I spend a lot of time in the suggestions part of the forums and I have seen a lot of great ideas, unfortunately you can only discuss suggestion ideas through PMs over there. I was hoping to start a place where we could freely discuss any suggestions whether it be battle modes, items, weapons, interface, or anything in-between. This way the suggestion area might get little bit more traffic and the devs can see as a community what ideas have us excited. I’ll get the ball rolling. I have mentioned this a few times, but would like your opinion on Housing and faction HQ items that can be interacted with. Something like a vend bot, or arcade pad that can be placed within your home or HQ. Imagine buying one of these (probably with Varium) and being able to buy health packs at your HQ. How about a discount on health packs or better odds at the arcade because you spent some money on one of these items? How awesome would it be if you faction founder did this for all his members? I think this would be a great way to promote faction bonding and loyalty. A house/HQ item that had a use and that everyone could enjoy!!! I think factions should be simpler. Battle tokens, flags, war cannons, reinforcements are too confusing. Can someone suggest a simpler system? Have you seen any cool weapons suggestions you would like to see in game? Anyways lets throw some ideas around. Have fun and be nice. Discuss. Thanks