Gift Box Spell [Version] '19 «Earth spell. Costs MP.» Location: Guardian Tower » Click on Nimrod » Guardian Giftboxen! » Spells Element: Earth This item no longer exists and turned into ???. Type G G G G G G G G
Level 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150
PowLvl 19 36 54 73 93 113 133 153
MPLvl 16 34 53 72 92 112 132 152
Price 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sell 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MPCost 78 131 194 265 348 441 543 653 Hits: 2 Type: Magic Element: Earth Damage 9-26 15-46 24-70 33-100 45-135 59-175 73-220 90-269
Stat% 112.5 169 228 291 357 423 489 555
BTH 4 9 13 18 23 28 33 38 DESCRIPTION How do they put a SPELL into a giftbox? Oh well, you can still cast it to shower your opponent with gifts while waiting for it to open! Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Write up thanks to Carandor. Additional thanks to Fishbone. Analysis Starts off as a standard spell: Version I II III IV V VI VII VIII
Level 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150
PowLvl 19 36 54 73 93 113 133 153
Damage 17-52 30-91 47-139 66-199 90-270 117-350 146-440 179-537
Stat% 225 338 456 582 714 846 978 1110
BTH 4 9 13 18 23 28 33 38 With two equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/2 damage. All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers. Updates December 5, 2019: The spell was released. January 3, 2020: The spell became rare.
Gift Box Spell [Version] Z '19 «Earth spell. Costs MP.» Location: Guardian Tower » Click on Nimrod » Guardian Giftboxen! » Spells Element: Earth This item no longer exists and turned into ???. Type GZ GZ GZ GZ
Level 22 55 100 140
PowLvl 54 73 113 153
MPLvl 46 68 109 149
Price 580 1330 3160 5770
S <48h 522 1197 2844 5193
>48h 145 332 790 1442
MPCost 169 249 427 636 Hits: 2 Type: Magic Element: Earth Damage 24-70 33-100 59-175 90-269
Stat% 228 291 423 555
BTH 13 18 28 38 DESCRIPTION How do they put a SPELL into a giftbox? Oh well, you can still cast it to shower your opponent with gifts while waiting for it to open! Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Write up thanks to Carandor. Additional thanks to Fishbone. Analysis Starts off as a standard spell: Version III IV VI VIII
Level 22 55 100 140
PowLvl 54 73 113 153
Damage 47-139 66-199 117-350 179-537
Stat% 456 582 846 1110
BTH 13 18 28 38 With two equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/2 damage. All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers. Updates December 5, 2019: The spell was released. January 3, 2020: The spell became rare.
< Message edited by Bu Kek Siansu -- 1/4/2020 16:27:13 >