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Frostval '16

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12/8/2018 12:47:12   
Legendary Scribe of Lore

Battleon Tree Decoration!

Location: Frostval '16: Rise of the Sweater Zombies! » Decorate the Battleon Tree

«Scene: Battleon. Snow has descended on Battleon!»

Robina: «You»! So good to see you!
«You»: Hi Robina! What happened to the fountain that was in the town's square?
Robina: Yulgar had to remove it due to the frigid weather, something about pipes freezing and bursting. He said it made the town look empty so he replaced it with a tree!
Robina: He has such an eye for those type of things.
«You»: Huh, it seems a little... plain doesn't it? I bet with a little hunting I could really spruce it up!
Robina: Hunting? I love hunting! I bet some Zard pelts and Behemoth teeth would look really nice, «You»!
«You»: What..? Ew, no! I mean we could look around, I'm sure there's some spare decorations left lying about.
Robina: Ohhh yeah, that's a great idea! I'll put together a list for us, this will be so much fun! I love this time of year!

«A list of items to hunt for pops up.»

Decorate the Battleon Tree!
  • A star burning bright
  • Some fluff to keep it warm
  • Strings of lights to shine in the night
  • Orbs of decorating power

  • Hunt with Robina's help - Robina the Hood will now battle by your side!
  • Hunt by yourself

    «Once you select one of the two options above:»

    Robina: Click on the name of an ingredient to go hunting for it! Stay wary of the creatures that lurk around these snowy lands!

    «Each item to be collected on the list can now be clicked on. The option to request for Robina's help is also available. For each item in the list you search for, you go through the following battles.»
    Luck Check!
    The snow is deeper than you thought, it's going to take some luck to find the decorations buried under all this snow!
    Difficulty: 73
    Stat Used: Luck

    «If you fail the roll, you return to the list of items to select again which item to hunt for. Succeeding the roll gives you a message, and the item is checked off the list. Either way, you get a Full Heal before proceeding on.»

    Item Found
  • You found a shiny star!
  • You found a pile of fluff!
  • You found powerful lights!
  • You found the orbs of decorating power!

    Clicking on checked item
  • The star you've already found shines like a beacon in the night!
  • You've already unburied the fluff!
  • You've already located the lights!
  • You've already obtained the orbs of decorating power!

    «Once you obtain all the items in the list, you return to the tree, which is now beautifully decorated!»

    Robina: Oh my the tree looks beautiful! The whole town feels so warm and festive now thanks to you!
    «You»: Thanks Robina! It does give the town a warm glow about it.
    Robina: Yulgar won't believe his eyes! Now let's get you some rewards for all your hard wor-
  • Great!

    «An owl with a note swoops in and lands on Robina's bow.»
    Robina: A messenger owl? It must be something very urgent
  • Take the note!

    «The note reads:»

    Dear hero,

    I desparitly need your help!
    That big meany Kabroz is stealing all the sweaters! Please come to Frostvale

    Your fwiend,

  • Continue

    Save the Sweaters!

    «Frostval Tree Decoration shop opens. Once you exit the shop:»

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave­­

    Frostval Tree Decoration

  • Spearmint [L. 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135 | 51 G, 150 G]
  • Coal Maul [L. 7, 27, 47, 67, 87, 107, 127 | 42 G, 147 G]
  • Cold Sore [L. 7, 27, 67, 87, 127]
  • Frigid Lance [L. 7, 27, 47, 67, 87, 107, 127 | 42 G, 147 G]
  • Rock Thrower [L. 7, 27, 67, 87, 127]
  • Wreath Wrath [L. 7, 27, 47, 67, 87, 127]
  • Shivsicle [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135 | 150 G]
  • Wreath Wrath G [L. 19 G, L. 147 G]
  • Cold Sore G [L. 47 G, L. 147 G]
  • Rock Thrower G [L. 47 G, L. 147 G]
  • Coal Maul Z [L. 77 Z, 140 Z]
  • Frigid Lance Z [L. 77 Z, 140 Z]
  • Zpearmint [L. 85 Z, 143 Z]
  • Cold Sore Z [L. 107 Z]
  • Rock Thrower Z [L. 107 Z]
  • Wreath Wrath Z [L. 107 Z]

  • Broken Ornament [L. 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135 | 85 Z, 143 Z | 51 G, 150 G]

  • Frostbite [L. 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135]
  • Frostbite G [L. 28 G, L. 150 G]
  • Frostbite Z [L. 85 Z, 135 Z]

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 12/12/2018 8:22:03 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
    12/8/2018 12:48:08   
    Legendary Scribe of Lore

    Frostval: Rise of the Sweater Zombies!

    Frostval '16: Rise of the Sweater Zombies! » Save the Sweaters!

    «Robina and the player enter the scene of a decorated Frostvale, a hut is on fire and a zombie lies on the ground»

    Robina: Looks like we got here in time. There's hardly any damage done. Where is everyone?
    Chilly: «You»!! Robina!! We have to hurry!

    «Chilly runs towards the right»

    «You»: Wait for us!

    «Zooms in on a scene of a warehouse whose doors are hanging off their hinges, with zombies and sweaters littering the ground in front»
      2 BATTLES: Zombie
      Full Heal
    «You»: Zombies. Yep, Kabroz was here, alright.
    Chilly: And the sweater warehouse is empty - his zombies must've stolen all the sweaters!
    «You»: Sweaters?
    Chilly: Yes! Beautifully hand-knit sweaters that we give out when the snow starts falling! They help keep people warm, and get them into the holiday spirit!
    Chilly: They're especially needed this year - with the BURPs eating all the crops. The people of Battleon are gonna need all the help they can get to survive the winter!
    «You»: What would Kabroz want with sweaters?
    Robina: Maybe he's developed a fashion sense. That cloak he has is SO 2004.
    Chilly: Umm, guys? Those sweaters are enchanted to keep people warm through the cold winter nights.
    Chilly: If we don't get the sweaters back, then millions of people are gonna freeze to death!
    Robina: What?! That's pure EVIL!
    «You» This is Kabroz we're dealing with. We're not dealing with cuddly EBIL plots like Zorbak's - we're dealing with a serious villan here.
    Chilly: Oh noes!
    «You»: Don't worry, Chilly - he and his zombies left a pretty wide trail. I could follow him even without Robina's expert tracking skills.
    «You»: We'll have your sweaters back before you can finish a round of "Jingle Bells"!

    «You appear in a forest with sweaters littering the snow»
      BATTLE: IceCat
    «You continue travelling through the forest as it turns night, following the trail of sweaters on the ground»
      BATTLE: Cozy Zombie
      Full Heal
    «You»: A zombie in a sweater? Definitely Kabroz's work.
    Robina: And it was resisting my Fire arrows, so I guess I'll be switching to Light ones.
    «You»: Good idea. If we're running into zombies, we're definitely getting closer to Kabroz's lair.

    «A large building appears with the name EVILCORP, A Division of EbilCorp.»
      2 BATTLES: Cozy Zombie
      Full Heal
    «Robina and the player enter the building.»

    Receptionist: Hello! Welcome to EvilCorp HQ! May I help you?
    «You»: Out of the way - we're here for Kabroz!
    Receptionist: Do you have an appointment?
    «You»: I don't need an appointment! I have people to save!
    Receptionist: Tsk tsk tsk. You adventurers are so disorganised. What is your name?
    «You»: Tell Kabroz that «You» is looking for him.
    Receptionist: «You»... oh, here you are! You're late for your 3 o'clock appointment with the president. I'll let you right in -- follow me.

    «Receptionist walks off to the right»

    Robina: That was oddly considerate of him.

    «You enter a room were you meet Kabroz. There are boxes labelled sweaters in the back.»

    Receptionist: Sir? Your 3 o'clock is here.
    Kabroz: Thank you. That will be all.

    «The Receptionist leaves.»

    Kabroz: You're late. Almost as late as you are ugly.
    «You»: Oh no, your expertly-crafted insult has hurt my delicate and fragile feelings. Whatever will I do?
    Kabroz: You're gonna stuff the sarcasm and get taken out like the garbage that you are. Sic 'em!
      BATTLE: Cozy Zombie Giant
      Full Heal

      BATTLE: Kabroz
      Full Heal
    «You»: So, who's the garbage now? We'll be taking back those sweaters now, if you don't mind.
    Robina: «You»? We have a problem....

    «Zooms in on a green fur rimmed red sweater with red and blue skulls and green horizontal stripes printed on it.»

    «You»: WHOA! That's hideous!
    Robina: I know! These can't be the Frostval sweaters!
    «You»: Alright Kabroz, where are the sweaters?
    Kabroz: That's them.
    Kabroz: No way!
    Kabroz: Believe it, red. It would be so UNDIGNIFIED to have my zombies running around in ~pretty pretty soft~ Frostval sweaters...
    Kabroz: ...so I cast a simple transmutation over them and turned them into something more EVIL.
    «You»: We can't give out sweaters like this - people will hate Frostval for it! Change them back!
    Kabroz: Huh? How?
    «You»: Well, you changed them to that in the first place! Just undo it!
    Kabroz: Kiddo, I knew you were dim, but I didn't think you were THAT stupid. Magic doesn't work like that. You'll need... not really a counterspell, but some sort of similar design spell to change them all back.
    «You»: Then I guess we're throwing you into the Guardian Tower stockade until you can come up with one.
    Kabroz: Hey! I'm an important businessman! I have a corporation to run!
    «You»: Oh, my apologies! Just give me a minute to find the tiny little piece of me that actually cares about your business! ... Nope, sorry, can't find it!
    «You»: You're coming with us, Kabroz.
    Kabroz: Ugh. Botoxia, clear my schedule for the next few days? I'm gonna be tied up with other matters.

    «You return to Battleon and are speaking to Warlic in his shop.»

    Warlic: I... have to admit, this is an unusual request. I'm not entirely familiar with mass-transmutation spells of this fine detail.
    «You»: So you can't change them back?
    Warlic: I'm capable, but designing the spell will take quite a bit of time. It would be best to hand out the sweaters immediately, so that people don't perish while I'm working on the reversal.
    Warlic: In the meantime, I'm going to need to talk to Chilly - frost moglin magic is definitely needed here. I may also need Kabroz, to see his original version of the spell.
    «You»: Can do, on both. Chilly's always helpful, and Kabroz isn't really in any position to say otherwise.

    «You watch a scene as two Guardians, wearing the transmuted sweaters, talk in front of Kabroz's cell.»

    Guardian #1: Man, I can't believe how HORRIBLE the Frostval sweaters look this year!
    Guardian #2: I know? I'm really depressed over it. Especially with Frostval right around the corner. Seeing my family like this will be... probably the second most embarrassing thing I've done.
    Guardian #1: Yeah. It's really impossible to get into the Frostval spirit with only this to keep me warm....

    «The sweaters emit green sparkles.»

    Guardian #1: It's... ugh. I can barely work up the motivation to do anything.
    Guardian #2: Right now I don't even care about being a Guardian. Everything's so bleak. I just... I can't even.
    Guardian #1: It's like there's no point in anything. My Frostval spirit's gone. My whole SPIRIT'S gone. This whole holiday is worthless.
    Guardian #2: Nothing matters anymore. Nothing. Everything is bleak and horrible.

    «The Guardians glow and transfrom into zombies.»

    Guardian #1: Guhhhhh..
    Kabroz: Mwahahaha!

  • Play again!
  • Replay Intro: Decorate the Tree
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Save the Sweaters

  • Cozy Farzhad Mogloo [L. 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135 | 150 G]

  • Cozy Fire Bat Swarm [L. 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135 | 150 G]

  • Cozy Fire Orb [L. 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135 | 150 G]

    Dialogue thanks to Legendary Ash.

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 12/9/2018 6:06:37 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
    12/8/2018 15:53:27   
    Legendary Scribe of Lore

    Frostval: Attack of the Sweater Zombies!

    Location: Frostval '16: Rise of the Sweater Zombies! » Attack of the Sweater Zombies!

    «Scene: Battleon. The player and Robina meet Warlic as Cozy Zombies are seen running through town.»

    «You»: What's going on?!?!
    Robina: Kabroz is what's going on. Looks like his sweaters have zombified anyone wearing them!
    Warlic: I feel like this is my fault... I can clearly see the spell - pardon the pun - interwoven into the fabric of the sweaters now that I know where to look...
    Warlic: ...but before I was too focused on restoring the sweaters' appearance to notice!
    «You»: No one blames you. What we need now is some way to turn the zombies back to their former selves.

    «A Cozy Zombie Guardian Ranger approaches.»

    Robina: Watch out!

    «The player attacks the Zombie and Warlic uses his oblivion sphere.»

    Guardian: Ooof....
    «You»: Huh. That's a surprisingly effective way of turning them back.
    Warlic: Quite. Remember that zombies are not undead - they are living beings on the verge of death who-
    «You»: Err, short version? We got a holiday to save.
    Warlic: *sigh* Take my Oblivion Sphere. Weaken the zombies enough, and my Sphere can restore them back to their former selves.
    «You»: Got it. Robina, you up for smashing a few Zs?
    Robina: Sure. Race ya!


    Attack of the Sweater Zombies!

    Kabroz stole all our Frostval sweaters, and then cursed them! Now whoever was wearing one has been turned into a zombie! You have a big fight ahead of you - first you have to take back Battleon, and then save Frostvale and all the frost moglins!

  • To Battle!
  • Guardian Mission
      The Guardian Tower has been overrun with zombies!
    • Go!

      8 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal after battles #2, #4, #6 and #8

      1 BATTLE: Treasure

      «You return to the war camp.»
  • Explore Camp
  • Back to Town

    Twilly: Oh noes, all the ugly sweaters are zombfinicating peoples! You's gotsta stop it!
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please. - Full Heal, continue with dialogue below
  • Let me handle this! - Closes dialogue
    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
  • Thank you!

  • Robina - Click on Robina's bow if you want her to join you in battle!
  • Robina's bow - Robina the Ranger will join you in battle!
  • Chest - If you become a Guardian, then you can ride the Radiant Warhorse into battle! OR You now ride the Radiant Warhorse! It will disappear when you log out. (Guardian Only)
  • Potion Bag - You must be a Guardian to refill your Health potions from this bag. OR Refills your potions if you have less than 4 on hand. (Guardian Only)
  • [X] Click this button to return to camp at the next save point.

    To Battle!
    How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?

    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Five

      «Momentum: Each time you defeat a monster without fleeing or dying, it increases the bonus by .5% in each category: +damage, +BTH, -Monster damage, -monster BTH. Fleeing causes you to lose 30% of your momentum. Dying or logging out causes momentum boost to reset. Caps at +50% or 100 kills.»

      *+x% damage and +x BTH on outgoing attacks; -x% damage and -x BTH on incoming attacks.

      «Non-ENDLESS options: You will now fight «X» wave(s) before returning to camp!»
      «ENDLESS option: You will now fight waves endlessly until you flee from battle!»
  • Explore Camp
  • Back to Town

    «Each wave is comprised of 2 BATTLES followed by a Full Heal. After defeating 16%, 33%, 50%, 66% and 83% of Kabroz's Zombies, new cutscenes were unlocked.»

      16% - Save Hans!

        BATTLE: Cozy Zombie Hans
        Full Heal

      «You»: You okay there?
      Hans: Ow ow ow ow! Did you have to hit so hard?
      «You»: Well, you were kinda trying to eat Yulgar's brains...
      Yulgar: I said I'd rather freeze to death than put on one of those wretched sweaters. Once again my good fashion sense saves me.
      Hans: I-- oh no! I'm SO sorry! I didn't mean--
      Hans: Wait, where's Aria?? I gotta protect her!
      «You»: She's safe. Apparently she was using a Vampragon for heat rather than wear an ugly sweater.
      «You»: Go hide out with her in Warlic's - we'll be fine, especially once we get more Guardians fighting for us.
      Hans: Got it! ...And uh, thanks again for the save.
      «You»: Heh. Anytime.

      33% - Save Blackhawke!

        BATTLE: Cozy Zombie Blackhawke
        Full Heal

      Blackhawke: Gah! Zardspit!
      «You»: Whoa, easy there! You just got un-zombified!
      Blackhawke: Nothing I can't shake off. Have others been zombified?
      «You»: Yeah, about half the guardians. Kabroz cursed those sweaters to zombify anyone who wore them.
      Blackhawke: Nothing my blade can't fix. Let's get to work.
      «You»: Heh, I like that spirit! Let's go!

      50% - Save Uldor!

      «Two sweaters lie on the ground between you, Uldor and Aquella.»

      «You»: ...Uldor? Aquella? You're not zombies?
      Uldor: Of course not, «You». I had a premonition that something horrible would happen were I to wear the sweater, so I didn't wear it.
      Uldor: Aquella followed my advice, and we've been warming ourselves by the fire ever since.
      «You»: A premonition? If you saw something with your sixth sense, then why didn't you warn everyone?
      Uldor: I'm sorry, but my visions aren't perfect. I simply thought that people would make fun of me for wearing such a hideous sweater. I ask, have you SEEN the thing?
      Uldor: I mean, I'm BLIND, and even "I" know that that thing is a fashion disaster! That's how truly repulsive it is!
      «You»: I... that makes a sadly large amount of sense.
      Uldor: And if my senses are correct, I am to be headed to Warlic's now, yes?
      «You»: ... Yes?
      Uldor: Excellent. Best wishes on the war. Let me know if I can do anything to help.

      «Uldor leaves.»

      «You»: Aquella, you should go with him.
      Aquella: I can't! I-- um-- actually....
      Aquella: Captain Rhubarb is... I invited him over for Frostval. I haven't seen him at all, so I'm worried that he was hit by the same thing that's zombifying everyone.
      «You»: Oof. I'll be on the lookout for him.
      Aquella: WE'LL be on the lookout. Let's go.

      66% - Save Rhubarb!

        BATTLE: Cozy Zombie Rhubarb
        Full Heal

      Captain Rhubarb: Yarr, me head be spinnin'... did I drink too much eggnog?
      Aquella: Rhubarb! Are you okay?
      Captain Rhubarb: Heh, more than fine now that ye're here with me, lassy~
      Aquella: !!!
      «You» (thinking): Eep, I probably should leave the two alone.
      «You»: So you two, head to Warlic's once you're done, gottagomorezombiestofightbye!

      83% - Save Galanoth!

        BATTLE: Cozy Zombie Galanoth
        Full Heal

      «You»: You okay there?
      Galanoth: Give me a sec. What hit me?
      «You»: Well, it was me if we're taking that question literally, but before that Kabroz cursed you into becoming a zombie.
      Galanoth: So not a dragon?
      «You»: Nope. Kabroz, zombies, sweaters, Frostval. Haven't seen any dragons.
      Galanoth: Not even any zombie dragons? Or sweater dragons?
      «You»: Haven't seen either. ...Wait, do sweater dragons exist?
      Galanoth: Yeah. Big fuzzy things, flying around up north and roasting everything with their breaths.
      «You»: That's pretty cool, actually. You'll have to show me one day, once I'm done with these zombies.
      Galanoth: Sure. I'll even lend a hand, even though zombies aren't my cup of joe.

    «When the war meter hit 100%, the following battles take place.»

      4 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal after battles #2 and #4
    «You're joined by Galanoth, Capt. Rhubarb, Blackhawke and Hans.»

    Galanoth: See, I've been in a lot of wars, And I'm gonna bet my Frostval gift that we're gonna fight the big bad here.
    Galanoth: Personally, I'm hoping that it's a dragon. Knowing Kabroz we probably won't fight a regular zombie dragon...
    Galanoth: ...but fighting a sweater zombie dragon is definitely possible. Imagine, a huge beast like that, wrapped up, just for us!
    Galanoth: I doubt that he's managed to zombify the Great Frost Wyrm, so it's just gonna be a regular dragon. Possibly a ReignDragon? Ha, I haven't taken down a ReignDragon in forever!
    Galanoth: Alternately, we might be fighting a sweater dragon. I guess you'll get to see one faster than you thought, ehh?
    Galanoth: Or, y'know what would be really cool? A sweater dragon that's wearing one of Kabroz's sweaters and has been turned into a zombie! Sweater zombie sweater dragon!
    Galanoth: Aw. That's not a dragon.
      BATTLE: Cozy Zombie Chilly
      Full Heal
    «You»: Nope, no dragons, thankfully.
    Chilly: «Y-Y-You»? What-- where--
    «You»: Don't worry, Chilly, you're safe an no longer a zombie now.
    Chilly: I was a zombie??
    «You»: Yeah. And we need your help to finish un-zombifying everyone. Can you head over to Warlic's and help him finish his spell to fix up everyone?
    Chilly: I can... but, what about the presents?? How are we gonna deliver them in time??
    «You»: Leave that to me and the Guardians. We'll have the gifts delivered in time for everyone to have a merry Frostval! Right guys?
    Everyone: Yeah!!

    «Scene: EvilCorp HQ.»

    Zorbak: Mehehehe! See? It's not so easy ruining Frostval! Now to collect on our bet....
    Kabroz: Not so fast. So my first plan wasn't successful-- no big deal.
    Zorbak: I might've failed to stop her with my sweaters, but she still has to deliver the gifts. I've got one more surprise waiting for («You»'s gender pronoun) him/her!
    Kabroz: Mwahahaha!

  • Play again!
  • Re-Open Shop
  • Replay Part 1
  • Replay Part 2
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Home

    Attack of the Sweater Zombies

  • Cozy Warhammer [L. 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135 | 150 G]
  • Cozy Spear [L. 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135 | 150 G]
  • Cozy Staff [L. 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135 | 150 G]

  • Cozy Goblin [L. 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135 | 150 G]

  • Sweater Survivor [L. 5]
  • Sweater Slayer [L. 10]
  • Sweater Saviour [L. 25]
  • Warmonger [L. 50]
  • Warlord [L. 75]
  • The Conqueror [L. 100]

    Dialogue thanks to Legendary Ash.

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 12/9/2018 8:34:16 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 3
    12/8/2018 16:53:32   
    Legendary Scribe of Lore

    Frostval 2016
    Gift Delivery!

    Location: Frostval '16: Rise of the Sweater Zombies! » Gift Delivery!

    We did it! We stopped Kabroz's evil plant to turn everyone into mindless zombie! Now comes the hard part - we have to deliver all the Frostval gifts to all the good girls and boys as soon as possible, to ensure that everyone has a happy Frostval!

  • Replay Intro
  • Replay Part 1
  • Replay Part 2

  • Deliver a gift!
      How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Five

      «Momentum: Each time you defeat a monster without fleeing or dying, it increases the bonus by .5% in each category: +damage, +BTH, -Monster damage, -monster BTH. Fleeing causes you to lose 30% of your momentum. Dying or logging out causes momentum boost to reset. Caps at +50% or 100 kills.»

      *+x% damage and +x BTH on outgoing attacks; -x% damage and -x BTH on incoming attacks.

      «Non-ENDLESS options: You will now fight «X» wave(s) before returning to camp!»
      «ENDLESS option: You will now fight waves endlessly until you flee from battle!»
  • Explore Camp
  • Back to Town

    Twilly: Hiyas! It's time to deliver all the Frostval gifts! We only have until the end of the year to do it!!
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please - Full Heal, continues with dialogue below
  • Let me handle this! - Ends dialogue
    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
  • Thank you!

  • Potion Bag - Refills potions if you have less than 4 on hand (Guardian Only).
  • Background - Nighttime in Frostvale is the coldest time of all. Dress warmly!
  • Ice Moglins - The Ice Moglins hail you as a hero for saving Frostval! Time to deliver some presents!
  • Artix - Click on Artix's axe to have him join you in battle! He will replace any other guests.
  • Artix's Axe - Artix Krieger the Paladin will join you in battle!
  • Robina - Click on Robina's bow to have her join you in battle! She will replace any other guests.
  • Robina's Bow - Robina the Ranger will join you in battle!
  • Galanoth - Click on Galanoth's sword to have him join you in battle! He will replace any other guests.
  • Galanoth's Sword - Galanoth the Dragonslayer joins you in battle!
  • Warlic - Click on Warlic's staff to have him join you in battle! He will replace any other guests.
  • Warlic's Staff - Warlic will help you in battle!
  • Presents
    • This one is addressed to -- Carnafex?!?! Better deliver it last.
    • Oooooh, this present is going to the Guardian Tower. I wonder what's in it?
    • I wonder what's inside? *shake shake sha-- CRACK tink tink* ._.; You saw nothing.
    • This present is shaped like a toaster. Wait, what's a toaster?
    • This present looks like it was crushed in the war. Hopefully it wasn't too fragile.
    • Red, red gift. Go to my head, make me forget that I still need her so.
    • The wrapping is green. It's making you feel a little envious of whoever gets it.
    • Purple gift, purple gift. I only wanted to see you playing with the purple gift.
    • This one is surprisingly heavy. Hopefully it's not full of coal.
    • This gift may be blue, but whatever's inside definitely won't make you feel blue!
    • Is that... a bobcat in here? Who exactly packed this one?

    Gift Delivery!
    «You ride on a ReignDragon as you proceed to deliver a present through the woods. You obtain the ReignDragon Rider as an armor.»
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
    «You»: That was no problem! Now to deliver the gift!

    «You proceed to a random player's house. After three knocks...»

    !!!: Woah! Thank you so much! This is the best Frostval ever!
  • :-)

    «This concludes one wave. You repeat the above (skipping directly to battle) for the number of waves you selected before. Upon completion of the required number of waves, you return to the war camp. Once 100% of the gifts have been delivered...»

    «You»: We did it! All the gifts are delivered!
    Chilly: Not so fast! I checked the list a second time, and some presents didn't get delivered!
    «You»: But they're not here! Where would they be??

    «Robina enters the scene.»

    Robina: «You»! I found some tracks! It looks like someone's been stealing the gifts!
    «You»: Well, let's go get 'em! We're running out of time!

    «The scene fades to black. The tracks lead to Kabroz, standing atop a pile of gifts.»

    «You»: Stop right there, Kabroz!

    «You enter the scene.»

    «You»: Kabroz, I don't know what you're up to, but this ends NOW.
    Kabroz: Well, of COURSE you don't know. Your tiny little brain can't comprehend my evil plans!
    «You»: Yeah, well my weapon can certainly take care of whatever you can throw at me. Let's go!
    Kabroz: So be it. Blasten, get 'em!
      BATTLE: Cozy Zombie ReignDragon
      Full Heal
    Kabroz: Mer...
    «You»: And you're next!
      BATTLE: Kabroz
      Full Heal
    «You:» I hope that taught you a lesson: never--
    Mercuria: Hold, «You».
    Mercuria: His "lesson" is far from over. He has humiliated me and wounded my dignity. NO ONE transforms me into a zombie and gets away with it!
    «You»: Humiliated you? Like, turned you into a sweater-zombie? I don't remember fighting you....
    Blackhawke: That was me. I didn't think it was important enough to mention....
    Mercuria: My dignity is of UTMOST importance! And for degrading me like that, Kabroz must PAY!
    Robina: Oof... that's gotta hurt.
    Blackhawke: Ew... burning moglin fur smells nasty.
    «You»: Um... okay, she's probably gonna be at this a while. Let's get the gifts delivered, and hopefully she'll be done once we come back.

    «Back in Frostvale, Galanoth enters the scene.»

    Galanoth: Great job, «You»! You've saved Frostval and all the citizens of Battleon! I think it's time to open your well-earned presents!

    «The treasure chest opens and the Frostval '16: Gift Delivery! shop opens. Once you leave the shop:»

    Galanoth: Happy Frostval to all, and may your wishes come true! Be sure to check your Gift Boxes when they open on New Year's Eve! Remember, you can get your Gift Boxes in the Guardian Tower ONLY until New Year's Eve!

  • Guardian Tower!
  • Epilogue
  • Replay Intro
  • Replay Part 1
  • Replay Part 2
  • Back to Town

    Frostval '16: Gift Delivery!

  • Frostval '16 Commemorative Spoon [L. 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135 | 150 G]

  • Sweater Dragon Mount [L. 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135 | 150 G]
  • ReignDragon Rider [L. 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135 | 150 G]
  • ReignDragon Rider Z [L. 62 Z]
  • Elder ReignDragon Rider Z [L. 105 Z]
  • Ancient ReignDragon Rider Z [L. 143 Z]

    House Items:
  • Frostval '16: Rise of the Sweater Zombies!

  • Postman [L. 5]
  • Master Postman [L. 10]
  • Please, Master Postman [L. 25]
  • Warmonger [L. 50]
  • Warlord [L. 75]
  • The Conqueror [L. 100]

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 12/9/2018 11:07:38 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 4
    12/8/2018 17:01:21   
    Legendary Scribe of Lore

    Frostval: Epilogue
    Inside Zorbaks Hut

    Kabroz: Alright, you win.
    Zorbak: I'm sorry, could you say it a bit louder?
    Kabroz: I said, YOU WIN. You were right.
    Zorbak: Right about...?
    Kabroz: Gah. You're not making this easy, are you?
    Zorbak: Mehehehe! Nope!
    Kabroz: Fine, you were right. Ruining Frostval is not a "piece of cake" that "any idiot" can do. I take back what I said.
    Zorbak: Good! Now there's just the other part of our bet....
    Mu-Glen: Zorby-kins! I'm ready!

    «Mu-Glen carrying her child enters the room»

    Mu-Glen: Thank you SO MUCH for agreeing to look after Li'l Z for us!
    Kabroz: Don't... mention... it.
    Zorbak: We should be back from our vacation by the 12th. Until then, make sure that kiddo here is safe.
    Kabroz: Will do. *sigh* Enjoy your trip.
    Zorbak: Buh-bye!

    «Zorbak and Mu-Glen leave.»

    Kabroz: So. "Kiddo". You like zombies?
    Li'l Z: P--papa?? *sniff*
    Kabroz: Nope. You're stuck with uncle Kabroz for the next while.
    Li'l Z: B...b...

    «From outside, the whole hut shakes with the sound of Li'l Z's crying.»

    Dialogue thanks to Legendary Ash.

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 12/8/2018 17:31:46 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 5
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