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=AQ= 20th Anniversary Mega Event

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10/3/2022 11:33:31   

Platinum Guardian Dragon Jr Pet
We kick off our massive 20th Anniversary celebration by giving away a special Platinum Edition of the Guardian Dragon Jr. Pet! Redeem this exclusive, timed code in-game directly through Ballyhoo!


This code can be redeemed once per character, expiring at 11:59PM EST on October 31st. Come celebrate 20 amazing years of BattlingOn and pick up your pet dragon today!

AQ’s 20th Anniversary Mega Event
It's time to celebrate 20 years of adventures, quests, bad puns… TERRIBLE puns, along with the wonderful audience that made it all come together! An event this special cannot possibly fit into 1 week so we have a huge 3 week event planned! Join us on the rush to investigate an explosion of wild magic spreading through Lore's ley lines in the first part of our 20th Anniversary Mega Event! An event this huge also needs huge Gold and XP boosts, so gain a bonus +50% Gold and XP from battles until November 1st.

Limited-Time Shop - 20th Anniversary
Week 1 - Emerald
Stop by the special 20th Anniversary Limited-Time Shop each week of the event as we fill it with more and more rare event gear!

2022 Back To School Daily Prize Giveaway
Extended to November 3rd!
Login daily for your chance to win 7 amazing rewards, 1 for every day of the week! Just by logging in and playing AQ you will qualify for 30 prizes being given away daily. The more characters you play with the better your chances of winning. As an added perk, all Guardians gain an extra 50% chance of winning! Here are the 7 prizes along with the day of the week they are being given away:

Sunday - Faces
Monday - Shield
Tuesday - "Schoolboy" Armor
Wednesday - "Schoolgirl" Armor
Thursday - Magic Weapon
Friday - Ranged Weapon
Saturday - Melee Weapon
Prizes will be automatically added to your inventory, shortly before midnight server time, if you have won!

Emerald Rose
20K Limited-Time Z-Token Package
Every 20 years an emerald rose will bloom and bring with it great earthen power. This package includes 2 spells to summon and call your own Emerald Rose Guests, the Emerald Rose Pet, and Emerald Rod 3-in-1 earth weapon. This special limited-time package is only available until November 7th 2022, so grab yours before it withers away for another 20 years

Warmaster Dragon Rider
20K Z-Token Package
Once warped by the stolen power of War, this ancient dragon gained extreme destructive power and was returned from death to serve a profane purpose. They struggle to contain that power and find atonement, but you share a unique affinity -- By fighting together, you may find that burning path.

Zombie Hunter Set Returns
50K Z-Token Package
Don't let those zombies chomp on your gray matter and instead offer them a lead salad courtesy of your boom stick! This powerful set features an armor, 3 weapons, shield and title. The undead will be rattling in fear with this set's amazing full-set bonus and undead trigger. Grab yours while they last as this package bonus will only be available for a limited time!

Tag you're it.
Reminder to get your Plat Guardian Dragon Jr with the code: AQ-PLAT-DRAGON-PET
Happy 20th Anniversary all. ~Anim

< Message edited by AnimalKing -- 10/3/2022 11:44:10 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 1
10/3/2022 14:53:36   

20 years is heck of a party for a game! Thanks for all the hard work staff, it's been a blast the whole way since I hopped on board in 2006!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
10/3/2022 15:11:28   
Macho Man

Happy 20th AQ! Here's to 20 more!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
10/3/2022 15:55:48   
King Darxonic

Look forward to the festivities, Congratulations on 20 great years of AdventureQuest!
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 4
10/3/2022 19:03:08   


This special limited-time package is only available until November 7th 2022, so grab yours before it withers away for another 20 years

I hope this isn't serious. 20 years from now is 2042. In that time I can't imagine anything will be the same. We'll have cures for cancer, nuclear fusion, robots doing everything for us like WALL-E and maybe even world peace before this comes back by then? Are we even going to be still be humans by then? Nuclear armageddons be damned

On an actually serious note though, that +50% Gold/EXP boost is pretty significant (and it's active right now!), especially with a potential Gold Donation even being about 60 days out. If you've been slacking off to this point this should provide an opportunity for plenty of catch-up. Assuming you don't boost any gold that's 4.7b gold to farm between now and Nov 1st. The sheer amount of tokens you'd be farming from this period (1500) would allow you to store up the max gold without spending anything either.

Though it's sad because I'm already topped out for the year and can't possibly store anymore gold. Otherwise with this opportunity I'd be able to farm 300m every day.

Also excited for the anniversary event. And still hoping for a revived Platinum edge along with other platinum themed items.

@below: I'm well aware it's just making more unobtainable items without actually saying it. Everyone already knows my position on that kind of stuff but nothing will change. The only thing I can do is poke fun at just how obscenely ridiculous it all is.

< Message edited by PD -- 10/3/2022 19:58:49 >
Post #: 5
10/3/2022 19:45:31   
Sir Cloud

Happy 20th Anniversary AQ! Battling-On since 2008 for me.


I hope this isn't serious. 20 years from now is 2042. In that time I can't imagine anything will be the same.

Basically it'll be like a perma-rare Z-Token package without actually declaring it as so, lol.
AQ  Post #: 6
10/4/2022 11:30:03   

20 good years

I hope the Ruby Roses get updated with the new package
AQ  Post #: 7
10/4/2022 22:13:45   

this bonus exp event will hopefully encourage me to power-level my remaining character to lv150. Thank you to the generous players with the Shadow Houseguards!!!
AQ DF  Post #: 8
10/5/2022 4:10:32   

Happy 20th AQ! and many more years to come.
Post #: 9
10/5/2022 4:48:42   
  Grixus Faldor

And I've been playing it for 16 of those 20 years... my goodness time flies. I'm looking forward to the quest!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
10/6/2022 4:48:12   
Nameless King

Hey,does anyone have the new Schoolboy/Schoolgirl armor yet?How is it?I miss my chance to get FMS back in the days but I hope I won't miss out on this one~If I could just buy the School armor with Ztoken somehow......
Post #: 11
10/6/2022 5:28:32   

Happy Anniversary! Schoolboy/Girl still available every Tuesday/Wednesday until 3rd November, the Schoolgirl armor is wind element and comes with a skill that amplifies Attack damage by 50% for 171 SP (level 135). I got two copies of Schoolgirl, but no Schoolboy so far, i just wish that they could change between each other in Inventory Manage since they are exactly the same.
Post #: 12
10/6/2022 18:27:21   
  The Hollow
AQ Lead

Alright folks, AQ's 20th Anniversary Mega Event is live!!
AQ  Post #: 13
10/6/2022 19:02:50   

Loving the new shield: it's pretty fantastic if you have any pieces of the Fae Knight or the Paleskull. At least against most normal energy monsters you could probably not care about taking damage as you'll be able to inflict absurd levels of panic/choke. Conveniently you can use the Pale Skull/Fae Knight Items against the Energy Elementals in the first part of the quest since both mentioned sets are Water. Other great ideas include Dark Invader, Starslayer, Celestial Phoenix Feather, and more.

Also to the above conversation about the BTS raffle - I got my hands on the Male armor but are the animations the same between that and the Female version?

< Message edited by PD -- 10/6/2022 19:18:32 >
Post #: 14
10/6/2022 20:54:06   
Lv 1000

Why were the Z-Finity Gauntlets removed without warning?
Post #: 15
10/6/2022 21:41:32   
Nameless King

Ahhh I see.Thank you @JGOriginal for the info.I wish I get it in time before it went away.Also,Happy AQ 20th Anniversary folks~Been playing since 2010 and has been enjoying this game a lot~Stay safe and well and keep on adventuring~
Post #: 16
10/6/2022 23:32:05   
  The Hollow
AQ Lead

The Limited-Time Shop has temporarily returned! Make sure you pick up any gear you want before the shop leaves October 13th.
AQ  Post #: 17
10/7/2022 0:55:57   

I cannot believe ive been playing this game for 17 years
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 18
10/7/2022 1:38:38   

I can hardly believe I've been playing this long too. Until I remember there's games out there that people still play that are just as old as if not older than AQ. Runscape, EverQuest, Ultima, and WOW just being a little younger than AQ but all of those still have people who have been playing for the greater parts of their respective histories. Although those are all MMORPG's which tend to be sustained longer because those genre of games lives more on its community interactivity than its weekly content updates. I don't know if there's a game like AQ out there in terms of operation. There's a lot of single-player turn-based RPG's out there but none that I know of which primarily live on its content updates. AQ maybe unique that way.

I remember awhile back where I advocated that AQ should do bi-weekly updates and the more I think about it the more I begin to understand the Captain's words that said model is AE's way of keeping us around.
Post #: 19
10/7/2022 7:45:38   
Primate Murder

So far the questline sounds really interesting.

A massive surge of energies, dormant threats awakened, opportunists messing with unstable and potent magics... We did, presumably, deal with all the major threats - Erebus, Entropy, Chessmaster - by this point, but there's still a lot of people who could find a use for world-altering magics, and that's a lot of foreshadowing about long-term consequences.
I'm really interested to see where it goes.
AQ DF  Post #: 20
10/7/2022 10:51:34   
Lv 1000


Emerald Rose Package
Weapon: Clone of the Blood Ruby Rod, except this has a Ranged Mode.
Pet/Guest: Clones of the Blood Ruby Rose pet/guest


LTS Items:
Enchanted Emerald: Clone of Blood Ruby misc, except DEX+LUK, Earth Res and Poison resist.
Emerald Rain: Petrify clone of Blood Ruby Rain.
Emerald Golem: Clone of Blood Ruby Golem, except that it increases monster base Wind Res based on monster Earth Res (rather than increasing monster Water Res based on Energy Res).


Eternal Champion's Defiance
MC Earth Shield. Melee/Ranged > Magic focused blocking (slight).

MC: Grants +20 Choke and Panic potence.

< Message edited by Lv 1000 -- 10/7/2022 10:54:12 >
Post #: 21
10/7/2022 15:37:11   
King Darxonic

I know this may be alot, but it would be cool to get a color expansion/update for the guardian armors for the anniversary.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 22
10/8/2022 3:21:38   

Could a ranged toggle be added to the Blood Ruby Rod too?
AQ  Post #: 23
10/8/2022 10:43:57   
Sir Cloud

Since AQ's 10th Anniversary Events (Blood Ruby) F2P items are still available in-town via Twilly, will the same be applied for AQ's 20th items? However, as of now, it appears you must buy the Portal Painting in order to get them once they leave the LTS Shop.

I already bought 2 of them for my Accounts, but can @Staff verify if these 20th Anniversary items are P2W or if they will be available for players afterwards? Thanks for checking. :)

< Message edited by Sir Cloud -- 10/8/2022 13:27:25 >
AQ  Post #: 24
10/8/2022 16:40:20   
dr jo

I fully agree with what Cloud is saying please can staff verify 20th Anniversary items are going to be p2w
AQ  Post #: 25
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