The Astral Fury
Are you having fun, is ED getting stale and boring do you find the constant bug and balance changes for the past two months are stoppng the dev's from releasing new content and missions. Do you think the dev's MORALLY (not legally), but morally ripped us off by removng enchanments thus like removing all the money we spent on the very feature the dev's implemented and made the gap between varuims and non varuims is this how they repay us is it fair? Are you mad and the dev's for delaying Omega and not releasing content for months then giving us an unfinished lame omega. No new features, not implemented the sugguestions in the FSI, no thing are you mad like a bull are you turning into a bull man hybrid or the minotaur and causing to go on a rampage and destory your family and everything you love and leaving siege to the world your not alone ED has caused the EDbull ifection and it's deadly. Do you find this is not a skill game, but just a stat abusing one, do you fnd vendbots look like a rip off of R2D2 do you think man really walked on the moon, is god german or canadian do cow eat pickles? What's the point of playing and why do you?