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Haste/Speed stat + "Miss" feature

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All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions >> Haste/Speed stat + "Miss" feature
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1/12/2013 13:59:45   

I started thinking on haste stat a long time ago after I did a detailed investigation about others MMORPGs haste and how it works.
This stat was suggested a time ago but I have a new form of the stat coming with "Miss" chance.

Stat name: Haste/Speed

How it works: Haste is based in your dexterity and support(Support is here because if bounty hunters got a high speed they were very Overpowered).

What it does?:Increase your chance to go first to battle, diminute your skills prepare and cooldown, increase your rage gain and increase your chance to avoid attacks(miss) and increase your chance to your opponent dont be missed by you.

New form of blocking damage: "Miss"

How it works: You can miss a attack if the attack is dealt by range like sidearms,auxiliaries,some bot specials,plasma bolt,stun grenade,etc.
The "Miss" chance is based in your haste/speed because if YOU ARE FAST YOU CAN RUN FROM A RANGED ATTACK ("MISS").

Comment,support,disagree and say what you want.
Post #: 1
1/12/2013 14:16:01   

It would be a good idea BUT then they wont be bringing the old heal backwitch impprooved with support and also this would make the game more luck based.
Post #: 2
1/12/2013 14:21:29   


Stat name: Haste/Speed

Alright, nice.


How it works: Haste is based in your dexterity and support(Support is here because if bounty hunters got a high speed they were very Overpowered).

OK, this is where there is a problem, the stat depends on other stats. As with Focus, this provides a bonus to using the independent stat (Dexterity plus Support). This imbalances the stats because Dexterity and/or Support becomes more valuable per point. With Focus, each point of Strength, Dexterity... etc., is more valuable but not Health or Energy. Not including Health, Energy, Strength, and Technology is a sign that a stat imbalance exists between the stats, and band-aids will not fix this over a long period of time.


How it works: You can miss a attack if the attack is dealt by range like sidearms,auxiliaries,some bot specials,plasma bolt,stun grenade,etc.
The "Miss" chance is based in your haste/speed because if YOU ARE FAST YOU CAN RUN FROM A RANGED ATTACK ("MISS").

This is fine, I can support 0 damage like blocking.
AQ Epic  Post #: 3
1/12/2013 16:20:39   

Supported. I suggested something like this in Late Gamma, but instead, I suggested "Dodge".
I really want this feauture through the ED team.

EDIT: Misread, I thought this was a new luck factor, not a new stat. Not supported, sorry.

I was thinking support increases the miss factor. Nvm.

< Message edited by Midnightsoul -- 1/12/2013 16:38:42 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 4
1/12/2013 16:24:25   

Awesome, more luck factors that totally wreck strategy due to the massive value of turns.
Most complained about thing in the game is also the most heavily suggested.
There is no need for any more stats, unless stats that control HP/EP as well as other factors are implemented, as opposed to levelling hp and ep directly.

< Message edited by Xendran -- 1/12/2013 16:25:46 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 5
1/12/2013 17:11:29   

I agree with Xendran so not supported.
Epic  Post #: 6
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