Rune Knight
*Dashes into the room and slams the door behind him just as a massive explosion sounds from the opposite side, patting a burning section of his sleeves to put out a fire* *Elryn looks curiously at Faerdin* Phew! The Wrath of Wargoth War has gotten really intense... *sighs* Indeed. And I have been so busy that I have done so little *shakes fists at the RNG Gods* Oh well. Hey there, Elryn! Congratulations on your new board! :D *grins* Many thanks, Faerdin. I just have a few- *Puts on a mustache and twirls it* -questions for you. Mwahahahaha! *Elryn puts tea to brew and gives Faerdin a cup when it is ready* Tea and palaver anytime. 1) How are the shackles feeling? Not bad. I receive a brand new set. I just hope I do not accidently break them like the last... And the wall. I could use that to smash Wargoth's mooks though.... 2) I can't help but notice that your robes are bloo. What are your feelings on that color? *grins* Quite like it. 3) Why is it that you chose to help moderate this Forum? The board was in good need of Archknights really. It was down to Pie and Theo since Mazic, Red Blizzard were no longer around. So when Scakk inquired, I gladly volunteered. Another drive is to see the Gears and Paxia forums active again. 4) Are you excited to begin your work here? *chuckles* Work has already begun. Lots of it. 5) Who do you think are a greater threat to Lore, the Truphma or Wargoth? How about having both of them in a two way war with you lot? There is only one way to find out... 6) If two NPCs, one unique to AdventureQuest and one unique to Dragonfable, could be forced to meet, who would you want them to be? Hmm... Tough one. There plenty I would like to see meet. Unique does reduce the list (not to mention crossovers and possible NPCs that are present and unseen)... And now I have a peculiar fancy to see the meeting of a plethora of pairs just to see what would happen. I think I shall say Sepulchure and Xyphos just to see what kind of wizwacket would go on between the two of them and in what odd and insane way Xyphos would bring down Sepulchure (since the latter would likely try to kill him for his uncanny behaviour) . 7) Out of all the enemies you've fought in wars, which do you hate or fear the most? *Elryn eyes glow with suppressed rage* I recall the Truphma attacking Eukara.... I should pay them a visit... 8) If you could be aligned with any Element, what would it be? I am align to several by nature. 9) What is it you enjoy most about Artix Entertainment? Many things, but I suppose the community and friends most. Well, these are all my questions... for now. *Twirls mustache again, then sets it aside* It was fun to palaver. Do come by again. But until then, I wish you the best of luck here. Thanks for being such an awesome judge for A Story Worth Saving, along with Eukky! ^_^ *grins* It was an honour to help. And thank you for the wonderful stories. *Disappears in a flash of lightning* *Elryn grins, watching in the distance* Farewell, Runeknight. Stay safe... and war well. *The mage turns and walks off*
< Message edited by Elryn -- 8/8/2012 10:28:27 >