@BioKirkby explains it well - essentially elecomp is already in-built on items that deviate from standard elemental assumptions. What I mean by that is: In battle, the player is assumed to attack and defend against opposite ends of the elemental wheel - Attack with Fire, defend against Ice. Attack Water, defend against Energy, and so on. Elecomp is applied when an item forces the player to deviate from this assumption, such as if you have a Fire armour that has a Fire element skill, or if a Water shield has a Darkness Skill. Either you're forced to defend against, or attack with, an inappropriate element. It doesn't need to be the same element - You can be forced to attack with Water and defend against Darkness, for example. The key is they aren't opposite one another on the elemental wheel (e.g., Fire vs Ice, Light vs Dark). The power of the elecomp varies depending on how far it deviates from the assumption. For example, a Fire skill in a Fire armour will have higher elecomp than a Fire skill in a Light armour. In the former, they are the same element, in the latter, they are only neutrally aligned. No, you can't just trigger it by attacking with the same element as your armour. Only attacks that force the player to break the assumption are grounds for elecomp. Of course, you can still break it yourself, but you did that of your own volition and thus no elecomp is applied. For that same reason, elecomp is only ever inherently built into items that break at least one part of this assumption. Like Svadilfari's Oath (energy defence, locked energy attack), or the spell on Pyromancer Bloodmage (fire defence, fire spell). You don't get any elecomp on Bloodmage's regular attack even if you use a fire weapon - that was your own choice. Hope that helps I'll also fix that two paragraph section!
< Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/3/2024 7:09:28 >