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11/7/2014 21:08:43   
Silver Sky Magician

Legionnaires! This war we seek to save the Bio Preserve from the vile paws of the bioterrorist Exiles, who are corrupting the environment with mind-control spores. Exiles...I don't have anything to say in your defense this time. You guys really aren't being nice. Might want to rethink your loyalties and your alignment

What? We've also disrupted the local ecosystem in Frysteland? Come off it, those are two different things! Think of the poor rabbits you're hurting down there in the Preserve!

Anyway, the dastardly rebels have shown their true colours, and we, Legionnaires, are going to beat them black and blue! With a more refined war system (no war rallies at point differences of within 1% and at the final stretch), this promises to be another tight race to the finish.

< Message edited by Silver Sky Magician -- 11/8/2014 7:18:28 >
Post #: 1
11/7/2014 22:02:15   
Noobatron x3000

If it was possible to stay logged in for more then 20 minutes at l38 I could probably enjoy this war. Shame the games broke.
Post #: 2
11/8/2014 2:11:08   

What kind of heartless monsters can target to infest the forest of biological preserve? SHAME ON YOU! Really happy I'm legion right now because exile is just dishonorable...
Post #: 3
11/8/2014 2:41:00   
The Jop

Oh, come on, they'll still be happy. Happier even, since they'll be mind controlled.


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
11/8/2014 5:00:05   

Is it me or the Design notes details are bit off

Design notes details : Clicky

In-game details: Clicky


Epic  Post #: 5
11/8/2014 5:14:33   

That's one hell of a mistake to make if so. But honestly? I like the mistake more then the proper plot. We need more grey in this war.

< Message edited by megakyle777 -- 11/8/2014 5:15:16 >
DF  Post #: 6
11/8/2014 7:38:56   
Silver Sky Magician


Nah, the DN's the mistake. Cindy wouldn't destroy her beloved Preserve.
Post #: 7
11/8/2014 8:09:28   


Yeah, It would be good to see more of how exile arn't so "good" as they make themselves out to be.
AQW Epic  Post #: 8
11/8/2014 8:12:21   

Would hardly make sense, considering the Preserve isn't in Exiles' control at all - Cinderella is a Legionnaire.
AQ Epic  Post #: 9
11/8/2014 8:20:41   


I meant generally not in the context of this war.

In the game runescape for example like legion and exile here, you can represent gods the main ones being Sarodomin and Zamarok (Who is essentially a demon).

As a low level you essentially see Sarodomin as good but as you do end game content you also see he has a darkside as well e.g. Massacring an entire village because they wouldn't worship him even though he was delivering aid and food to the ones that were.

This is my opinion but I think having many shades of grey make a good storyline. (Although there are probably limitations with the missions being text based etc)

< Message edited by Exodasbr -- 11/8/2014 8:28:24 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
11/8/2014 9:52:04   


If legion wins this war they gain control of the tree. If that happens the next time this war comes around Cindy's beloved Perserve will be destroyed by the legion with Exile trying to purify it once again.
Epic  Post #: 11
11/8/2014 11:34:03   
One Winged Angel1357

@mother now that we are getting some story to our fight i dont think we will use the same story in that region every time. *looks at Frysteland* then again i could be wrong
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 12
11/8/2014 12:14:25   
Gepard Acht

Exodasbr: I like it this way though, it would be awfully boring if Legion and Exile are Good and Evil. The way I see it Legion is Order, on one hand they maintain order and on the other hand they will use brute force to do it. The exiles are Chaos, while opposing Baelius's idea of "Order", they all have their own hidden agenda

On another note, I hope we get some missions or cores next week, it is getting bland. Perhaps we could challenge Cinderella? Maybe even Xraal?
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
11/8/2014 12:28:28   

^Actually I agree.

What I tried to say was that that story line for runescape was one of the best storylines I have played due to actually showing the many different shades of grey behind sides and characters rather than here is the villian and here is the hero who is completely good.

Edit: Yes some new cores would be nice but more achievments would be better :)

< Message edited by Exodasbr -- 11/8/2014 12:29:19 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 14
11/9/2014 7:00:48   

How to know when there's a war rally?
Post #: 15
11/10/2014 4:31:00   

Is it just me or there was no war rally at all yet?
AQW Epic  Post #: 16
11/10/2014 5:18:48   

I do believe they cannot occur when the difference between the two alignments is less than 1% of their current Influence - so as the war draws out, War Rallies would occur even less, due to bigger Influence gap required.

Say 4M Influence, 1% will be 40K Influence gap required before there's a chance of a War Rally to even occur.
AQ Epic  Post #: 17
11/11/2014 6:18:36   

Yes clearly a percentage difference doesn't make any sense.... might as well get rid of the war rallies. Or make them random or make them set - 2 each day for each side.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 18
11/11/2014 9:30:09   

War rallies when they aren't needed doesn't make any sense either. There is no point in alignments getting a war rally when they're so close in score.

The developers could make them trigger when alignment has at least a 10,000 lead. A system with a static # for war rallies seem much better than using %s.

War rallies probably weren't created to help people get to the 5k influence tier, but rather to serve as a reinforcement system to the alignment that needed it.

< Message edited by Variation -- 11/11/2014 10:09:22 >
Post #: 19
11/11/2014 11:07:19   

Exiles: Attack the Finisher objective first!

They should get rid of rallies and cut the prize tiers in half - now we have to do twice the work....
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
11/11/2014 11:12:52   

@ Zion

There are some players who get the 5K influence tier without ever using a single war rally.

Besides the reason why they made this change was because players complained about how war rallies were happening at the worst times causing their side to lose the war. The 4th war in the overlord domain is a good example of a war rally tipping the tide in the opponent's favor.

Now when one side loses no one can moan a groan about "We lost due to an ill timed war rally for the opponent." Or If only that war rally didn't happen we would have won this war.
Epic  Post #: 21
11/11/2014 12:30:13   

Interesting how it's double the work now. Sure it was faster with more common War Rallies but the duration of each War was also cut short. Now, it will last a bit longer, giving you more time to play and make it in time. There's also the argument of some people missing the Rallies and not the old system due to stuff, so this change (longer duration) actually benefits them. Not mentioning it's a bit more fair now too.

I'm happy about it because I can only play during the weekends. With other priorities, playing games is quite low on my list, thus making me unable to take full advantage of the War.
Look at the bigger picture, instead of assuming it's outright worse now. The only downside to the change is more difficult to reach the top tier for a casual player - indirectly making the rewards more unique since less players will have them. Good points about the change? Covered in the first paragraph.
AQ Epic  Post #: 22
11/11/2014 15:10:38   

It will take almost twice as many drops to reach the 5K tier... so its about twice the work. Casual players will be forced to buy their way to the top tier (more money for the game so maybe not so bad).
With the war rallies you could have built up to 10 super bombs during weekend play (only using regular bombs) and just check every so often during the week for a war rally and unload in 1 minute. After two such weekends you would have had 6-10K influence. Now... casual players can't do this. So either buy the bombs / drop core.
You can look at it that prizes will be more unique, but essentially the war prizes are now hard-core or p2w.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 23
11/11/2014 15:35:26   

@ Zion

I am a casual player myself and when I was able to get to the top tier in the second infernal war I didn't use a single war rally to get me there, and I didn't buy my way to the top either. Yes Random drops can sometimes troll players since it is random, but it isn't impossible to get to the top without war rallies.

This war is going to be harder for exiles seeing as unlike legion with the last war it seems the exiles are going after the standard purifer instead of the finisher.


Legion is having a war rally guess the gap finally grew big enough for them to get one.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 11/15/2014 0:27:05 >
Epic  Post #: 24
11/17/2014 22:52:01   
Silver Sky Magician

Let's go Legion! We've got a strong finisher purifier going for the final stretch, so we have the advantage over Exile. Let's clinch the Bio Preserve for Cindy and for humanity!
Post #: 25
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