Casters are not revived in 1v1...I promise. The problem with caster builds at high levels (at least for a mage) has always been energy. Having to pick between a malfunction/heal and a level 3 Plasma Bolt/Overload has always made "casting" insignificant. Why? Because where as with Plasma Bolt and Overload your damage potential is around 50 total between the two of them, with malfunction/heal your damage potential can climb to the hundreds. Heal, Malfunction, Bazooka, Gun, Hit, thats around 100 damage for me against a strength BH. However if I had gone with the Overload/Plasma instead, I would have maybe hit around 15-25 each, making my average around 40 damage total, and would have been left with no energy to heal or reclaim health. So the problem with "casting" has never really been power. Its just been that a skill like Plasma Bolt will never be chosen over a skill like Malfunction, or thats the way I see it anyway. While these new "buffs" may be somewhat useful in 2v2, 1v1 has remained relatively unchanged. I tried a caster and it didn't work. I am not saying NO caster build will work, I'm just saying the build I have now will last a lot longer then a caster in most fights. The only skill I will use at this point, is Supercharge. Now there is a skill that can come in handy at level 1, and with the latest buff, I find myself using it more and more. SIDENOTE: I don't think Bounty Hunters were crippled. From what I have heard, the Support requirement is being lowered. Also, I have always felt Strength Bounty Hunter can be particularly hard to beat when in the right hands. I think this "nerf" evened out the class, and brought skill back in to play. Other then that, I think the latest update should have taken 1 week at the most, am disspointed with how long it took to be released, and look forward to some new builds...but not caster builds. Those still don't work. Prophet -Yes, my account has been unbanned. Yay ;P