Nightwraith has actually commented about this once: quote:
Fun fact: The Delta Weapons were going to be color custom, but we ran into many technical complications getting them to work. It's a feature that's on the back burner since then because it would 1) make weapons more taxing graphically with all the semi-transparent movie clips involved in CC items, and 2) it would greatly increase the time needed to create a weapon. As stated earlier in this topic, CC items lose some detail as gradients and complex animation must be limited or eliminated. That said, CC weapons are not impossible and something we may try for at least one weapon, but it's not currently a priority. So as you can see, this may be a future feature in-game, but because of the complexity of the process it requires, it isn't currently classified as a priority. With that being said, I've taken the liberty of updating the FSI ( Frequently Suggested Ideas ) thread to include CC weaponry, so I'll be wrapping this up. Padlockin' up.
< Message edited by Eventus -- 1/17/2013 16:11:07 >