Holds the ring used to summon Djinn:
Order Knights
Dragonfield is the headquarters of the Lords of Order. Located in the center of Doomwood, it contains 14 rooms for the 13 lords of order and their leader as well as guest rooms for those that want to spend the night. There is also an auditorium, research laboratory, library, arena, medical wing, training room, a barber, shops (weapons, items, and house item), as well as holding cells for prisoners and of course a bar/tavern. On top of all that there is a rehabilitation area for those recovering from chaos infection and those seeking to be cured of the chaos infection. In the rehabilitation area, you will find Wolfwing seeking to free his mind from chaorruption. It isn't an easy task, but the science teams are doing what they can. There are also 3 rooms on the top floor. One big room leading to 2 smaller rooms each containing a teleport pad. One to goto Swordhaven Castle and the other to goto Shadowfall. I'll add more when I come up with things to add.
Chaos Lords
Hated Enemy
Clan Council Affiliation None
Clan Website
< Message edited by Lord Sephiroth -- 1/19/2013 0:23:01 >