There are cores planned on top of the promo ones, so it won't be just the promos getting cores. Besides, after a year, anyone can get these cores too, so it's only temporary lack of cores - if we look at the promos only, not in-game ones. We're all aware there's a lack of in-game cores, but it was said many times that they aren't easy to create, hence why promos are getting them the most. In a few weeks, you'll see more Blood Hawk items being used since they are going to return and have a Credit option. General variety should increase, for those who don't buy promos. Likewise with big balance changes. Major ones like removal of passives, or adding costs to cores, won't be happening anytime soon. Doing major changes, without fixing smaller ones first, only creates more issues. Right now, balance between classes isn't all that bad; TLMs could use some spicing up, CHs seem to be doing well after the latest SC buff, etc. Objectively speaking, that is. Also, a small pool for you guys: http://strawpoll.me/3017098 We're planning ahead with the releases, and want to expand on a few more NPCs sometime after Christmas (since the Winter Event takes priority). Daily Missions will also be looked at, in terms of more chains and buffing up their rewards - especially since mission rewards have been increased, compared to around a year ago.