post #: 7
7/25/2011 16:18:29   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 7

Arces didn't have far to trvel, only a few hours.
There was a tavern not that far from Swordhaven.

He left mid afternoon.

He had to fight a few bears and leatherwings, but made it to the tavern.
The dwarf, named Snowbeard, was waiting for him.
The two decided to get a couple drinks.
Arces said,"So there is a Chaos Lord here."
"Not here,"Snowbeard replied."He is currently in out capital."
Arces nodded and said,"Then lets go."
Snowbeard replied,"It is not that easy laddy, Dwarfhold is locked down at the moment. You need to open the gates to get in. The key is being held by a monster effected by tha' Chaos.
"Then i'll beat it."
"Maybe later, for now lets have a few drinks."
And so they drank their flagons.

After a couple more flagons, it became a drinking contest.
Dwarfs were famous for their ability to avoid being drunk so easily.
Half-dragons were said to be better drinkers than dwarfs.

Eventaly they had drank half the ale and mead in the tavern.
In the end, after drinking for five hours, Arces prevaled the winner, and collapsed a couple minutes later.

He woke up the next morning with a monster of a headache.
He also saw Snowbeard awake, not appearing to have suffered.
Arces dunked his head in a bucket of cold water, and felt better.
Arces also found he had been taken out of his armor, and his hair undone.
So, he put his armor back on, and tied his hair back.
Arces also grabbed his sword and got ready to leave.
Snowbeard stopped him and said,"The monster is not that far away."
Arces nodded, and left the tavern, after paying for the room and night of drinking.

Arces looked at the fork in the path, one led to dwarfhold, the other to the forest.
Arces went toward the forest.

After an hour of traveling, he arrived in a small clearing. It was heavily effected by Chaos.
A bear, effected the same way, was in the center of the clearing.
Arces pulled out his blade.
The bear heard the blade being unsheathed, and charged Arces.
Arces got out of the way just in time.
The bear let lose an evil roar and charged again.
Arces was ready this time.
He grabbed onto the bears horns, and lifted it up into the air.
The bear squrmed. Arces brought it down, hitting its face on the ground.
The bear was unconsious.
His blade was over the bear, ready to kill it. Then he noticed a group of cubs in the trees.
He lowered his sword. He couldn't go through with it.
Then, Arces saw that there was something around the bear's neck.
It was an odd shaped stone, obviously carved from a simple stone.
Arces grabbed it, and walked off.

Arces showed the stone the Snowbeard.
The dwarf slapped him on the back and said,"Then Dwarfhold awaits."

The two set out for the dwarf capital the following day.
Snowbeard told him that his people have been enslaved by drow, elves with dark skin, white hair, and red eyes. They commonly live underground.
After a couple hours, they came to a stone gate. The entrance to Dwarfhold.
Arces placed the stone into the center of the gate, making it open.
The dwarf and half-dragon went into the capital of the dwarfs.

They had to fight their way through bats, weird birds, and balboas.
They eventaly made it to the thrue capital of the dwarfs.
A fortress built out of a mountain.

Inside, Snowbeard told him there was a stone that could tell him what happened.
Arces saught it out. Fighting off drow, drakonians, bats, and a giant mole.
After he defeated the mole, he found the stone.
He looked into the water at the top of the stone.
The scene began to shift.

He was flying through the air.
When he looked down, the land was speeding by.
He was on the back of a purple dragon.
He was heading toward the dwarf capital.

When he reached the capital, the dragon destroyed the roof, and aloud the rider to get into Dwarfhold.
Arces' veiw started to change.
He was facing the rider. He was a drow with lighter skin and purple eyes. He also wore a dragonlord's armor, only it was infused with the power of Chaos.
He raised a sword and shoutedDWARFHOLD IS MINE! Anyone who disobeys me will pay."
The dwarfs raised their weapons and attacked.
Just then the dragon let out a loud roar, and an army of drow came through the gates.
The dwarfs stopped.
They faced the drow at the top. He shouted,"I am the third Chaos Lord, Vath, controler of Stalagbite!"
Arces was currious of who the second Chaos Lord was.

Acres' veiw became normal again, he was staring at the water.
He was back to the regular world.
He looked around, nothing was there.

Arces went back to Snowbeard. He told him what he saw.
Snowbeard looked a little worried.
"Do you know anything?"
"Just who Stlagbite is. Stalagbite is the most feared dragon alive. When akriloth fell, Stalagbite became the most feared."
"Is he strong?"
Arces looked toward the sky and said,"I will beat them."
Snowbeard nodded.
DF AQW  Post #: 8
7/25/2011 16:49:57   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 8
Cronicles of the Twins

The Twins were two beings. One, Xing, represented everything good. Her twin sister, Xang, represented everything evil.
They had grown bored of always doing things that way.
They noticed Drakath trying to deside who would be the second Chaos Lord.
Xing came up and said,"Why not one of the heros of good? they are powerful and stronger than most."
Xang put in,"Go for one of Gravlyn's most trusted. Then take control of the Shadowscythe."
Drakath began to ponder a new idea. He said,"I have made my choise!"
The twin asked,"Realy?"
"The world asks for your advise right?"
Both looked at each other and said,"Yes."
"Then your perfect. Do you accept the role as the second Chaos Lord."
"Me or my sister?"Xang asked.
The sisters exchanged looks and said,"We accept Lord Drakath."They bowed.
Drakath craked a smile, and sent an orb of energy at both Xing and Xang.
The two became distorted images of themselfs.
They were the second Chaos Lord.

Drakath asked his new Chaos Lord to come to him.
They asked,"What do you ask of us master?"
Drakath looked at them,"I wish to destroy Battleon. How should I do so?"
The twins smiled.
Xang said,"Send a giant meteor at that petetic excuse of town."
Xing responed with,"No, sent two at Battleon."
Drakath smiled at the second option."I will go with your idea Xing."
Xang frowned but bowed with her sister.
Drakath rose his hand to the sky, and made a fist with it.
Drakath smiled.

Battleon was getting ready to teleport the town to Greenguard Forest.
Xing and Xang watched them squirm.
Drakath called for their advise again.
The twins came to their master.
Drakath asked,"What should i do now?"
Xang said,"Speed up the meteors my Lord."
Xing responded,"Speed them up with a little surprize instead."
Drakath said,"Again, your idea is better Xing."
Xang frowned again.
Drakath speed them up, and sent one of them on a different coarse.

When the town was teleported, the first meteor his nothing.
The second meteor was aimed at Battleon's so called landing area.
It didn't hit Battleon.
Battleon was on the mountain top over Shadowfall.
This was bad.

Drakath watched as they teleported the town again.
Drakath let out an annoyed sigh. His plan had failed.
Xing and Xang were told to try and mess with people's minds until they were charuped.

Instead of Arces being in Battleon to aid them, the hero from Dragonfable, Sean, he had white hair, blue eyes, and wore a black dragonlord armor with a red trim.
His dragon was not with him.
He lead them to save Battleon.

When Battleon was safe, he summoned his dragon and went back to Dragongrasp.

These are the events while Arces left Battleon.
DF AQW  Post #: 9
7/25/2011 17:23:43   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 9

Arces was at the gates to Upper Dwarfhold.
Snowbeard had opened up the way into the the second part of the city.
Arces went into the passage.

He arrived at the second level after climbing the stairs.
A drow with two eye patchs awaited him.
His name was Jorxlol. A traitor of Vath.
The drow decided to aid Arces in defeating Vath.

The two faught against drow, giant bug, and giant reptiles.
In the end, they resched Vath's keep.
Jorxlol would hold off the foes while Arces faced Vath.

Arces went to the end of the keep. He saw Vath at the end, or so he thought.
Arces faced the figure and said,"Your through Vath."
He pulled off the cloak. It was a dummy.
A cage fell over Arces.
Vath came out of the shadows. He smiled at his catch.
He said,"So your the annoying fool hows been fighting my army."
"Face me Vath!"Arces shouted.
Vath laughed."You are a fool to think you can beat me."
A man cam into veiw. Jorxlol.
He said,"I'll take his weapons my lord."
"Go ahead Jorxlol."
He proceded to take Arces' sowrd and gave it to Vath.
"Fine blade."
Arces let lose a dragon growl from his troat. He sent a turret of flame at Vath.
Vath simply jumped over the flame. He laughed.
"How did you know i was coming vath?"
"Word from a friend."
A dwarf came into veiw. Snowbeard.
"Why Snowbeard? He enslaved your people."
"For one reason. Gold."Vath droped a bag of gold on the floor.
Snowbeard went on the ground and started grabbing the scattered gold pieces.
Vath laughed."Simple creachers."
Arces sent another turret of flame at Vath.
Vath almost got out pf the way.
His cloak was set a blaze.
He trew it off and shoured,"To the prisons with him."He walked off with Arces' sword.
A drow soldier then knocked Arces on the head.

When he woke up, he was in the Dwarfhold prisons. He had been striped of his armor.
He was wearing the cloth pants and leather tunic he wore under his armor.
A man came up to the bars.
It was Jorxlol.
Arces was geting ready to burn the drow where he stood.
Jorxlol said,"Peace friend."
"I'm not your friend, traitor,"he replied.
Jorxlol said,"I have something for you."
He sent in Arces' armor and sword.
Arces looked at it then Jorxlol and said,"You pretended to be his servant."
"Exactly. Pretend I was never here."
Arces nodded and put on his armor. and placed his sword at his waist.
A dwarf came up to him and said,"We could use your help sir."
"We wish to escape."
"I see. May i ask your name?"
"I am Mick Guyver. Dwarven Engineer."
The dwarf lead him to the back of the cell. It was dark, but Arces had no problem navigating trough the darkness.
He was lead to a bunch of dwarven prisoners.
They were getting ready to escape.
All they need were ingrediants for a giant bomb, and something from the Warden.
Arces would handel the Warden.
The dwarfs could get the ingrediants.
DF AQW  Post #: 10
7/26/2011 2:37:00   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 10
Rock Roc

The dwarfs had started seraching for the ingrediants needed for the explosives.
Arces had traveled to the bars. He was summonming the fire needed to melt them.
When he had the flames ready, he let them escape.
The flame was so strong, it started melting the stone around the bars.
The bars were gone in mere seconds. Arces got out of the cell.
A fat drow, sweating heavily, was sleeping near the cell.
The dwarfs told him to take the Warden's keys for some reason.
Arces was going to sneak up on the drow.
But the drow snapped out of his sleep, and proceeded to attack Arces.
The drow moved fast for the way he was built, but he was more recless. Arces toke advantage of this.
Arces charged the drow.
The drow rose his fists to punch Arces.
Arces went down and slid under the drow's legs.
When Arces was behind the Warden, he hit the drow on the side of the head with the hilt of his sword.
The Warden was out cold.
Arces grabbed his keys, and went back to Mick.

Arces handed Mick the keys.
Mick toke the keys, and put them in the center of some glob. It toke a coupl seconds, even with Arces' eyes, to tell that this was the bomb.
Mick lit the fuse and shouted,"Stand clear everyone!"
Arces and the others hid behind mounds of dirt and rock.
The bomb toke a couple minutes, but it let out a loud explosion.
The dwarfs and Arces hurried out of that cell.

The explosion only broke through a wall, revealing a passage way. It had been dug recently.
The group went through the passage way. After a while it became clear a dwarf dug this tunnel.

The group ended up in a room at the tavern.
And waiting for them was...Snowbeard!
Arces went up and punced Snowbeard.
Snowbeard got up and laughed,"I think I deserved that!"
Arces couldn't help but laugh, and said,"At least for now."
The other dwarfs joined in the laughter.
After a couple minutes, the dwarfs and Arces ssnapped out of it.
Arces told Snowbeard the story.
Then, snowbeard told him his plan to get Arces in the cell in the first place.
Arces laughed at what his friend had just done.
But they had to get ready.
They had to reclaim Dwarfhold.
They had to go to war.

Arces lead the dwarfs back to their capital.
Mick Guyver had dsigned a large amount of catupults and cannons.
Snowbeard was by Arces' side, holding onto a large ax.
The two lead the forces to the main gate of Dwarfhold.
Vath's forces waited for them.
The dwarfs got ready for battle.
Catapults sent tons of stones at the drow and drakonians. Cannons sent large cannon balls at the foe.
The drow and drakonians began to charge. Roughly five thousand strong.
The dwarfs got ready to fight as well. Around fifty strong.
This would be a tough fight. But they had Arces on their side.
When the two forces meet, Arces sneaked off, serching for a way to get past all of Vath's forces.
He thought he saw one, when a man grabbed his shoulder and said,"Not yet my friend."
Arces turned to see Jorxlol.
Jorx continued,"There are to many forces right now. I can help, but wait to sneak in."
Arces nodded and went back to the front lines with Jorxlol.

Arces was defeating drow and drakonian left and right. None of them even wore him out.
Arces even flew up into the air, and bathed the foes in his flame.
He grabbed one of the dorw's fallen saibres, and attack the drow with it.
Arces never aimed to kill any of them.

When the armys were weak enough, Arces snuck by them, and went into Dwarfhold.
No drow or anything were roaming armound.
Arces snuck into Upper Dwarfhold.
No one there eather.
Arces then went into Vath's chambers.
Drow soldiers were on guard.
Arces decided to defeat them, not kill.
In only a few minutes, Arces had defeated the foes, and knocked them all out.
Arces proceded to the platform at trhe end.

When Arces got onto the platform, it rose.
Before he knew it, the platform stopped rising.
Vath had three odd gems in his hand.
He said,"May the Chaos Gemerolds bring you to our world Rock Roc."
He droped the gems, making the giant stone in front of him crack.
Then, the stone burst like an egg.
A giant bird of stone emerged from it.
Vath said,'To the skys my pet."
The bird flew up and headed toward the dwarfs.
Arces, noticeing Vath put down his dragon amulet, grabbed it, and jumped off the cliff shouting,"STALAGBITE TO ME!!"
The purple spiked dragon caught Arces, and flew off toward the Rock Roc.
Arces told Stalagbite what to do with his thoughts.
The dragon attacked the Rock Roc with intense flames.
Arces also lent his flames into the effort.
The roc was starting to fall apart.
When Vath saw the roc was about to fall, he pointed his sword at Stalagbite and said, somehow Arces heard it,"Enough. Get rid of the pest dragon."
Stalagbite forsced Arces to get off his back.
The Rock Roc began to head toward Arces.
Arces let his wings out, and attacked the roc in mid air.
Arces forced the roc to fight him on the ground.
The Rock Roc faught Arces with all its might, but to no avail.
Arces got a good hit, and beheaded the monster.

Vath shouted,"You killed my pet. Pitty."
Arces looked at Vath and said, in a dragon like growl,"Your mine drow."
Vath was surprized to hear that sort of tone. He replied,"I'll await you at the top of the mountain Arces."
Vath flew off.

Arces began to climb the mountain, getting ready to defeat Vath and free the dwarfs.
The next battle would win the war.
DF AQW  Post #: 11
7/27/2011 15:33:26   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 11
The Final Battle

Arces had flew up the mountain, ready to fight Vath.

When arces reached the top, Vath was waiting for him.
When Vath saw him, he raised his sword up. Stalagbite also got up.
Arces unsheathed his sword. He was waiting for Vath to make his move.
Vath made the first move. He charged Arces.
Arces blocked the blow.
Stalagbite lunged at Arces.
Arces dodged, not wanting to kill another of his kind.
Arces attacked Vath.
Vath blocked the sword.
Arces let lose a burst of flame at Vath.
Vath barly evaded the fire. He attacked Arces, disarming him.
Arces dodged the attacks that followed.
He let lose a large burst of flame at Stalagbite, knocking him to the ground. His attention swiched to Vath.
Arces almost got away. The blade's tip managed to make a small gash down the side of his head.
Arces flinched in pain.
Vath went for his chance. But missed by a hair.
Arces got his sword back. He charged Vath.
Vath smiled and blocked the attack.
Arces' blade went flying back.
In Arces' panic, he let lose a large inferno of flames from his mouth.
Both Stalagbite and Vath backed away. The fire was to intense for eather.
Arces pointed it at Vath.
It melted a large protain of his armor.
Vath was now missing the top part of his armor, showing a musceled chest. He backed away.
Arces stopped the flames, grabbed his sword, and disarmed Vath. Vath fell to the ground tired.
Vath said,"You think you've won?"
Stalagbite attacked from behind.
Arces hit him with the butt of his sword, knocking him out.
Vath rose and said,"I see why the dwarfs chose you to lead them. But they will no win."
"Look down Vath,"Arces replied.
Vath looked down, and saw his forces losing the battle.
Dwarfs were beating up drow and drakonian left and right.
The battle had nearly been decided.
Vath looked at Arces with pure hatred. He said,'You will pay for the half-dragon scum!"
Vath raised his dragon amulet and shouted,'Stalagbite, rise and kill this scum! NOW!!"
Stalagbite began to rise.
Arces grabbed vath's sword, and threw it at the amulet. Shattering both.
Vath went back in fear, he said,"You fool. What have you done?"
Stalagbite looked at Arces, then Vath.
He lunged at Vath, and let lose a loud roar.
He said, in a mix of talking and growling,"You will pay for what you have done Vath."
Arces was surprized in this turn of events.
Stalagbite looked at Arces anmd said,"I owe you my life brother. We will meet again in the near future."
Arces nodded and saluted Stalagbite.
Stalagbite grabbed Vath and flew off.
Arces heard Vath shout,"Let me go you stupid lizard!"
Vath was gone.

Arces told the ramaining drow to put down their weapons and told them,'Vath has been defeated. If you give in now, we will allow you freedom."
Everyone of the dorws put down their weapons, even the injured did. There was going to be no prisoners.

Arces and Snowbeard freed the other dwarfs.
Together withthe other dwarfs, they cared for the injured.

Arces decided to leave for Swordhaven.
The dwarfs had a little party to celebrate their freedom.
Arces and Snowbeard had another drinking contest. Jorxlol joined them.
Each had about ten mugs of the dwarf special brew, before Jorxlol passed out drunk.
after around fifty mugs, Snowbeard fell to the ground, drunk.
The dwarfs cheered.
Two times Arces beat Snowbeard at his own game.
Arces drank another mug before he passed out.

The next morning, the three of them had pounding headaches.
The three dumped their heads in frezing water, and had a cup of warm tea.
With in the hour, the three were perfectly fine.

Arces waited until a dracolich came out of the sky.
Arces mounted it, and got ready to travel to Swordhaven.
Snowbeard came up before arces left, and said,"I have a couple things to tell you Arces."
"Okay my friend, tell me."
"First, the dwarfs have chosen me to lead them."
"Thats great my friend."
"And second. The dwarfs owe you for freeing us from Vath. The drow even thank you freeing them from Vath. Both races owe you for freeing us. Just name it."
"I will ask something big one day, bu not today my friend. i will see you again."
Arces flew off.

With in a couple hours, he reached Swordhaven.
He went to the throne room.
King Alteon was waiting for him. He was on his throne.
Alina was with him. she gave him a potion and wlked away.
"Good day Alina,"Arces said before she walked away.
She just grunted.
Arces saluted the king and said,"Vath has been defeated."
King Alteon said,"Good Arces. I have a couple pieces of news myself."
King Alteon told him about the incident in Battleon, and that Drakath's attack had caused saomething to change in the old king.
"His powers are slowing killing me."
Arces toke a step back at this news.
King alteon said,"But there is hop to cure me. That is why Alina grunted. She has been working day and night for a week searching for a cure."
"I will aid you if neacissary King Alteon."
"Its fine young one. At the moment, you should take a little rest. You've been working hard. And we have the aid of the dwarfs and dorw now."
"Just let me know if you need aid.'
"I will."

So, Arces spent the next few day talking with friends, like Artix or Rolith, or just walking around Swordhaven.
He had put his armor up for the time being. he was wearing a red leather tunic, black cotten pants and leather boots.
He even went by the local tavern a few times.

After two weeks in Swordhaven, Empress Gravlyn came by.
Arces decide to put on his armor, and escort the Empress.
Arces went with the Empress to talk to King Alteon.
King Alteon told her what had transpired.
Gravlyn looked at Arces and smiled, saying,"It is a good thing I have you Arces."
Arces siad,"Thank you my lady."
Gravlyn put her had on his shoulder and said,"You don't need to be formal with me Arces. Just call my Gravlyn."
"I will try my lady.'
Gravlyn just sighed and said,"How long until the next Chaos Lord revels themself?"
King alteon sighed and said,"I don't know Gravlyn. it could be tommarow or the day after."
Gravlyn nodded and said,"I will stay in Swordhaven for a few days before I return the Shadowfall."
King alteon nodded and said,"Arces, please watch over Gravlyn. I would hate it if our friend here were to be attacked."
"You don't need to tell me Alteon. I will watch my empress with my life."
DF AQW  Post #: 12
7/27/2011 15:50:57   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 12
Gravlyn in Swordhaven

The next morning. Arces, exhausted from those days traveling, had overslept.
Something was pushing his awake.
He opened his eyes. A women in a blood red, sleaveless dress was there.
She had a golden band in her hair, which was as red as her dress. Her eyes were a deep blue. And she had a smile on her flawless face.
It was Gravlyn.
Arces jumped back in surprize.
He was also blushing. He was so red, his face was the same color as his hair.
Gravlyn laughed and said in a kind voice,"You can't sleep forever Arces."
Arces, wearing a pair of black pants he slept in, got dressed.
Gravlyn told him,"You don't need you armor today Arces."
Arces put on a red leather tunic and put on a pair of leather boots.
After he tied his hair back, the two went and explored the city.

The two decided to go to a small hill and enjoy the day.
Gravlyn was never like this. She normaly raidiated fear and pain.
But today she raisiated happyness.
Arces asked,"Are you okay my lady?"
"I'm fine Arces. I'm just having a little fun while i'm here. I have to tak after my father. So, I act evil, and rule with an iron fist. But i like to relax every so often. And being with a friend is relaxing to me."
"I see. Well Gravlyn, feel free have as much relaxing as you need."
Gravlyn blushed when he said her name.
Arces noticed what he said and blushed to.

The two spent the next few days together.
They explored the city, had small luches together, Gravlyn also waked up Arces each day, until he knew when to wake up.

When gravlyn left, something lurched in Arces' chest.
It couldn't be possible.
Over this time, Arces had not only become Gravlyn's friend. He had fallen for her.
He was in love.
But, he knew it was not meant to be.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 7/27/2011 15:51:15 >
DF AQW  Post #: 13
7/27/2011 16:13:29   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 13

Arces had recived a message from Gravlyn, telling him to come to shadowfall imediatly.
He got on his dracolich and flew off.

When he arrived, a lot of people were there.
He landed, and joined them.
Gravlyn walked out of Shadowfall and said,"Quiet!"
Everyone became silent.
"I have gathered you here because we are currently facing a problem. All the greatest heros of good are missing."
Everyone was shocked by this news.
"I have recived a letter from the man responsible."
She pulled out a peice of papaer and read:
'Dear Gravlyn,
My name is Maximillion lionfang. By now you have noticed the heros missing in Lore. I have taken them and I am currently turning them side.
With in the week, we will attack Shadowfall. You can feel free to attack us first, but our tower is surounded by a death fog.
If you try to attack us, your forces will die.
I am only telling you because of my code of honor.
Long live the Golden Onslaught'

"That is where the letter ends."
"What are we to do Gravlyn?"Arces asked.
Gravlyn said,"We will attack them, and reclaim our friends and allys."
"How?"a dragonslayer asked. He had long black hair and had yellow eye."Did you forget the death fog?"
"I have not. But only the living will die."
"You not thinking..."Arces was begining to ask.
"Yes. You must become undead to save your friends and allys. Who will join me?"
Arces had to think about it.
The dragon slayer stepped forward and said,"I will."
Arces looked at him. Then, he rose and said,"I will join you my lady."
With him, the rest agreed.
Gravlyn smiled and said,"Then we leave imediatly."
The ragtag army set out, toward the tower of the Golden Onslaght.

At the tower, the Golden Onslaght waited for them.
Gravlyn said,"Are you ready?"
Everyone nodded.
Gravelyn cast dark spell on them.
With in only a minute, they all became skeletons.
The small army charged the tower.

As the firt wave was held off at the bridge, the rest went into the tower.
With each floor, peopl held back the Golden Onslaght from advancing.

Eventaly, Arces had made it to the top.
Lionfang looked at the skeleton and said,"So Gravelyn has found a way."He laughed.
The spell on Arces vanished, showing the half-dragon.
Arces said,"I will win Lionfang."
The two lunged at each other. Blades in hand.
DF AQW  Post #: 14
7/28/2011 2:40:37   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 14
A Hero of Evil and Good

Arces and Lionfang meet in mid air.
Arces managed to knock Lionfang's sword out of his hands.
Lionfang pulled out a whip. He sent it at Arces, who dodged it.
Arces attacked. His blade missed lionfang by only a couple inches.
Lionfang sent another attack by his whip at Arces. It grabbed his arm.
Lionfang sent his whip up, pulling Arces with it.
Arces went flying through the air, until Lionfang crashed him into the ground.
Arces got up, grabbedchis sword, and looked at Lionfang.
Lionfang, and everyone else, flinched in fear.
Arces' eyes had turned from blue to a demonic red. He sent a large infeno, so hot the room started melting, through the celling.
Arces looked at Lionfang, and sent another inferno at him.
Lionfang got out of the way, but suffered from the heat. His armor was melting, and his cape was on fire.
He raised his whip, only for arces to turn it into a living inferno.
Lionfang looked at Arces. He had started sprouting a crown of horns, his skin was turning red, his teeth were fangs, and his eyes had become bright red orbs.
Arces was a nightmare of himself.
Arces sent another inferno at lionfang, knocking off his helm. It became a puddle of melted stell only a second later.
Arces was about to finish the job, when Gravelyn came into the room.
Gravelyn shouted,"Thats enough Arces!"
Arces looked at Gravelyn. She had a disqusted and scared look on her face.
Arces sent his flames through the celling, and began to change back.
His horns vanished, his sking became it's regular color, his eyes became blue, his teeth were normal, and the skin on his wings went back to their regular color.
He tied up Lionfang and freed the others.
Everyone stared at Arces. They were all scared of him now.
Artix said,"Wh..what about Lionfang?"
Robina toke a look t him and said,"How about we throw him in the prisons?"
King Alteon walked up and said,"The Shadowscythe are not your enemy Maximillion. Drakath is."
"Both are my enemys,"he replied."I will end the Shadowscythe, then tak care of Drakath myself. Attack them!"
Two members of the Golden Onslaght were sitting in the corner. The warrior said,"No."
The other nodded.
Lionfang looked confused. He said,"Traitors."
Both said,"No! We have just seen the truth."
Gravelyn said,"You are both free to join me, or King alteon in our fight against Drakath and Chaos."
Both nodded and rose.
Lionfang untied himself, and used his ropes as a whip. He sent his improvised whip at Gravelyn.
Arces was about to take the hit. then, King Alteon caught it with his arm. He flinced in pain.
He said,"You are a fool Maximillion! Gravelyn is necissary to defeat Drakath!"
Lionfang replied,"No,"and ran out the hole in the wall Arces made, landing in the death fog.
Arces looked down at what Lionfang had done. He was shocked.
Everyone just shock their heads.
Artix asked, could he survive that?"
Robina said,"It is psoible hes alive."
Gravlyn said,"He is alive. Trust me."
"I do my lady,"Arces replied.
Arces lead them out of the tower. His flames had cleared a good amount of the death fog away.

That night Gravelyn wanted to talk to him.
They walked around the camp.
Gravlyn said,"what was that back there Arces?"
Arces said,"I don't know Gravelyn. but it felt like i was powerful enough to defeat Drakath. It felt like I was a living volcano."
Gravlyn stopped for a second, stunned.
when Arces looked back, Gravelyn kept moving.
Arces felt guilty.
Gravelyn looked at Arces and said,"Don't feel bad Arces, it was nothing."
Arces sighed and just walked on. Gravlyn followed.
After another hour, Gravelyn stopped Arces and asked,"Whats wrong Arces?"
Arces looked into her eyes and said,"It is nothing my lady."
Gravlelyn's conserned face turned to anger."Don't lie to me Arces."He voice made Arces feel like he was dieing.
Arces said,"I'm sorry. It's something i have to deal with."
Gravelyn said, after calming down,"Be careful Arces."
She walked away.
Arces felt even more quilty. He has upset the women he loves.
He let out a couple of tears.
He went to bed, but barly slept.

The next day, they contiued their journey to Swordhaven.
Arces and Gravelyn were avoiding each other, it was obvious.
They knew better than to mess around in anything like this though.

After a couple of days, they arived in Swordhaven.

Arces went to his chambers, and got out of his armor, and put on his other clothes.
He was about to have a little nap, when he hear someone knock on his door.
Artix walked in. He was wearing his paladen armor.
Artix asked,"Whats wrong with you Arces?"
Arces said,"Nothing Artix."
Artix frowned and said,"One of those things huh?"
Arces didn't answer.
Artix got up and desided to leave.
Before he left, Arces said,"Wait."
He looked back, and Arces said,"Tell Gravelyn i'm sorry."
Artix frowned and said,"Thats your job Arces."
Arces just laughed and said,"Thank you my friend."
Artix couldn't help but laugh himself.

The next day, Arces went to Gravlyn's chambers. He knocked on her door.
Gravlyn opened the door and said,"Come in."
Arces went in and sat down. The room had barly anything. A bed and a dest were the only things there.
Gravlyn had her armor un in the corner. She was wearing her dress.
Gravelyn handed Arces a small cup and said,"Drink up."
That made Arces fell even more quilty.
Arces said,"I'm sorry my lady."
Gravelyn paused for a second, and then said,"Apoligy accepted."
Arces felt a little less guilty.
He drank what was in the cup. It was tea. It tasted like peppermint.
Gravelyn's smile than turned to a frown. Arces noticed.
Gravelyn then began to cry.
Arces went to her side and asked,"Is something wrong Gravlyn?"
In between sobs, Gravlyn said,"This...this...tea was what...what my dad...would make me...me when I was...sad."she burst out crying even harder.
Arces knew it was crossing the border, but he gave Gravelyn a big hug.
She cryed while being in his arms.
At this moment, Arces began to cry.

Gravelyn left the next day.
It would be a while before Arces ever saw her again.
DF AQW  Post #: 15
7/28/2011 3:05:16   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 15
The Invitation

It had now been two days since Gravlyn had left.
Arces was always on edge.
King Alteon wished to see arces that afternoon.

Arces went to King Alteon.
King Alteon said,"You have received an invitation Arces. From Yokai Island."
Arces had heard of this island once before. No outsider has been on the island for over one thousand years.
"What for?"
"You have been invited to join the Dragon Koi Tornament. A once a year event that only people are aloud to join, unless invited by royalty."
"Then who sent it?"
"Princess Ai No Miko."
"I see. How do I get there then?"
"There is a port a little way due north. It can take you to Yokai Island. Youcan set out as soon as possible."
"I will my lord."
"I am not your lord. Just call me Alteon."
"I will Alteon."
King Alteon smiled.

Arces traveld north, until he hit a small port.
Arces managed to find a ship willing to go to Yokai Island.
The ship set out only an hour after he asked the captain for passage.

The ship traveld for a week before it hit land.
Arces got off the ship. Yokai Island was a great sight.
Arces went toward the arena.
When he was about to go in, a guard stopped him and said,"No outsiders are aloud in."
Arces showed him the invitation.
The guard said,"That is fake."
Arces said,"I have been invited by your princess."
"No you haven't."
"Yes I have."
"The invitation is fake."
"It is not fake."
"Just because your aloud on land, dosn't mean you can join the tornament."
Arces just sighed, when some girl said,"It is okay soldier."
The samurai looked at the women and said,"Princess?"
"I invited him myself."
He looked at Arces, then the princess. He said,"Sorry sir,"bowing to Arces.
The samurai walked away.
Miko walked up and said,"You came. You got my message?"
Arces showed her his invitation.
"Good. Are you ready?"
"Sure. I will become the Dragon Koi Champian."
Miko laughed and said,"You didn't see the hidden meassage did you?"
Arces looked confused.
Miko showed him the messages.
Together it said- HELP ME ~Princess Miko~
Arces looked embarased.
Miko just laughed and said,"I don't hold it against you Arces."
"What do you need help with?"
"We have a problem. You know about Chaos Lords right? We have one on Yokai Island."
DF AQW  Post #: 16
7/29/2011 3:37:38   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 16
The Dragon Koi Tornament PT:1

Arces had spent the rest of the day checking out his opponents.
His first opponent was a boy called Bash Ketchup and his pet moglin.
The battle was to be held the next day.

Arces dreamt of Gravelyn.
His dream was him and Gravelyn watching a sunset, holding and hands. When the sun was about to set, they kissed.

Arces woke up.
To him, he felt like he was being watched.
He got up, wearing a pair of black cotten pants, and splashed some cold water on his face.
He looked into the mirror.
His eyes had turned red.
Something had forces his draconic sences to act up.
It must have been the Chaos Lord.

The next day, Arces faced off against Bash Ketchup and his moglin.
The moglin had powers over electricity, but didn't stand a chance against Arces. Arces won with out a problem.

The next match was NOTruto against a man in black robes with green hair tied back in a spicky ponytail. His name was *Abar I.
NOTruto won.
NOTruto would face Arces in the next match ups.

The third match was a man in some school uniform, he had blonde hair. His name was *Youhey.
His opponent was a girl in a black dress with blue hair and eyes. She had a golden heat shaped pendent arnound her neck. She had a sword in her right hand. Her name was *Shwana.
Shwana won. Youhey ran away from the battle.

The forth battle was Spork-ion against a girl with long pointed ears, wore an odd school uniform, and had light purple hair. Her name was *Berimay.
Spork-ion won, despite Berimay's strong magic.

The fifth match was a girl with short brown hair held back by a red ribbon. she wore a red school uniform. her name was *Ha-hi.
Her opponent was a living suit of Samuri armor. His name was *Alf.
Alf almost had her. But she managed to take him apart bit by bit.

The sixth fight was Sub Zero against a scythe weilding girl.
She had silver hair, and a murderus look on her face. She wore a bounty hunter outfit. Her name was *Maka Aka.
Sub Zero won.

Battle seven was a vampire in a black cloak, weilding a giant red sword. He had snow white hair and blood red eyes. his name was *Abe
His opponent was a man wearing a black cloak, but was not a vampire, who had a giant sword on his back. He had no emotion on his face. His name was *Had Y.
Had Y won, because he survived the sun.

Number eight was a little girl called *Hen. She had blonde hair.
Her opponent was a man with blonde hair, with red bangs. He was dressed like a biker. He had an old sword in his hand. His name was Tok.
Tok won.

Number nine was *Ray, a man in robotic armor. Against *Ko, a half yokai with the head of a lion and the body of a man.
Ray won.

The next one was faught by Neko Yasha and a girl called *Aio. She had velvet purple hair and wore a black dress like worn at a funeral.
Neko Yasha won of couarse.

The tenth battle was faught by *Stein, an insane man wering a lab coat, with an arrow going through his head, eye patches over both eyes.
His opponent, *Albu, a vampire, smarter than Abe, dressed in blue.
Albu won the battle.

The eleventh battle was faught by *Tomo. A girl wearing the sam unifrom as Youhey. She had white hair.
Her opponent was *RIN. A boy with a high tech cannan.
Tomo won.

Number twelve. A boy wearing navy blue robes covered with silver moons, and has black hair. His name is *Yosh.
He is facing *Name, a female pirate.
Name won.

And the thirteenth battle was *Tom, a boy with deep blue hair and a blank look on his face. He wore a school unifrom like. He faced off with *Nage, a girl with red hair and blue eyes. she wore the same uniform as Tom's.

After that fight, they decided that was enough for one day. The second half would continue tommarow.

*Abar I is a Bleach referance for Renji.
**Youhey is a Clannad referance for Sunohara.
***Shwana is a referance to Shakugan No Shana for Shana.
****Berimay is a referance to Shuffle! for Nerine.
*****Ha-hi is a referance for Haruhi Suzumia from The Meloncoly of Haruhi Suzumia.
******Alf is a rip on FMA's Al.
*******Maka Aka is a rip on Soul Eater's Maka.
********Abe is a rip on Able from Trinity Blood.
*********Had Y a rip on Hagi from Blood+.
**********Hen is Henretta from Gunslinger Girl.
***********Tok is based off Ranmaru from Tokko.
************Ray is based off Ray Otto Stienberg from the anime movie Straitjaket.
*************Kyo is based off Kyo from Fruits Basket.
**************Aio is based of nagisa off of Straberry Panic. (Don't watch)
***************Stein is based off the Professer Franken Stein form Soul Eater.
****************Albu is based off of Alucard from Hellsing.
*****************Tomo is based off Tomoyo off of Clannad.
******************RIN is based off of Renton from Eureka 7.
*******************Yosh is based off of Yoshimori from Kekkaishi.
********************Name is based off Nami from One Piece.
*********************Tom is based off of Tomoya from Clannad.
**********************Nage is based off Nagisa from Clannad.
DF AQW  Post #: 17
7/29/2011 18:20:44   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 17
The Dragon Koi Tornament PT:2

Arces and the others slept well that night.

Arces dreamt of him and Gravelyn on the ledge of a cliff. they were talking.
Arces couldn't make out what they were saying, but he felt his heart race.
Gravelyn walked away. Arces looked like he was about to cry.

Arces woke up. He found he was crying in his sleep.

Arces went and watched the second half of the first round of the Dragon Koi Tornament.

First up was *Ko TO. She wore a school uniform like the others, and had a violin.
Her opponent was *Jari. An old man the was covered with warts.
KO To won. Her violin playing is that bad.

The second fight was a little girl with silver hair and short pointed ears. Hey name was *Bemu.
Her opponent was a short, bald man wearing red training clothes. his name was *Krill.
Bemu won.

The third round was *Itch, a man in black robes with blue rocker hair.
His opponent *Ken, a man with black spicky hair, wearing black robes, and had eye patches over both eyes.
Itch won.

Round four was *Yuki, a boy in a school uniform, against *Yuk, a girl with green skin.
Yuki won.

The next one was *Sake, a girl with red hair and a sword in her left hand, dressed like a biker, against *Ura, a female ninja with purple hair.
Ura won.

The last round of the day, because everyone elese suddunly vanised overnight, was Ryoko, and *As, a girl in a school unifrom with spring green hair.

With the other contestants missing, they desided to end the first round.
The second round fights were desided.
The last contestants wern't the only ones missing.
The only ones left were Arces, NOTruto, Spork-ion, Sub Zero, Neko Yasha, Ryoko, Ura, Yuki, Itch, KO To, Bemu, and Ray.
Arces would face NOTruto.
Spork-ion would face Ura.
Sub Zero would fight Itch.
KO to would face Bemu.
Neko Yasha would face Ray.
Ura would face Ryoko.
The next day would be tough. The first round was over. The second was tommarow.

*KO To is based of Clannad's Kotomi.
**Jari is based off of Naruto's Jiraiya.
***Bemu is based off of Premula from Shuffle!.
****Krill is bassed off of DBZ's Krillin.
*****Itch is based off of Bleach's Ichigo.
******Ken is based off Kenpachi from Bleach.
*******Yuki is based off of Yuji from Shakugan No Shana.
********Yuk is based off of Nagato from The Meloncoly of Haruhi Suzimia.
*********Sake is based off Sakura from Tokko.
**********Ura is based off of Sakura from Naruto.
***********As is based off Asa from Shuffle!.
DF AQW  Post #: 18
7/30/2011 3:24:32   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 18
The Dragon Koi Tornament PT:3

The next day more people went missing.
Arces faced Spork-ion, and won.
Since most of the contestants were missing, Arces faught everyone else.
He faced Sub Zero, and almost lost.
Then, Neko Yasha.
He put up a good fight, but lost in the end.
They had an intermission.

Arces rested up and got ready for his last battle.
He felt like he was being watched again.
The feeling went away after he looked behind him.
Arces grabbed his sword and got ready for his fight against Ryoko.

Ryoko looked at Arces and said,"You ready to lose?"
Arces let out a litttle chukle and said,"Not today."
The two got ready to fight.
Arces decided to fight with his hands. He sheathed his sword.
The fight started.
Ryoko made the first move. He lunged at Arces.
Arces toke a good punch to the face. He punched Ryoko in the face as well.
Ryoko was surprized by Arces' strength.
Arces kicked Ryoko in the chest, making Ryoko gasp for air.
Ryoko retaliated with a punch to the gut, then sent Arces into the air, sending him down with a large kick.
Arces got up, his eyes red.
He sent a burst of flame at Ryoko. It hit him so hard it knocked him over.
Arces got control of himself before he did something unthinkable.
Ryoko kneeled and said,'I'm forced to use my ultimate move. The Soul Nuke!"
Ryoko let out a large battle cry. arces shilded himself with his wings.
Ryoko let out another cry, then another, and so on.
Arces unsheiled himself.
Nothing was happening.
Ryoko looked frozen, but was still moving, letting out loud battle crys.
Arces looked puzzeled.

Five hour passed by, Ryoko still didn't move.
Arces desided to call it a night.
He went to bed that night.

He dreamt of Gravelyn again.
He and gravelyn were dancing.
Arces wore an fancy armor. Gravelyn a beautiful red gown. they looked happy.
Then, right when they were about to kiss, Arces woke up.

Ryoko still didn't move.
Arces desided to talk with Princess Miko.
Miko said,"Hellow Arces."
Arces bowed and said,"So this is the legendary Dragon Koi Blade?"
"Yes. It is our greatest treasure."
Miko told him of the story.
Arces said,"And you belive this Chaos Lord is after the sword?"
Miko nodded.
A deep voise said,"Very smart Princess Ai No Miko."
A man in odd armor was there.
Miko said,"Your not welcome here Kitsune."
Kitsune laughed and said,"I'll be leaving with my prize soon enough Princess."
Kitsune appeared next to the sword, and toke it.
Arces sent a blast of flame at him.
Kitsune didn't budge.
He said,"Pathetic,"and vanished.
Arces looked at Miko and asked,"Is he the Chaos Lord?"
Miko nodded.
Arces said,"We need to plan our attack on him. Soon!"
"We will my friend. We will leave imediatly."
The two walked out of the arena.
Ryoko stayed, charging up his Soul Nuke. he would play a great role though.
DF AQW  Post #: 19
7/30/2011 14:39:56   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 19
The Hunt Begins

Miko and Arces began talking in the palace.
Miko told him that in order to face Kitsune, he must first defeat his four most trusted.
The first toke residance at the hotel near Akiba.
Arces went there.

When he arrived, he was ambushed by Yokai samurai and Yokai ninja.
Arces set them all on fire and continued.

The hotel was big.
Arces had to go up a good amount of stairs before he was on the last floor.
He went up to the roof.
A large Yokai with red skin was waiting for him.
His name was Tengu.
Arces faught him.
Tengu sent a punch that went through the floor at him, but Arces dodged.
Arces ran un his arm, and kicked him the face.
Tengu fell over, dizzy.
He pulled out a sword, and tried to send it through Arces' heart.
Arces disarmed the Yokai, and knocked him unconsious.
Arces had won the first battle.

Arces went back to Miko with Tengu's sword.
Miko was surprized he returned so soon.
Miko said,"Very good Arces. Next is the Bamboo forest. The second Yokai is there."
Arces nodded.

Arces went to the forest.
He traveled through the forest, fighting any Yokai who got in his way.
Arces eventaly found a shrine.
At it was an offering of fruit shaped like human heads.
Miko told Arces to becareful of these fruit.
To Yokai, it was a treat unlike anyother. To humans, they were poisenious.
Arces picked one up and chucked it into the forest.
Something stired in the bamboo.
Arces pulled out his sword.
A flaming wagon wheel was coming tword him.
It had a face of an old man on the side of the wheel.
It's name was Soul Taker.
Arces faught it, only to find it tougher than the last one.
Arces sliced at it's spokes, finding them the weakest point in the Yokai.
Without the spokes, the Soul Taker feel apart.
Arces had won once again.

Arces showed Miko the circular part of the Soul taker. She was surprized again.
Miko told him the next one was hidden on the yokai junkyard.

Arces traveled there. He faught the junk Yokai, and won.
At the end of the junkyard was an old hag called Onibaba.
Arces faugtht the hag.
Onibaba dadged Arces' sword every time. She grabbed his neck and lifted him up.
She was going to kill Arces.
In his desperation, his eyes turned red, and he let out a large stram of flames, hitting the hag in the face.
Her face was surned like charcaol, her hair was in flames, and her skin was blistered.
She tried to attack him again.
Arces sent more fire at her.
She started to fade away.
Her robes were all that remained.

Arces presented the robes to Miko.
Miko said,"Thats three down. The last awaits you at the river. The graveyard will be where Kitsune is. I have a feeling I know what he is after. But you have to defaet his last servant."
Arces bowed and left.

Arces went to the river.
He battleed Kappa and other Yokai, evetauly reaching the last of kitsune's servants.
Nure-Onna stood before him.
She was ready for battle.
Arces meet her in battle.
She used her tail as the weapon.
Arces held his blade high.
Nure-Onna managed to disarm him with her tail.
Arces fell to the ground, his sword a few yards away.
He looked at the Yokai. he bathed her in flames.
She cryed in pain.
Arces' eyes srtarted to turn red.
Before he lost control, he stopped the flames.
Nure-Onna was a burnt pile of ashes.
Arces didn't want to kill her, he had lost control for a few seconds.
Arces decided to go on ahead.

He had reached a bridge. On it was a giant Yokai with a trident.
She said,"Peace Arces, sevant of Gravelyn."
Her voise was comforting. He lowered his sword.
The Yokai said,"My name is Hashi Hime."
Arces bowed and asked,"What do you want of me?"
She smiled and said,"To tell you Kitsune's story of coarse."
Arces looked at her and said,"Then tell me."

When she was finished, she said,"A Yokai is waiting for you in the Graveyard. He is not to be trusted, but he can help you."
Arces understood. He said,"Thank you."He walked towards the graveyard.
DF AQW  Post #: 20
8/2/2011 1:42:34   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 20

Arces proceded into the graveyard. A Yokai was waiting for him. His name was Neko Matta.
Neko Matta looked at Arces. He smiled.
Neko Matta said,"I've been waiting for you half-dragon."
Arces pulled out his sword.
Neko Matta replied,"I am a friend Arces."
Arces put down his blade, not trusting the Yokai though.
Neko Matta looked at Arces with an evil smile.
Arces stared down the Yokai.
Neko Matta said,"You seek to defeat Kitsune. i know his plans."
Arces asked,"What are they?"
Neko Matta said,"He plans to summon the O-Dokuro."
Arces knew that name. it was an evil undead, sealed away by great magic users.
Arces said,"Where is he Neko Matta?"
Neko Matta pointed twoards the crypt to the north.
Arces began to walk towards the crypt.
Neko Matta attacked Arces from behind.
Arces couldn't get the Yokai.
Arces' skin began to burn like flames.
Neko Matta's paws began to burn. He jumped off. His claws had melted.
Arces looked at the Yokai.
Arces' eyes were red orbs, his skin red like flames, his hair living flames, a crown of horns growing on his head, his hands becoming claws, and his teeth fangs. He was 'that' again.
He sent a giant flame at Neko Matta, nearly burning him to death.
Before he finished the job, he snapped out of it. He returned back to himself.
He whispered,"Forgive me my love."
Neko Matta ran when he got the chance.
Arces decided to go to the crypt.
He raised his wings, and flew twoard the crypt.

Yokai samurai and ninjas got in his way, and perished.
He made it to the crypt. nothing was there.
He climed to the top.

Kitsune was waiting there.
Arces raised his sword, Kitsune droped his, making the ground rumble.
Bones started to rise, forming a giant skeleton.
Arces shouted,"Your monster will not beat me!"
Kitsune laughed and said,"We will see."
Arces dodged the O-Dokuro's first punch.
He sent an inferno at the giant skeleton.
The O-Dokuro, began to shake, then sent another punch, which missed.
Arces sent more fire, making the creach shake again.
The O-Dokuro sent one last punch, which hit Arces.
Arces went flying back, but landed on his feet.
Arces sent one more jet of flame.
The O-Dokuro began to crumble, forming a giant mountain of bones.
A war was coming. Arces was ready for it.
DF AQW  Post #: 21
8/2/2011 2:09:41   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 21
Yokai War

Arces decided to sleep for the night.
He had told the events to Miko.

Arces dreamt three things that night.
First, he and Gravelyn were looking over Swordhaven holding hands.
After a while, they kissed, and the dream swiched.

He was fighting the Shadowscythe.
Gravelyn was cowering behind him. She was crying, muttering,"Father. Father. Father."
It swiched again.

A man was walking down a carpet to a couple men with a couple crowns. He wore royal robes. The man had red hair, tied back into a ponytail.
A women walked with him. She wore a beautiful red dress.
The two were crowned.
Arces noticed a few people in the crowd.
Artix was with a beautiful women, who looked familiar. Galanoth was there, with one arm. And multible others.
When the tow turned, the man was Arces.
And the women was Gravelyn, smiling.
Arces' heart began to race.
He woke up.

Miko was shaking him.
She said,"The Yokai are attacking."
Arces put on his armor, his heart still beating hard against his chest.

Arces faught off the Yokai.
They faught at the foot of the pile of O-Dokuro bones.
Arces faught until a path opened up.
He followed the path.

He faught the monsters in his way, until he reached the top.
It was the O-Dokuro's head.
Arces let out a loud roar, that surprized the O-dokuro, and off in the distance, scared Kitsune.
Arces let out an inferno of flames.
The head had no time to react. Arces was melting the O-Dokuro.
After a few minutes, the Odukro was a puddle of an odd evil liquid. The Dragon Koi sword was untoched.
Arces toke it.
Kitsune came down and attacked Arces, taking back the Dragon Koi sword.
Arces saw Kitsune go through the portal to the Yokai world.

Miko and the others came to Arces.
Arces looked at the rift. Yokai were coming out like a water fall.
After a quick conversation, Arces began to travel up the Yokai.
Miko looked at him. Her heart was racing.
Could it be?

Arces traveled up the Yokai until he reached the portal.
He went through, ready to fight Kitsune.
DF AQW  Post #: 22
8/2/2011 14:09:03   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 22
Chaos Lord Kitsune

Arces was in the world of he Yokai.
It was mostly fogged.
He was on floating plot of land.
Kitsune was waiting for him, Dragon Koi Blade drawn.
Arces unsheathed his own sword. He was ready to fight. He made the first move. he lunged at kitsune, blade at the ready.
Kitsune dodged.
Arces caught his ground and sent a large burst of flames at Kitsune.
Kitsune was hit square in the chest, armor starting to melt.
Arces slashed his blade at Kitsune, sending him up into the air.
When Kitsune landed, he was about to get up.
Arces kicked Kitsune in the chest.
Kitsune was out of breath.
Arces kicked him again, knocking the sword out of his hands.
Arces grabbed the sword, and pointed it at Kitsune.
Kitsune began to shake.
His armor began to fall off.
When it was gone, he had become a fox with seven tails.
His fur turned purple, his eyes glowed a chaotic color.
He had become a monster.
Arces knew what to do.
He inhaled a large breath.
He let out a loud scream of pain.
His wings grew larger. The crown of horns were fully grown, about a foot long each, seven horns close together. His teeth were fangs. His eyes were red orbs. His hair was in flames again. His skin was a deep red, like blood. His head had become a dragon's, hair still in flames. His hands and feet became claws. Scales covered him.
He had become a dragon.
He let out a large roar that didn't just scare Kitsune, it nearly ripped his soul out of his body.
Arces sent out a jet of flames.
Kitsune dodged it, but it still burned. The fur on his right side was burnt.
Arces attacked. He flew at Kitsune.
Kitsune didn't move in time, he was pinned down.
Arces let out another roar.
Kitsune screamed in pain.
Arces said, a voice that had a mix of growl and speech,"You lose KItsune."
Kitsune began to shake in fear. This couldn't be.
Arces sent a little flame at Kitsune, burning his fur.
Kitsune reverted back to his other form, armor coming back on.
Kitsune was weak. He couldn't move.
Arces went back through the portal. He went back to Lore.
Kitsune followed.

Arces returned to Miko, telling her the events that transpired.
Miko was shocked when she heard of Arces' dragon form. She thought it only existed in storys.
When Arces was about to sheath the Dragon Koi Blade again, Miko told him to watch out.
Kitsune was behind him.
When kitsune was about to swing his blade down on Arces, someone shouted,"SOUL NUKE!!!"
Arces ducked.
Ryoko's Soul Nuke hit Kitsune in the middle of the chest.
He was sent flying into the yokai portal.
Before he could return, Arces sheathed the Dragon Koi Blade.
The Yokai were pulled back into the Yokai world.

They held a celebration that night.
Miko even asked Arces for a talk.
After a while Arces asked,"Princess?"
Miko said,"Just Miko."
Arces bowed and asked,"Miko, what did you want to talk about?"
Miko blushed and said,"I've been thinking of something. You know that weird feeling you get about someone?"
Arces was confused and asked,"Where are you going Miko?"
Miko blushed harder and said,"Did you ever love someone Arces?"
Arces blushed harder than Miko and said,"I do love someone, but it is not meant to be."
Miko said,"Maybe she loves you to."
Before Arces could react, Miko said,"I love you Arces."She kissed him.
Arces pulled away.
He looked sad and quilty.
Miko saw it in his eyes. He didn't love her. She began to cry.
"You don't love me?"
Arces said,'I love someone, but not you Miko. Forgive me, but my love lies else where."
Miko began to cry harder.
After a few minutes, she asked,"Don't lie to me. Who is it you love."
Arces looked into her eyes and said,"I love Gravelyn. But it is not meant to be."Now he looked ready to cry.
Miko said,"I can't have you, but she can. Follow your heart Arces, and you'll always be happy. Do that for me."
Arces smiled and said,"Forgive me again Miko. But you have givin me hope. I will follow your advise."
Miko nodded and said,"If you will be happy, I will be."
Miko walked away.
Arces stood there and kept asking himself,"How will I tell her my feelings?"

That night he had a vision, not a dream.
He was watching Gravelyn.
She was getting ready for bed.
She had changed out of her armor into a red sleeping gown.
She toke off her gold band.
She got in her bed and muttered,"Father."
Arces watched her sleep.
Then, in her sleep, she muttered,"Arces."
Arces blushed when he heard her say that.
Could it be?

Arces woke the next day and got ready to leave.
he borded a boat.
He was named Dragon Koi champian because Ryoko fell unconsious after he sent his Soul Nuke at Arces.
Arces was ready to tell Gravelyn how he felt.
This would be the toughest job he has ever done.

He arrived in Swordhaven. He went to see King Alteon.
He told the King almost everything that happened, minus the parts about Gravelyn.
King Alteon was shocked. Could it be?
King Alteon said,"Do you know what you are Arces?"
Arces said,"A half-dragon."
King Alteon said,"More than that Arces, your something more. Your kind is belive to only exist in sotrys."
Arces looked puzzled."What are you talking about?"
The king said,"You are a Dream Dragon."
Arces knew what they were.
Dream Dragons were half dragnos that had two dragon forms.
One the was evil and nightmarish.
The other, powerful but good and beautiful.
Arces had taken on his nightmare form.
Arces had a lot to take in.
What comes next?

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 10/29/2011 13:36:48 >
DF AQW  Post #: 23
8/2/2011 23:59:26   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 23
News from Darkovia

Only in Swordhaven a few days, not even a week, Arces was told to come to King Alteon.

King Alteon said,"Arces, we have some bad news. There have been reports of trouble in Darkovia."
Arces sighed and said,"Is it a Chaos Lord?"
"We do not know. But a large war is an outcome, Chaos Lord or not."
Arces knew his job wasn't to just defeat the Chaos Lords, but to prevent war.
Arces said,"I will go imediatly King Alteon."
King Alteon nodded his approval.

Arces left that afternoon.

He traveled for five days before he reached Battleon.
He got a small drink from Yulgar's and left.
He was heading to Darkovia.

He traveled for roughly half a day before he reached the gate to Darkovia.
A werewolve and a vampire were waiting for him.
The vampire gave him a evil look. the werewolve gave the same look.
The werewolve said,"You shall not pass these gates."
The vampire said to the werewolve,"Your lieing flee bag."
The wwere wolve said,"I'm not a flee bag you fossil."
"I'm only two thousand years old mutt."
Arces said,"I'm here by order of King Alteon."
The two looked at him. The vampire said,"You may pass if you deal with a little problem."
"What problem?"Arces asked.
"One of my kin, who died,"the werewolve said,"has been brought back to life. We need you to kill Blightfang. He lies over there,"he said pointing away from the crypt.
The vampire said,"Kill it, and you may pass."
Arces sighed and said,"I'll do it."

Arces found and killed Blightfang.
He returned with his skull.
The two stepped back, and let Arces pass.
Arces stepped through the gates into Darkovia.
DF AQW  Post #: 24
8/3/2011 12:28:13   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 24

Arces was in a forest.
He wondered around until he came to a small camp.
A women was waiting there. She had blonde hair and wore odd clothes.
Arces went up.
She ponited her blade at him and asked,"Who are you?"
Arces said,"I am Arces, servant of Empress Gravelyn."
The women sighed and said,"So your the one they sent."
"Who are you?"
She straitened up and said,"I am Shadowslayer Z."
"A shadowslayer huh?"
"Yes and I require your aid."
"What is it?"
"Firest, to prove I can trust you, go and take down the Rock Lich in the ruins."
Arces nodded, and flew in that direction.

When he arrived, a giant lich was there.
Arces went down, and raised his sword.
He charged.
The lich sent a blast of flame at Arces. It hit him in center of the chest.
Arces looked at his armor. A giant hole was in the chestplate.
Arces sent his own flames at it.
The lich sent another plast, blowing off Arces' top half of his armor.
Arces charged the lich again, sending his blade through it chest.
It burst into flames and vanished.

Arces returned to Shadowslayer Z.
Z blushed when she first Arces.
Arces told her he had won.
After he finished telling her, she said,"Lets get you some new clothes Arces."
Arces nodded, and went into Z's tent.
Z handed him a uniform worn by Shadowslayers.
Arces changed out of his armor, and put on the lighter Shaodwslayer uniform.

Z told him about Wolfwing.
It turned out that Wolfwing was the new Chaos Lord.
Arces toke this in easily.
He said,"What should I do then?"
"We need the aid of the werewolves and vampires."
"So I should try and win them over."
Z nodded.
Arces got up and said,"Then i'll talk to the vampire queen and try to get her on our side."

Arces walked for a couple hours before he reached the vampire queen's castle.
He walked up.
A vampire got in his way.
The vampire was about to attack when he noticed that Arces was not a real Shadowslayer.
Shadowslayers did not look as burdened as Arces did.
The vampire said,"What do you want?"
Arces said,"I wish to speak with your queen."
The vampire said,"What for?"
Arces said,"I have to inform her of something."
The vampire said,"Hand me your sword."
Arces did so.
To vampires, this was a sign of trust.
Arces walked into the castle.

It was over run by Chaos Lycans.
Arces faught them with his fists.
When they were defeated, he went into the queen's throne room.
When he saw her, he saw a beautiful women. Not as beautiful as Gravelyn, but still.
Safiria looked at Arces and said,"What do you wish huamn?"
Arces said,"Queen Safiria I have come to ask for your aid. Wolfwing the werepyre has become a creacher called a Chaos Lord. He seeks toc summon a Chaos Beast, a creacher meant to spread destuction and fear. I ask you aid us."
The vampire queen roled her eyes and said,"Whats the catch?"
Arces said,"You will have to work with the werewolves."
Safiria looked at arces, her face turning from beauty to horror. She said,"You dare think I would work with those mutts?!"
Arces backed away in fear.
Safiria continued,"I will never work with werewolves. You are welcome to go through our lands. But we will not aid you."
Arces sighed and said,"Very well Queen Safiria, i will not force you to aid us. I will leave."
Arces left the throne room.

Arces decided to goto the werewolve's lands.
It was a giant forest with a a giant wolf head shaped cave.
Arces decide to start there.
A lycan popped out and said,"If you wish to see the king, you must first deel with a little pest problem."
Arces sighed and said,"I'll need a sword."
The lycan handed him a sword used by lycan.
Arces went to work.
He faught some charupted vampires hidding in the north.
He returned with each of there helms.
The lycan said,"You may see the king."
Arces walked into the cave.
Two werewolves were fighting.
The old one was being over powered.
The younger one soon won and shouted,'I am your king now. Obey me!"
The lycans and other werewolves let lose a loud howl.

Arces walked up to the new king.
Arces said,"Mighty werewolve king."
The king saiod,"My name is Constantine."
"Constantine. I have come to ask for your aid against Wolfwing."
Constantine said,"I will aid you human."
Arces sighed and said,"You were easier to get aid rom than Safiria thats for sure."
Constantine laughed and said,"Vampires are ful of pride young one. Werewolves have only honor. We have no pride, greed, or anything of the such. We only have honor. We will aid you if our honor or lives are on the line. And both are on the line."
Arces said,"Thats good to hear mighty Constantine."
Constantine said,"We need the aid of the vampires though."
Arces nodded then asked,"Why do you not kill me? I'm dressed like a Shadowslayer."
Constantine laughed and said,"Your to burduned to be a Shadowslayer."
Arces nodded and said,"The only think I can think of to gain the vampire's aid is to go to war with them."
Constantine said,"We will prepair for war then."
Arces nodded, and agreed to fight with the werewolves.
DF AQW  Post #: 25
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