Constructive & Helpful!
As basically everyone else has stated already, the last skill it what kills the class, both literally and figuratively, it's definitely where the problem in the class lies. Now I can see a good reason to having this high self damage. You want to stay as low as possible at all times, but lets say you are in a party with a stonecrusher, now you suddenly have high damage resistance and extra healing, so being able to get very low on your own is a good thing, although you can still easily kill yourself through all that with NSoD anyways if you are not careful. As Idreadnaut has already said, the problem is not necessarily the self damage, but the fact that there's a stacking mechanic in the skill which has a VERY limited timeframe, it's more or less impossible to stack "Exalted" without support classes and I am not even talking with the use of damage boost items. If you really want to keep the stacking mechanic without changing the self damage, give us a larger timeframe for "Exalted", that way you can stack it without needing almost kill yourself with the insane damage dealt by Blood Price while your damage is still buffed. Or just make it an instant buff like Idreadnaut said. Soul Rend is fine. At low enough hp I have done upwards of 10k+ crits (no damage boosts). The cooldown is maybe a tad bit too long, on top of the auto attack being 3 seconds long, it makes the class feel slow. I heard someone compare this to Glacial Berserker, which sounds about right, but even with Glacial Bersereker's cooldowns being longer in general, Exalted Harbringer feels way slower in comparison. Soul Leech is just your average life steal ability, not much more to be said about it. 1 heal is about equal 1 unbuffed use of Blood Price. Soul Snare is amazing, it's more or less 10 seconds of invulnerability, which is nice, because it means you can set yourself up with low hp, use Soul Snare and then use ~2 high damage Soul Rends without the risk of dying, or at least a very minimal risk. I still don't think I have had any enemy hit my while Soul Snare has been active. And with a Stonecrusher by your side, it's more or less loopable, which means it can maybe be used as a higher DPS replacement for Archpaladin. Overall, it's an above average and fun class in it's current state, it has massive damage potential, but it's very tough to not constantly kill yourself. It can solo well enough, I have been able to solo both Maximum Slugfit and Dire Groglurk with it, very consistently, but that power bump on Evolved Fear Muncher is still too much, although that is still impressive considering that boss is where mostly any class that isn't VHL or Archpaladin stops being able to solo bosschallenge bosses. It does mean you will need to keep yourself at a higher hp to not die when Soul Snare fades, decreasing your damage output from Soul Snare.
< Message edited by Metakirby -- 3/3/2018 12:33:59 >