Rune Knight
Wolf-buddy! Hi, wolf-buddy! *Snugs* Sorry it took me so long to post here. I've felt so distracted lately... Everyone's distracted by something. Maybe if it weren't for the fact you keep blowing me up with adorable wolf pictures... *Shifty eyes* It's not my fault you keep exploding. Oh well. Enjoy the color tags (I'm such a ninja, mwahaha) and questions. :D Thanks for those, by the way. 1) I think it's safe for both of us to say that the DF Q&A is our real home here. Why? Because if memory serves, my first post was in DF Q&A. Then I discovered that I could quickly find 'Pedia links for people and answer their questions (though ironically, whenever I needed to find a link, it was hidden from me) and learned that I really love answering people's questions here. I feel more at home in this forum than anywhere else in AE's forums. 2) Do you look forward to your work here? Most definitely. 3) What has been your favorite storyline in Dragonfable so far? TM's. 4) Don't think I can't see what you said to DD. Y U NOT HAVE CONFIDENCE? D: I don't recall sayiing anything about confidence. I said that my muse ran away. 5) If you could make any two NPCs from two different Artix Entertainment games meet, who would they be and why? Hm... DF and AQ's Artix's. Because that way it's twice the undead slaying. :D 6) I can't help but notice that your editing color is BLOO. How much better is it than purple, again? Infinitely. 7) What is the most powerful form of magic? If you believe Moglins it's hugs. But me, I say that the magic of song is the strongest (the wolf's howl being that much better than normal song). 8) Chocolate? WHERE?! 9) What do you enjoy most about wars in Dragonfable? The comraderie of so many people joining together in a united front against a common foe. 10) You're awesome. It's not a question, but still! You're the awesome one! Alright, that's all from me. For now. *Twirls mustache* When did you get a mustache? Glad to have you on the team! It was only a matter of time. ;) *blushes* If you say so. *Disappears in a flash of lightning* Again with the lightening. *sighs and starts counting*
< Message edited by Gingkage -- 8/13/2012 16:31:19 >