Hiya, Unfortunately, while your enthusiasm for this is great, this unofficial Leader Board concept in forums is not necessary, since once Omega releases the official Golden Yeti Tournament will begin and with it will come an official Leader Board in-game. With that being said, the tourney also hasn't been released yet and I can't think of any discussion value that a Leader Board for something that has yet to be implemented could possibly inspire. For that reason, I'm afraid I'm going to have to close this thread. Padlockin' up. Edit: @Dimentic: Right now there is no possible way to tell who has a Golden Ticket, therefore in short of self-proclaiming whether or not you have one, there is no current possible way to determine who will be participating in the Golden Yeti Tournament. This will change when a Leader Board for this specific tournament is implemented in-game when Omega is live.
< Message edited by Eventus -- 1/11/2013 15:18:23 >