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Tech Mage Assimilation

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10/13/2015 4:14:05   

tech mage has 2 energy skills. 1 get energy. 2. steal and get a little. my suggestion is that make assimilation usable only with staff or make it require 45 support. because tank tech mages are very strong and they using every skill which they have. just they playing with npc build. unfair
Post #: 1
10/13/2015 6:09:58   

I actually agree with you.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 2
10/13/2015 20:44:14   
  Exploding Penguin

I would be OK with a staff requirement.

Not with a support requirement. BM is such a boring class because you can't actually do anything with it without investing a decent amount in support. It just sucks.
Epic  Post #: 3
10/13/2015 21:27:52   
Noobatron x3000

I think this is a bad idea Tms aren't that strong at draining at all their pretty much worthless at it without insane strength

Let them have the sword.

I hear what your saying but lets be real assimilate doesn't drain that high and returns very little mana

Back up has a 4 turn cooldown you have to waste a turn for a boost that most classes can wipe out a chunk of to all of it in one move.
Post #: 4
10/13/2015 23:53:27   
  Exploding Penguin

It drains like 200-ish which is over half of battery backup. It almost completely drains residual gain from static smash and static grenade, while dealing damage and giving rage and also being on the same CD as those skills are.

I can see why people want this skill to be nerfed since it does damage and gives rage at the same time while completely negating the energy regeneration of a lot of other classes' skills.
Epic  Post #: 5
10/14/2015 2:37:58   
Silver Sky Magician

A staff requirement would force all TM builds to use staffs, because Assimilation and Battery Backup are essential for all TM builds. Similarly, a support requirement would kill dex, tank and strength builds because of how important Assimilation is to TM builds, greatly reducing build diversity. So I can't support either of these suggestions.

When we look at how balanced a skill is, we have to examine how it functions in context of its relevant class or build. I need to see an argument other than 'hey, this is a really good skill', because that doesn't tell me anything about whether it's balanced.

Note that the energy drains of most classes can also negate TM's energy regen, even Battery Backup + Assimilation at times. So Assimilation is not unique in being able to negate other classes' energy regen.

< Message edited by Silver Sky Magician -- 10/14/2015 2:39:08 >
Post #: 6
10/14/2015 7:38:33   

@ silver sky TLM is also forced to use club if they want to steal energy from the enemy. And we know how energy steal is a must have.

The least they could do is remove strength improvement. Either it doesn't improve with anything, or maybe it improve with another stat.

I say the staff had no reason to remove staff requirement from TM. Not only you will never see a player with a staff anymore unless he wants that tech build with plasma bolt and supercharge, but it also revived the strength build.

They also lowered the support requirement from fire scythe and now the strength TM has so many options it's not even funny( malfunction, battery backup, assimilate that increases with strength, 2 physical damage types that cost low energy and deal high damage) Combined with some cored, the build has no flaws.

< Message edited by romanu -- 10/14/2015 7:41:29 >
Post #: 7
10/14/2015 8:06:00   

"because Assimilation and Battery Backup are essential for all TM builds." Wasn't the passive to active change meant to prevent that according to the devs? Hmm... something doesn't quite add up here.
Post #: 8
10/14/2015 8:13:44   

assimilation steals 200 energy. strength tech mage and tank tech mage are best in 1 vs 1 as support tlm. need require staff but tank tech mages already have staff for supercharge and for plasma. good will be if support require 45. because look i am bh. i stole 327 energy and got 213. then tm uses assimilation and takes 210 energy and using energy backup. how is it right
Post #: 9
10/14/2015 8:44:50   


Only for builds that have the strength to make it that at high levels. Otherwise it drains under 200 somewhere never 170 with base strength.
Epic  Post #: 10
10/14/2015 11:59:18   
Silver Sky Magician


So basically, under standard 5 focus builds for both sides, the TM ends up with a net +80 energy. How is that OP?
Post #: 11
10/14/2015 13:39:30   

strength tech mages has 254 steal assimilation. need require to staff
Post #: 12
10/14/2015 15:08:28   

"because Assimilation and Battery Backup are essential for all TM builds." Wasn't the passive to active change meant to prevent that according to the devs? Can people stop edging around this question and answer it. Simple reasons such as refusing to answer basic questions are partly due to why this game is in the direful state it is in right now.
Post #: 13
10/14/2015 15:17:13   

TM is fine.

It shouldn't be touched. It's not OP and not weak too
AQW Epic  Post #: 14
10/14/2015 15:25:15   
Silver Sky Magician


I didn't answer that question because it is entirely irrelevant to the thread. The answer is that the passive-active change did not play out the way the devs envisioned.
Post #: 15
10/14/2015 15:55:51   

I don't see how it is irrelevant to this thread, it's about Assimilation which is quite frankly what this thread is about hence Assimilation being in the title of the thread. Also if it was somehow irrelevant why would you bring it up in the first place as a reason for Assimilation not to have a staff requirement? After all it is a direct quote from yourself.

What i tried to emphasise in my previous post was that why are changes that are made to balance things not working? Simply put the amount of testing done is very questionable as ED has had over 4 years now of no new additional classes and yet it would appear that not only is there still imbalance but that the balance team haven't even been able to take the game to where they want it to be,as what they tried to stop (removing essential skills for builds) still occurs to this day. There is absolutely no point in looking into small short cut fixes when the game is in the blinks of dying. I'd imagine the devs are planning a big revamp with unity or i at least hope they have some ambition to do so, although that again is very questionable based of the past 6 years of progress this game has done.
Post #: 16
10/14/2015 16:00:59   

Tech mage is so op

assimilation no need staff no need require
fire scythe no need staff no need require
energy backup no need require
bludgeon no need staff
assimilation steal energy works when i have used shadow arts (stealing same energy)
technician improves with dexterity
gun improves with dexterity
for support builds malfunction improves with support

they did everything for op this class

tech mage can play with: strength, support, tank, focus 5

and blood mage can only focus 5

how is it right? where is justice
Post #: 17
10/14/2015 18:34:31   


wasn't bludgeon nerfed?
Epic  Post #: 18
10/14/2015 19:52:14   
  Exploding Penguin

The problem is this skill actually can't be touched without making it unbalanced or just not usable in one way or another.

Add a weapon/stat requirement and it ruins PvP by limiting build variety by a lot.
Try and reduce the numbers more than they already are and it just becomes entirely useless numbers wise and doesn't actually do anything SINCE this move does damage on the same turn as well.

The main point is that this skill gets a huge edge over most others because it will do damage and give rage while having its energy-draining/gaining effects. Nerf damage and it's just old parasite that hits 30 almost all the time, or nerf the energy drain making it hard to actually be worth using because of how niche the skill would become with a negligible drain effect.
Epic  Post #: 19
10/26/2015 16:33:08   

i was strenght mage aswel and indeed this skill is overpowerd with high strenght , i got way to easy wins , and it shouldnt increase at all , support will make more people go to support thunder
Post #: 20
10/26/2015 17:45:03   
.Lord Ginger.

Buff class specific weapons stat points.

Instead of 10 10 3, make it 12 12 4 like swords, but keep damage lower so swords still useful
AQW Epic  Post #: 21
11/1/2015 1:59:47   

80 net energy means a heal after 2 cycles. And tank TMs can definitely survive for that long. A bit of strength, high health, high dex and high tech means steady but slow pwnage. Especially if they have 80 ranks.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 22
11/1/2015 2:08:25   
Silver Sky Magician


Two cycles is eight turns...you'd have raged twice before they manage to heal.
Post #: 23
11/1/2015 3:12:15   
Thylek Shran


Tech mage is so op

Only Strenght TM is. Today and yesterday in 1vs1 I received to 90% Strenght build
opponents. About all of them was TM and my win rate as a support build was like 10%.

The energy regeneration part of Assimilation had got nerfed for unknown reason
and did weaken non strenght builds at most. If strenght builds was the reaon
for the nerf, nerf Strenght builds but not Assimilation.

TM strenght builds can be nerfed by giving skills stat requirements in technology.
Assimilation should have a technology requirement as it is way to powerfull with
high strenght. For Legendary bosses its important that Assimilation is useable
with swords. However nobody does need Bludgeon for bosses so it could have the
staff requirement back as it does make sword strenght builds to powerfull for both
mage classes.

< Message edited by Thylek Shran -- 11/1/2015 3:16:26 >
DF Epic  Post #: 24
11/1/2015 10:35:51   

High hp Strength builds are counters to high hp support builds because the dpt(Damage per turn) is much greater than a supports dpt not only that but it doesnt cost energy to press strike and deal over 400 damage

Strength builds are not that bad all you have to do is outlast them while using technician energy shield or blood resistance etc and just heal when they use bludgeon and fire scythe
Post #: 25
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