The Dealer
Like vagaran123 stated, this section of the forums is for "Forum Support". A more suitable place for this question would be the AQWorlds Q&A. So please use the link provided for further help. Now, your question regarding the "Limited Time AQWorlds Membership". First off, this is only for a One Month Membership Package. That means you can't buy 3 months of membership with it. You can however add 5,000 Adventure Coins for only 1,000 Artix Points more. You can access the menu by doing the following steps: - Login the Portal.battleon website. - Look under the "Account Info and Upgrades" section and click on your AQWorlds Username. - You should now be able to upgrade your account using the " Limited Time Membership Upgrade". Have fun! Cheers! -S Note: This upgrade is one time only! This means that non-members can apply for this and after you've taken advantage of this offer, you'll never be able to do it again.
The ArchFiend Needs Your Support.