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A Discussion on "Starving" Cancer

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7/4/2024 14:57:28   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

Otto Warburg, a 1931 Nobel prize winner, observed that cancer cells prefer to metabolise glucose without oxygen, even when oxygen is present.

In 2012 Nature published "Serine starvation induces stress and p53-dependent metabolic remodelling in cancer cells"
In 2017 Nature published "Modulating the therapeutic response of tumours to dietary serine and glycine starvation"

These hallmark papers found that changing 2 things in their diet slowed cancer growth and allowed the test animals to survive for longer.

There are multiple studies underway looking at how dietary changes can affect specific amino acids that promote different cancer growths and how therapeutics work in conjuction with them.

This thread is to discuss the new, or old, methods of using diet to combat cancer.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 1
7/29/2024 18:14:40   

Pancreatic Enzymes... don't feed my pancreas to your dragon. A man interviewed many a folk in his book ''The Quest for the Cure," which also has a recorded podcast. The section on this theory stood out to me because it talks about the Nestle involvement and their attempts at funding doctors to grow their business. Cancer: some fall victim, some receive treatment, and those treated either want it stopped, totally driven from their system, slowed down, or simply to resume their lives without too much hindrance. In other words it can be a volatile disease whose treatment is decided by two forces: the doctor and the patient. Therefore attitudes and personalities play an important role in the dynamic. With that in mind, Why isn’t there a “one size fits all” solution to tackling the problem? The cliche “to find the cure for cancer” is often used amongst children who are yet to develop the social & developmental skills of an adult. Health, like many things, can depend on the willingness of one to stray from the life they live. If someone tells you that you need to grow big and strong you might consider eating more vegetables. If another tells you that your skin is too dry, you could consider drinking more. Organizations are in place to guide some of our decisions because a healthy population is one that will contribute to the wellbeing of a state, nation, or planet. Eating too much or too little? Consult a BMI tool. Chapped lips? Follow the CDC’s water intake recommendation. There is professional research at the foundation of these suggestions. Likewise, healthcare professionals have the keys to a house of possibilities that can fix the problems of those they are serving. Cancer is a disease that your body fights in stages. From a small lump to something that has spread throughout. They say that prevention comes from detection. If you know something is wrong then it’s logical to do something as soon as possible to fix it. That’s where the main conflict between doctor and patient comes into play. And why empathy, compassion, and a common goal are expected in the relationship.

< Message edited by parepochist -- 7/30/2024 11:51:17 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
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