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RE: Armours - Read the first post!

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5/25/2016 22:47:50   
 formerly In Media Res


FO "not aligned to any element" armour.

*edits post*
AQ  Post #: 51
5/26/2016 14:08:08   


Female Asgir Warrior need new pic. Broken

All the soul armors are broken.

Classic Guardian Armor

Dark Guardian Armor (Not Plate)

Flame Guardian armor

Mutant King Form


Assault Knight

Assault Mecha

Souvenir Girl's T-Shirt


Protector Armor

Big Red Button
Got these, thanks! ~Carandor

< Message edited by Carandor -- 5/28/2016 8:13:14 >
AQ  Post #: 52
5/27/2016 16:51:16   
Bu Kek Siansu


Shadow Templar

«Mastercraft Fully Offensive Light/Darkness armour that can deal more damage by spending some MP.»

Also see the Gold version: [link=URL]Shadow Templar[/link]

Location: [link=URL]Conjure Shadow[/link]
Element: Neutral
Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
Level	10	35	60	85	110	135	143
PowLvl	44 MC	57 MC	73 MC	95 MC	120 MC	145 MC	153 MC
MPLvl	35	51	69	92	117	142	150

MPCost	27	37	51	70	93	119	128

Melee	32	35	37	41	45	49	51
Ranged	32	35	37	41	45	49	51
Magic	37	39	42	46	50	54	55

Fire	90	88	88	87	87	86	86
Water	90	88	88	87	87	86	86
Wind	90	88	88	87	87	86	86
Ice	90	88	88	87	87	86	86
Earth 	90	88	88	87	87	86	86
Energy	90	88	88	87	87	86	86
Light 	78	71	64	56	49	42	40
Dark	78	71	64	56	49	42	40

Hits: 1
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	232	271	319	385	460	535	559
Stat%	390.4	476.2	581.8	727	892	1057	1109.8
BTH	5	7	9	11	15	18	19

  • You receive Armor Lean x1.25 (Phase 1).
  • While worn, all normal player attacks, weapon specials, and spells do +25% damage. Magic weapons get *4/3 this boost, and spells get *1/2 this boost. You need to pay the listed amount of MP at the beginning of your turn. If you don't, then the armour unequips and you re-equip your no-drop armour.

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image thanks to weatherseed. Release date thanks to Carandor. Additional thanks to Kalle29.


    May 21, 2016: The armour was released.
    ... ??, 201??: The armour became rare.

    Shadow Templar

    «Mastercraft Fully Offensive Light/Darkness armour that can deal more damage by spending some MP.»

    Also see the Z-Tokens version: [link=URL]Shadow Templar[/link]

    Location: [link=URL]Conjure Shadow[/link]
    Element: Neutral
    Type		G	G
    Level	44	70	117
    PowLvl	44 MC	73 MC	120 MC
    MPLvl	44	72	119
    MPCost	33	53	95

    Melee	32	37	45
    Ranged	32	37	45
    Magic	37	42	50

    Fire	90	88	87
    Water	90	88	87
    Wind	90	88	87
    Ice	90	88	87
    Earth 	90	88	87
    Energy	90	88	87
    Light 	78	64	49
    Dark	78	64	49

    Hits: 1
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	232	319	460
    Stat%	390.4	581.8	892
    BTH	5	9	15

  • You receive Armor Lean x1.25 (Phase 1).
  • While worn, all normal player attacks, weapon specials, and spells do +25% damage. Magic weapons get *4/3 this boost, and spells get *1/2 this boost. You need to pay the listed amount of MP at the beginning of your turn. If you don't, then the armour unequips and you re-equip your no-drop armour.

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image thanks to weatherseed. Release date thanks to Carandor. Additional thanks to Kalle29.


    May 21, 2016: The armour was released.
    ... ??, 201??: The armour became rare.

  • Got this. ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 6/15/2017 12:59:48 >
    Post #: 53
    5/27/2016 19:40:26   
     formerly In Media Res



    Champion of Akriloth

    FO Fire armour. Normal attack is 2 hits.

    MC: Comes with a skill, Firestorm Fury. 1 hit, element is locked to Fire, but it follows your weapon type. This is treated as a normal player attack. It does *2 Base/Rand damage, and non-LS stat damage is doubled (to STR/4, etc). If you're wielding a Magic weapon, then it does *4/3 Base/Rand damage. It respects your weapon's effects, and your weapon Special can occur. As EleComp, it gets a reduced SP cost.

    FSB: Unlock a second skill, Wrath of Akriloth. This is treated as a spell. It's Ranged if STR+DEX >= INT*3/2 or if STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4; otherwise, it's Magic. If it's Ranged, then it uses STR/5 + DEX/20 (+LUK/2 on a LS) for damage. Six hits. If at least one hit connects, then it teleports both of you into Akriloth's Lair, and the monster is inflicted with a permanent Burn (Fire element, power: eleComp*[Hits connected]/6 *10/7 /sqrt(monster power)). The monster can resist with a save at a -20 penalty (inflict with STR (weapon is in Melee mode) or DEX (Ranged mode) or INT (Magic mode) and LUK; resist with INT/LUK. If used a second time, then add the new Burn power onto the old one.

    Level	50	70	90	110	130	150
    PowLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153
    BR%	262	319	379	439	499	559
    Stat%	456.4	581.8	713.8	845.8	977.8	1109.8
    BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Fire	71	62	55	48	43	39
    Water	100	100	100	100	100	100
    Ice	76	69	62	57	51	44
    Wind	100	100	100	100	100	100
    Earth 	79	79	78	78	75	75
    Energy	79	79	78	78	75	75
    Light 	90	90	90	90	84	81
    Dark	90	90	90	90	84	81
    Melee	34	37	41	44	47	50
    Ranged	34	37	41	44	47	50
    Magic	39	42	45	49	52	55
    Me/Ra	104	128	160	162	183	239
    Magic	133	167	212	228	265	337
    Base	47	66	90	117	146	179
    Rand	92	133	180	233	294	358
    Stat	456	582	714	846	978	1110
    BtH	13	18	23	28	33	38
    eleComp	1.25275	1.31296	1.33969	1.46018	1.50376	1.46279
    Ranged	116	159	209	265	326	392
    Magic	145	199	261	331	407	490
    MCSOP	1109	8637	69325	558616	4503430	36307749
    MCSOS	554	4318	34662	279308	2251715	18153874

    Worn by a scorching champion of magma, this armour grants excellent resistance to Fire and good Ice protection while delivering great attack power. When used in battle, the full Akriloth set will burn the enemy with its fire!

    WIP ~ Ward

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 3/10/2018 9:03:04 >
    AQ  Post #: 54
    5/27/2016 22:03:17   
    ArchMagus Orodalf

    eleComp is...?
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 55
    5/27/2016 23:57:10   
    Kay Oh


    eleComp is...?

    I would assume 1.72618
    AQ MQ AQW  Post #: 56
    5/29/2016 3:46:10   

    Kay Oh. The element compensation is not that big. The ice resistance level is really good as a secondary resistance (not quite good enough as a primary resistance). I think the element compensation (damage boast) for level 150 version of Champion of Akriloth is [(44-25)/(39-25)]~1.3571.

    Hence the element compensation for level 150 version of Champion of Akriloth as sp cost is [1/((19/14)*2-1)]=7/12 ~0.5833.

    But these number does not account for the weapon special that can occur during the skill attack.

    < Message edited by ruleandrew -- 5/29/2016 11:32:00 >
    AQ  Post #: 57
    5/29/2016 5:12:55   
     formerly In Media Res


    *adds eleComp and SP costs to table*
    AQ  Post #: 58
    5/31/2016 9:20:37   

    Temp Dragon Rider armor is broke

    Hope pic is not to big, to get the whole I got top of my face also....

    Canine Warrior

    < Message edited by Yozai -- 6/1/2016 8:31:04 >
    AQ  Post #: 59
    6/1/2016 8:37:22   

    Is the elecomp for Champion of Akriloth's FSB really supposed to be that low? I mean unlike the weapon based skill, this one requires you to equip a pure fire shield to work this time.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but the elecomp for FSB skill is supposed to take into account both armor and shield right?

    < Message edited by poopbum -- 6/1/2016 12:12:22 >
    AQ  Post #: 60
    6/5/2016 0:18:57   
     formerly In Media Res


    Mutant King armour

    Earth "neutral" (like, not FO nor FD nor anything) armour.

    You must equip the Mutant King Club. If you try to equip something else, then you just re-equip the club. (Or a temp version of it, if you're trying to be sneaky.)

    Normal attack is one Earth hit. Because you're forced to use Earth, it gets eleComp to damage.

    Comes with a skill, Tongue Lashing. 1 hit, element is locked to Earth, but it follows your weapon type. +5 BTH lean. This is treated as a normal player attack. It does *2/0.75 Base/Rand damage, and non-LS stat damage is brought up to appropriate skill levels (to INT/4, etc). It respects your weapon's effects, and your weapon Special can occur. As eleComp, it gets a reduced SP cost.
    Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    PowLvl	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    BR%	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
    Stat%	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
    BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Fire	93	84	76	68	60	55	51	44
    Water	94	88	79	78	78	75	70	70
    Ice	94	92	86	85	85	84	81	81
    Wind	94	92	86	85	85	84	81	81
    Earth 	91	80	71	61	54	48	42	39
    Energy	94	88	79	78	78	75	70	70
    Light 	97	97	92	92	91	91	90	90
    Dark	97	97	92	92	91	91	90	90
    Melee	30	34	37	40	44	47	50	53
    Ranged	30	34	37	40	44	47	50	53
    Magic	22	26	29	32	36	39	42	45
    eleComp	1.02486	1.13321	1.20453	1.40715	1.55135	1.58111	1.58111	1.58111
    SPCost	55	81	110	111	117	141	173	202

    < Message edited by In Media Res -- 6/5/2016 3:51:16 >
    AQ  Post #: 61
    6/5/2016 3:31:57   

    As the Mutant King armor is lock to the Mutant King Club, is its elecomp damage boost to normal attacks applied to the weapon's special and weapon-based skill as well?

    Not the Special, although I'll consider it.

    Not the weapon skill - it gets a different kind of eleComp. ~IMR

    < Message edited by In Media Res -- 6/5/2016 3:52:08 >
    AQ  Post #: 62
    6/5/2016 4:49:42   

    a typo in Akriloth's armor description, should be "-the full Akriloth set will burn the enemy with its fire!"
    AQ  Post #: 63
    6/5/2016 21:13:39   
     formerly In Media Res


    Update: the Mutant King Club's Special now gets eleComp while you're in Mutant King Form.
    AQ  Post #: 64
    6/5/2016 21:17:40   

    Yay! Thanks a bunch IMR!
    AQ DF  Post #: 65
    6/11/2016 5:00:42   

    DragonRider Freisa

    DragonRider Thrasher

    DragonRider Kyskon

    I find it a real shame that it always artix face on rider, even with female chars.

    < Message edited by Yozai -- 6/11/2016 5:03:58 >
    AQ  Post #: 66
    6/11/2016 5:11:37   
    Dreiko Shadrack


    Bard of War

    Got this. ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 3/1/2018 6:36:51 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 67
    6/11/2016 21:29:29   
     formerly In Media Res



    New GGB item: Bard of War.

    Wind armour. Has "neutral" defence, and FD offence, kinda like a spellcaster armour. However, your pet and guest attacks deal +20% damage. Fully defensive.

    Normal attack is two hits, +5 BTH lean.

    Comes with a 3 skills:
  • Inspire Pet: Toggle. Take a penalty to your defences, so that you take x1 damage instead of x0.8 damage. In exchange, your pet gains Celerity at the end of your turn. The monster can resist with a save (inflict with CHA/LUK; resist with CHA/LUK).
  • Inspire Guest: Toggle. Your guest gains Celerity at the end of your turn. The monster can resist with a save (inflict with CHA/LUK; resist with CHA/LUK). This has no direct cost, but your guest has to pay its upkeep cost twice.
  • Ukulele Hero. Skill. This is treated as a spell, so it doesn't respect your weapon special and you don't apply weapon effects. Three hits, Magic Wind. Uses CHA/4 (+LUK*3/8 on an LS) for stat damage and CHA*3/40 + DEX*3/40 + LUK/40 for stat BTH.
    Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
    PowLv	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    BR%	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
    Stat%	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
    BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Fire	96	91	90	90	88	88	80	80
    Water	96	91	90	90	88	88	80	80
    Ice	96	91	90	90	88	88	80	80
    Wind	91	80	71	61	54	48	42	39
    Earth 	100	100	100	100	99	99	99	93
    Energy	93	88	76	72	69	65	63	60
    Light 	93	88	76	72	69	65	63	60
    Dark	93	88	76	72	69	65	63	60
    Fire	-4	-9	-10	-10	-12	-12	-20	-20
    Water	-4	-9	-10	-10	-12	-12	-20	-20
    Ice	-4	-9	-10	-10	-12	-12	-20	-20
    Wind	-9	-20	-29	-39	-46	-52	-58	-61
    Earth 	0	0	0	0	-1	-1	-1	-7
    Energy	-7	-12	-24	-28	-31	-35	-37	-40
    Light 	-7	-12	-24	-28	-31	-35	-37	-40
    Dark	-7	-12	-24	-28	-31	-35	-37	-40
    Melee	22	26	29	32	36	39	42	45
    Ranged	32	36	39	42	46	49	52	55
    Magic	27	31	34	37	41	44	47	50
    Base	15	30	48	69	93	120	150	179
    Rand	28	58	94	136	184	238	298	358
    Stat	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1110
    BtH	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	38
    SPCost	57	100	151	208	271	342	419	490
    EleComp	1.08302	1.20041	1.17872	1.31486	1.45539	1.58537	1.58537	1.58537
    Price	71	267	1840	14523	116788	941270	7588511	36307750
    Sell	35	133	920	7261	58394	470635	3794255	18153875
    Due to the overwhelmingly negative feedback, we'll probably get a redo in a few days, so stay tuned >.>

  • Got this. ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 3/1/2018 6:36:34 >
    AQ  Post #: 68
    6/11/2016 22:52:21   

    @IMR: So, how does that boost work for pets and guests? Is it balanced around a 0 LUK BM build? As in it doesn't compensate for lost damage from LUK-y Strikes? Or does it compensate for that in some way?

    It doesn't. ~IMR

    < Message edited by In Media Res -- 6/12/2016 7:44:09 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 69
    6/12/2016 11:40:48   

    Ice Arms needs a new image:

    AQ  Post #: 70
    6/23/2016 16:14:19   
     formerly In Media Res



    New Bard of War:

    Fully defensive Wind armour.

    Comes with two toggles, in addition to its Wind skill:
  • Inspire Pet: Take a penalty to your defences, so that you take x1 damage instead of x0.8 damage. In exchange, your pet gains Celerity at the end of your turn. The monster can resist with a save (inflict with CHA/LUK; resist with CHA/LUK).
  • Inspire Guest: Your guest gains Celerity at the end of your turn. The monster can resist with a save (inflict with CHA/LUK; resist with CHA/LUK). This has no direct cost, but your guest has to pay its upkeep cost twice.

  • Got this. ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 3/1/2018 6:37:46 >
    AQ  Post #: 71
    6/23/2016 16:27:55   

    What is the elecomp for the built-in skill?

    Oh, and the note of re-do should be removed.

    Thanks in advance!

    < Message edited by Brasca123 -- 6/23/2016 17:29:45 >
    AQ DF  Post #: 72
    6/23/2016 16:54:22   
    Dreiko Shadrack


    someone will likely provide a better image but here it goes anyhoo.

    Used my own image, but credited you anyway :) ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 3/1/2018 6:37:23 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 73
    6/23/2016 17:56:18   
    big E


    This has no direct cost, but your guest has to pay its upkeep cost twice.

    As in, always double upkeep (as some sort of penalty), or only when the Celerity kicks in?
    Only when the Celerity kicks in. ~IMR

    EDIT: Oh, and how does Guest celerity work with the Angel Bells guest? If he does his Celerity-giving attack twice? *brain explodes*
    The armour's Celerity would probably override the Cherub's celerity. ~IMR

    < Message edited by In Media Res -- 6/23/2016 19:03:17 >
    AQ  Post #: 74
    6/23/2016 17:57:59   

    @Big E. I've tested it, it happens only when the celerity kicks in.
    AQ DF  Post #: 75
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