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RE: Armors

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7/13/2012 6:04:53   
Still Alive~

It has a skill, though.

...or, it has a skill menu, at least. Neither the skill button or back button work.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 51
7/13/2012 6:05:26   


Fully offensive with slightly lower accuracy

Aha, I knew it. Wonder how it fares in comparison with Morningstar.
Post #: 52
7/13/2012 6:06:45   

Nothing mentions it has a skill. I'll see if Dev of Kam can fix that and either give it one if it's supposed to or more than likely remove it if it doesn't.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 53
7/13/2012 6:08:33   
Phoenix Angel

It's card attack is now an SP skill.
So it should have one once it gets fixed.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 54
7/13/2012 6:09:02   
Still Alive~

Well, Dev told me it has a skill, so I guess it's just broken.

Ah well, it'll be fixed sometime.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 55
7/13/2012 6:10:47   

Still, the attack is very impressive, and for what else it can offer, it's a very good armor overall. Resists to both Earth and Light are questionable (in terms of choice, not how low they are), but hey, it's fully offensive. :P
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 56
7/13/2012 9:00:02   
Legendary AK!!!


Images with the updated armor art:

used. ~B



Used, thanks! ~K

< Message edited by Koree -- 4/9/2013 5:38:33 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 57
7/13/2012 12:13:27   

So shadow still is a defencive armour weird i do a lot of dmg on it.

< Message edited by TRISH1337 -- 7/13/2012 12:26:09 >
Post #: 58
7/13/2012 13:54:43   

Any info on the skill for Jester?

Also, it's not MC is it? If not, what is the penalty for having a skill and not being MC?
AQ AQW  Post #: 59
7/13/2012 16:22:43   
Dreiko Shadrack

Jester's skill seems to be 3 hits of weapon element, damage appears to be not much higher than the regular attack so I'll hazard a guess of *1.2.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 60
7/13/2012 16:35:48   
The Big Guy

The Overlord armor's ability mentions Virtual Stat, but it isn't listed like some of the other weapons that use it. Can that be added?
AQ DF  Post #: 61
7/13/2012 17:21:50   
Tep Itaki

A question on the Twilight's armor. Is the attack only a single hit because I'm only getting 1 hit from the armor itself. I need a staff conformation if the twilight's mantle attack was converted into 1 instead of 2 during the revamp

Nevermind, it seems to be intentional.

< Message edited by Tep Itaki -- 7/13/2012 22:28:59 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 62
7/13/2012 17:36:38   
The Reckoning

Jester special is 4 hits, not 3. Total damage is RegularAttackDamage*2*(0.8 for following wep element)*(0.95 for compression).
AQ AQW  Post #: 63
7/13/2012 19:40:33   
Immortal God

For the Jester armors what are the sp costs?
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 64
7/14/2012 0:11:29   

512 or so SP for the highest one...

also, is the Jester armor working properly? CIT doesnt show up on the bottom so is the attack getting a boost?
AQ AQW  Post #: 65
7/14/2012 0:47:24   
The Reckoning


Yes it is. Armor/weapon will show up on the bottom as soon as someone who can roll files to the live server returns. SP Cost is 1.2*Standard SP cost for all versions.

Got it. Thank you! ~B

< Message edited by Balu -- 7/22/2012 10:36:02 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 66
7/14/2012 16:54:20   


boreal bolt plate has seen it's prices changed
lvl 120: 1'922'505 gold; sellback 961'252 gold
lvl 105: 401'854 gold
G lvl 90: 84'031 gold
lvl 75: 17'605 gold
lvl 60: 3'721 gold
G lvl 45: 820 gold
lvl 30: 213 gold
Z lvl 15: 700 Tokens

Updated during the reward sweep. ~B

< Message edited by Balu -- 8/31/2012 9:48:57 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 67
7/14/2012 17:07:15   

@above: You don't need to tell them, because they're still updating the prices i think.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 68
7/15/2012 2:14:49   
The Reckoning


"Resolute Gatekeeper"/"Tenacious Gatekeeper"/"Intrepid Gatekeeper"/"Stalwart Gatekeeper"/"Undaunted Gatekeeper"/"Valiant Gatekeeper"/"Indomitable Gatekeeper"/"Insurmountable Gatekeeper"
Description: “The hybrid armor of Halliphax, Gatekeeper of Alnaphar, combines the raw power of the Overlord Set with the stealth of the Twilight Set. It wields the abilities of both sets, though at a reduced rate.”
Stats are a hybrid of Overlord and Twilight sets, with a Dark focus, Fire/Light secondary, Energy tertiary, Melee highest, Ranged secondary, low Magic
Mastercrafted item
Has the abilities of Overlord and Twilight armors at half-rate
Level	11	40	62	80	95	110	125	140
Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
PLvl	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	150			
Base	235	280	325	370	415	460	505	550
Random	235	280	325	370	415	460	505	550
Stat	397	496	595	694	793	892	991	1090
BtH	5	7	9	11	13	15	16	18
Fire	85	80	76	75	71	67	62	57
Water	94	92	92	92	91	91	90	90
Ice	94	92	92	92	91	91	90	90
Wind	91	89	88	88	88	87	85	84
Earth 	91	89	88	88	88	87	85	84
Energy	90	87	84	83	80	76	72	68
Light 	85	80	76	75	71	67	62	57
Dark	75	67	61	56	51	47	42	40								
Melee	37	40	42	45	47	49	51	53
Ranged	35	38	40	43	45	47	49	51
Magic	33	36	38	41	43	45	47	49
MCArmP	715	1540	3355	7315	8525	9955	11550	13475

Got the info. Thank you! ~B

< Message edited by Balu -- 7/22/2012 4:58:13 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 69
7/15/2012 4:00:38   

The Twilight series of armours have 2 attacks. One attack that deals 85% damage 70% of the time. And a second attack that deals 135% damage 30% of the time.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 70
7/15/2012 21:50:28   

When you have the full twilight set qeuipped, and the armor uses its perfect dodge skill, the message pops out:

"The full power of your Twilight Set swiftly melts into the shadows!"
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 71
7/15/2012 22:06:20   


Image for Gatekeeper.

Used. Thank you! ~B

< Message edited by Balu -- 7/22/2012 4:58:43 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 72
7/16/2012 11:26:24   
Bu Kek Siansu


Resolute Gatekeeper

Also see Tenacious Gatekeeper, Intrepid Gatekeeper, Stalwart Gatekeeper, Undaunted Gatekeeper, Valiant Gatekeeper, Indomitable Gatekeeper, Insurmountable Gatekeeper

Level: 11
Power Level: 45, Mastercaft
Price: 715 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 643 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 357 Z-Tokens
Location: Z-Token Item Shop
Element: Neutral

Melee: 37
Ranged: 35
Magic: 33

Fire: 85%
Water: 95%
Wind: 91%
Ice: 95%
Earth: 91%
Energy: 90%
Light: 85%
Darkness: 75%

Hits: 2
Type: «As weapon»
Element: «As weapon»
Damage: 117.5% Base, 117.5% Random, and 198.5% Stats each
BTH: +5 plus Stats each
Rate: 33%

Hits: 1
Type: «As weapon»
Element: «As weapon»
Damage: 240.66% Base, 240.66% Random, and 406.57% Stats
BTH: +3 plus Stats
Rate: 33%

Hits: 2
Type: «As weapon»
Element: «As weapon»
Damage: 114.8% Base, 114.8% Random, and 193.94% Stats each
BTH: +7 plus Stats each
Rate: 33%

  • This armor has 3 attacks, each with a chance of 33% of happening. One is normal damage, one is -2 BtH with *85/83 to damage and one is +2 BtH with *85/87 to damage. This has already been calculated into above numbers.

    The hybrid armor of Hallipax, Gatekeeper of Alnaphar, is a cross of Reign Plate and the Shadow Cloack. Possesses three attacks, each with bonuses.

    Numbers, description and image thanks to BlackAces. Additional thanks to Balu.

    Tenacious Gatekeeper

    Also see Resolute Gatekeeper, Intrepid Gatekeeper, Stalwart Gatekeeper, Undaunted Gatekeeper, Valiant Gatekeeper, Indomitable Gatekeeper, Insurmountable Gatekeeper

    Level: 40
    Power Level: 60, Mastercaft
    Price: 1,540 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 1,386 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 770 Z-Tokens
    Location: Z-Token Item Shop
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: 40
    Ranged: 38
    Magic: 36

    Fire: 80%
    Water: 92%
    Wind: 89%
    Ice: 92%
    Earth: 89%
    Energy: 87%
    Light: 80%
    Darkness: 67%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 140% Base, 140% Random, and 248% Stats each
    BTH: +7 plus Stats each
    Rate: 33%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 286.75% Base, 286.75% Random, and 507.95% Stats
    BTH: +5 plus Stats
    Rate: 33%

    ATTACK #3
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 136.78% Base, 136.78% Random, and 242.3% Stats each
    BTH: +9 plus Stats each
    Rate: 33%

  • This armor has 3 attacks, each with a chance of 33% of happening. One is normal damage, one is -2 BtH with *85/83 to damage and one is +2 BtH with *85/87 to damage. This has already been calculated into above numbers.

    The hybrid armor of Hallipax, Gatekeeper of Alnaphar, is a cross of Reign Plate and the Shadow Cloack. Possesses three attacks, each with bonuses.

    Numbers, description and image thanks to BlackAces. Additional thanks to Balu.

    Intrepid Gatekeeper

    Also see Resolute Gatekeeper, Tenacious Gatekeeper, Stalwart Gatekeeper, Undaunted Gatekeeper, Valiant Gatekeeper, Indomitable Gatekeeper, Insurmountable Gatekeeper

    Level: 62
    Power Level: 75, Mastercaft
    Price: 3,355 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 3,019 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 1,677 Z-Tokens
    Location: Z-Token Item Shop
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: 42
    Ranged: 40
    Magic: 38

    Fire: 76%
    Water: 92%
    Wind: 88%
    Ice: 92%
    Earth: 88%
    Energy: 84%
    Light: 76%
    Darkness: 61%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 162.5% Base, 162.5% Random, and 297.5% Stats each
    BTH: +9 plus Stats each
    Rate: 33%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 332.83% Base, 332.83% Random, and 609.34% Stats
    BTH: +7 plus Stats
    Rate: 33%

    ATTACK #3
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 158.76% Base, 158.76% Random, and 290.66% Stats each
    BTH: +11 plus Stats each
    Rate: 33%

  • This armor has 3 attacks, each with a chance of 33% of happening. One is normal damage, one is -2 BtH with *85/83 to damage and one is +2 BtH with *85/87 to damage. This has already been calculated into above numbers.

    The hybrid armor of Hallipax, Gatekeeper of Alnaphar, is a cross of Reign Plate and the Shadow Cloack. Possesses three attacks, each with bonuses.

    Numbers, description and image thanks to BlackAces. Additional thanks to Balu.

    Stalwart Gatekeeper

    Also see Resolute Gatekeeper, Tenacious Gatekeeper, Intrepid Gatekeeper, Undaunted Gatekeeper, Valiant Gatekeeper, Indomitable Gatekeeper, Insurmountable Gatekeeper

    Level: 80
    Power Level: 90, Mastercaft
    Price: 7,315 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 6,583 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 3,657 Z-Tokens
    Location: Z-Token Item Shop
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: 45
    Ranged: 43
    Magic: 41

    Fire: 75%
    Water: 92%
    Wind: 88%
    Ice: 92%
    Earth: 88%
    Energy: 83%
    Light: 75%
    Darkness: 56%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 185% Base, 185% Random, and 347% Stats each
    BTH: +11 plus Stats each
    Rate: 33%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 378.92% Base, 378.92% Random, and 710.72% Stats
    BTH: +9 plus Stats
    Rate: 33%

    ATTACK #3
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 180.75% Base, 180.75% Random, and 339% Stats each
    BTH: +13 plus Stats each
    Rate: 33%

  • This armor has 3 attacks, each with a chance of 33% of happening. One is normal damage, one is -2 BtH with *85/83 to damage and one is +2 BtH with *85/87 to damage. This has already been calculated into above numbers.

    The hybrid armor of Hallipax, Gatekeeper of Alnaphar, is a cross of Reign Plate and the Shadow Cloack. Possesses three attacks, each with bonuses.

    Numbers, description and image thanks to BlackAces. Additional thanks to Balu.

    Undaunted Gatekeeper

    Also see Resolute Gatekeeper, Tenacious Gatekeeper, Intrepid Gatekeeper, Stalwart Gatekeeper, Valiant Gatekeeper, Indomitable Gatekeeper, Insurmountable Gatekeeper

    Level: 95
    Power Level: 105, Mastercaft
    Price: 8,525 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 7,672 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 4,262 Z-Tokens
    Location: Z-Token Item Shop
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: 47
    Ranged: 45
    Magic: 43

    Fire: 71%
    Water: 91%
    Wind: 88%
    Ice: 91%
    Earth: 88%
    Energy: 80%
    Light: 71%
    Darkness: 51%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 207.5% Base, 207.5% Random, and 396.5% Stats each
    BTH: +13 plus Stats each
    Rate: 33%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 425% Base, 425% Random, and 812.11% Stats
    BTH: +11 plus Stats
    Rate: 33%

    ATTACK #3
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 202.73% Base, 202.73% Random, and 387.39% Stats each
    BTH: +15 plus Stats each
    Rate: 33%

  • This armor has 3 attacks, each with a chance of 33% of happening. One is normal damage, one is -2 BtH with *85/83 to damage and one is +2 BtH with *85/87 to damage. This has already been calculated into above numbers.

    The hybrid armor of Hallipax, Gatekeeper of Alnaphar, is a cross of Reign Plate and the Shadow Cloack. Possesses three attacks, each with bonuses.

    Numbers, description and image thanks to BlackAces. Additional thanks to Balu.

    Valiant Gatekeeper

    Also see Resolute Gatekeeper, Tenacious Gatekeeper, Intrepid Gatekeeper, Stalwart Gatekeeper, Undaunted Gatekeeper, Indomitable Gatekeeper, Insurmountable Gatekeeper

    Level: 110
    Power Level: 120, Mastercaft
    Price: 9,955 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 8,959 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 4,977 Z-Tokens
    Location: Z-Token Item Shop
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: 49
    Ranged: 47
    Magic: 45

    Fire: 67%
    Water: 91%
    Wind: 87%
    Ice: 91%
    Earth: 87%
    Energy: 76%
    Light: 67%
    Darkness: 47%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 230% Base, 230% Random, and 446% Stats each
    BTH: +15 plus Stats each
    Rate: 33%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 471.1% Base, 471.1% Random, and 913.49% Stats
    BTH: +13 plus Stats
    Rate: 33%

    ATTACK #3
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 224.71% Base, 224.71% Random, and 435.75% Stats each
    BTH: +17 plus Stats each
    Rate: 33%

  • This armor has 3 attacks, each with a chance of 33% of happening. One is normal damage, one is -2 BtH with *85/83 to damage and one is +2 BtH with *85/87 to damage. This has already been calculated into above numbers.

    The hybrid armor of Hallipax, Gatekeeper of Alnaphar, is a cross of Reign Plate and the Shadow Cloack. Possesses three attacks, each with bonuses.

    Numbers, description and image thanks to BlackAces. Additional thanks to Balu.

    Indomitable Gatekeeper

    Also see Resolute Gatekeeper, Tenacious Gatekeeper, Intrepid Gatekeeper, Stalwart Gatekeeper, Undaunted Gatekeeper, Valiant Gatekeeper, Insurmountable Gatekeeper

    Level: 125
    Power Level: 135, Mastercaft
    Price: 11,550 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 10,395 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 5,775 Z-Tokens
    Location: Z-Token Item Shop
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: 51
    Ranged: 49
    Magic: 47

    Fire: 62%
    Water: 90%
    Wind: 85%
    Ice: 90%
    Earth: 85%
    Energy: 72%
    Light: 62%
    Darkness: 42%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 252.5% Base, 252.5% Random, and 495.5% Stats each
    BTH: +16 plus Stats each
    Rate: 33%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 517.17% Base, 517.17% Random, and 1014.88% Stats
    BTH: +14 plus Stats
    Rate: 33%

    ATTACK #3
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 246.7% Base, 246.7% Random, and 484.11% Stats each
    BTH: +18 plus Stats each
    Rate: 33%

  • This armor has 3 attacks, each with a chance of 33% of happening. One is normal damage, one is -2 BtH with *85/83 to damage and one is +2 BtH with *85/87 to damage. This has already been calculated into above numbers.

    The hybrid armor of Hallipax, Gatekeeper of Alnaphar, is a cross of Reign Plate and the Shadow Cloack. Possesses three attacks, each with bonuses.

    Numbers, description and image thanks to BlackAces. Additional thanks to Balu.

    Insurmountable Gatekeeper

    Also see Resolute Gatekeeper, Tenacious Gatekeeper, Intrepid Gatekeeper, Stalwart Gatekeeper, Undaunted Gatekeeper, Valiant Gatekeeper, Indomitable Gatekeeper

    Level: 140
    Power Level: 150, Mastercaft
    Price: 13,475 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 12,127 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 6,737 Z-Tokens
    Location: Z-Token Item Shop
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: 53
    Ranged: 51
    Magic: 49

    Fire: 57%
    Water: 90%
    Wind: 84%
    Ice: 90%
    Earth: 84%
    Energy: 68%
    Light: 57%
    Darkness: 40%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 275% Base, 275% Random, and 545% Stats each
    BTH: +18 plus Stats each
    Rate: 33%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 563.25% Base, 563.25% Random, and 1116.27% Stats
    BTH: +16 plus Stats
    Rate: 33%

    ATTACK #3
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: 268.68% Base, 268.68% Random, and 532.47% Stats each
    BTH: +20 plus Stats each
    Rate: 33%

  • This armor has 3 attacks, each with a chance of 33% of happening. One is normal damage, one is -2 BtH with *85/83 to damage and one is +2 BtH with *85/87 to damage. This has already been calculated into above numbers.

    The hybrid armor of Hallipax, Gatekeeper of Alnaphar, is a cross of Reign Plate and the Shadow Cloack. Possesses three attacks, each with bonuses.

    Numbers, description and image thanks to BlackAces. Additional thanks to Balu, Macho Man and Shadow Genesis.

  • Got it. Thank you! ~B

    < Message edited by Balu -- 7/22/2012 4:59:07 >
    Post #: 73
    7/16/2012 11:46:23   
    Constructively Helpful!


    Corrupted Armor of Awe I is missing the 90% Darkness resistance ( see here ).

    Fixed. Thank you. ~B

    < Message edited by Balu -- 7/16/2012 11:54:35 >
    AQ DF  Post #: 74
    7/16/2012 14:23:38   
    Macho Man


    For the level 140Z version of Gatekeeper, you forgot to add in the darkness modifier for the armour. It should be at 40%.

    Taken care of. Thank you. ~B

    < Message edited by Balu -- 7/22/2012 4:59:44 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 75
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