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Devs lying to us now?

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3/12/2013 12:13:54   

"New and improved balance changes!"

That's what was said in the DN.

Actual release?


Why can't they just be honest?

Why do they have to disappoint us EVERY SINGLE TIME?

They have clearly shown that they want people to win battles with luck, and not skill by releasing luck cores.

Why can't they release balance changes as soon as they are finalized? Too lazy again?

Why do they have to wait till friday?

Epic  Post #: 1
3/12/2013 12:15:11   

You were already told before: the change was improving matching up at lower levels. It's in the Patch Notes.
AQ Epic  Post #: 2
3/12/2013 12:31:09   

In some ways I agree, but your forgetting how much Calculation it takes to balance an op build to other builds, without underpowering it. As for the skills, only the passives are luck (and a few of the actives). I want them to release non-luck cores.

Like one I made. But i haven't yet posted it.

Soul Reaper's Revenge:
steals 10 of your opponents mana and hp and give it to you. (does not stack with bloodlust)

Core time: Armor Active (so it cant be stacks with generator)

< Message edited by DeathiZClarity -- 3/12/2013 12:32:54 >
Post #: 3
3/12/2013 12:36:47   

Not a very productive way to start a conversation with someone, imo.

I don't plan on making a habit of replying to flame-bait, but I'll indulge you this time to explain a bit of how development works.
We have a limited amount of time per week to get things done. My duties last week pulled me off of balance, so there weren't any considerable changes.


Why can't they release balance changes as soon as they are finalized? Too lazy again?

Why do they have to wait till friday?

Because we have a Friday release schedule, and the nature of development and server downtime makes far more sense to do things on a scheduled basis rather than randomly bringing the servers down whenever we feel like it. Simpler for all.

I could go far deeper into this, and I'd be willing to if you were up for having a civil discussion about the process of development.
Post #: 4
3/12/2013 12:47:33   


We have a limited amount of time per week to get things done. My duties last week pulled me off of balance, so there weren't any considerable changes.

Plus the fact that you have to make a lot of carefull calculations in order to make sure the 'balance' doesn't make it worse.
Post #: 5
3/12/2013 13:28:21   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph

Rabble or any other mod that reads this


I don't plan on making a habit of replying to flame-bait

And where do you actually plan of replying on?

You guy designed this forums with 2 specific topics were people can suggest things to improve this game, all on a civil matter, some are not but those get deleted by the AK's.
Yet i have never actually seen any kind of suggestion or balance improvent actually being implemented in the game, even if the idea is wayyy and wayy better then how you guys try to fix it.

Take as example the FSI, when did you actually take the effort of implement something on that list?
That list grows and grows, yet never schrinks with even 1 single idea.

You may call me a complainer here, and this will probably get deleted by a AK, only for the reason of you guys that dont TOLERATE critism, even if its on a civil way or it just rots in the FSI or gets flooted away by other balance ideas.


< Message edited by Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -- 3/12/2013 13:31:30 >
Epic  Post #: 6
3/12/2013 13:34:02   

^ some ideas have been implimented. Just not many, becuase most ideas cuase more harm than good.
Post #: 7
3/12/2013 13:44:49   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph

Name 3
Epic  Post #: 8
3/12/2013 13:49:10   


And where do you actually plan of replying on?

Just so you know, it's against the rules to reply to a flame-bait & they (Devs) have to follow the rules as well, whether they have power on Forum (just like AKs) or not. So rules apply to everyone, not just Members.
AQ Epic  Post #: 9
3/12/2013 13:52:26   


Name 3

1. Robots.
2. Log out button on settings.
3. Name change.
Post #: 10
3/12/2013 13:56:22   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph

1. Robots = Wasnt on the FSI actually, neither a suggestion.They actually came with that idea theirselves if you followed the DNS properly.
2. Was already here for a very long time actually
3. Already here for a long time.

I am talking about things on that list that got implemented THIS YEAR
Epic  Post #: 11
3/12/2013 14:13:49   

^ You never said This year, you just said name 3 impliments suggested by players.

mostly the Devs only take into consideration what the Mods/AKs tell them about that was on the forums. They don't spent too much time on the forums reading suggestions.
Becuase they have a game to run.
Post #: 12
3/12/2013 14:29:32   


Yet i have never actually seen any kind of suggestion or balance improvent actually being implemented in the game, even if the idea is wayyy and wayy better then how you guys try to fix it.

Art wise we purge though the weapon suggestions very often. Sadly though half if not most of the art suggestions we can't use because its someone else's design or its a weapon design from another game. ( we know, were gamers too ya know ) As for other suggestions really it comes down to what is top priority for the week. Also, a lot of the suggestions require several weeks of development. Time is a huge factor. Many times we are building things you dont know in the background to support new features. Sometimes things happen and we have to divert to other tasks. Such as account security, critical bugs etc. I can't personally speak for balance suggestions, again there is a lot of suggestions there that often are no help to us or they have a conflict with another use. Not to say there aren't some good ones in there. And then there is trying to break suggestions... meaning, how could someone use this as an exploit. Which often leads down a very dark road of correctly implementing new features. If it doesn't pass this test, sadly it will not go into the game.

Honestly there are many things I would love to see in the game... truth is, if people wouldn't cheat or try to find exploits things, life would be so much simpler and we would have most of the cool features on the suggestions list by now.


you guys that dont TOLERATE critism, even if its on a civil way or it just rots in the FSI or gets flooted away by other balance ideas.

We actually really encourage criticism from players, so long as you said its constructive. After ever release I pretty much read every post on the forums the day after to learn what you guys enjoyed and what you didn't. However we flat out ignore any criticism that's not constructive and I personally stop reading at the slight sign of it.

so yeah, I just wanted to take the time to answer since you calmly asked about it. Sadly your right... this thread will regretfully get locked or deleted. But it was worth spending my lunch hour to respond if only a few people read it. :)

< Message edited by Charfade -- 3/12/2013 14:31:31 >
MQ Epic  Post #: 13
3/12/2013 14:41:42   

@above you ninja'd me, anyways that's completely true nightwraith always go through the item/weapon suggestions without players knowing it and they have more things to do than you think, implementing a suggestion or feature isn't something that you can do with a simple click.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
3/12/2013 14:44:15   

@ Trizz

Thats what I've been saying, just in different words.

Hey look! We agreed on something. Lol.
Post #: 15
3/12/2013 15:05:46   

@above yeah, lol its the truth afterall
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
3/12/2013 15:12:20   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph


First of all, thank you for taking the time to respond!


We actually really encourage criticism from players, so long as you said its constructive. After ever release I pretty much read every post on the forums the day after to learn what you guys enjoyed and what you didn't. However we flat out ignore any criticism that's not constructive and I personally stop reading at the slight sign of it.

Most of the people who try to give any critism will firstly get intercepted by an AK, as they always delete ''complain'' post on sight.
I have experienced this many times, if they only see the word ''cheater'' or ''hacker'' in the topic name, it gets deleted without them reading the full thread itself (this happened to me 3 days ago).
While i was only trying to say the tournament was unfair because of those guys, is that talking about cheaters/hackers itself, or actually giving constructive critism by saying you should not have let them get unbanned that early on that afternoon.

Thats why i stopped giving actual constructive critism, because it just gets deleted by an AK.

Im still surprised this thread is still here.


Also, a lot of the suggestions require several weeks of development. Time is a huge factor

This is something where i see a problem in, there are alot of very simple suggestions in the FSI, so small it wont even take 3 hours of coding, yet they dont get implemented.


Art wise we purge though the weapon suggestions very often

This is something i dont like, why the art wise part, not the actual game improval part?
Art is just a look, players rather want new features then a sword with a different look then others, why you ask?
Because all weapons already are the same, looks is the only thing that matters now (weapon wise), but still you only check that out every day?

I rather see some new features then a new sword, and im 100% sure im not the only one who thinks that.

Epic  Post #: 17
3/12/2013 15:43:55   


This is something i dont like, why the art wise part, not the actual game improval part?

Well I only said art wise because that's what I work on and I can speak clearly on its behalf. I'm an artist for EpicDuel after all. I'm not going to dive into balance because that's not were my strengths are. That's a Testers Titan Rabble froth area. I did mention other aspects of that in that same paragraph. O_o So I do run into the features suggestions and bring them up often in meetings. We all do on our own time. We have our post it notes on the wall of all kinds of features we want to put into the game. :) Again... time is always working against us for a Dev team of 5. And keep in mind Cindy is part time now that she is finishing up her college education.

Also sadly I can't speak on behalf of the AK's of the forum. They have there rules and they need to be followed. I'd rather not have any criticism deleted or locked. But hey, what do I know. I'm not an AK
MQ Epic  Post #: 18
3/12/2013 16:09:42   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph


You actually said that "art wise we purge", and now you are only talking about youself looking at that part?
So basically, you first say we, we and we, and now you switch to I.

Well thats a way to bring someone on the wrong track..
Im confused.

< Message edited by Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -- 3/12/2013 16:18:50 >
Epic  Post #: 19
3/12/2013 16:11:32   

Lol Blitz, I would honestly like to see you and 4 friends try to fill their shoes.

Its not as easy as you think.
Post #: 20
3/12/2013 16:18:59   


You actually said that "art wise we purge", and now you are only talking about youself looking at that part?

"We" as in Nightwraith and I... I'm not the only artist. I spoke on behalf of both of us in that sentence. Because its my area of expertise. Nightwraith finalizes all of the designs anyway, so even if I pull a suggestion I like it still has to pass his inspection. The EpicDuel wiki has a list what our roles are if you are confused. http://epicduelwiki.com/w/EpicDuel_Staff

@ below, yeah I just noticed that :D

< Message edited by Charfade -- 3/12/2013 16:22:22 >
MQ Epic  Post #: 21
3/12/2013 16:21:17   

Our roles* Hehe.
Post #: 22
3/12/2013 16:22:56   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph

Its not thats easy no, when you have not worked a single time with codes or adobe.
If i would have followed a whole studie or with something similar it would be much easier.

And in opposed to them, i follow an accountancy studie, which is way different then software.
You cannot compare me to them death.

And how was i supposed to know that, you only said we.
Could have been the whole ed team, could have been just the mods, could have been you and NW.

Should been more clear on there charfade, im just a human as jou.

< Message edited by Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -- 3/12/2013 16:25:49 >
Epic  Post #: 23
3/12/2013 16:27:44   


You cannot compare me to them death.

If you don't want me to compare you to them, stop judging them.
Post #: 24
3/12/2013 16:30:51   

Sorry I confused you then, not my intention. I just assumed you knew. Also I'm admittedly very dyslexic, its no secret. That's why they banned me from writing Design notes because I'm horrible with grammar/structuring sentences. There is a fall house item where I mis spelled Apples on a side of a wood box. They leave it in the game as a joke now. T_T I'm only human too and I do the best that I can.

< Message edited by Charfade -- 3/12/2013 16:31:51 >
MQ Epic  Post #: 25
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