Something like this was tried in Beta with the EpicDuel Defender achievement, but it backfired. Many players started showing off hacks in public trying to get this achievement so it's been discontinued. There still are the Epic Artist achievement and Lore Master achievements for getting a suggestion item in-game and helping the EpicDuel Wiki respectively. There won't be any cheevos for reporting players or finding hacks (you shouldn't be hacking in the first place), however. It just has too much potential to encourage abuse by people who are seeking an achievement. False reports do take up our time, so if anything we're trying to avoid getting more of those. Now don't get me wrong, the mod team appreciates every report you guys send in! We just don't want you to report people for the wrong reason, and seeking an achievement would be a wrong reason. Reports are there to make the community better so it's in your best interest to report troublemakers anyway. ^^
< Message edited by Ashari -- 8/24/2011 23:50:04 >