So you're asking to re-code few classes back into the game, get back the old art, make it work with current Flash + code, and make it into a story out of nowhere? And even better, make it temporary so it isn't useable later on? There's a line where suggestion is reasonable and doable & where it's a bit absurd and impossible. Coding classes back again into the game and getting the old art, if it's even possible, is already a massive waste of time if it's gonna be temporary. If only NPCs had it then it's fine since it's much easier but giving it to all classes, making it temporary BUT have the class equipped for duration of the war (and possibly working in normal PvP; if not then switching it back). It's too much coding required for one single event. Or rather having to code old things that may be long-gone, because code is deleted and re-written on weekly basis during releases so it works with the new release (and not break).