Firstly; Bahaaaahahaaa! Ha. ha. ... Ok, I'm done. Good concept for (the?) Pandorina, even if the faces are a little simplistic. Death's mare (probably) wouldn't allow the mask of cuteness to cover two of her three eyes. It also makes it appear as though the single uncovered eye is the main one- which disrupts the proportions slightly. When drawing faces, the visible details have to imply the less noticeable ones- eyes and eyebrows should imply the brow line, even if the picture isn't shaded (this rule applies to humans and horses, and, for that matter, all creatures with skulls). Then again, since it is relatively cartoony, you can get away with a less realistic look. For eyes, try drawing a brow line that covers the region in which the brow changes the most (for humans that is where the eyebrow is) I would also recommend drawing a line of symmetry, and using it as a guideline- faces in profile are always very hard to get right (although the horsey isn't bad). Keep up with the awesome concepts!