Always a Princess
We knew that people would be upset about us giving any gifts to Founders (and that's all it is, a gift. It isn't a reward they earned, it's something nice we are doing in appreciation), but arguing over whether they "deserve" it, or who "deserves" a gift more, in my personal opinion, seems petty. Just because we give a gift to one group doesn't mean we don't appreciate another group just as much. They get appreciation first because they were here first. I hate to single people out, but Fay Beee graciously thanked us on the first page. That's how one should react to receiving a gift, not demand more or complain that you didn't get a gift too. Do you go to someone's birthday party and demand that everyone bring you a gift as well? I'm sorry if I sound angry or defensive, and we do plan to do something extra to appreciate our later supporters, but please behave with a little more decorum.
< Message edited by Cinderella -- 2/24/2012 11:07:23 >