Constructive & Helpful!
From the poll Alina posted, the Auto Farm Feature would probably be something that would get you EXP, Gold, Rep, and Class Points. I would just like to clarify that none of these 4 require RNG to obtain. So with regards to all of you saying "yes I can just use auto play to farm AFDL for me!" I doubt that would be the point of this auto farm feature. Just because something is not intended for a purpose does not mean people will not try to abuse every little loophole to their own benefit. Since combat will be involved in the process of farming anything, there's no way to prevent people from using it to gather materials, unless it disables drops, logs out if you try to take manual control, or something like that. Basically, the only circumstance I would be accepting of this, is if it's only a feature on a single dedicated (and clearly labeled) server and that drops are disabled on that server. If people want to use that feature under those circumstances to farm Gold, XP, CP and/or rep, that's fine by me, as long as I can play like I always have, on the servers I always have, with the people I always have, without spotting these "AFSlayers". If they don't want to play the game, I do not want them in my sight (AFK people do not count, since they are rarely, if ever bothersome in areas where farming is being done). Sure, in the long run you can use it to farm gold to use something like Assistant, but it would be an incredibly long way about doing a simple task. quote:
BUT again, do not take this out of context. I'm quite against the idea of an auto farm that would make anything much more time efficient vs completing a quest by actually clicking buttons. If for example, by actually playing the game, I can get 5000 rep per minute, I would rather have the auto farm get about maybe 3000 rep per minute. Yes, I want the auto farm to only be able to do less than actual farming. Why would this be better? Of course, we wouldn't want the effort of older players who actually farmed things to go to waste. So to balance things out, I think it would be much much better to have this mechanic attached to it. (Hint Hint: maybe if people add a certain payment, they can raise the value they can get from auto farm) There's no way to evaluate how fast you can farm certain things at every conceivable level with any conceivable class and every kind of play style (staying in 1 room or walking between certain rooms for example), there's no way to chart that out and give the auto player a "disadvantage" in comparison. Basically, everyone farms at their own pace, there's no universal rep per minute for any rep to use as a basis for this. quote:
From there, once all "essential" things are obtained, a player can now enjoy regular gameplay rather than being forced to be faced with problems such as the ones i mentioned. What is "essential" things and what is "regular gameplay"? According to most of your statements, it seems to suggest that it's "essential" to farm for items that gives you ever so slight benefits (AFDL being the main point brought up at the moment), which it certainly is not. No item with boost is necessary to have, no item is necessary to farm for. I think the main problem that a lot of people face is once they realize that there's something to obtain that gives a benefit of some sorts and requires a hefty amount of grinding to get, they automatically want it, but does not always have the patience to obtain set item(s). They feel obligated to have items which were put behind these barriers in the first place to distinguish the ones willing to grind, and the ones not. Regular gameplay in AQW does not include being able to solo any boss in the game at record pace, that's just a side effect of power creep. Yes, it can be overwhelming for someone completely new to the game and getting your first "good" class will probably take a bit, but as long as you are unaware, or don't care for the end game, you can have a great time with AQW and not have to worry about the eventual grinding. The sense of exploration has long been thrown out the window for me, AQW mostly boil down to "do quests and farm up all potential AC tagged items" nowadays and sometimes, I may log on and do some of it on my alts as well, but I can feel a significant difference in the experience I get with my main account and my (currently lvl 43) alt account, with Harbringer and LDK as it's only "good" classes. quote:
So... what would be the functional difference between auto-farming, or just having a single timer that gives you resources from any given quest (provided you've competed the quest at least once already) on a regular basis? The way I see it, there is no difference, besides the bad rep that comes with the notion of "auto farming". It would essentially turn everything into daily quest type farms, with the option to speed up by actually playing (like Artifact Hunter), which is kind of ironic, considering that people are generally against the idea of daily quests in the first place. I honestly don't mind daily quests, but I do have problems with the idea of auto farming/legal botting, or however you want to name it.