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(DF) Ember

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7/5/2013 1:44:09   

Discussion Post here . There is also a Table of Contents.

Author's note: If you are a beginning player, read at your own risk, as this story is full of spoilers.

Book 1: Chapter 1

I first realized I did not want to embrace my destiny when right before I was about to take the place of the current Tongue.

I was born in the Fire Temple, hidden in the Eastern Mountains. They tested all newborn children for any talents, and I was found most suited for the role of the Tongue. I was taken from my mother, her mind wiped of the entire pregnancy, and they raised me. Of course, they were kind to me, but throughout my childhood, I tended to feel resented due to the burden that my special training posed to the others and their jealousy of my position.

I was taught in many subjects, including combat (using a scythe and sickles, which were used in some of the more important ceremonies), but primarily magic. Never any practical magic of the elements: only the theory. It was deemed inappropriate for me to taint my mana with human, elementally influenced spells. Instead, when I practiced in secret, I would use pure magic to influence the world around me. Instead of summoning a fire to cook my dinner, I would transform whatever it was from a raw to a cooked state. Despite my lack of practice, I knew how to do most of the spells in the books by the time I was ready to become the Tongue.

The Tongue is the mouth-piece of the Fire Lord on Lore. It is similar to the Avatar, but instead of being composed entirely of the Lord’s energy, the Tongue is a mortal infused with Its power. Somewhat like an orbed dragon, I suppose. Also dissimilar to the Avatar is the Tongue’s capabilities. If the mortal part of the Tongue is uneducated in a particular spell at the time of Possession, (a one-time event, and cannot be reversed) then the Tongue, when joined, cannot learn it. The joining lasts until another Host is ready, so in order for the Lord to remain strong, it is best to have a well educated Host. The benefits to the Tongue are that the Lord is able to live as a mortal (in order to remain empathetic) and that It can have a presence that can go unnoticed throughout the world. I believe there may be entities like Tongues in the cults of the other Lords, but despite my education, I only ever found one writing that even slightly hinted at it.

Anyway, I was standing, undressed, before the altar of the Flame. The other Tongue, who had once been called something stupid like “Salt”, stood feebly in front of me, holding the sickles used for the possession ceremony. Salt had been a rather weak Tongue. He was plagued by illness as a youth, uneducated, the Tongue before him had died rather suddenly, and Salt had been the closest eligible Host. From the gossip I’d heard, the Fire Lord was not pleased with his choice. Salt was such a terrible Tongue that the Fire Lord, instead of taking an active interest in the world around him, decided to let Salt do whatever he wished. Salt was well aware of his standing with the Fire Lord, and took out his bitterness on many of the temple citizens.

The drums sounded. Salt began to chant. As I stood, shivering despite the heat (Fire Temples are never cold), I realized that I did not want to be Possessed. I did not want to end up like Salt, or worse, the other Tongues before him: locked inside their heads, over-powered by the Extra-Dimensional Being controlling their body. The chanting grew louder; others joined in. I began to look around, praying that Fiamme would not show up. If the Avatar appeared, there would be no chance of escape. Salt began to glow as the Fire Lord took control. I took a quick breath and summoned but the last drop of my mana (it replenishes faster if there’s already some left) and attempted a spell that I had never tried before: I teleported through the walls of the temple, intending to go so far away as to never be caught. I was somewhat successful: I appeared in the Sandsea, far away from the Temple, but 30 feet in the air. Lacking the magic to stop my fall, I landed in the dunes, in my loincloth, and passed out.

< Message edited by afb728 -- 1/27/2015 1:47:20 >
DF  Post #: 1
7/5/2013 3:26:02   

Book 1: Chapter 2

I awoke a long time later to the unique feeling of being encased in glass. Something was melting the sand that had spread over me as I slept, and I was afraid to open my eyes to find out what that something was.

How dare you”, said a voice, feminine, yet low and crackling. I counted to ten and opened my eyes. Fiamme had found me, and in a relatively short time, too. “You refused to take me as your Possessor? You ran away? You actually decided that upsetting the one who will own both your body and your soul for eternity would be a good idea?"

“Well, no, I-”

You what? You decided to have the last un-Possessed act you took be an act of extreme cowardice ? I would Possess you right now, except for the current Tongue being across the continent.”

“Well, then, I guess I’m safe. Sorry, but I don’t want to be a slave to you. My body is mine alone, and unless you find a way to change my mind, I will run, and keep running, until I die.”

Fiamme was silent for a moment. I guess when you exist at a higher state than most of the world, you can think more quickly. “Fine. I will allow you to remain un-Possessed. You are instead sentenced to travel the world and live life as a normal mortal, until you realize why living as the Tongue is far superior to the life that the mundane live.”

With that, she vanished in a burst of flame, further solidifying my prison and alerting every life-form within 50 miles of my location. However, I did not need to worry about bandits, because another Avatar decided to chat with me.

I couldn’t help but overhear that conversation”, said Celeritas. Which is a complete lie, because as an Avatar, she definitely could have disappeared if she didn’t want to listen. ”While Fiamme may not have a use for you, I have many tasks perfectly suited to your talents.”

“Take those tasks and shove them up your-“

“Tasks that would ultimately help you reach freedom, and annoy the Fire Lord.”

“I’m listening.”

There is an emperor, misusing my Orb. There are also two individuals working to overthrow him. The first is a Sand Elf. The second is a hero. Your task is to orchestrate this emperor’s downfall, all while remaining unnoticed. As He-Who-Would-Be-Tongue, you are perhaps the best trained in stealth and magic. Do you accept?"

“Let me think about i-“


“Fine. I’ll go soon. Just get me some clothes or something.”

Clothes?”, She chuckled. “Where you are going, clothes will be the least of your concerns.”

She vanished in a flash of light, blinding me and making the glass around me light up like the sun. She also forgot to point me in the right direction. Looking inside myself, I found enough mana for three spells: First, to teleport me out of my prison, to a set location exactly 10 feet away. Second, to give me a sense of where my task lay. Third, to transform some of the sand into a garment that would change its appearance to match whatever was worn in the local culture. I performed my spells, rested, and began to walk North-East.

< Message edited by afb728 -- 1/27/2015 1:47:33 >
DF  Post #: 2
7/7/2013 15:11:14   

Book 1: Chapter 3

Funny thing about Avatars: they don’t really understand time. So when I finally reached the capital of the Sandsea, I had more to do than I thought I would. For one, the hero had not arrived yet. However, word travels fast, even in the middle of the desert. I knew that he was coming by griffin within two days of my own arrival, so I had just enough time to plan my actions.
After placing listening spells all around the town, and on suspicious people, I sat in the Oasis Inn, eavesdropping. Several hours later, I heard something useful: there was already a rebellion in the works, and they planned to entreat the hero to join. I also heard the Sand Elf muttering to himself about waiting for rebels to make themselves available for capture. I went out, passed the man that was going to be sent to the hero, and enchanted him to fall asleep in a safe place when it was time for the hero to arrive.

The next day, as a griffin drew nearer in the sky and people began to chatter in anticipation, I disguised myself and reviewed my plan: Impersonate rebel, get captured, disappear safely, move on. The hero landed in the middle of the crowd, politely pushed through it, and headed for the inn. I met him at the door:

“I am risking more than you could know by telling you this. I am a member of the resistance, fighting against the tyrant: Sek-Duat XV! I don't have much time; he's set his hound on me. We need your help or we are all doomed.”

“What’s in it for me?”, he asked. He was surprisingly mercenary for a hero.

“We know the location of the Orb of Light”, I bluffed, because I had absolutely no idea if that was true or not, and frankly, didn’t care.

“I'll do what I can to help you, but the orb is very important to me.“

“This is wonderful news! I must tell the others before I am captured. Please... If I am captured before we reach the resistance... YOU MUST NOT LET ANYONE know that you are working with us!”, said I. A touch of drama never hurts this type of situation. Now all that was missing was that elf.

I was not disappointed: he swooped in and caught me, right as I began to run. Having forced the two to meet, I quietly waited while they were talking and the elf (his name was Zhoom) took me to the prison. Once there, I teleported myself out of the cell and made my clothes look like a guard’s. I then walked out of the prison, changed my appearance, and went to find that hero to place a listening and tracking spell on him.


Several days later (this was taking far longer than I expected, but perhaps I didn’t think it through at first), I heard the hero talking about going to the Dynasty Tomb. Having passed it on my way to the capital, I was able to find it and get there before he did. In my brief rest there, I had been almost chased out by all the beetles, and I had heard the roars of something deep in the tomb. If I had almost been chased out, there was no chance for the hero. I arrived a few hours before he did and went about killing bugs. When I had thinned their ranks to about 10% active and another 10% incapacitated, I went towards the source of the roar. The hero had just entered the cave and was muttering something about “It always has to be beetles”.

I rounded the corner to find an undead dragon. Because of course there was an undead dragon. Because clearly one of the Sek-Duats buried there decided he was important enough to kill a dragon and have it mummified. The dragon was somewhat unhappy with its current condition, enough to charge at me. I sidestepped, summoning a shield and readying a two spells: one to make him more docile, the other to drain his strength. It turned, snapped at me, and charged again, this time clawing at the air as well. I sidestepped a second time, cast my spells, and got ready to cast an invisibility spell. The dragon stopped, shook its head, and walked away from me. I cloaked myself and got out of the tomb. I passed the hero on my way out; it looked like he brought help.

The next day, the hero was summoned to the emperor and tasked with defeating some witch in the desert. I didn’t really need to help out, so I rested and eavesdropped on his conversation with her. The day after, the plot thickened as the hero met a rebel traitor in an old temple. Nothing really happened that day either.

Looking back on it, I should have eavesdropped on the emperor. Then I would have been a bit more prepared for when the hero and Zhoom decided to battle him. On that day, after hearing that the two would attack Sek-Duat, I went to the palace, impersonated the emperor, and told everyone to leave, as a gift for one of the really minor local holidays. Then I set loose a bunch of Sunspikes and waited. Zhoom and the hero eventually made it down to the emperor’s secret area behind the throne, with me following along to ensure the success of the mission.

The three fought, ending with Sek-Duat’s defeat. Unfortunately, he vanished within seconds. I was unprepared for his identity as a lich, and did not take precautions to weaken his magic. Disheartened, I went back to my room in the Inn, gathered my things, and left, walking South-West.


Celeritas appeared halfway between the city and the Dynasty Tomb.

Congratulations, you have succeeded.”, She thought for a bit. “Well, actually, not really, but it will do for now. You may have your reward anyway.”

“But I did not succeed. The emperor is still technically enthroned.”

But not for too long, if things go right. And my orb is safe and in good hands for now. What would you like for your reward?”

I had to think about that. I really could make anything I needed, so rewards didn’t mean much to me. But I could always use a favor, so I asked for that.

Very well. When you are in need, summon me and I will come. Remember that I will only come once, so make sure the need is worth it.” , She paused. “And be careful. There are monsters in those woods in the South. But I’m sure once you enter Voidstar’s domain, he will explain all that.”

She vanished, once again blinding me, and I continued walking, this time with a grim smile.


< Message edited by afb728 -- 1/27/2015 1:46:03 >
DF  Post #: 3
8/30/2013 0:20:01   

Book 1: Chapter 4

For those who don’t know, the walk from the capital of the Sandsea to the edge of Doomwood is really long. Really, really long. Upon arrival, I climbed a tree to rest for a while. I cast one shield to protect me, then fell asleep. The movement of the tree running away from something woke me up. With a crack, it stopped in its tracks. I wasn’t expecting it, so I was flung out of the tree and hit another. By this time , although I was in pain and somewhat dazed, I had managed to prepare several anti-elemental spells and one spell to trap whatever was attacking me where it stood. Before I could cast them, though, I was frozen in place too.

I was not expecting for Kyanos to find me, especially not in Doomwood.

“All right, what do you want?”

“You are to go to the Necropolis…” He spoke softly, with a slight crackle to his voice, as if frost was growing over each word as he spoke it.

“And do what?”

“Go to the Necropolis.”


His voice rose to the force and intensity of a blizzard on the coldest night of winter. “GO TO THE NECROPOLIS.” With that, his form cracked and burst apart, and several shards hit me; one cut my cheekbone.

“Great. Another errand, and this time I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do. And why is Kyanos even in Doomwood? Voidstar was supposed to be the one to make an appearance.”, I cast a spell to lead me to the Necropolis, then went on my way.


I arrived at the gates of the Necropolis to see the Hero of Falconreach talking with a paladin who, for some reason, decided that standing outside a powerful school of his worst enemies was a good idea. They were discussing the “recent battle of Moonridge” and someone named “Vayle”. I decided to slip through the door to the underground school. My enchanted clothes were intelligent enough to change from a rather light harem-pants/vest combination into heavier, woolen black robes more suited to the cool underground temperatures, something for which I was immediately grateful as the door closed, locking me in the cold, dry cave, in stark contrast to the warm, humid evening I had just forsaken.

My first experience with the undead was a hand, mostly bone with a few scraps of flesh remaining, grabbing my arm. I spun around, eyes wide, and blasted it and its body away from me. The Fire Temple believed that necromancy was only suited to those who served the Darkness Lord, and that the vibrancy of the Fire Lord was not suited to the lethargy of the undead. I still learned the theories of necromancy, of course, because you never know what the Fire Lord is going to need, but I never tried it in any form because there weren’t any bodies around with which to try (The Temple throws its dead into the volcano and banishes any spirits to the remains of what they think was an Ice Temple long ago, just in case the spirits are malignant.), and because I never really liked the idea of having to monitor the risen all the time. You either have to give them no intelligence and they mess up unless you guide them, or you give them too much intelligence and they get uppity.

Anyway, my assaulter picked itself up and charged at me. I blasted it again, this time with less success. The third blast was even less effective, and the fourth was a complete waste of effort. In desperation, I teleported it into the rock in such a way that only its head was protruding. At this, it started screaming (not out of pain, they can’t feel anything) and several hundred voices screamed back. I shrank into a corner as well over 20600 bones clattered towards me.

I looked over at the cave formations to my left and my captive to my right. Shuddering because I knew how long it took for the formations to grow, I broke a stalagmite from the floor, picked a tooth from Master Screamy in the rock wall, and spoke a spell.

My voice grew louder, stronger, until it was just waves of sound, spreading around me and pushing back anything it touched. Using the tooth, I modified the spell to only repel the undead, and to not affect rock ( to keep the cave from collapsing). I stood and walked down the path, and did not stop speaking. The skeletons marched toward me, and for the first 200, my spell was effective. After those, my magic grew weaker, as did my voice, and 10 steps above the bottom they both gave out.

The undead swarmed, intent on the kill. The door opened at the top of the stairs, and they abandoned me to attack whoever had opened it. “Right, then”. Raising my voice, I called after them,“ I’ll just leave then, if you’re done with me!” I walked further into the underground city, this time with multiple spells prepared to dismember and crush anything that might attack me. The air grew steadily colder, and as I passed many closed doors, I found one that was slightly ajar, with small, miserable sounds leaking out. I opened the door to see a 20-something-year-old woman sitting with a crystal in her lap, crying.

“It just won’t work!”, she sobbed, tears streaming down her face. Then she noticed me, and her face hardened. The room darkened as she muttered a spell, and I was thrown against the wall in the hallway. I quickly modified the crushing spell to merely pin her against the floor and cast it, at the same time summoning Master Screamy from his rock in pieces this time to be used as a projectile if necessary.

Once she was pinned down and the light returned to the room, I noticed the small wings on her back. “Who are you?”, she asked, glaring defiantly up at me. I decided not to answer that one. “Why are you here?”, she continued. I didn’t answer that one either. She sighed.” Will you let me up?”

“Do you promise not to attack me?”

“…Yes.”, came the sullen reply. I let her up, and the next thing I knew the room was pitch black again and Master Screamy’s hand was touching me again, this time as a fist in my face. I was pretty unhappy with her at this point. I don’t like liars and I really dislike rotten hands. I tried to pin her down, but without the element of surprise, I wasn’t able to overcome her. I renewed the vocal spell from earlier and focused it on her. I used a list of my grievances against her: “…you attacked me, you lied, you made me touch Master Screamy, you attacked me…”. The spell hit her harder as I grew more upset and began speaking louder, until I was half shouting and she was huddled with her hands over her ears.

I ended the spell. ”Truce?”

“Truce.”, came the weak reply.

“What is your name?”


“Why are you crying?”

“I cannot resurrect my brother. I’ve tried everything, and he still will not come back to life. Master Noxus said that he would help me, but it’s been years and he still hasn’t. I’m at my wit’s end, and I-“, her voice broke and more tears appeared,”-nevermind. It is not your business. Who are you and why are you down here?”

Both were very difficult questions. I didn’t wish to disclose my identity, and I didn’t really know why Kyanos sent me. So I avoided both questions completely. “You know, I know quite a bit about Necromancy, and you cannot truly resurrect your-“

“I can resurrect him! Noxus promised me. Do you think you know more than the master of the Necropolis?”

“Well, no, but-“

“But nothing. If Noxus says it can be done, then he is telling the truth and that is that. He would not lie to me.”

We sat in silence. I broke it: “Can I see your wings? They remind me of something I read a long time ago.”


I examined the wings, which confirmed my suspicions. “You haven’t been in contact with an Elemental Orb, have you?” She stiffened and turned away, silent. “I’ve only seen one reference to something like this, but it was with the Wind Orb centuries ago. Given your surroundings and the side effects of your magic, I’d say it was the Darkness Orb. Sound familiar?”

She stood, dusted herself off, and walked to the door.” Asking questions like that will get you killed. Goodbye.” She walked out and vanished.

I left the room and explored the city further, and found several points of interest, including a very well-hidden tunnel with large purple crystals growing inside and a tunnel covered with a layer of spider-webs so thick that if I had only felt it instead of seeing it, I would have guessed it was a very polished stone wall. I marked it with a rune to help me find it again, then snuck back to the stairs. I passed Vayle on my way, dressed in a hooded robe with her crystal at the ready and a sober look on her face. I cast a spell for luck on her and placed in the bottom step a message that would play in her head every time she walked on the stairs: ‘Goodbye, good luck, and when you are ready to get away from your life as a host for the Orb, say “Master Screamy” nine times on a full moon, and I will find you. You know who I am.”

I climbed the stairs, and to my surprise, grew colder as I reached the top. I snuck past the paladin, past the hero, through Moonridge, and finally rested on the road to Falconreach, growing steadily more chilly as I went. I looked back at the distant woods and murmured “Goodbye, Master Screamy.”

I had been shivering since Moonridge, but suddenly I began to shake so much that I couldn’t breathe. I choked out: “K—ky-a-n-n-n-n-os”, and he appeared. The shivering stopped.

“You have done well.”

“I still don’t know what I was supposed to do.”

You were to plant the seed of doubt into the girl’s mind. If she were to continue the way she was going, she would have raised the greatest undead army this world has ever seen. It would not do for Voidstar to have such a powerful weapon to bring glory to his realm. I sent you to keep the balance, and you did. What would you like?”

My experience with Master Screamy and his friends had taught me that I needed a weapon of my own. “ A scythe and two sickles, please. Ebony, with obsidian sickle blades and a sharp, ivory scythe blade. Perfectly suited to my height and weight, of course.”

“Very well. You will receive them in Falconreach, in the hidden grove by the river. I am sure we will do business again.”

He shattered again, and I sat where I had stopped, looking at a pile of ice and watching the sunrise over Doomwood.


< Message edited by afb728 -- 1/27/2015 1:46:20 >
DF  Post #: 4
8/31/2013 17:05:31   

Book 1: Chapter 5

I walked to Falconreach later that day, desperately needing some food and a real bed. I nearly ran the last mile when I saw the walls of the town rising above the trees. The only reason I didn’t was because I knew that I didn’t have the energy to move quickly. I hadn’t eaten for at least 36 hours and had gone through a pretty difficult time: facing down an elemental Avatar (unsuccessfully, but still), meeting Master Screamy and his friends, and scuffling with the Darkness Orb. I had also walked probably 20 miles and had burned whatever energy I had before starting the walk shivering. So I kept it slow.

I passed some woman with a golden statue and an eagerness to buy my robe (it’s “Super-rare!”) on my way in. That reminded me to change my clothing to a light cotton shirt and pants and to disguise my face as well. The town was far busier than anywhere I’d been; the Temple had been firmly scheduled in a way that no more than 30 people were out and about at a time, barring ceremonies, and the Sandsea had enforced a strict curfew. People were talking, laughing, as they went through their daily life. Young lovers walked hand-in-hand through the market, and old women in the stalls called to each other and gossiped.

I asked directions to the inn and got a room there. I ate a large meal, pickpocketed the man at the neighboring table to pay for it, and went out to explore the town. I went exploring along the river to find the grove Kyanos had mentioned, and did not find it. I then realized I was at the wrong river.

I spent another hour searching the other river, at the same time trying to remain unnoticed by the citizens. I still could not find the grove. I was about to give up when a wave of cold washed over me. Glancing around me, I saw a thick patch of Loddon Lilies, serene and shivering in a spectral wind. I walked through them, careful not to trample any, and found a grove of Weeping Willows, their branches weighed down by rime. In the center of the grove, surrounded by more of the lilies, was an altar of ice, upon which was a glacial pillar, its frosted surface obscuring whatever it contained.

I stepped into the center of the grove, reached out, and touched the pillar. It burst apart, revealing my scythe and sickles. I grabbed them, murmured a thank-you, and walked to the exit. As I stepped over the threshold, I looked back- into nothing. The grove was gone, and all that remained was a few flowers and the thick darkness of the forest.

The next morning, I awoke early and left the inn to see the sights: the zoo, the Guardian Tower, and the theater. I toyed with the idea of using the portal to the elemental foothills, and decided against it. If I was going to teleport, I’d prefer to do it under my own power, and I don’t really enjoy the experience anyway.

I visited the pet store and the blacksmith’s shop, then talked to the boy standing outside the inn about his goals in life. I mentioned a crypt I had seen on the outskirts of Doomwood as a place to begin his journey to knighthood; there had been some suspicious magic going on as I had passed by. I went inside the inn and fell asleep immediately.


I was awakened by a man’s presence in my room, standing over me. Another man was rummaging through the drawers and cabinets, looking for my valuables. I magically thrust the first man away from me, sprang out of bed, and summoned one of my sickles from the immaterial pocket in which I had placed it.

The second man came at me, a knife in his hand. I sidestepped, pivoted so I was behind him, and incapacitated him. He collapsed, and the first man screamed. I silenced him with a spell, but it was too late; the inn had been roused. I opened a portal underneath the surviving man, grabbed him, and jumped through it.

We came out in the middle of Surewood Forest. The man was crying.

“Who sent you?”, I asked. He mouthed at me. I lifted the silencing spell

“No one, I swear! You just seemed like an easy target. You walked around town, completely relaxed, wearing simple, but expensive clothing. You screamed ‘stupid noble’.”

“Well, you’ve placed me in an uncomfortable situation. I’m not sure if I should kill you in retaliation, or let you go. You know what…”

His eyes widened in terror as I raised my sickle and renewed his silencing. I struck him heavily in the side of the head with the butt of the weapon, knocking him out. “That’ll teach you to rob strangers.”

I left him there, unconscious on the floor of the forest, and walked north, the memories of the incident fading quickly.


The trees moved and the ground shook. It had been several hours since the inn-cident, and I had been walking for most of it. My clothes had again transformed, to heavier pants and a lighter shirt.

Ah, He-Who-Would-Be-Tongue. You are a long way from the temple, little one.” The low, male voice rumbled deep in my bones, and each word brought to mind the painful feeling of rapid growth. Tremblor rose from the Earth in front of me.

“Let me guess, you want something. Well, I have a price.”

You will help me because I command it. But you will receive a reward anyway, providing you complete the task satisfactorily.”

“What do you require? I excel at assassinations, I’ve been told.”

Clearly not. You lack finesse.” He had a point. The inn-cident had been sloppy: loud, messy, and I wasn’t able to bring myself to kill either of them. Man #1 was merely in a severely injured, and would probably be out of action for several months. Man #2 was in the middle of the forest, probably the meal of some bear. He wouldn’t be able to grab anything for at least a month due to the blow to his head.

You have recently worked with Kyanos, I see. Far to the north is the city of Dragesvard. They will soon face the threat of a Dragon-queen who is in possession of the Ice Orb.”

“So I am to remove it from her possession?”

No. The Hero of Falconreach will accomplish that.You are to plant several deposits of Dragonbane within a cave some miles from the city. You are also to infiltrate the city of elves and confuse a certain individual named ‘Gary’. He must be confused to the point of utter incompetency. After completing these tasks, you may do whatever you like.”

“I sincerely hope I do not have another “protect the orb” mission; they’re getting old. Why am I doing this?”

The queen could easily become Orbed, given time, and bring too much power to the Ice Realm. Keep the balance.” His form dissolved, and a from the pile of soil left behind sprang a bush of orange Azaleas. I plucked one and smiled.

“You really shouldn’t have!” I called after him. I should probably explain the “balance” thing. There was a rumor that the Lords are at constant war. They’re not. They are, however, in a bitter rivalry with each other, because they fear being overcome by the others.

I decided to find a road to Dragesvard instead of bushwhacking. Once I found one, I walked for a few hours, until, a few hours before dusk, a blonde woman whispered from the forest lining the road: “Do you need something done?”

“No, why?” I asked cautiously. Most of the time when someone asks that, they aren’t trustworthy. I should know, I am one of those people.

“Oh, nothing. I just needed the money. Do you have anyone you need killed?”

“No.” Silence passed as we stared at each other. I broke it: “You know, if I find someone who needs help like that, I swear I will send them to you.”

“Really?” A smile broke out on her face. “Thanks!”

“No problem… Do you have a card?” She handed one over to me. “Ok then, see you another time.”

I continued walking, wondering what her story was. I rested for the night, with several shields and offensive spells ready. Nothing attacked me. The next morning, because I was nearing Dragesvard, I cast another location spell to lead me to the cave. When I found it, I realized that I didn’t have any Dragonbane. Unless…

I took my azalea out of my pocket, placed it in the ground, and willed it to grow rapidly. In a few minutes, I had a bush of orange azaleas and several seed pods. I harvested the pods, then concealed my plant.

I walked through the cave, scattering the pods as I went. I looked at the last pod as I threw it. Once it touched the ground, it grew into a bush, turned a silvery color, collapsed into dust, and then melted into the ground. I had literally planted Dragonbane.

I walked out of the cave and cast another spell to find the elf city. It was several miles north of Dragesvard, and walking would take too long. I grabbed another flower from the first bush I had planted in the cave for luck, then opened a portal to the gates of the city.

As I walked through the portal, my clothes changed to a copper armor and the illusion I had placed on my face changed and spread. When I exited the portal, I had blue skin and long, pointed ears. The illusion didn’t protect me from the cold, so I had to warm myself with magic.

Walking through the gates of the city, I asked the guards if they had seen Gary; I had a message for him. They pointed me to the barracks, where I found him playing dice by himself. I sat down on someone’s bed, closed my eyes, and reached into his mind. It was cluttered, unfocused, and tinged with loneliness. As I cluttered his brain a bit more, I felt a twinge of guilt. He obviously was not popular, and whatever Tremblor had planned for him would not help his standing among his comrades. I pushed back the guilt and finished the job. He had paused in his game, staring into space. He shook himself and went back to playing alone, a small frown on his face.

I left the barracks quickly, before I could reverse what I had done. My mission done, I decided to explore the palace. It rose above the city, a beautifully carved ice structure. I walked around, telling anyone that questioned me that I was on official business. I walked past a silver-armored figure, sitting angrily on a bench not far from the throne room. I decided to sit next to him.

“…I’ll show her… How dare she? After all I’ve done for her…”, he grumbled. I let him continue for a while. When he appeared to have exhausted himself, I asked:

“Do you need something done?”

He turned to me, light flashing off of the blue and silver medallion around his neck. “Do you know somebody?”

I handed him the blonde’s card. “I think she’s pretty good at getting things done, and probably for a reasonable price.”

“Thank you.” He rose. “Well, I have even more revenge to accomplish now, so I’ll be going.”

I sat there, thinking, until a guard came up to me to shoo me out of the palace. I decided to leave the city and opened a portal to Dragesvard. I found an inn, then walked to the base of the largest tree on the island.

Tremblor was waiting for me. “You have accomplished what I had asked, and more. What is your request?”

“A summons is all I require from you.”

So be it.”

He vanished, leaving behind another bush of the orange azaleas, and I went to bed that night with a slight buzzing in my ears.


< Message edited by afb728 -- 1/27/2015 1:46:40 >
DF  Post #: 5
9/15/2013 17:38:50   

Book 1: Chapter 6

I awoke the next morning and decided to head south. I found a great little spot near a volcano. It was within a few miles of a portal (I think it was to Falconreach) and there were several elementals scurrying around, living their lives. It reminded me of the nice parts of the Fire Temple. It was warm, elementals’ voices provided a soothing chatter, and adventurers kept away. I had never liked the adventurers of Falconreach, particularly that “Hero”. They tend to be rather dense.

After around 3 weeks of staying in the camp, the buzzing from the night in Dragesvard returned. I ignored it for a few days, but as it grew stronger and I began to feel it, my patience wore thin. I finally resolved to permanently silence whatever was causing it.

As soon as I had made my resolution, the buzzing grew to such intensity that I fell to my knees. Sparks gathered around my body as I knelt, gasping, and streamed in front of me to form an Avatar I hadn’t been looking forward to meeting. Haeos has a reputation for dramatics, and though I have nothing against the Energy Realm, after over a week of buzzing in my ears I did not feel like doing him any favors.

You are angry with me, yes?”

I nodded in response.

I have a task for you.”

“I am becoming rather bored with these tasks. ‘Ember, protect my orb, Ember, go down into the Necropolis and get attacked by reanimated corpses’. I think I shall take a break.”

You will do as I instruct you because it is of the utmost importance. My orb is in grave danger. It-“

“Oh, your orb, oh no,” said I sarcastically. Lightning flashed and thunder shook me.

You will listen to me and you will heed my instruction. Someone, or something, has been maneuvering the Orbs into compromising positions. Do you think that Light Orb is safe? There is a girl in the Sandsea, waiting to steal it. And your friend the Darkness Orb? It shall soon be removed and placed in the Falconreach bank, and it is a notoriously unsafe place to keep a valuable. I cannot have my Orb stolen. You will protect it in the coming war of metal and bone.”

I was silent for a while. “What shall I do? And how soon is ‘soon’?”

I will transport you to the city of gnomes. You will find your way to the heart of the city and activate ‘sentience startup mode A2B2C2’on a 14 day countdown at the input station near where the orb is housed. Then, if you are wise, you will evacuate immediately. Even you would not survive what will occur.”

“I take it I am to remain unnoticed. And how soon is ‘soon’?”

Yes. ‘Soon’ is within the next century. Now, let us depart.”

A bolt of lightning crashed down from the sky, hitting me on the head. I blinked, and I was outside the barbershop of Popsprocket, disguised as a gnome. From down the hall I heard voices announcing the arrival of the Hero of Falconreach from Dragesvard.

I cursed to myself as I ducked out of the way of passing gnomes. I knew from my studies that the city was small enough for everyone to know everyone else. If I was seen, my mission would be a failure. I found a reflective surface (It was surprisingly difficult for a city made of metal. It turns out they’ve never polished it.) and changed my appearance to that of a dwarf I had seen during my three weeks of rest. I wouldn’t be noticed by the Hero and the gnomes wouldn’t be suspicious of me either.

I stepped out into the center of the hall and walked to the nearest computer access point, praying that I would be able to understand it. I was in luck; it spoke magic. I drew a circle in the air. It drew its own, and an arm reached out and touched my circle. As soon as it made contact, I cast a spell to overwhelm and suppress whatever was controlling it. Its magical side was quickly dominated, but the mechanical side did not cooperate. I poured more power into the spell, then cast a spell to decay the wire to the alarm. The machine sparked, drawing the crowd’s attention to me. Knowing that I only had seconds before I was met with conflict, I tore the blueprints of the city from the recesses of the machine’s magic’s memory, imprinted it on my inner elbow, and used what strength remained in the computer to open a portal to a safe place. The Orb room was protected by Haeos himself from any sort of magical entry, so I found myself upstairs at the inn.

I grabbed a mirror and molded my appearance to look like a generic gnome. With luck, I would not be found and recognized by the population. I willed my clothing to change to a cloak , cast a silencing spell on myself, and crept out of the inn. The crowd was everywhere, looking for the dwarf that did not exist.

The first door to the Orb room was rather easy to find, and let me in with no problem. The second door asked for a password. I was about to speak when lightning struck it and it opened. Haeos was breaking the rules by helping me, but I didn’t care.

The third door asked for the name of the founder of Popsprocket. It was struck too, and I continued. The fourth door attacked me as I rounded the corner. I blasted the control panel and opened a portal to the seafloor for the bolts to go through. The door opened, and I walked through it.

The fifth and final door asked why I was trying to enter the Orb room.

“Haeos sent me.”

Very well.”

The door slid open, revealing a white, polished room. In the center was an empty pedestal. There was a control panel to my right. It meekly responded to my advances, anticipating and fulfilling my every request.

Please enter the code of the function to be performed.

I typed in “sentience startup mode A2B2C2” pressed Enter. It then asked for if I wanted to delay activation. I selected ‘Yes’ and ’15 days’. It buzzed for a moment.

Task in 14 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 58 seconds

I turned and ran out and up through the 5 doors and the many corridors, shutting the doors behind me as I went. I reached the surface of the city and prepared to flee. The sight of a gnome and the Hero made me pause. The gnome was talking about Magiscience. The temple’s educators had only mentioned Science or Magiscience in passing, claiming that they were tools for the weak and without magic to use, and therefore not worthy of my time. But my experience with the computer had taught me that I needed at least some knowledge of machines. I drew closer.

The gnome spoke for ages on the most basic aspects of machines, the theories of magic, and, finally, on the combination of both. When he finished, both the Hero and I were exhausted and bored, but we were educated. I fled immediately and used the very last of my mana to open a portal to my campsite in the north.

I collapsed in my tent and slept for several days. I awoke and went about my business: relaxing. A week later, Haeos appeared with a flash and a large *crack*. He was upset.

What have you done? How could that Hero defeat that city? Have you sabotaged it? My orb is in danger now, and it is your fault.”

“Why don’t you remove it from danger yourself? It’s not like that’s impossible for you to do.”

It is. The one behind the manipulation of the orbs is watching. If he were to know that I suspect a plot, things would become very difficult very quickly.”

“So do you know who the manipulator is?”


“Do I still get my request?”

He was silent for several minutes. “I suppose you did fulfill your task. Very well, what is it for which you wish?”

“A summons, although I may trade that in for something else in the future.”

If that is your desire.”

He vanished with another bolt of lightning, leaving me to my thoughts.

My solitude did not last for long:

You are wasting your talents.” Fiamme had found me again. “You are squandering your body, and your mind, and your magic to do worthless tasks for beings that could accomplish them themselves.”

“I am not. This is what I was born for, remember? To be the Lord’s instrument on Lore. Why can I not be the Lords’ instrument on Lore instead?”

You mock your purpose.”

I did not answer.

Do you know why you are called ‘Ember’? The day you were born, I held you in my arms, chose you as my own. I looked inside you and saw the potential to be the greatest Tongue of all time. But until your flame grows strong, it will smolder inside of you. I named you ‘Ember’ because of that potential. Do not waste your spark on the problems of my equals, but fulfill your destiny and rise to your position.”

“I do not care. I will never join you.”

You think that you are useful to the others? That will fade. Soon, I will have a new Tongue, and we will crush you for your impertinence. And as you burn for eternity in the Fire Realm, you will look back to this moment and wish that you could have changed your choice.”

“You will leave this camp.”

You will join me.”


So be it.

She exploded, incinerating my campsite and igniting the trees around it. I sat down in the midst of the ashes.

The heat slowly lessened, and I became aware of the fires of the trees shrinking and going out.

Kyanos whispered, “Would you like revenge?”

“Let’s do it.”


< Message edited by afb728 -- 1/27/2015 1:46:57 >
DF  Post #: 6
9/20/2013 23:31:46   

Book 1: Chapter 7: The Fire Saga, Part 1.

Kyanos explained his plan: Summon a certain dragon on a certain date, deliver a certain letter, and Fiamme and all of the Fire Realm would suffer for it. Kyanos would have a leg up on Fiamme, I would have my revenge, and I would also get a favor out of it. I waited for days, smell of ashes burned into my nose and the sight of my camp’s burnt remains ingrained into my eyes. Finally, a week before the summoning, I packed up what remained of my camp and took the road east. Any bandits I encountered were left in piles on the side of the road.

I arrived six days later in a small, peaceful village at the base of some mountains some 400 miles north of the Fire Temple. The people were laughing, smiling as they went through their business. I was in no mood for it.

The following morning I went to visit the Shrine of the Dragons. For the last 900 years, the people of the village had been protected by the small stone statue in the center of a lavatorium, in the tone square. Pure magic flowed through it, and no one was able to remove the statue from its pedestal. Well, no one but a certain Would-Be-Tongue.

Kyanos had walked me through the ritual. I placed my hands on the statue and dipped my head into the basin of mana. Reaching out through my magic, I explored the statue, and was pleased to find 8 minor elemental orbs, made directly by the Avatars for the people of the village in return for their service 100 years after the gift of the Orbs to the Guardians. I identified the Fire orb and forced my power into it, at the same time calling to the Great Dragon of Flames. I felt a roar echo through the statue and the fountain, reverberating in my bones and hurting my teeth. He was coming.

The orb protecting the village still remained, though. I reached again, this time coating my magical hands in pure magic from the fountain to protect it from contamination by Fire. The orb was a hot, intense coal, one that singed my power, even through my protections. I was lucky that I was not contaminated, and only pained. I grabbed it and pulled it away, through the statue and into the open. When Akriloth arrived, the town would not be safe. And when he left, I would replace the orb to confuse any who investigated.


Three days later, I was awakened in the middle of the night by an ear-shattering roar. The entire village woke with me, and panic ensued. The villagers ran screaming through the town, fleeing from the gigantic red dragon that was circling above. With one swipe of his tail, the town hall was demolished. The bakery followed suit. I ran out of the inn just before it, too, was reduced to rubble. I looked around just in time to see his talons reach toward the Shrine, intent on destroying it. I threw my power through both hands and my voice: one spell to slow his claws and reduce their force, one spell to surround and protect the Shrine, and the final spell to strengthen the other two spells by drawing power from what fought them.

Having protected the Shrine, I dashed towards it, throwing up further shields around myself. The screams grew louder and the Dragon roared, throwing flames at the buildings as the sound reverberated. Akriloth laughed in glee as the village collapsed around him.

Slowly, the screams stopped, and the only sounds were the Dragon chuckling and the crackling of the flames. Suddenly, Akriloth tensed up to take flight. I ran out of the lavatorium in which I had taken shelter and called out to him to stop.

What do you want, puny one?”

“I ask you to stay, until others arrive to investigate the occurrences here.”

He regarded me carefully. “You have grown since I saw you last, young one. Where is your master?” I had forgotten our first, and only, previous meeting. I was young, no older than 11 years, and the Dragon, Fiamme, and Salt (fully possessed) had convened to discuss a great matter. I was not permitted to listen, and Fiamme herself had placed protections around their meeting site to obscure their conversation. After the meeting, Fiamme had nodded to me and Salt, now back in control of his body, had kicked me. But the Dragon had looked at me with one of his enormous eyes, unblinking. Finally, he nodded and said, “You will be interesting.”, before departing.

“Have you not heard, Akriloth? I do not serve the Fire Lord in any form anymore.”

He chuckled. “It’s about time a Tongue grew a backbone. Tell me of your life.”. I gave him a light overview of my missions for the various Avatars, not going too far into detail. At the end, he spoke: “I was correct, you have become interesting. I hope I will see you in the future to learn more of your experiences.”

“Akriloth, I ask you to return to this place when I call you next.”

Ah, so it was you who called me here. I thought I recognized the magic.”

“Will you come as I request?”

I shall, as a favor to one who has pleasantly surprised me and given me the Forbidden Town to which to lay waste.”

“Thank you, Great One. I will call soon.”

With that, he departed, gusts of wind from his wings knocking me down. I replaced the orb in the Shrine, gathered myself, and opened a portal using the power running through the fountain. I stepped out through into Surewould Forest, near the gates of Falconreach. I rubbed some dirt onto my face, disguised it further, and changed my clothing to look ash-stained and nibbled at by fire. My shoes disappeared, replaced by tattered rags, and my hair became greasy and singed. In short, I had come from the dragon attack at the village in the East.

I ran into town, yelling for Konnan, the smith’s apprentice. He came out of the shop, looking confused. I told him the news of his (our) village’s destruction. His face went blank.

“Were there any survivors, other than you?”, asked the smith.

“T-t-there might be… I ran as fast as I could to get to the portal nearest the village, and I was too busy running, and Ma told me to run and don’t look back, so I didn’t and I-”

“So there is hope?” Konnan’s eyes burned with a manic energy. “My family, my siblings, they might have survived?”

I remained silent.

“We have to send someone there, then. Hero! Hero…” He ran off through the town, trying to find the Hero of Falconreach, who had returned from the war at Popsprocket.

That night, I snuck out of the inn, where the town had put me up, and changed my appearance again. I left a note saying that I had gone to live with my aunt in Swordhaven. I climbed down into the well at the back of the inn and stayed there until I heard that the Hero was traveling to the village to survey the damage. I estimated that it would take him roughly 4 days to travel to village, so I told Akriloth to be in the vicinity of the ruins, ready to fly down and meet the hero. That was all I asked of him, and he agreed to do it. I opened another portal to Konnan’s village to prepare for the Hero’s arrival.

I arrived in the village and had a coughing fit. The air was thick with smoke and the ghosts of those who had died were wandering around. I went to the fountain and harvested power from it. Akriloth’s minions had just begun to arrive in order to scavenge the remains of the village. They stayed away from me, and I from them. Fire elementals of any sort were not the type of creatures with which I wanted to have contact. I was fine at my camp near the Volcano, but that was because they were heard and not seen. When they were in full view, I was less than enthusiastic about interacting with them.

The next day, Akriloth came down to visit. We discussed his acquisition of the Great Orb; he had tricked an adventurer into retrieving it from the depths of the Guardian Tower of Fire, which was buried at the base of a volcano in the West.

The day after, we discussed the history of dragons, and the continuation of his line. I was surprised to hear that he had fathered an egg, one that was waiting to hatch when the time was right.

That night, we said goodbye. I would stay only long enough to ensure he spoke with the hero, and then I would be off on my own again. Despite my dislike for Fire, I did not begrudge him his affiliation. Akriloth had been kind to me, and I will never forget that.

When the Hero arrived the next morning, I watched from a distance as Akriloth swooped down to talk to him and then battled his dragon. Akriloth won and flew away. As soon as he had left, I replaced the minor Orb in the fountain and departed from the village.

In the days that followed, I felt the Fire’s presence on Lore grow increasingly stronger, until one day it dropped to the merest trace of power in the world. I concluded that the Great Fire Dragon had been slain. Scrying the battlefield in which he died, I noted a being of Darkness cloaked in Fire speaking to the Hero, giving him Akriloth’s egg.

To my surprise, I was not visited by Fiamme that night. Or the next night. It wasn’t until I felt the presence of Fire burning hotter than ever before that I realized why.


< Message edited by afb728 -- 10/5/2017 16:12:25 >
DF  Post #: 7
12/28/2013 2:40:49   

Book 1: Chapter 8: The Fire Saga, Part 2.

I awoke in the middle of the night to a vision of the world on fire. There were no trees, lakes, or even the sky. There was only the ground beneath my feet and the flames surrounding me, consuming everything. There was fire in my hair, on my hands, in my eyes. I screamed, and flames burst out of my mouth in place of sound.

I blinked, and I was still on Lore in my old campsite near the volcano. Nothing was burning.

“It’s your guilty conscience, you know.” A blue moglin strolled out of the shadows. “Your actions have caused the Fire Lord to have a new champion, stronger than even the dragon Akriloth.”

“And what would you have me do about it?”

“Mehehehe… the Hero will need some help getting into Drakonnan’s fortress, when that child finally rebels against Xan. It will be a while, probably several weeks, but it will happen. The Hero will probably come to me for help getting into the fortress.”


“So, Darkness isn’t that effective against Fire, alright? You provide the power, I’ll provide the finesse.”

“And why couldn’t I do it myself? Why are you even involved?”

“Because, you fool, if the Hero arrives at the fortress and the barrier is gone, he’ll suspect a rat somewhere. Also, my employer has provided me with the knowledge to destroy the barrier. If he had chosen to tell you, I wouldn’t even be here.”

“Who is your employer?”

The moglin’s eyes widened. “I wouldn’t tell you for anything”

“You must.”

“Let me put it this way: If he chose, you would have no choice.”

“What’s in it for me?”

“You stop feeling guilty, and my master doesn’t enslave you or blow your head off or something.”

“Fine. See you in a few weeks.”

The moglin vanished in a puff of smoke. I went back to sleep.


More than a few weeks passed. I waited almost two months for the moglin to appear. He didn’t. What I received instead was a heavily chewed letter, carried by a baby dracolich:

Meet me near the well in Falconreach at the New Moon.”

The New Moon was that night. I quickly packed my few belongings, shoved them into the space with my weapons, and walked to the portal to Falconreach. I climbed down the hill, turned right at the inn, and saw him:


“We need to establish a link between ourselves.”

“I only supply the power?” He nodded. “How much?”

“Mehehehe… As much as I deem necessary.”

“ I don’t think I want to do this.” As I turned to leave, his paw shot out and grabbed me.

“You will do as I tell you, or my boss will get mad. Or, a more… immediate threat, wouldn’t it be great if that outlaw who presumably murdered those men (he left a lot of blood, at the very least) was sighted in town?” I flinched. “Besides, you have to do this. You’re the reason we’re in this mess in the first place.”

“Fine. Establish this link quickly, and then let’s go to the fortress. I want to be done with this.”

He grinned. “Oh, you will be soon enough.”


It took ages to go to the fortress. First, the Hero had to gather the Blue Mage, the Weaponsmith, and the Paladin, the three of whom had contacted the moglin for his help. Then, the four had to travel to the East, where the fortress was situated. Finally, they had to bicker over how to break the shield, even though they had already decided that the moglin would do it. By the time they had called him and he was ready to break the shield, I was more than done with the entire affair.

He concentrated, and I felt a most of my mana, so much that I was almost empty, rush out of me.

“Was that really necessary?”

“No, but it’s too late now.” He severed the connection, and I was left without enough mana to lift a pebble, or, more importantly, gain access to my weapons and supplies.

I was furious.

So furious, in fact, that I almost called in a favor with Celeritas to punish the moglin, or give me the power to do it myself. I opted instead to find a comfortable hiding space where I could recuperate.
I settled on a small cave, which I found by tripping into it. I settled in for the night and fell asleep.

I woke up drowning.


< Message edited by afb728 -- 1/27/2015 1:48:12 >
DF  Post #: 8
8/11/2014 1:12:06   

Book 1: Chapter 9

I never learned to swim, growing up. Living on a volcano, where the only water around was boiling, I had very little use for any sort of contact with water. So being fully submerged was a frightening experience.

Realizing that I was in the ocean did not help.

Luckily, the water seemed breathable, which I noticed when I panicked and inhaled a lungful of it. I stopped panicking and did a quick inventory: maybe an eighth of my mana capacity. I hadn’t had enough time overnight to regenerate enough to teleport outside of my cave, let alone go to an ocean, at least several hundred miles away, and still have that amount of mana. Which meant that something had taken me.

And he figures it out.” Neso’s voice sounded like a rushing stream, waves on a beach, and a rainstorm all at once. “Tell me, are you surprised to meet me?”

“Well, honestly, no. I am surprised that you bothered to bring me here, normally I am expected to provide my own transportation.”

Some of my peers are less than courteous, it would seem. Shall we do business?” I nodded in response. “Good. I need you to bring back the elves.”

“I have no idea what you mean.”

One of the Old Ones, a giant squid, transformed all of my elves into monsters. It is vital that they are cured.”

“I have two questions: Why am I necessary, and why is it necessary for them to be back?”

You know, Fiamme always bragged about your schooling, but you seem to be either dense or ignorant, based on what I’ve heard.” She sighed. “The elves are what you might call an indicator species. They, more than anything else, are an accurate measure of an Elemental Lord’s power on Lore. Weak elves mean weak Lords.

They were created to bridge the gap between the Elements and the Mortals. Fire, among a few of the others, decided to create beings such as you. Fire’s choice was rather selfish. It ruined multiple lives, one after another, and robbed the mortals in question of their free will. The rest of us chose to make elves, the first of whom were willing participants in our experiment. For the first few centuries, the experiment seemed to be working. Unfortunately, the elves became too invested in their own culture and their own survival. If you meet any elves outside of their villages, they are exiled, insane, or desperate for something. They forgot their duty, and the world suffered because of it. The relationship between the Realms and Lore decayed. And because of that, my power on Lore weakened enough for the elves to be transformed by a lesser Being. Comparatively, of course. They must be saved, for the safety of my Realm and Lore

“So why can’t you do it?”

I am the Avatar. I am the power of the Water Lord, concentrated so densely in one Plane that I gained a mind of my own, unless, similarly to what happens to the current Tongue of Fire, the Water Lord takes control. I have no mortal element in my person. You were meant to be the next Tongue, to fulfill the same function of the elves. There is only one other who could possibly help me, but I know that that one would not.”

“But you do not need the Orb saved? Most of my tasks seem to be for that purpose.”

Allow me to educate you. The Orb is important, but, like me, it is pure Elemental power in the Mortal Plane. Any Avatar worthy of the name should be more concerned for the elves. If necessary, I could create 100 more orbs of the same power as the current one immediately. I could also take back the Orb or destroy it.”

“Then why did Haeos—“

Haeos is a fool. Haeos is concerned for the trouble that Orbs might cause is the wrong hands. He tried to convince me of the ‘danger’, but the word of my strongest competitor is not to be trusted. You will find a way to cure the elves.”

“What of the Hero of Falconreach? He seems to be everywhere I go. What part will he play?”

The Hero looks for the Orb, just as he did for the other Elements. He is, however, still battling his way through Drakonnan’s fortress. He will likely not be Underwater for several weeks. He will fight the Being unless the elves are healed in time.”

“And the Orb?”

In the event that the Orb is stolen, no great harm will come of it. Haeos’s worries are without justification.” She paused. “I will decide your reward based on my satisfaction with your work.” She dissolved into a cold swirl around me.


The next month passed quickly as I recuperated. The magic was slower to return than I would have expected, but I was able to use what I had the day after the moglin’s treachery to pay for a room in the tavern in the Locker. The bartender liked cheap magic tricks. A gift of a flower that sang a different song each time it was touched was more than enough to buy me at least six weeks of room and board. I had strange dreams during my convalescence, like a dragon was speaking monotonously nonstop. It kept telling me to submit to it, that I could “not resist” and could not “fight it”. That was made me indignant enough (too much like what Fiamme had told me) to power through the dreams, mentally fighting whatever appeared in them.

Each day, I cast out my magic a little further. One day, I felt a very deep, cold, and dark presence on the edge of my range. I resolved to investigate the following day. In the meantime, the hero had been spat out by a Johnnyfish.

The hero, from what I had seen, was, although dense (I know for a fact I’m not the only one to think so.), kind-hearted. I did plenty of spying on him from afar as he tried to befriend the only Water Elf in the town. He did some swimming around, looking for something to do something to save the Water Elves. I don’t know. Honestly, I didn’t listen that closely. He did seem to be acting strangely: twitching, screaming in his sleep, talking to himself. But, then again, the entire Inn was acting like that.

The day I decided to investigate the presence. I summoned my sickles just in case and hung them on my belt. Some distance out of town was a mysterious trench, and in that general direction I could feel the presence. I figured that the trench was a good place to start.

I jumped into the trench when I reached it and sank. It took a solid hour. When I finally reached the bottom, the pressure was overwhelming. It took a great deal of effort to shield myself against it, reducing my magic, which had just gotten to about three quarters capacity, to one third. Changing my vision to see in the dark reduced it to a quarter capacity. It takes more mana to cast any spell when under physical duress: in a fight, trapped under your bed, anytime you’re stressed. Part of it is psychosomatic: your concentration is broken, which means your finesse is off, leading to taking more than is necessary from your body’s reserve. It also takes more effort if you are deep in an elemental Domain and not an Elementalist. Underground, in the stratosphere, in a fire, a glacier, or, most topically, an ocean. Being at the ocean floor and unbonded to any Element, especially water, was difficult.

I followed the trench toward the Presence. Its magical pressure was far greater than the pressure the ocean was placing on me, and the voice from my dreams began speaking ever more loudly in my head, telling me to give up. By the time I reached the valley where it was located, I was finding it hard to breathe. A large mass of tentacles lay before me, slowly pulsing. One shifted slightly, giving me a glimpse of an eye as far across as a Guardian Tower is tall. A sharp-looking mountain poked out of the tentacles; looking more closely, I realized it was a beak.

Ah. A snack has come to greet me.”

“You speak like a dragon.”

I am far greater than a dragon. The Guardians will tell you that the Dragons were the first Elemental Champions, but they were only given that task when my brethren and I proved to be too strong for the Avatars to handle.

“Your brethren? Am I to believe there is a squid for each element?”

We were each created to be the ultimate masters of our respective environment. We were worshipped by you humans… And then the dragons came along. They were called something different back then. The world had no use for my brethren and me, not when the Lords had so clearly shown that we were not favored anymore. I suppose I am lucky. I am one of the few of my brethren to have not been transformed by the Cataclysm some millennia ago. Only those deepest in the planet’s recesses remain: myself, my Earth-brother, and possibly my Fire- and Ice-sisters. The rest are gone, either dead or forced into a lesser existence…” He fell silent for some time.

“I have come to ask you nicely to restore the Elves. I’m assuming that you are the giant squid who transformed them.”

That I am. But I shall not restore them. Neso told you that they are the indicator of how strong an Element’s foothold is on this planet, yes? When they all belong to me, I will have one third of Water’s living power in my grasp. Combined with the Orb, the only thing that would be able to stand against me is Neso herself, backed by that puny dragon and her brethren. My adepts and my mortal servants could easily overcome the dragons, allowing me to easily usurp the Champion, Hyonix, (Who is nothing without the strength of her race behind her.). By the time Neso became directly involved, I would be more than capable of defeating her.”

“Could a dragon and rider defeat you?”

I’d like to see them try. I am almost strong enough magically to take on the Great Dragon, and I am certainly physically strong enough.”

“But despite all your power, you’re still mortal. Neso took back all of Water’s elemental support of you.”

Not Neso. I Was before the Avatars came to be. The Lord of Water itself took back my power, or all that it could without un-creating me.”

“And that touch of divinity in you, mixed with your mortality, makes it impossible for Neso to battle you directly unless…”

Unless the Realm of Water is in danger. Yes, Avatars may only affect pure mortals or pure elementals unless their Realm is in immediate jeopardy. Creatures like elves and dragons of their own Realm are special exceptions, unless they have fallen under the power of another. (In this case, me.) The elves do not technically belong to Water anymore, and therefore Neso cannot affect them unless they directly attack her.”

“And by the time that happens, you’ll have significantly more power than she does… And all you need is the Orb and the final elf, right? Were I not being paid for this mission, I might’ve even helped you. You seem to have it all figured out. Are you the reason everyone in the Inn is having strange dreams?”

Yes. If you are not here to aid me, then you have no use to me. Except for as a snack.”

“Wait. I’m going to warn you: Nothing good comes to those who fight the Powers that Be. It’s in your best interest to just comply with Neso’s wishes and restore the elves. You’ve been lucky to have been forgotten for this long.”

Ha! Nothing good? Speaking from experience, are you? I’ve been forgotten since before the shining one came in his machine to try to exterminate me. I was forgotten before his civilization began their most primitive stages. That’s more than seven millennia of having no purpose. I will regain my power, or I will be so severely beaten that I will not rise again for double the time I’ve been forgotten. And I will not be beaten.”

Another presence above us and to the West caught my attention. “What is that?”

A competitor from the Eastern Ocean. He is young and born of Wind. I do not know why he is in my domain, but after I have taken Neso’s place, I will quickly dispatch him. I will not be bound by the laws of the Avatars, and I certainly will not allow some upstart to encroach on my territory, that is, all of the Oceans on the planet.”

“I’m going to ask you once more: please restore the Elves.”

Never.” With that, his tentacles lashed out and grabbed me. He pulled me toward his beak and stopped. Suddenly, he pulled back and flung me toward the surface, launching himself up after me.

I pulled out my sickles as I went upwards and concentrated on protecting myself from the decompression; it required only a minor change to by pressure-shield spell. The squid shot past me as I slowed, releasing a cloud of ink and grabbing me again. I struck with my sickles, one glancing off of him and the other somehow slicing my leg. He began to squeeze as I struck again and again, doing very little damage to him and plenty to myself. I felt one rib, then two, then four ribs crack as I began to fall unconscious. With the last of my will and my magic, I sent a distress call to the competitive presence, notifying it of my situation and informing it that my captor was weak and distracted. I felt it turn towards us, and moments later something massive plowed into the squid and myself. I was dropped and floated down to the ledge on the edge of the trench. I was vaguely aware of their battle: two titanic, tentacled sea monsters writhing in the water, creating waves that would swamp the lands across the Ocean. I hoped that Falconreach and the surrounding towns had some sort of storm protection, otherwise they would be washed away.

Hours later, the competitor slunk away, soundly defeated. The squid was also well-worn and made its way toward the trench. However, the arrival of the Hero of Falconreach with the last Elf stopped it and it turned to do battle with them. Another several hours later, the combined power of the Hero, his dragon, and the Elf defeated the squid. It gave a groan and fell deep into the trench, its body hitting the walls of the ravine and bringing them down on top of it as its minions were transformed into Elves by the girl.

Neso waited until the Hero had gone before appearing to me.

That is not how I would have planned it. However, you did accomplish the task, so I suppose I will allow you to call on me for a favor.”

“What… if… I want… something… else?” I wheezed.

I told you that I would decide your payment. However, because you are in pain, I shall heal your external wounds as a bonus.”

A cold current washed over me and my cuts closed. My ribs were still broken and my last thoughts as I sank into Darkness were of agony.

< Message edited by afb728 -- 10/5/2017 16:10:54 >
DF  Post #: 9
9/11/2014 3:31:42   

Book 1: Chapter 10

I awoke to a deep, velvety voice humming to me. At the bottom of the ocean, exhausted and injured, I had no way to see, either through natural or magical means. All I saw was Darkness.

Ah, he awakens.” Voidstar’s presence surrounded me. “You’ve done some marvelous work for the rest of my peers, you know. How would you like to work for me now?”

I could not do anything but try to breathe. The combination of the oceanic and magical pressures, coupled with the pain in my ribs, made even breathing a difficult task. It became clear after several moments that He had not asked a rhetorical question. He sighed:

If I must…” . Darkness poured into my mouth, traveling into my lungs and from there into my bloodstream. My ribs healed, snapping back together. “Better? Good.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but he continued. “I need you to track down a Trey Surehunter and notify him that the search for the Earth Orb in Willowshire has begun. After that, you may do whatever you wish.”

“What’s the deadline on this assignment? And what do I receive in return?”

You are allowed to live, of course. And you will see the world. And, because you have displayed quite the mercenary side, you will be allowed to summon me one time.”

“Why am I doing this?”

You do not need to know. Now, considering that you already owe me a favor, I suggest you take this rather easy assignment before I ask a favor involving Master Screamy.”

“You wouldn’t.”

I would.”

“You still haven’t given me a deadline.”

You have three months. I think you will need that time; he’s quite good at not being found. You could take some tips.”

Before I could retort, he vanished into the depths of the ocean around me.


Voidstar was right; this Trey Surehunter was hard to find. I searched in several caves and ruins where I had heard of adventurers exploring to no avail. From Sil near Amityvale to the Lost Cities of the Ice-Elf Empire, the man was nowhere to be found. Finally, in a tavern in Lolosia, about to sail to Osprey Cove, two weeks before the deadline, I overheard two gaudily dressed women gossiping about an obscenely rich treasure hunter. He had apparently arrived in town the night before and bought the entire town a drink. These two had been lucky enough to be bought jewelry and a meal as well, with flowers afterward. I sketched a sign for past-sight on the bar in front of me, tapped it, and looked around the tavern as it had been the night before. Sure enough, the two women were seated with a tall, ruggedly handsome man. The prettier of the two was seated on his lap, nursing a drink. The man whispered something into her ear, and all three laughed. They stood, gathered his coat and the women’s shawls, and left the tavern. I stood up and followed them.

They walked down the allies of Lolosia, taking several twists and turns before going through a small door into a grimy building, which advertised itself as a the cheapest rooms in Lolosia. The trio sat, had a few drinks, and the women departed some time later with a kiss on the cheek of all. I was about to end the spell when a man walked through the door and bumped into me.

“Watch where you’re going, you imbecile.”

I recognized the man. I had just watched his evening unfold in the spell. “Trey Surehunter?”

“What’s it to you?”

“I have a message for you from someone important.”

“I don’t have time for this. I’m a busy man. People to rob, trinkets to steal…”. He pushed past me and walked down the alley toward the harbor.

“Wait! It’s about the Earth Orb.”

He stopped immediately. “What did you say?”

“Voidstar told me to tell you: The search for the Earth Orb in Willowshire has begun.”

He ran into the cheap inn and returned moments later, a pack on his back. “Thanks.”

The sound of his hurried footsteps echoed down the alley as I sat in a shocked silence. After I took hold of my senses, I resolved to follow him.

He traveled northwest, mostly by foot, from Lolosia toward Willowshire. He made a short stop in Aika before heading to Willowshire, passing around it, and visiting a stone shrine in the middle of the woods. I could feel Tremblor’s residual presence in the shrine.

“Soon I will have you, my sweet. And nothing precious will be hidden from us ever again. Not gold, not jewels, not even the relics gifted to the Elementals. I will have the very Earth at my command. And no one, be it that Doomknight or the legendary Vaal, will be able to stand against me.”

With that, he turned and left the clearing, leaving behind the clearing and the shrine.


Voidstar visited me later that night. “You have done well.”

“What was that shrine he visited? I felt the power of Tremblor in it, but nothing more.”

That shrine holds the last work of the greatest weaponsmith to have ever lived. Similarly to you, he was granted favor with each of the Major Avatars. He used that favor to forge the blade, using his devotion to Tremblor to give it a default element of Earth. The rest of us gave it the capability to synergize with any sort of concentrated Elemental power, such as the Orbs, which were yet to come, and the Relics of the Elementals.

It was to go only to the most worthy heroes, but it fell into the wrong hands over the centuries. During the war 1000 years ago, it was used against our forces, who managed to take it back and hid it at the shrine, which is not only unknown to the Guardian Order, but locked unless the power of the Earth Orb was brought to it, or the Avatars together opened it. Luckily, we gave that Orb to a clumsy Guardian, who further complicated the unlocking process by splitting it. It has been safe ever since

“So it can synchronize with the Orbs. Why is that important?

Because, even without being connected to an Orb, it can control Death.
With the power of any Orb attached, the weapon creates a nearly-unstoppable force

I whistled, impressed. “I’d like for my favor to be officially be given, please.”

You may summon me once.” He receded into the shadows.

“Wait. That weapon- It’s not-“

The Blade of Awe, yes".


< Message edited by afb728 -- 1/27/2015 1:48:40 >
DF  Post #: 10
1/27/2015 2:03:49   

Book 1: Chapter 11: The Final 13th, Part 1

I decided pretty quickly that, if a man like Surehunter were going to get a weapon with power over death and potentially combine it with an Elemental Orb, being anywhere near him when it happened was a bad idea. Consequently, I opened a portal over the nearest ley-line (to conserve some mana) and went through it to another clearing, similar to the one that Fiamme had destroyed all those months ago. I set up camp and set out mirrors for scrying Surehunter and the Hero of Falconreach. I drew onto each of them signs for both the scrying spell and a spell that would collect mana from its surroundings, store it, and slowly multiply it, while feeding it to the scrying spell, allowing me a constant view of the two of them.

I watched over the following weeks as Surehunter found the Orb of Nature, bound it to the Blade of Awe, battled the Dragon of Stone and Decay, lost the Orb, and was killed trying to reclaim it. A Doomknight stole the Orb, leaving the Hero and Surehunter’s daughter dejected. I was horrified to see them break the Blade into ten pieces and hide them, but also somewhat impressed that neither were greedy enough to keep it for themselves.

The weeks that followed were quiet. I kept an eye on the Hero, but he didn’t do anything interesting. I planted a garden, because I was tired of summoning my food from somewhere whenever I was hungry, and because I was enjoying the permanent, or at least, hopefully, semi-permanent lifestyle that I was living. Those weeks were the first time since the destruction of my camp by Fiamme that I had been able to relax. That all changed when the Hero was called first to Dragesvard, then the Sandsea, followed by Sho’Nuff Island and Popsprocket, before returning to Falconreach as the Ice, Light, Wind, Energy, and Darkness Orbs were stolen. (I guess Vayle had somehow broken her connection to the Darkness Orb.)

I felt the destruction of the Falconreach Guardian Tower as the Doomknight’s fortress crashed into it; it was so heavy that the impact sent shockwaves through the earth, and despite my being nearly on the other side of the continent, my tent collapsed from the collision.

It was when the Doomknight forged the Ultimate Orb and his servant consumed it to become a Darkness dragon that I was visited by all eight Avatars.

You fools! I warned all of you that this would happen!”, Haeos yelled.

Calm yourself, Haeos. The Orbs are of little consequence to us.”

Kyanos replied, “To us, yes, Neso. But to the balance? They belong to a Mortal now—

As they should.”, interjected Tremblor.

But they should not be misused.”, Celeritas responded. “In the hands of the Doomknight, they pose a threat to all.”

You only say that because you are most vulnerable if a Doomknight takes power.”

They all bickered before Khazri’s whispering voice broke through,” You should be the most upset, Fiamme. The Doomknight pretended to be you, or at least one of your peers, to sow the seeds of this mess.”

The mess that has regained my realm some of the power it has lost in the last year? Yes, I’m very upset.” Her sarcasm was not lost on the other Avatars. “If anything, you should be angry at this mortal. He’s enabled the capture of every Orb but Khazri’s, and that’s only because it was recovered by the Hero of Falconreach before this Would-Be ran away from the Temple.”

They all turned to me.

“I’ve noticed that Voidstar hasn’t said a word this entire time.”

He chuckled. “You idiots. You’ve been worrying about only your direct competition this entire time, and only one of you suspected any larger plot. As we speak, my servant is gathering power to become the greatest weapon this world has ever seen, and when he has finished, all of Lore will belong to Darkness.”

It was at this time that I noticed in one of the mirrors that a cloaked figure was bonding with the defeated dragon. In quick succession, a host of Darkness Elementals from all over Lore flew up to join it as it grew.

“So tell us. What was your plan?”

It’s clichéd to do the whole “Big Reveal” thing, isn’t it?”

Yes, it is. But I’m quite curious to see how you’ve deceived all of us.” Neso’s voice was like a tidal wave drawing back before crashing into shore. “Besides, you have to wait until your weapon has finished growing before you are to take any action.”

“Can I ask why none of you have done anything to stop this thing?”

Believe me, we’d like to. It’s that damned Mortal that’s preventing us.” Tremblor’s voice set the ground shaking again.

Yes. Were it a problem of simply an Elemental, a dragon, and an Orb, any two of us could destroy it. But because of the deposed prince…”, Khazri’s voice faded.

“You can’t touch it. I’m willing to bet that the fact that he’s using the Ultimate Orb doesn’t help.”


Your speech has become far more common, Ember.”

“I’m glad, Fiamme.”

Silence passed.

“Why is Voidstar still here?”

He chuckled. “I’m waiting to see everyone’s faces when my weapon has matured.”

“Then tell us your plan up to now.”

Very well. Two or three years ago, it came to my attention that one of my subordinates had enlisted the services of a Doomknight, who had employed a certain deposed prince to steal two certain boxes. After failing to capture one of them, two dragons were hatched. One was immediately killed, then reanimated. This is the dragon that now provides the base of my Ultimate Weapon. The other now belongs to the Hero of Falconreach.

After these hatchings, the prince was sent to Sho’Nuff Island to steal the Wind Orb. The Hero defeated him. It was at this time that I confronted my subordinate, who had previously been rebellious. He pledged to continue service to me, as his scheme would provide the Realm the weapon it needed to rule the Mortal Realm. I permitted him to continue and set into motion my own plans to facilitate his goals.

I first visited Celeritas to convince her that her Orb was being misused. In all honesty, it had not been used for almost 1000 years. The coincidental escape of the Would-Be Tongue from the Fire Temple set into motion events that led to the deposition of the original Guardian of Light, Sek-Duat, and, consequently, the removal of the Orb from his safe hands.

I casually mentioned to Kyanos that my Orb was safely bonded to a girl in the Necropolis, a girl who would raise the largest undead army the world has ever seen and allow Darkness to rule. He in turn sent the Would-Be to plant the seeds of doubt in her mind, leading to the eventual removal of the Orb from her soul.

Tremblor, once I told him of the Dragon Queen, facilitated her defeat by planting Dragonbane and confusing a certain Ice Elf, allowing the Ice Orb to again be placed in an insecure location, this time the home of a local Dragonslayer.

The Energy Orb was a happy accident. Haeos had somehow noticed that all of the other Orbs had been moved into compromised positions. At the time, I had not yet figured out the way I would get at the Energy Orb, but his own paranoia led to the removal of the Orb through one of his own agents, followed by the animation of the Gnomish city that ultimately led to the Orb being placed in an easy position to be stolen.

I convinced Kyanos to exploit the Would-Be’s desire for revenge against Fiamme to destroy a village, which led to the death of the Great Dragon of Flames, followed by the capture of the Orb by my Subordinate’s Doomknight. To my delight, Fire has been weakened as a result.

Haeos tried to warn Neso of the danger to her Orb, but she refused to listen and instead focused on the restoration of her elves, a truly noble cause. Unfortunately for her, although the elves were healed, the Orb was stolen by the Doomknight’s employee. I doubt she considered the possibility of the Ultimate Orb; now she is unable to un-create the Water Orb at will. I bet you rather regret your decision to not protect it, don’t you, Neso?

Finally, I sent the Would-Be to a treasure hunter to notify him of the search for the Earth Orb. He facilitated the re-forging of the Orb from its Stone and Nature halves. In the meantime, I directed the Doomknight to send two of his creatures to bond with the Stone Dragon, Gorgok. That combination defeated the treasure hunter, who dropped the Orb directly into the Doomknight’s hands. Unfortunately, he was not able to recover the Blade of Awe, but it shall be collected shortly after our victory.

In short, I’ve played all of you since almost the beginning. And this mortal has been my most valuable tool. Doesn’t that annoy you, Fiamme? Your own Chosen being used to not only help Darkness rise, but also directly weaken your Realm?

He chuckled.

The sun went out.

Celeritas collapsed onto the ground, growing very dim. Fiamme and Haeos also dimmed, but not so dramatically.

My weapon is almost at its strongest. I’d say it was nice knowing you, but it wasn’t.

I sketched a sign on the mirror to listen to what the Dracolich was saying.

---My power surpasses that of Voidstar!---

The clearing became silent.

Then Voidstar spoke.



< Message edited by afb728 -- 1/27/2015 11:54:49 >
DF  Post #: 11
1/28/2015 1:26:36   

Book 1: Chapter 12: The Final 13th, Part 2

This is exactly like what happened 1000 years ago! My subordinate has done this three times now!”

“Three times?”

Kyanos answered, “The other was 5000 years ago and ended in a Reset of the universe. We try to forget it.”

Voidstar continued, “Anyway, he has gone too far this time. I will see him destroyed.”

But how? Our hands are tied.” Celeritas spoke weakly.

The Would-Be will be our tool. The Hero of Falconreach is battling the traitor right now and will keep him busy while we gather the necessary items.”

“What is the Hero using to combat the Ultimate Orb?”

Eight Orbs of Bacon. If we prevail, He is going to be insufferable.” Neso replied grimly.

‘I told you that Bacon was a legitimate Element!’ I’d almost prefer that we lose, rather than listen to that greasy upstart gloat.”

Be quiet, Fiamme.” Voidstar paused. “We’ll need to visit the village that this one,” He gestured at me,” destroyed. After that, we’ll need to gather the Blade of Awe.”

“Are you giving me the Blade of Awe? Really?”

Yes, unfortunately. You’re going to need it.”

With that, the eight of them opened a portal underneath me, dropping me into the plaza of Konnan’s village. The blackened ground was punctuated by sprigs of green, wildflowers reclaiming the land lost. In the center of the square, surrounded by upturned cobblestones and winding ivy, was the fountain. Despite the destruction of its surroundings and the subsequent regrowth, it looked as fresh and clean as the day it had been built. It seemed that the fountain had internalized and perpetuated the protection spell I had cast on the night Akriloth came.

I walked towards the lavatorium, stopping as the Avatars appeared in a ring surrounding it. A steady hum grew as the Minor Orbs flew out of the stone dragon, each flying to its respective Avatar. One by one, the Great Powers raised their hands and threw their orb into the center. The orbs collided, and, with a flash, joined. The Minor Ultimate Orb hung above the fountain as the Avatars drew away, allowing me to approach.

As I neared the fountain, I saw that it had stopped flowing, leaving behind an empty basin. The lavatorium was quickly blackening, ivy crumbling, grass and moss growing, as the vestiges of the magic that had sustained it drained away.

I reached out and grabbed the Orb. A surge of power went through me, cracking the stone under my feet. And then the power left me, residing quietly inside the Orb, ready to be called on again.

Let us go.”

Another portal opened underneath me, and I reappeared, suspended in the sky, looking down as the ten pieces of the Blade of Awe streaked towards me, joining as they went. The Avatars formed a wall between me and the completed Blade.

You must swear that you will use the Blade only for our intended purpose. We cannot afford someone with both those minor Orbs and the Blade to misuse them.” Khazri’s voice was dangerously quiet.

“I swear.”

Good. You are to use the Orb you have been given to gain access the heart of the Insubordinate. Its power of Creation will give you passage through his hide. If that’s not enough, there is enough Dragonbane soaked into those orbs from all the years in the fountain to weaken the hide. Once inside the heart, you are to wake the original spirit of the Dracolich. He will put an end to this. Combine the Blade and the Orb only if absolutely necessary.”

“Why can’t I combine them and destroy the Insubordinate?”

It is not your destiny to be the Hero. Your role is to facilitate his destiny.”

“I’ve ignored my destiny before.”

And look at where that got all of us.”

I thought for a moment. “And the Prince?”

If he is dead, leave him be. If he is not, do with him what you wish. He will pay for his crime one way or another.

My suspension stopped, and I plummeted to the earth, desperately holding the Blade and the Orb. A portal opened beneath me as I fell, opening up above the back of the Insubordinate. With a blast from the Orb, I plummeted through the inky scales and was swallowed by Darkness.


< Message edited by afb728 -- 1/31/2015 19:38:15 >
DF  Post #: 12
1/29/2015 18:01:58   

Book 1: Chapter 13: That Final 13th, Part III

I don’t know how long I floated in the depths of the Dragon. It could have been minutes or years. I saw the souls of terrified peasants who had been consumed by the rising Darkness. I saw visions of everything the three entities making up the body of the Dragon had experienced. The unhappy childhood of the Prince, further made unhappy by a romance that could have been and the dramatic fall from power at the hands of his beloved’s father. The joy of birth of the dragon, only to be quickly replaced by the emptiness of death. The years of plotting, scheming, and outright revolution of the Insubordinate, only to be foiled twice by his master.

With difficulty, I shook myself out of the visions and cast a spell to lead me to the heart of the Dragon. The Orb’s magic, so similar to the Dragon’s own, hid my spell from its notice. I passed through the walls of the heart with help again from the Orb.

I spun around the whirlpool inside, looking for a way to wake the spirit of the dragon. I cast every spell that I thought would possibly be relevant, fueled by the Orb. In desperation, I drew the Orb closer to the hilt of the Blade, stopping inches away as a memory came back to me:

Because, even without being connected to an Orb, it can control Death.

I had forgotten that the dragon was truly dead, rather than locked away or catatonic. I raised up the Blade, which shone in the swirling Darkness, and cast a spell to summon the spirit of the young, dead, Dragon.

H-hello? Who’s there?” A wispy white dragonet flapped before me, blue eyes large and scared. “Where am I?”

“My name is Ember. What is your name, and what is the last thing you remember doing?”

I’m Fluffy. I was in the meadow in the sunlight. My mother was there. So was a nice man in red armor, and another nice man wearing a crown. We were talking about…

“What about before the meadow?”

It was dark in the egg, and then I hatched. The two nice men were there, and then…” He paused, confused. “How did I get to the meadow? How did I get to the meadow?”


…I’m dead, aren’t I?

I nodded. “Fluffy, I’m so sorry.”

He swallowed hard. “What’s going on? Where am I?”

“We’re in the heart of a Darkness Elemental that’s possessing your body. He’s swallowed the sun and huge numbers of people, and is only growing stronger. We need your help to defeat him. Your brother and his Rider are keeping him busy on the outside, but you’re the key to the entire thing.”

What must I do?”

“I don’t know. Somewhere at the center of this mess is the Ultimate Orb, which is powering everything. Maybe if it’s destroyed?”

Let’s find it and destroy it.”

“I can’t.” He looked at me for an explanation. “That’s not my destiny. Your brother must be the one to do it. I have the means to do it, but that’s as a last resort.”

Well, let’s at least find it.”

Together we swirled into the center of the maelstrom, coming out into a chamber at the center of which writhed an oily mass. The light of the Ultimate Orb shone through in small patches, only to be quickly covered again by the Darkness.

There it is. I’ll tell my brother and his Rider its location.”

“Thank you, Fluffy.” I turned to leave, then stopped. “Can I ask you something? Why were the two men who killed you with you in Death?”

They were the first faces I saw. I love them.” He paused. “I hope that they’ll be alright here without me. And when I go back, maybe you’ll be there too. It would have been nice to have you as my Rider.” He touched me, and I saw a vision of him as an adult, sun sparkling off of his white scales, lounging beneath a large oak tree in the center of a meadow. A figure was outstretched beside him, one which, upon closer inspection, was myself. He broke contact and the vision vanished.

Goodbye, Ember.”

I left the chamber of the Orb as Fluffy spoke to the Hero and his Dragon:

Hero, listen to me… I was not meant for this. The Orb lies below the heart...Destroy it and let out the Light!”

The chamber shook as the Insubordinate was struck again and again, until the Dragon’s claw struck the Orb and broke it, the resulting blast ripping through my shields. The last thing I saw before the world exploded was the smiling face of the dragon that could have been mine in another life.


DF  Post #: 13
1/31/2015 19:35:32   

Chapter 14: Book 1: Epilogue I

I awoke at the base of the fountain in Konnan’s village, clutching the Blade of Awe and the Minor Ultimate Orb.

Welcome back, Ember.” For once, Fiamme’s voice was comforting, like a campfire on a rainy night.

“Fluffy?” It hurt to croak even that.

He has returned to the land of the Dead.” Neso’s voice lapped at me like a lake at dawn.

“Falconreach? The Hero? The Insubordinate?”

Safe, safe, and destroyed, or at least banished, as are those who joined him.”


Here.” , came the sulky reply.

He’s been weakened by these events. Maybe that will teach him to stop conspiring against us.”, Celeritas said with a wicked smile. Haeos also cracked a grin.

“So what happens now?”

Well, first of all, the Blade of Awe is to be split again, as is that Orb you carry.” Tremblor’s voice was granite.

Kyanos added, “After that, it’s up to you. We’ve decided to grant you a wish for your service.”

Khazri’s whisper continued, “So, Ember, what does your heart desire?”

I looked around at the Eight, then past them at the ashy field and back to the now cracked and ruined shrine behind me.

“I want this place restored. Not necessarily as a town, but I want the shrine to flow again. I want there to be a meadow, filled with flowers, and at the center of the meadow I want there to be one oak tree. I want Fluffy to be remembered.”

The Eight spoke as one: “So be it.”

My Orb flew out of my hands and split into the eight that had formed it. These pieces went back into the stone dragon, which became shining white. Magic flowed from its mouth and overwhelmed the fountain, restoring the lavatorium to its original beauty. The blackened cobblestones of the surrounding square receded into the earth, replaced by a field of flowers, which spread out through the ruins of the town until it reached the forest on all sides. An oak sprouted and grew a short distance from the shrine. At its based lay a statue of a coiled dragon, lazing away the day in peace.

Is this sufficient?”

“It’s perfect. Thank you.”

Be in peace.”

The Avatars surrounded me again. With a crack, the Blade of Awe broke into ten pieces, each of which disappeared. With another crack, the Eight vanished, leaving me alone in the sunny field.


< Message edited by afb728 -- 1/31/2015 19:38:01 >
DF  Post #: 14
2/3/2015 1:56:02   

Book 1: Chapter 15: Epilogue II

A few weeks later, I was visited by Khazri in my new camp in what had been Konnan’s village. During a lull in conversation, I asked about the results of the Insubordination.

Voidstar and Fiamme have both been severely weakened as a result of your actions leading up to and including that event. The Blue Mage has disappeared, and although we have our suspicions, we do not know his location. The Hero and his Dragon are well. The world is rebuilding itself slowly.

“The Prince?”

Vanished. We have our theories as to where, but he is not on this plane anymore. Should he reappear, our vengeance will be slow and exacting.”

“The Doomknight?”

He is also in hiding. He will be punished, but not as severely due to his actions against the Insubordinate.

“And the Fire Temple?”

I think that that is a story you should hear directly from them or Fiamme, but they are doing well enough, considering the strength of Fire right now. There are tumultuous times coming, and all that any of us can do is hope that we can manage them.” She stood. “Never let anyone tell you that the Avatars know everything. All we can do is guess, just like the mortals.

She dissolved into a cool breeze.

“Let the others know that I still am owed their original favors, please.”

Her chuckle rustled the leaves of Fluffy’s Oak.


DF  Post #: 15
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