Currently, EpicDuel updates weekly with occasional patches added. This means that every week, staff is expected to produce some form of change to EpicDuel whether it be: bugs, balance, content and features, performance, UI improvements, etc. This is not to say large projects that require more than 1 week are scrapped though. The larger the project the more priority at any given deadline. But what this does, is gives staff much too high of an expectation upon delivery. If they were to delay a weekly update by 3 weeks, we would not expect that and so we would scold them. There is too much stress on EpicDuel's update frequency WITH superior quality and often this leaves the staff to deliver less-than-optimal updates that myself and others have noticed are not expected. It may be preferable as well to poll or other grabs of feedback to get opinions on what is being worked on before it is in EpicDuel. So I have a single question for you, should we continue with our weekly updates or would you rather we lower our expectations (not condescendingly of course) and allow staff to plan and develop updates in a longer time span (longer time span implies more waiting time for updates but more results)?