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Futuristic Roleplay Collaboration

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5/15/2014 13:54:29   

I am not - by any means - a reliable host for any sort of RP. However, I am extremely interested in at least co-hosting a futuristic roleplay. It will draw on inspiration from such media as Star Wars, StarCraft, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Mass Effect. However, there is a multitude of things to consider: planets, systems, species, technology, factions, history, etc - and if any of you are up for it I'd like to collaborate with each and every one of you so we can create something unique. I'm going to provide some basic details and you can discuss, suggest, and add-on if you want to. For consistency reasons, time-travel is a no-go.

Story: I think I want the story's general direction to be about a group of unlikely allies who band together to accomplish a similar goal. I'm not sure how these characters get together, and I'm not sure why they decide to team up, but that's something I wanted to discuss. Anyway, this group of people ranges from soldiers, mercenaries, assassins, vigilantes, businessmen, and absolutely so much more! I had considered a guy named Vixen, who owns a giant but corrupt corporation, has done something to hurt us all and so we decide to team up and take out our mutual enemy. We'd even have our own spaceship. Also, character histories will not be revealed in the bios, as the roleplay will be very story and character driven, and there would be a lot of emphasis on relationship-building. Many of the adventures our characters go on would revolve around the 'Big Bad' but we'd also be confronting our own personal issues, reminiscent of the Loyalty Missions in Mass Effect 2.

Setting: It takes place all across the galaxy. It takes place in the far future, so humans are pretty common throughout the galaxy and are not looked at as 'newcomers'. There are two big factions: the Federation and the Alliance. The Alliance is dominated by humans but spans many other races; they are a strict, military-focused, ever-expanding force who seeks to control the galaxy and promote peace and prosperity, although the corruption within the Alliance may one day prove its downfall. The Federation, on the other hand, was formed by a group of systems who refused to join the Alliance. When the Alliance threatened these independent systems with force they responded by forming a loose coalition to oppose the Alliance. This lead to a devastating war, but it was mostly a stalemate and only through tense negotiations was the war ended. However, there are literally thousands of independent factions, mercenaries, guilds, and more located throughout the galaxy.

My Character: I had considered an ex-Alliance Marine who abandoned the Alliance after 'some event'. He then became a bounty hunter and would become a notorious vigilante in some of the seedier parts of the galaxy. He has been declared a terrorist by the Alliance.
DF AQW  Post #: 1
5/15/2014 15:06:40   

join isle of dracos and then we'll talk.

right now I just don't see you following through on this. You're too easily distracted by new ideas. Shelve the novel thoughts so you can come back to them later and let's focus on the current project, which by the way does have an objective beginning and end.
DF MQ  Post #: 2
5/15/2014 15:30:37   

@Starstruck: I'm well aware of my inability to keep a roleplay going, which is why I suggested that I at least co-host it. I want it to be something that doesn't just rely on me, but rather on each and every collaborator.
DF AQW  Post #: 3
5/15/2014 15:34:49   


You're too easily distracted by new ideas.

Aye. I saw this before-hand too, and warned you that speculating too far drags interest away from a current project. Ah well. I used to be like that too, so I have nothing against you.

Getting back on topic, while my next RP will most definitely be in a sci-fi setting, I'm afraid my concept and yours are a mite bit too different from each other to work well together.
Mine will be focused on one single country that managed to survive the Apocalypse and is continuing to struggle to do so.

I'll consider it after my first two ideas are complete, but without activity in Aurora, that's a loooooooooong way off. Especially considering the scale of my second RP.
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 4
5/15/2014 16:05:33   

@Legendium: That's fine, just a thought though.

I'm sorry guys. I'm well aware of inability to keep a roleplay afloat, but coming up with new ideas such as this one doesn't affect any current projects. Most of the time I turn away from my roleplays for two reasons: 1. Lack of interest by the players, or 2. Lack of interest by myself. I've hosted World War Lore, Assassin's Guild, City of Silversword, and Isle of Dracos, and I've given every single one of them away to other roleplayers either because I didn't have an interest in continuing them (WWL, Assassin's Guild, City of Silversword), or because the players are not participating as much as I would like (IoD).

The longest roleplay I've hosted has been active for at least a month or more, but it's on another forum. The players there are active and as such I have been able to host that particular project for longer than my others. The other roleplay I'm hosting on the same site has been active for 2 weeks. I'd still be hosting IoD but at the time only 2 players had posted in it for the past month leading me to believe no one wanted to participate in it. Even then I'd constantly be coming up with ideas.

If I am to try and host a roleplay I need a steady income of posts, but I know roleplaying is only a hobby so that can usually be a pretty tall order. As a result I have decided to resort to collaborations and co-hosting. I've also been trying to move away from hosting altogether and try to participate in other roleplays more, which I am trying to do in Felicity and The Tempest.
DF AQW  Post #: 5
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