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=MtAK= Special Delivery!

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5/26/2012 14:59:22   
Postmaster General

Hey everyone! Welcome to my MtAK thread. Before the rules, a little bit about me:

Name's Postmaster General, PMG, Post-it, nicknames go on and on, and I'm the newest addition to the HSGD team. I'm an in-game moderator and tester on both HeroSmash and AdventureQuest worlds. Huge fan of all things parcel-esque. I've been a part of the AE community since around 2006. And I'm very allergic to bad puns... Now for the rules:

1. Obviously, all =Universal Forum Rules= apply.
2.One post per page.
3. No more than 10 questions per post.
4. Of course, I'll reserve the right to not answer any personal questions. So please, don't ask those.

I'll be editing in this color.

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/26/2012 16:58:37 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
5/26/2012 17:06:27   
Mecha Mario
Mechanized Plumber

Hey PMG! Congrats on becoming an AK! Not surprise at all.
I'm honored thank you!
*drops a bag of "insert favorite flavor for PMG's" cookies*
Yumm! M&M cookies!
Already got to know you a bit from testing in HS as well, so that is all!
Yes, well I'll see you there!
-Mario? Is that the answer? :P Not supposed to be an answer. Meant that for your signature in a post. xD Like this -> ~Mecha

< Message edited by Mecha Mario -- 5/26/2012 17:35:30 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
5/26/2012 17:58:24   
Plasma Charge
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Congratulations PMG! =D
Let the Interrogation Questions commence! >:D
Be gentle!
Which would you prefer a suit made out of boxes or a box made out of suits?
Suit made out of boxes, of course! What use do I have for suits?
What are your thoughts on the cylinder parcels used for posters?
Genius, great way to protect them, but don't fit in my mail carrier's bag very well...
Would you like a black and white cat called Jess?
Sure, anything but canine-kind. They're my mortal enemies!
Favourite card game?
Maybe Magic: the Gathering? Love the artwork.
Favourite card?
I actually had a deck once based mostly on Elephant kind so... Elephant cards! :P
Do you have a stamp collection?
Of course! Still missing the rare George Washington Carver stamp of 1879!
Does this count as a question?
Only if this counts as an answer!
Can I get my replies sent by express mail please?
Sure, that'll cost 1.99 USD per reply.
*Place generic filler question here*
Why yes, yes I do!
Yeah that's about all I want to know!
Enjoy your self! =D
Thank ya!
~Plasma Charge

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/26/2012 18:06:02 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
5/26/2012 18:07:14   

Hiyas PMG! :D
Congrats and welcome to AKship!
What kind of ship? o.0
I don't have any questions yet, but I'll keep you posted. /bad pun
Good luck with your new duties, and have fun!
I'll try!

P.S. Beware the Purple mojo...

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/26/2012 18:52:12 >


DF MQ AQW  Post #: 4
5/26/2012 20:46:23   

Hello there, Postmaster.
Tell me. Have you ever seen the look of pain in a man's eyes as everything he stands for is systematically destroyed?
Good. This process is going to a lot like that one.
Tell me... What do you do with the letters addressed to Santa Claus?
Deliver them of course! Though he doesn't actually live in the North Pole, that's a misconception. He moved to the Pacific Rim centuries ago. Much better climate.
And what about when people write letters to God. Where do you send those?
I let my boss, Hermes handle those. I'm still only an apprentice postman compared to him.
If you could travel backward or forward through time to ANY POINT within the next/last year. Where would you want to go?
I can actually! In limited intervals when assisted by Hermes, himself. Probably go to right before lunch. I'm hungry again...
Can you dodge a - *fireball*
Of course. Cake walk.
How about ten? *fires them*
Erm.... That was close.
How about two hundred and eleven of them!? *rapid fire inferno blast attack begins*
*cough,cough* Ouch. /me disintegrates into pile of ash.. yet again.
I hope you realise that in the process of doing that I've burnt down the postal offices... Have a nice day! :D

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/26/2012 20:55:37 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
5/27/2012 4:02:18   
Crystal Lion

How's your delivery service going?
Doing well, though it wasn't when I first started!
Would you like to receive a potato pie/casserole/soup in your mail one day?
Mmm... Soup...
What about a chocolate bar?
Believe it or not, I don't like chocolate at all!
I wouldn't send even my worst enemy anything made with prawns, I can't stand them.
Can you imagine if they were chocolate prawns? *shutters*
Would you like to read about the American Lions?
I actually have! I have a weird fascination with cryptozoology and prehistoric mammals. My HS alt is actually named Cryptoid! :P

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/27/2012 4:06:50 >


Sent away to a leper colony like everyone who once loved Herosmash.
Post #: 6
5/27/2012 4:19:52   

Could you feed my robo pet?
Not usually a caretaker, but I'll make an exception. So long as it isn't a robo-dog!
What time do you always play in HS in GMT?
16:00-21:00 GMT usually.
Can you withstand the cold me and the hot me?
I DO have a fairly high tolerance!
Crashes you with a big PUNdamental kick and hugs :D

< Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 5/27/2012 6:34:12 >


Post #: 7
5/27/2012 4:46:29   
Crystal Lion

Ok, I won't send you chocolates. How about vanilla candies?
Tisk, Tisk. A second post on the same page? >.> I could certainly enjoy some vanilla candies.
I meant the American Lions in Super City, although I did have a bit of cryptid pun in the title.
Ah, then I'm afraid I'm a bit out of the loop! ~PMG

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/27/2012 13:40:17 >
Post #: 8
5/27/2012 5:35:44   

Questions for the Postmaster!
Answers for the blank!
What is your favourite postal service?
My own of course!
Where do you frequent in HS the most?
I usually play around midday.
With the rise of the Internet and mobile phones, instant messaging and texts are becoming more of the norm and the art of the letter is dying out. Discuss?
While the letter may be dying out, and the rise of spammy junk mail is taking over, the services are focusing more on packages and parcels. I will evolve and adapt with the rest of the market.
Does the phrase "post haste" really come from someone wanted their mail posted quickly?
I had wondered that as well, and the best answer I could find was it came "from the direction ‘haste, post, haste’, formerly given on letters."
Is a general Postmaster below a Postmaster General?
Of course! General Postmasters don't have super powers now do they?
Is there a general Postmaster General?
I suppose! Postmaster General is a true position in the U.S. Gov't. So I would assume that a general Postmaster General would be the holder of that title, there.
In general terms, what's the most pasta you've ever eaten?
Too much! When I sit down in front of a plate of spaghetti I can't control myself! :P

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/27/2012 13:51:48 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 9
5/27/2012 12:56:35   

Ah! A new HS AK! I guess I should say welcome, and avoid the clowns.
Me no like clowns. Can't trust 'em. They can have a tear and the biggest smile on their face at the same time!
Trust me, it's good advice.
I shall heed your warning!
Eventful forum.
Indeed, let it ever grow and prosper.
You should watch us in the Character Discussion Thread, we're pretty crazy.
I've noticed. I needed a daily dose of head spinning :P
Most of us write stories too, you should check them out.
Perhaps I will share mine as well. Just need to actually type it.. The summary is 4 pages long...
That bad?
Well, bye. Congrats on becoming an AK. 47. <.<
>.> Thank ya.
~Lady Zafara

< Message edited by Arachnid -- 5/27/2012 16:56:40 >
AQW  Post #: 10
5/27/2012 13:07:58   

(A man Teleports out of nowhere) Greetings.
0.o *stumbles back*
If I may be so bold as to ask, hero or villain?
Hero all the way. For the good of Super City!
Because if you are planning on something like world domination or whatnot, then allow me to introduce myself. My name is The Dealer, and I provide items of questionable legality to people of questionable morality. My company is the big name around these parts. Just in case you feel my services are needed.
I'll be keeping my eye on you..
If you are a hero however, I must point out that according to the legal laws of our fair city and country, I operate entirely under legal circumstances, and even if something was found to be unsatisfactory I have some VERY good legal people.
Super heroes rarely meddle in legal affairs. All the same, I'm watching..


These seem to be a big problem! Are they Zazul's clowns?
This is good advice. Keep to it.
Will do!
Bye for now!
See ya!

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/27/2012 14:05:26 >
DF  Post #: 11
5/27/2012 17:36:05   
Gone with the wind

Ohey! Congrats and welcome! Great to have you on board! ^^
Thank ya! Good to be here!
Favorite color?
Green! Or maybe Gold...
Fried strawberries or blenderized shrimp?
Hmmm.... Don't like shrimp because of the texture. But maybe blenderized would be different... Still gotta go with Strawberries.
You like the shiny hammers? ;)
Yea, but I dropped one on my toe..
Favorite superhero?
Captain Planet!!
How do I open the gate to Moria? D:
Answer the riddle of course!
If you're scared half to death twice, what happens? :o
You're 1/6000 away from death, due to the slow rate of regeneration, you'd regain a little bit in between :)
'tis all! Good luck! :D
See ya!

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/27/2012 17:40:49 >
MQ  Post #: 12
5/27/2012 17:47:48   

Hey Duncan. Congratulations and welcome to the ArchKnights!
Hey Shump! Thank ya!
Good luck with your new position and see you around.
Most certainly!
Always be my little shumpy to me :P

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/27/2012 17:50:22 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 13
5/27/2012 18:26:20   
Master Kage

From behind you, you hear the sound of a house key keep being dragged up and down on the string of a grand piano...

You turn around and see what looks to be a well dressed young man with an old-fashioned police box... He reaches in his pocket and takes out a scrap of paper... He quickly reads out the contents of what seems to be an ordinary sheet of lined paper... You are too stunned to hear the contents, however. After the man is finished, he hands you the paper, returns to the police box... Both the box and the man vanish...

The contents of the paper are here:

Greeting Postmaster General/Sheriff Duncan.
Congratulations on you becoming an "Archknight."
Thank you very much!
Now... Just two questions.
1) Did you believe you would become an Archknight (AK)?
I did not expect it, no. But I am certainly grateful! :P
2) Do- Gah... I forgot the question...
A side-effect of time travel...
Au revoir, then. *throws Postmaster a "Time" cookie. ;)
See you later! Or earlier...

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/27/2012 18:41:45 >
Post #: 14
5/27/2012 18:58:03   

*Within you`r mind you hear a cackling laughter and see a purple face with tentacles for hair. The face begins to speak within you`r mind.*

Why good day Postmaster! I am Darkness Vile King! I have entered you`r mind for a chat! *More cackling laughter.*
Hope it's not too cramped. You and the other voices are probably short on room!
I see you have meet my boss and good friend The Dealer!
Indeed I have. I'll be watching you too, now!
You will probably end up seeing me allot what with all the robotic suplleys I order, and all the forms I mail out for work.
A postmaster's job is never done!

What is the weirdest thing you have found in you`r mail bag?
An alligator claw. Idk what anyone would want with that...
How far away have you delivered to?
All over the globe! My superpowers of super speed and flight make it somewhat doable!

What`s Hermes like?
He NEVER stops joking around... Hard to tell if he's serious or not.
What excattly is you`r super power?
Flight and Super Speed. Occasionally Hermes will assist me and our combined powers allow me to break time barriers and travel through time. But only when there is work to be done.
Beware the purplish clown of chaos!
More clowns? 0.o
Well I will exit you`r mind...... FOR NOW! Oh and you might have a headache for a while. *The laughing stops and the face disappears.*
Grrr... the insidious headache!

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/27/2012 19:17:22 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
5/27/2012 21:00:18   

*Special Delivery ... You're got mail!*
Indeed I do, and I need to deliver it!
Hai there!
*Hands some cookies* Now play EpicDuel. :D
Mm.... Cookies! :D I do play from time to time!
Cya around!

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/27/2012 22:41:33 >
Post #: 16
5/27/2012 21:46:54   
Rune Knight

Hey there, Postmaster!
Hai thar!
No questions from me; just wanted to congratulate you.
But... But... I wanted questions!
Best of luck on your new position. ^_^
Thank ya!
*Disappears in a flash of lightning*

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/27/2012 22:42:55 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
5/27/2012 21:57:14   
star screamer

*A black and purple portal appears that leads to the Underworld.*

....I sense a terrible presence.

Greetings Mr Postmaster! My name's Star Screamer, and I wanted to congratulate
you on becoming an AK.

Well met Star Screamer!

Oh and you shouldn't mind the clowns, we only want to rip people limb from limb. (Note that I am not the one the others are talking about, he's my boss.)


How do you feel about someone who enjoys the words Kill, maim, murder, slaughter, stab, shoot, gun,
knife, and cut.

Villainous! Also be wary that you follow forum rules, don't want anything not forum appropriate!

How do you like mints, if you don't like 'em I'll kill some random squirrel!

I love mints! I'll say it! Just not the squirrel!

I like green and purple!

I do too!

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/27/2012 22:48:29 >


AQW  Post #: 18
5/27/2012 23:06:37   
Advocator of Wills

Hello, and congrats on your new shackles.
Thanks, I kinda wanna bedazzle them :P
Do you happen to go around in HS and deliver virtual letters? :P
Indeed. And Justice.
Favorite book/author?
Hard to choose. Love so many! Maybe George Orwell?
No further questions, best of luck to you and enjoy your shackles! D:
I'll try. Little tight, but no complaints.
Fare thee well. *Jumps off the edge of a cliff and lands on a haystack*

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/27/2012 23:12:48 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 19
5/28/2012 0:30:49   
Jessa K

Heya, Postmaster! My name's Jessa. Congrats on becoming an AK!
Well met! Thank you very much!
Do you have a favorite type of weapon?
Spears and polearms! I'm a huge fan of the dragoon style fighting style (not necessarily the kind seen in AQW) and the Jumping ability.
Do you like cookies?
I do, but not a big fan of chocolate.
What type?
Exception to my previous statement, I love M&M cookies!
What art program do you use?
Adobe Flash CS5.5, Illustrator, Photoshop, Corel Painter essentials, Manga Studio Debut, it all depends on what type of illustrations I'm looking to do.
You reeeeeaaaalllly should stay away from the clowns.
I will not take these warnings lightly!
Thanks, and have a nice day!
You too!

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/28/2012 0:53:08 >
AQW  Post #: 20
5/28/2012 1:43:35   

/me acts cool, glaring at PMG
/me completely geeks out that the great drDOT came to my MtAK!
/me goes back to acting cool
/me faints

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/28/2012 1:47:42 >
AQW  Post #: 21
5/28/2012 2:04:08   

*Appears in a flash of fire right next to you...burning off most of your hair...and eyebrows..*
Hiya! Congrats on your Akship!...*Looks at burned off areas* No need to worry about that. I've brought terrifying questions that may make you tear out the rest.
Thanks, but my hair....
*Pulls out Random Chest that stumbles, mumbles, but doesn't crumble!* Yep, this chest...this chest is random. It can be anything.
...Most likely life threatening things though. So go ahead! Open up the chest... *It shakes as you go near it*
A chest, eh?
*Waits for you to open it*
*You get sucked into hyperspace, only.. You are in a area surrounded by evil ponies, pink, monsters, horrible music, nightmares, and questions!*
*You hear- "We are going to play a game!" Then suddenly, you hear a tremendous sound of a chest snapping shut*
I wuv games!
*You find yourself in a room*... *Steam fills the room and you hear the small yet menacing sound of hooves knocking against wood*
1) What's your favorite time?
Dinner time!
*The sound of hooves knocking against wood gets louder, the steam clears but with it, the air. It becomes increasingly hot, and with each second you feel the air escaping you.*
2) My name is 1412. Can you guess the significance of 2:12 Pm?
No clue?
*The hooves finally knock down the door, and you hear something leap at you. But before it reaches you, and before you run out of your last breath of air. You are whisked
elsewhere. Your vision is blurry but it finally turns back to normal, and you are standing in a town, looking up at a towering watch tower that just hit 2:12 PM. You feel
a bit fuzzy yourself, adjusting back to your body you get up.*
3) Are you liking this game?
Indeed! More more more!
*Suddenly rain begins to pour heavily, and then..arrows follow the rain. Hitting houses and some fall right beside you, but only hitting the ground. You hear the sound of galloping once more. But accompanied by it, you hear squeaks...constant squeaking. It gets louder and louder until your ears are ringing.*
4) What exactly is a postmaster? Have you sufficiently mastered the art of mail?
I am indeed a master of all things postal. But the name is a real position in the U.S. Gov't.
*Time stops inside the hyperspace and you are warped outside of the chest* How was it in there? I do intend for you to go back. There is something in there I need,
and I want you to find it for me.
Another game :))
Which would you rather do next time? The same thing or a fill in the blank adventure? Well, see ya and congrats on the Akship!
0.o Fill in the blank! And thank you kindly!

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/28/2012 3:17:03 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
5/28/2012 17:47:31   
Clown the Jester

Heh heh heh...

Ah! A new HS AK! I guess I should say welcome, and avoid the clowns.

Hee hee hee ffnnkk...Ha ha...HA HA HA! HOO HOO HOO!





Beware the purplish clown of chaos!

Heh heh heh…lavender…purple…violent violet. HOO HOO!


These seem to be a big problem! Are they Zazul's clowns?

Heh heh…no my good friend…I do believe they are referring to something a bit more…HEE HEE…comically morbid. Heh heh heh…


Oh and you shouldn't mind the clowns, we only want to rip people limb from limb. (Note that I am not the one the others are talking about, he's my boss.)



You reeeeeaaaalllly should stay away from the clowns.


WECLOME! HOO HOO HOO! WELCOME POSTMASTER GENERAL! HEE HEE! Welcome to our little community. Welcome the Madness and INSANITY! And more importantly...welcome to my little...heh heh...Sandbox.
I smell insanity.....
Heh heh heh...Its nice to see that I've made such a pleasant heh heh...impression. HEE HEE! Its so strange why people don't like us Clowns. Why do they fear our grotesque grins? Our demented eyes? Or our homicidal natures? They may hate us...heh heh...But we...love...them.
Indeed your reputation preceeds you!
Hehe.... I guess the laughter's contagious..

Its a pleasure to see another snappy dresser appear on the forums. Heh heh...I can appreciate a person with good taste. HEE HEE HEE! I like post offices...reorganizing the letters, licking the envelopes...heh heh...delivering punchlines...HOO HOO!
You deliver punchlines, I deliver JUSTICE!

It warms my heart that your services will be on the forum. Heh heh...I had some...Heh heh... quarrelsome problems with my old UPS Man...HEE HEE...tried to tell me I had to stamp some packages...heh heh...well...my next delivery...heh heh...I made sure to give my package the required number of stamps with me old hammer...but I gave a few extra generous ones ta-boot. HOO HOO!

I forget exactly what I mailed...hm...OH YA! I was mailing a big old boxed coffin to the city morgue...and what was under all stamps? Why my old UPS Man.
You feind!

So lets get to questions...a little 20Q if you will.

1. Heh heh...Are you on my side...or their side?
My side being the Chaotic, anarchists, freaks and those who love good Jokes. Their side: Order, Good, and Evil. True you have said you are a hero…but from what I’ve seen, the heroes are nothing different than the villains. They destroy. They scheme. They kill. True they don’t try to rule the world…but they do manipulate those they protect to make the citizens weak and dependent on the aid of the heroes.

I fight for justice, and never kill. I help repair, not destroy. You suggest a false dichotomy that I do not subscribe to, for I employ myself for the good of all! I'm going POSTAL!

And as we have seen from the Siege in the Park and the Death Games, in the war of Heroes and villains…it’s the civilians that suffer. Ya see….my Chaos Carnival…we try to end the disease that is good and evil. Noone is truly good…and no one is truly evil. Ya see…through my actions…I am trying to remove the differences that stand between these selfish ideologies…ya see? I do what I do not to destroy the world…I do it to save the world…through chaos…I can create peace. I’m just trying to fix the world…don’t you want to save the world with me?

That is not saving the world.... villain.

2. Would you like to hear a joke?

A mailman has to deliver a letter to a Clown. He sees a big old fence surrounding the Clown’s Circus tent with a big vicious hyena lurking around within the fence area. The Mailman sees the Clown that is waiting for the letter that the mailman is holding in his hands. However, there doesn’t seem to be any way to get the letter to the Clown without climbing the fence and dropping down next to the giggling hyena.

Running low on options the mailman calls out, “Does your hyena bite?”

The Clown shakes his head and says, “Bite? My hyena? No sir...not my hyena. I raised him with good strong Midwestern family values. He’s a gentle as a kitten.”

Satisfied with the reply, the mailman hopes the fence and drops down next to the hyena. No sooner did his feet touch the ground, the hyena lunged at the mailman and sinks his sharp fangs into the mailman’s leg.

Screaming in agony, the mailman cries out to the Clown, “You told me your hyena doesn’t bite. NOW LOOK! He’s eating me!”

The Clown shakes his head and giggles with amusement.

“No no no. I told you, my hyena doesn’t bite,” The Clown corrected, collecting his letter and signing the mailman’s clipboard. “Thing is…that’s not MY hyena.”


Heh heh heh...love that Joke. HEE HEE...gets me every time.

Indeed clever, though I've heard similar ones before.

3. Now how about a little truth or dare? Huh? A little fun right? HEE HEE…right. So what will it be? Truth or dare? OOOH CHOICES CHOICES! HOO HOO HOO! Isn’t it grand? Having multiple choice…almost as much fun as multiple personalities. HEE HEE HEE HEE HOO HOO HOO!

My one weakness! Independence and free-will!

Dare: I dare you to find a guy named Drakkoniss…guys my archenemy and favorite Super City Friend. HEE HEE…Anyway…I dare you to find Drakkoniss…and bring him to his knees in PVP. HOO HOO HOO! (Note: This isn’t a mean request because he and I are archenemies because we are so similar and enjoy the challenge of the game. I just like sending new threats his way.)

I'll have to pass. I'm bloody rotten at PvP... So, Truth!

Truth: A lot of people have warned you to fear us Clowns and told you we’re up to no good…my question is…do you fear us anymore than the ones who warned you that we were monsters? Sure we look weird…but atleast you can see our dark natures…what of them? You wouldn’t see em coming. After all...who set your hair on fire? Glared at you? Invaded your mind?

The world is filled with evil, all must be stopped. And so my fears make no difference, justice will prevail!

Whose to be truly afraid of? The Clown who reveals his true nature to you willingly? Or the people who try to scare you and hurt you secretly?

Heh heh heh….HEE HEE HEE HA HA HA!

Oh…by the way….congragulations.


Thank you!

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/29/2012 14:21:53 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 23
5/29/2012 0:51:51   

Hello, Postmaster General.

Congratulations on the AKship. Well deserved!
Thank you very much.
I hardly ever visit the Hero Smash forums, however I just came to say a friendly congrats.
I appreciate you stopping by, and hope that you continue to poke around!
Have a nice day!
And to you!
~ Zeru.

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/29/2012 14:23:43 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 24
5/29/2012 5:45:05   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

Well hey there Postmaster!
Heya Digital X!
Are you really a master of the Post? As my mail didn't arrive this morning :(
Hmm.. I'll look into it.
Do you have a favourite AE game, if so, why?
It's hard to say. I like certain aspects of almost every game! The writing of AQ, the strategical sides of MQ, the art-showcasing of DF, the animation in AQW and HS, just to name a few.
Have you ever run any cross country races?
Not exactly, though I was in cross-country during school for a short while.
Do you have a favourite brand of cereal?
Mhm! Life cereal! Or maybe cream of wheat.
And to finish off..Tea or Coffee?
Randor actually recently re-ignited my love of tea! Not a big fan of coffee.

< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/29/2012 14:27:27 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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