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RE: Shields - Read the first post!

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9/6/2022 1:44:21   
 formerly In Media Res


Back to School giveaway (Monday): Academy Pack. Kam says:

Wind shield, MC effect is an INT drive with the same numbers as Bronze Bulwark.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
Wind	-3	-7	-14	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26
Melee	-2	0	2	4	8	8	10	11	11
Ranged	0	2	4	7	9	11	13	14	14
Magic	2	4	6	9	11	13	14	15	16
AQ  Post #: 176
9/10/2022 6:53:39   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Paleskull Defender

Water shield, Melee > Magic > Ranged defenses. Uses MC and a +(5/1.4)% DmgTkn penalty to pay for granting you a 1-turn +(Hits x 1.01 x 5 / 0.85)% DmgDlt EleEmpow effect for all elements at start of your turn, with Hits being the # of times the foe successfully hit you the prior turn. If used with the weapon and armour from the set, this effect is doubled in potency.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
Water	-3	-7	-14	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26
Melee	2	4	6	9	11	13	14	15	16
Ranged	-2	0	2	4	8	8	10	11	11
Magic	0	2	4	7	9	11	13	14	14
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 177
9/10/2022 10:04:52   
Dreiko Shadrack

Shouldn't the shield's effect be capped in the number of hits taken like Frost Titan Head shield?
Good eye! Now capped at 4 hits. ~Imry

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 9/17/2022 1:22:57 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 178
9/21/2022 1:05:13   

Just checked from Google and the in-forum search, I don't think we ever got proper info subs for the Searing/Tremor Bastion Shields from the Last Watch War?

Also, I didn't see any update but the Fruitcake Wreath gold prices seem to be incorrect. The in-game value shows the standard 24.2m but the entry in the forums shows 33.1m. Was the price correction ever noted or is the in-game value incorrect?

EDIT: Looks like the Bastions were given basic descriptions, but not real info subs. Were these relayed on from Discord?

< Message edited by PD -- 9/21/2022 19:26:10 >
Post #: 179
9/22/2022 12:24:18   
Lv 1000


Looks like the Bastions were given basic descriptions, but not real info subs. Were these relayed on from Discord?

Yes this was from Discord originally. I'll edit this post with something more concrete when I have time (assuming the devs don't post something).

Unofficial Info-Subs for the Magnus Shields:

Magnus Shields
Earth/Fire Shields

MC: Compresses a skill and a toggle.
- Toggle: Has 2 modes, Normal and Overcharged. In Normal mode, generates 1 Charge per hit successful player hit, in Overcharged mode generates 2 charges per successful player hit. Normal mode costs 20% melee in SP, Overcharged mode costs 40% melee in SP. Charges gained from this toggle have a cap of 15.
- Skill: Starts as Fire/Earth shield-skill. Deals 100% melee in base damage. Follows player weapon for damage-type. EleComp increases skill damage. Skill can only be used once the player has at least 10 charges and consumes these charges when used. Gains damage based on the number of charges consumed: +(10.5/[MagicMod]x[ChargesConsumed])%, since the charge cap is 15, the cap for this is +(157.5/[MagicMod])%. [MagicMod] = 0.75 for Magic, 1 otherwise.

< Message edited by Lv 1000 -- 10/7/2022 11:31:13 >
Post #: 180
10/7/2022 11:32:19   
Lv 1000

Unofficial Info-Subs for the Eternal Champion Shield:

Eternal Champion's Defiance
MC Earth Shield. Melee/Ranged > Magic focused blocking (slight).

MC: Grants +20 Choke and Panic potence.
Post #: 181
10/9/2022 15:44:29   
 formerly In Media Res


From the 20th anni event: Eternal Champion's Defiance. Kam says:

Earth shield, MC is +20 to Choke/Panic Potence. Also has token versions at Lv 31/85/143, for 737/2409/5940 tokens.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
Melee	0	3	4	7	7	10	12	13	14
Ranged	0	4	5	7	8	11	13	14	14
Magic	0	2	4	6	7	10	12	13	13
Earth	-3	-6	-14	-19	-22	-23	-24	-25	-26
MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583
AQ  Post #: 182
11/23/2022 5:12:02   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Infernal Champion's Curse

Fire shield, MC effect is +20 Poison Potence.

Level	55B	75B	95B	115B	135B	150B
Melee	8	10	11	12	13	13
Ranged	8	10	11	13	14	14
Magic	9	11	11	13	14	14
Fire%	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 183
11/23/2022 5:12:43   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Abyssal Champion's Rebuke

Darkness shield. MC effect is misc compression that gives you a STR/INT, STR/DEX, or DEX/INT boost while active (3 separate versions, swappable via item upgrader, you get STR/INT by default, and can obviously grab spare copies once it's added to Ballyhoo). SP cost of this is x2 of what it would normally be since it's not on an actual misc slot.

Level	55B	75B	95B	115B	135B	150B
Melee	8	10	11	12	13	13
Ranged	8	10	11	13	14	14
Magic	9	11	11	13	14	14
Dark%	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26
STR	15	15	20	20	25	30
INT	15	15	20	20	25	30
SP	20	20	27	27	34	41
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 184
12/1/2022 18:06:12   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Calendar shields! Ianthe says:

[Dark] Chrono Paladin Defender

[Darkness] Ice shield.

MC: +20 Blind Potence

Scales as a Guardian item.
Level	55G	75G	95G	115G	135G	150G
PowLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153
Melee	10	12	13	15	16	17
Ranged	10	12	13	14	15	17
Magic	10	12	13	15	15	17
Ele%	-18	-20	-22	-23	-24	-24
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 185
12/29/2022 23:10:34   
 formerly In Media Res


In the New Year's LTS: MADM Barrier

MC Wind shield.

Click to toggle between:
  • Interception Mode: +12 blocking but take +(15/1.4)% incoming damage
  • Absorption Mode: -(20/1.4)% incoming damage but -9 blocking
    Level	10Z	35	60	60Z	85G	110Z	135	143Z	150G
    PowLvl	44	35	60	73	88	120	135	153	153
    Melee	4	4	7	7	9	14	14	14	14
    Ranged	4	4	6	6	9	13	13	14	14
    Magic	4	4	6	6	8	13	13	13	13
    Wind%	-17	-14	-20	-22	-23	-24	-25	-26	-26
    MCPrice	396	178	2047	1474	27439	3674	5059007	5940	24205166
    MCSell	Z	89	1023	Z	13719	Z	2529503	Z	12102583
  • AQ  Post #: 186
    1/7/2023 23:43:04   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!


    Ice shield, MC is +20 Fragile potence, scales between the below values.

    Level	55G	75G	95G	115G	135G	150G
    Melee	7	10	13	15	16	16
    Ranged	2	2	6	7	8	8
    Magic	7	10	13	15	16	16
    Ice	-20	-22	-23	-24	-25	-26
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 187
    1/12/2023 11:59:21   
    And Pun-isher


    From Frostval 2022 (The Search for Pancreatic Shock) part 4: No Place Like Home.

    Via Kam:


    Knightmare Omen

    Ice shield, Magic > Melee > Ranged priority. MC effect is skill compression allowing you to click the shield to spend a base value of 100% Melee in SP to apply a Chi Shield to yourself. This basically works like the Dragonlord shields, casting a fake healing spell on you = to 100% Melee, with a -15% penalty due to it auto-hitting, and a -10% penalty due to it being always useful ,the value the spell would've healed gets recorded, and the shield will then block <HealAmount> HP worth of damage. Unlike the Dragonlord shields, this one uses END as the mainstat for the fake healing spell, so it's stronger the more END you have as opposed to the Dragonlord ones using STR. The barrier can only be cast once per round.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    Melee	0	3	4	7	7	10	12	13	14
    Ranged	0	2	4	6	7	10	12	13	13
    Magic	0	4	5	7	8	11	13	14	14
    Ice	-3	-6	-14	-19	-22	-23	-24	-25	-26
    CostLv	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
    SPCost	30	45	80	120	166	217	273	335	392
    A-MCP	70	95	356	2453	19364	155718	1255027	10118016	48410333
    A-MCS	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059008	24205166
    Post #: 188
    1/12/2023 12:15:18   
    Lv 1000


    MC effect is skill compression allowing you to click the shield to spend a base value of 100% Melee in SP to apply a Chi Shield to yourself.

    Note: It applies a Barrier, not a Chi Shield.
    Post #: 189
    1/12/2023 12:18:26   
    And Pun-isher


    *bonks Kamui*
    Post #: 190
    1/23/2023 10:57:09   
    Lv 1000

    I don't think this is posted anywhere on the forums, the search tool might've borked so let me know if I'm reposting.

    Unofficial Info-Subs for the Mega Soaker shield. @joac1144 for original info.
    Location: UltraRare Golden GiftBox Shop


    Mega Soaker Bulwark
    MC Water shield. Magic > Ranged > Melee focused blocking.

    MC: You gain 1 charge when you block a monster attack. You gain twice as many charges per blocked attack with the Mega Soaker weapon equipped. At the beginning of your turn, if you have at least 12 charges, you automatically gain 1 Health Potion and 1 Mana Potion (respects potion caps).

    Level   5  15   35   55   75   95   115  135  153
    Water  -3  -7  -14  -19  -21  -23  -24  -25  -26
    Melee  -2   0   2    4    8    8    10   11   11
    Ranged  0   2   4    7    9    11   13   14   14
    Magic   2   4   6    9    11   13   14   15   16
    Post #: 191
    2/1/2023 15:41:27   
    And Pun-isher


    2022-2023 Donation Drive - Gold Reward Shield

    Via Ianthe:


    Shadowstalker Guard

    MC Darkness shield.

    MC bonus: boosts all elements against monster categories "shadow", "shifter" and "Primordials. Y'know, like the Communicant shield.
    Level	55B	75B	95B	115B	135B	150B
    Melee	8	10	11	12	13	13
    Ranged	8	10	11	13	14	14
    Magic	9	11	11	13	14	14
    Dark%	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26

    Token Reward Shield, via Kamui:


    Devoured Vengeance

    Earth shield, compresses a quick-cast skill as MC. Skill applies an Imbue to your weapon that applies a 5 turn Earth Poison that deals (10xHits/Attempts)% Melee per turn, and heals you for half equal to the damage it does, as well as an Earth Burn that deals double the damage of the Poison, but with no healing. These both use player's weapon mainstat (STR or DEX or INT) and LUK vs mob's END/LUK for the Poison, and INT/LUK for the Burn (dispelling the magical effect from the shield), the mob has a -20 penalty on the save. Cost for this is determined based on player level, since it's quick-cast, is worth 140% Melee for the player's level.

    Level	55B	75B	95B	115B	135B	150B
    Melee	9	11	11	13	14	14
    Ranged	8	10	11	13	14	14
    Magic	8	10	11	12	13	13
    Earth%	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26
    PlrLv	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    SPCost	42	64	112	169	232	304	383	469	539

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 3/14/2023 8:56:47 >
    Post #: 192
    2/11/2023 18:28:15   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    MindBreaker Shield

    Energy shield, MC compresses a quick-cast skill that attempts to inflict "Brain Fog", AKA separately attempts both Blind and Def Loss. Charges 100% Melee, doesn't require a hit, so effect is x0.85, and is quick-cast, so gets the x0.9 always useful penalty, so we're working with 76.5% potency. So with that we get a -9 MRM DefLoss (15% Melee) for 2 turns (30%), with a -20 penalty to the mob's save (70% chance to inflict, so 30 x 0.7 = 21% total), and the remaining 55.5% can go into a -28.34 BtH Blind on the foe for 2 turns, also with a -20 penalty to the save. Both of these inflict with INT/LUK vs foe's INT/LUK.

    Level	55	75	95	115	135	150G
    Melee	8	10	11	12	13	13
    Ranged	8	10	11	13	14	14
    Magic	9	11	11	13	14	14
    Energy%	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26
    CostLv	55	75	95	115	135	152
    SPCost	120	166	217	273	335	392
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 193
    2/11/2023 18:29:34   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Illustrious Saviour of Battleon Defender

    Water shield, similar to the weapon above it triggers vs foes with >= 200% power. For this one it gets a +12 block rate bonus vs >= 200% power foes, and this is paid via MC and taking a -3 block rate penalty vs foes with < 200% power. These aren't factored into the below table.

    Level	55	75	95	115	135	150G
    Melee	9	11	11	13	14	14
    Ranged	8	10	11	13	14	14
    Magic	8	10	11	12	13	13
    Water%	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 194
    2/16/2023 19:54:41   
     formerly In Media Res


    Sweetheart Shield

    MC Energy shield

    MC: Toggle, pay [25% Melee] per turn to gain +15 blocking.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	135Z	150G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	145	153
    Melee	1	2	4	8	8	12	13	14	14	14
    Ranged	1	3	5	8	9	12	14	14	14	14
    Magic	1	4	8	10	11	13	15	16	16	18
    Energy	-1	-6	-13	-18	-21	-22	-23	-24	-25	-25
    SPCost	8	11	20	30	42	54	68	84	90	98
    MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	5324	24205166
    MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	Z	12102583
    Level	31Z	85Z
    PowLvl	55	95
    SPCost	27	52
    MCPrice	737	2409
    MCSell	Z	Z
    AQ  Post #: 195
    2/24/2023 16:45:40   
     formerly In Media Res


    New item with 7500Z packages: Legion Shieldcake. Kam says:

    MC Darkness shield.

    Gains one skull candy charge per turn. You can click on it to bring up a menu with the following options:
  • 3 charges: +12.75 BtH with Darkness attacks
  • 5 charges: +25% Darkness EleEmpow
  • 10 charges: Imbue (adds Darkness element)
  • 10 charges: Suave (bonus to CHA; see table)
  • 10 charges: Hypercritical (+50% Lucky Strike rate)
  • 28 charges: Celerity (player/pet/guest/misc)

    All of the above are quick-cast and last for one turn. There's also an option to skip your turn but generate 20 additional charges. The shield stores a maximum of 112 charges (so four Celerities).

    Both the passive charge gain and the ability to skip your turn only work if the enemy you're fighting is at least your level - 20, so if you're Lv 140 and the mob is Lv 120, it works, if the mob is Lv 119 or lower, it won't work.

    Scales to your level:
    Level	55B	75B	95B	115B	135B	150B
    PowLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153
    Melee	2	5	6	7	8	8
    Ranged	10	12	13	15	16	16
    Magic	10	12	13	15	16	16
    Dark	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26
    CHA	115.13	129.04	143.16	152.94	156.94	159.87
  • AQ  Post #: 196
    3/10/2023 16:01:35   

    Missing ?? info on Frostval 2020 Dreamweaver's Contempt Shield. Thanks.
    AQ  Post #: 197
    3/21/2023 23:06:07   
     formerly In Media Res


    Missing info sub: Dreamweaver's Contempt

    MC Fire shield.

    MC: Once per battle, you can click on it and pay SP to get an eleShield (-[25/1.4]% Fire damage, 3 turns) and MP regeneration (see table; 3 turns). This is a quick-cast effect.

    To prevent you from just grabbing the Lv5 version, the SP cost is based on your player level; below are sample values. MP healing doesn't scale.
    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
    Melee	0	0	3	7	7	11	13	15	15
    Ranged	-4	-4	0	2	2	6	8	8	9
    Magic	1	3	7	9	10	13	15	16	16
    Fire	-4	-8	-14	-19	-22	-23	-24	-25	-26
    Ice	+3	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
    SPCost	30	45	80	120	166	217	273	335	385
    MPHeal	10	15	27	40	55	72	91	112	132
    MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
    MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583

    From Frostval '18: Frostval, A Sham!: Sham's Off-Hand Blunderbuss. Kam says:

    Ice shield, neutral all around for MRM. MC effect is that at the end of your turn the shield checks what % of your attacks made that round were LUKy Strikes. You then deal a single hit of Ranged <WeaponElement> damage = to (50*LSHits/AttemptedHits)% Melee damage. This attack is statted as though it's a special, so it doesn't get stat bonuses or such, and is flagged as an "other" attack and doesn't get affected by weapon triggers or such, it also auto-hits since it requires that you already landed attacks in the first place.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    Melee	0	2	6	7	9	12	12	13	14
    Ranged	0	2	6	7	9	12	12	13	14
    Magic	0	2	6	7	9	12	12	13	14
    Ice	-3	-7	-13	-19	-21	-22	-24	-25	-26
    MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
    MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583

    From the Dragonlorn Keep finale: Magnus' Tremor/Searing Bastion. Kam says:

    Earth/Fire shields.

    ... That's all he's got written down. Oops!

    The bottom half of the shield is a toggle. When on, you pay either [20% Melee] or [40% Melee] in SP per turn, and when the mob attacks you gain 1 or 2 charges of Magnus' power (respectively). You can hold a max of 15 charges.

    If you got at least 10 charges, you can click the top half of the shield to unleash Magnus' power. This is a 3-hit spell, follows your shield element, follows your weapon type, and takes a turn.
    - If you're wielding a Magic weapon, it deals x37.5% damage. It consumes all your charges of Magnus' power and gains +14% damage per charge.
    - Otherwise, it deals x50% damage. It consumes all your charges and gains +10.5% damage per charge.

    It also gains shield eleComp to damage.
    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    Ele	-3	-7	-14	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26
    Melee	2	4	6	9	11	13	14	15	16
    Ranged	-2	0	2	4	8	8	10	11	11
    Magic	0	2	4	7	9	11	13	14	14
    Comp	1.02785	1.04657	1.12795	1.20746	1.29542	1.41525	1.47628	1.45626	1.47628
    MCSP	70	95	356	2453	19364	155718	1255027	10118016	48410333
    MCSS	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059008	24205166

    Magnus' Grand Tremor/Searing Bastion

    Scaling versions of the above. Given for 1k kills.

    From the Frostval '21 Delivery war: Fae-Touched Knightly Ward

    MC Water shield. Gives you +7.5*[0.5 + 0.5*YourDEX/ExpectedDEX] Status Resistance. (The part in [] is to a max of *1.1).
    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
    Melee	-4	-3	3	6	6	10	13	13	13
    Ranged	-4	-4	-2	0	1	8	8	11	8
    Magic	0	6	7	10	11	13	15	16	18
    Water%	-5	-6	-14	-19	-22	-23	-24	-25	-26
    MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
    MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583

    In the Memorial Shop: Duke's Dontopedalogy. Kam says:

    MC Fire shield. Pays MC bonus and -6 blocking (already factored into numbers below) to have the player take -(X/1.4)% damage from enemy attacks. X is calculated as (15 x PlayerCHA / AssumedCHA), and X is capped at a value of 18, this uses a setup similar to Dunamis and the like.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    Fire	-3	-7	-14	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26
    Melee	-4	-2	0	3	5	7	8	9	10
    Ranged	-6	-4	-2	1	3	5	7	8	8
    Magic	-8	-6	-4	-2	2	2	4	5	5
    MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
    MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583

    From Robina's Monster Hunt: Golem Guard. Kam says:

    Earth shield, Melee focus, Magic weakness. MC effect is similar to the Protoparagon shields. You can pay 15% Melee in SP per turn to take -(15/1.4)% damage from enemy attacks. Priced as shield + misc + MC.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    CostLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
    SPCost	5	7	12	18	25	33	41	50	59
    Earth	-3	-7	-14	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26
    Melee	2	4	6	9	11	13	14	15	16
    Ranged	0	2	4	7	9	11	13	14	14
    Magic	-2	0	2	4	8	8	10	11	11
    MCPrice	44	59	222	1533	12102	97323	784392	6323759	30256458
    MCSell	22	29	111	766	6051	48661	392196	3161879	15128229

    From the May '21 Mother's Day LTS: Mother's Growth shield

    MC Earth shield. Comes with a CHA drive.
    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
    Melee	1	1	4	6	6	9	12	13	13
    Ranged	0	1	4	6	6	9	11	12	13
    Magic	1	4	5	8	9	13	14	15	15
    Earth	-2	-7	-14	-19	-22	-23	-24	-25	-26
    MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
    MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583

    < Message edited by Ianthe -- 3/21/2023 23:12:17 >
    AQ  Post #: 198
    3/30/2023 14:41:36   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Wyrd Ward

    MC Water shield

    Once per battle, you can click on the shield to make the monster's next attack miss. Certain attacks (150+ BTH, autohit, Death element, special attacks like auto-kill) can't be forced to miss, and the charge will carry over. Only applies to one hit of a multi-hit attack.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    Melee	0	4	5	7	8	11	13	14	14
    Ranged	0	2	4	6	7	10	12	13	13
    Magic	0	3	4	7	7	10	12	13	14
    Water	-3	-6	-14	-19	-22	-23	-24	-25	-26
    MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
    MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 199
    4/20/2023 14:31:27   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Doomlight Skyshattered Defender

    Wind shield. MC effect is a +10 potence to the Backlash status, and the shield also takes a -6 MRM penalty (already factored into the numbers below) to apply a Backlash that strikes back for (20/1.4)% of the damage you take. Scales, with lowest level being PowLv 59, sample numbers below. The Backlash potence is low due to the fact the shield itself also applies Backlash. When in the full Doomlight set of the same element as the shield, the potence on the shield triples to +30.

    Level	-	72	92	112	132	150
    Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
    PowLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153
    Ele	-18	-20	-22	-24	-25	-26
    Melee	4	6	7	7	8	8
    Ranged	4	6	7	7	8	8
    Magic	3	5	6	6	7	7
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 200
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