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=AQ= Heromart Digital Gear

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8/1/2022 13:21:00   
  The Hollow
AQ Lead

One request that keeps popping up is for players to just be able to purchase the digital items from Heromart without buying the actual item ie. calendar. The items can be rereleased as Z-Token Package bonuses but it is not a simple process, so I want to check with players to see which item(s) are the most requested and we'll start from there. So if there are any Heromart digital items you'd like to see available as a Z-Token Package post your ideas below, or vote on any other items you like!
AQ  Post #: 1
8/1/2022 13:25:35   

Does this request include pass items like the ShadowWalker items that are no longer available?

That is one set of items I think would make a great Z token package. I imagine it would be with the Champion sets.
Post #: 2
8/1/2022 13:27:31   

Timeslayer Axe
If this those happen, are there plans to distinguish these items from the original ones? Just something to consider because of previous experience with re-releasing of GGB items.
AQ AQW  Post #: 3
8/1/2022 13:28:14   

I think the most immediate one people are going to think of (at least one that I can think of) is the Shadowwalker of Time set from the 2017 Calendar. Though it may be a good idea to just include all the items from the old calendars.

I can't think of anything else at the moment though. Maybe people here can jog memories.

EDIT: After finding this page, it may be a good idea for referencing past Calendar Items. A quick Glance and Chronomancer Z could probably get a touch up, including the Calendar Item too.

< Message edited by PD -- 8/1/2022 14:03:55 >
Post #: 4
8/1/2022 14:05:28   
Lv 1000

List of items/item sets that could be brought back:
  • ShadowWalker of Time set from the 2016 AE Calendar. (no longer available)
  • Recent calendar weapon/shield sets (they are the only source, to my knowledge, of direct SP damage from the player).
  • Death's Reaver from the "I'm On A Boat" t-shirt. (no longer available) - Item would likely need to be updated
  • Dragon's Secret items listed at the top of this post. (no longer available) - Item would likely need to be updated
  • Other items that people have mentioned above.
  • Post #: 5
    8/1/2022 14:11:01   

    ShadowWalker of Time
    The in-game Moglin pets from the Moglin Plushies

    I agree with the above items as well.

    Thanks for listening to the community.

    < Message edited by Cupquake -- 8/1/2022 16:08:09 >
    Post #: 6
    8/1/2022 14:26:29   

    Dragon's Secret! I have the book already, but I imagine they would get updated if they were available for purchase again.
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 7
    8/1/2022 14:49:24   
    Red Blood

    Just some support for a few packages in particular based on owning most of these aside the moglin plushies. Granted I'd love to see Timeslayer get a forced shift option even if drains sp to use forms out of season vs just the dark, and flavor based on the season. And a minor mention for those wanting the Dragon Secret Package it's not rare aside the signed copy.
    1: The full current chrono series of weapons/shields (fire, water, earth, dark, energy, ice)
    2: Shadow Walker package
    3: Dragon's Secret package with updates
    4: Moglin Plus package, or individual ones for each plush
    5: Timeslayer Axe
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 8
    8/1/2022 15:41:52   

    Thanks, Hollow, for listening to our requests!
    People have already mentioned the most popular ones, so I'll just say that ShadowWalker of Time and the Chrono weapons are my top choices followed by Death's Reaver and lastly Dragon's Secret and then Timeslayer Axe. The last three deserve updates, and since they'd take more time, I'd like the devs to prioritize the easy ones first. Death's Reaver is before the last two since its effect is simply a variant clone of Doom Knight's Blade, which Imry had already updated last year.

    I'll also add some other items people haven't mentioned that don't strictly follow this definition:
    OG Doom Knight: This would definitely need an update. I'm also not sure if this counts since I believe it predates HeroMart itself, but I certainly would like to see the original armor back in the game since it's the most like actual Seppy.
    Greenguard Set: Technically, this isn't a HeroMart item, but it's yet another rare that doesn't really count as a Z-Token Package item either that deserves a buff. I just love the art.

    PD's linked page has a list of HeroMart items, and many of those deserve buffs as well. They're just uninteresting, so they'd need quite the buffs to make worth getting. I'd like for the devs to focus on other revamps first instead.
    Post #: 9
    8/1/2022 17:45:53   
      The Hollow
    AQ Lead

    Thank you folks for all the great suggestions! If you could tell me why you want a specific item to return that'd be a big help deciding how we're going to do this. Ie. is there a special function, the looks, the rarity.
    AQ  Post #: 10
    8/1/2022 20:27:43   
    Dreiko Shadrack

    Not technically the same category but perhaps the amazonian ruler? it never really went away but you can't actually link your account to amazon anymore so you can't get it and even when you could it was still a bit awkward to do, but this would really be skirting the line on the purpose of this thread.

    As for why? Light/Water compression on a 0 proc and MRM toggler, just a great option to have overall.

    EDIT: I should note that I do actually have this package unlocked already, I'm just suggesting it in general.

    < Message edited by Dreiko Shadrack -- 8/1/2022 20:36:05 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 11
    8/1/2022 23:09:27   
    Korriban Gaming

    To be honest, most calendar/Heromart items aren't very good in this game except a few like SWoT. I don't really have much requests on items I like but an update to all of them to actually make them worth using would be nice
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 12
    8/2/2022 0:29:13   
    dr jo

    The calender items and the plushie pets.
    Death's Reaver could do with update have the item but really underwelming
    AQ  Post #: 13
    8/2/2022 4:13:02   


    If you could tell me why you want a specific item to return that'd be a big help deciding how we're going to do this. Ie. is there a special function, the looks, the rarity.

    I think all the items in the Dragon's Secret shop have potential to be interesting in terms of function or fashion. Shapechanger's Dragon Leathers has awesome attack animations and Water/Ice compression is a good combo. The effect itself is a little boring, though. Gnomish Crossbow's toggle between damage and Blind effect would be a good effect for archer builds that focus on dodge synergies. Melore's Dark Statue would be the perfect spell to be the first Darkness Freeze effect based on how it functions in the book. And while we do have lots of good Light weapons already, Crystal Seed Runic Goldenrod Staff just has an awesome name and beautiful art and could be given an effect of its own as well. All in all it's a very diverse package that would provide something for most builds who buy it.

    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 14
    8/2/2022 10:13:29   

    I agree with Kaizoku above

    Besides I would like to see Doom Knight and Chronomancer updated to endgame.

    I don't think they need a package as they already have token versions, I just really would like to be able to use my red doom knight.
    AQ  Post #: 15
    8/2/2022 10:20:12   

    Timeslayer Axe
    Shadowalker of Time Set
    Eternity Spear
    Infinity Lance
    Underworld Chrono Scythe
    Cryo Draconic Chronomancer Armaments
    Continuum & Quantum Chronomancer Armaments

    I just like many of these temporal-themed weapons as they all have pretty nice arts


    Shadowscythe Breaker
    Black Diamond Dragon Blade

    cos I like their art too.

    That's all I can think of for now
    AQ  Post #: 16
    8/2/2022 19:53:53   
    Red Blood

    For the Chrono items they are one of the few sources of player sp damage to exist and can be helpful in enduring/ blocking sp attacks from challenging foe, or at least delay them a tad. For Shadow Walker of time it has one of the few 9999 effects outside a champion package with fragile being a wonderful effect. Dragon's Secret needs some love and care for everything other than the armor, and given the "free shop" tie in had some things updated only fair the full series gets some love. For the plush toys there are some interesting effects and they had at one point a digital code from the kickstarter. The Time Slayer Axe is special in given how it works via time of the year for the alternate modes and that alone is interesting but I did mention in my former post one change I would like to see given you can only use an effect/element 1/4 of the year.
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 17
    8/3/2022 18:58:11   

    As other people have said:
    The Chrono weapons are one of the only sources of SP damage for players that's not connected to a pet.
    ShadowWalker of Time is an entire set of items with an interesting synergistic idea that also inflicts a 9999-turn status effect that has no alternative.
    Death's Reaver has an effect that isn't unique, but it should be an easy fix and has fun art.
    Timeslayer Axe just really deserves a buff. The idea of working based on time of year is an unpopular one, and the beautiful art deserves something better.
    Dragon's Secret has a bunch of items, and considering the free items in its tie-in quest have been updated, the Premium items also deserve some love.

    I mentioned Doom Knight and the Greenguard items because they both have art that I would like to have, and it would be even better to see them practical as well.
    Post #: 18
    8/3/2022 19:24:32   
      The Hollow
    AQ Lead

    Alright folks looks like we'll start with the Shadowwalker of Time set from the 2017 calendar! The set will be recolored and named Umbralwalker of Time. The Umbralwalker of Time package will include the armor, shield, 3 weapons, title, and 4 new player faces. As an added bonus, owners of the 2017 calendar will be able to pick up the Umbralwalker armor, weapons, and shield from the Shadowwalker shop in Ballyhoo!
    AQ  Post #: 19
    8/3/2022 19:38:19   
    Dreiko Shadrack

    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 20
    8/3/2022 19:50:47   

    Fantastic news!

    Excited for the recolor.
    Post #: 21
    8/3/2022 19:58:36   

    Thanks, Hollow! This is fantastic news. I always love when unique mechanics don't stay permanently rare.

    Could you tell us which Z-Token Package tier this will be? The original calendar cost $20, but the $20 Z-Token Package tier does not include entire sets.
    Post #: 22
    8/3/2022 19:59:02   
    Dreiko Shadrack

    A question: what sort of pricing scheme will we be following here? AQ package precedents on types of equipment offered per tier or Heromart pricing but naturally excluding the physical merch?

    Basically in this instance, would this new SWoT be a Champion package tier at $100 or be $20 like the original heromart purchase (or something else altogether)?
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 23
    8/3/2022 20:11:36   

    Exciting news! I’m glad to see this happen. I’ll throw my favorite out there: The Plushie Moglins - Mort to be specific. I’ve promoted this pet relentlessly after buying it and would love to see more people who don’t necessarily want to pay for shipping half way across the world to have their fun with him
    AQ  Post #: 24
    8/3/2022 20:13:31   
      The Hollow
    AQ Lead

    We'll treat these items the same as regular package bonuses as far as pricing, so the Umbralwalker Set will be a 50K package (technically 62.5K with the bonus going on right now).
    AQ  Post #: 25
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