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increase FPS when?

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11/16/2021 14:47:10   
Deaf of Destiny

I noticed that we got a better design with those monsters, weapons, armor, and many. which causes a spike to lag often. Maybe it will get better fps and no lag. like fps 20 or 25, can be 30. depend on their database and can handle with this?
Post #: 1
11/16/2021 15:02:18   

This cannot be done due to the limitations of the game’s architecture being on Flash, and running on a particular old version of it. Many animations will break if the FPS increases. I do know that NIVP is working on his AQ launcher. Ask him whether he could finagle with the ActiveX plugin and see what he might be able to do. He may be able to give us some insight on additional things if I haven’t already said what said challenges are.

I have also experimented with converting Flash assets from other games into 60fps and it has worked, but not without hitches. Perhaps the game staff could clarify if they have managed to overcome some of the base technical challenges associated but I haven’t heard anything on this front

< Message edited by PD -- 11/16/2021 15:14:04 >
Post #: 2
11/16/2021 19:51:51   

It kind of feels like if you're able to get 16-17 FPS, there's no need to go beyond that. It's plenty fast. The bigger issue, in my mind, is can there be improvements such that even basic machines with entry level specs be able to run on high graphics and get a consistent 16-17. IMO, that would be a much better investment of time and resources, even if it were possible to get much higher frame rates.
Post #: 3
11/26/2021 22:23:54   

Never had any fps issues in all the time I have played. And yes, it can be the game, it can be your hardware as well, but as a former networking professional I would say that the most likely culprit is bandwidth. I have seem many have problems playing online that were physically closer than others with no trouble, yet these folk could not maintain a good rate of fps when they were close. But the answer is often in what route your data travels, from the game server to your device (once I would have just said to your pc...). And for waht it's worth, I have played the game on many different machines from several locations over the last 17 years or so. Some strong machines, some pretty basic. I have not yet had trouble playing. By "many" - as an example, I have an old laptp that won't even run Windows 7, and I have played AQ this year on it with no problems. The problem is usually either the route through the internet you use (and no help there) or, some people with less powerful machines want to have too many different applications running at once. That will always cut into game performance. Check to see what processes you have runningwhen you play, and see what you could safely turn off. That will very often solve your fps problem as well. Good luck!

PD: Oh, I guess I misunderstood what OP was saying. Well, I hope this is at leasy helpful to someone, so I won't just delete it. But, hey, my duh!

< Message edited by kevinc1 -- 11/27/2021 16:24:23 >


Ab hoc possum videres domuum tuum.
AQ  Post #: 4
11/26/2021 23:07:52   

^^ He's not talking about frame / technical issues. He's talking about changing the settings so that the game runs at a higher FPS. IE, that the game runs more animation frames per second (thereby making the animation look smoother and "better"). However as I mentioned before, this would likely be a very difficult thing for the staff to do if not impossible because the game relies on certain keyframe data and timing to properly work. Potentially by changing that setting we'd have battles not work properly and actions and timings that don't sync properly. There are also questions of being able to handle running THAT many more keyframes per second. AQ already has issues at its current state with certain animations and enemies being very resource intensive (like Cerberus, War Torn Dragon, ect). Also, certain animations are known to be buggy.

Though again, the staff should interject here because this actually has been a question that has been asked for and requested for years.

There is however, one possibility. Nivp / gavers has his own experimental launcher that adds a bunch of enhancements to the game. Try asking him about that and see what he might be able to do. I'd be certainly curious to see what he might find out about that.

< Message edited by PD -- 11/26/2021 23:12:51 >
Post #: 5
11/27/2021 0:22:01   
And Pun-isher


Given that redoing every single animation in the game isn't feasible, this would entail multiplying the speed of the game, which would cause even more things to break. However, overly laggy items are being gradually reined in.
Post #: 6
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