Jatar The Legend
In the design notes that were very recently posted, I noticed that the winning alignment would receive access to a new bot before the other alignment, as stated in the quote below: quote:
As mentioned before, the alignment to power through this final Vault door first will win the Infernal War, as well as control over the Infernal Mines. Not enough for you? How about a new bot? The Infernal Android will be available first to the winning alignment, and its special attack is related to its origin in the Vaults; the longer a battle lasts, the more damage the special attack does! As mentioned just up there, the winning alignment will have first stab at using it, and the Infernal Android comes in both varium and credit-only flavors. You know, I think we can all give a round of applause to everyone on the EpicDuel staff for bringing us this war. They learned from the Frysteland war and changed many things this go-round, and created an interesting, easy to follow storyline along with it. However, I do have one problem with the final chapter of this war: the reward behind the final vault. This is the final vault of the Infernal Infiltration war. By far, it has been the toughest of the four, and has taken the longest to break down. Each Vault has had some sort of costly reward behind it (First Vault: a shop containing the Mechachillid Armor, Second Vault: Access to 35 and new sidearms, Third Vault: A new shop containing new non-varium weapons and varium auxilaries). This one seems no different, and based on the price of bots today, the new bot sounds like a pricey one. My question to you is: Why is the winning alignment paying for something that they should have won? Say Legion comes back hard in the next 2-3 days and wins it. It's a very close finish, and legion just barely scrapes it out. Does Legion really win anything? They get access to a new, 1,000 varium + bot just minutes before exile? What's the use in that? I hate to say it, but that scenario doesn't seem likely. So let's say Exile and Legion hold their respective paces, and exile ends up winning by 3,000,000 vault damage. Hoo-Rah. Exile is victorious. Now, the Exiles look at a new shop held by a war NPC, and see a non-varium bot and a varium bot. Wait, they have to pay for it? Why? They won! They have no advantage over Legion after the legion vault hits 0. There is no reward for Exile. Maybe I should've posted this about the whole war, how each alignment should have gotten their respective weapons for free or what-not. Maybe the EpicDuel staff doesn't want to cause a flame war over giving people free varium weapons. But the fact is, we deserve them. Legion deserves their weapons, and we deserve ours. I'm not one to come about making demands, and I'm certainly not trying to now, but there really is no win in the end. What do we get from this? The answer, is wasted varium. Wasted cash.