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Friday, December 6th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chronology

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12/6/2024 19:45:39   
Laeon val Observis


Friday, December 6, 2024
Arena at the Edge of Time: Chronology
Hey there, heroes!

This week, a new board has appeared at the Arena at the Edge of Time! Pit your skills against the masters of Chronomancy in the new Chronology board!

From all across time, the Chronology board stars mysterious beings who have mastered the magic of manipulating time! The first entry on this board are the Chronomancer and the Chronocorruptor, faced together in the Test of Meanwhile!

Defeat them both for your choice of a new weapon!

If you think you have what it takes to face them, head over to the Inn at the Edge of Time by clicking on the portal over Falconreach.

Also this week, December seasonal items have returned!

The Accursed Shawl has arrived for 300 DCs! Check out previous year's seasonal special items in the Book of Lore!

Also, the Black Friday items will be leaving the Book of Lore banner tomorrow! Today is your last chance to get them before they leave for another year!

ShadowHunter has also been updated! These changes seek to address parts of the class that felt overly restrictive or didn't offer enough payoff. ShadowHunter's Widget and Icons will also receive a round of updates in the near future.

ShadowHunter changes:

Combo Skills:
  • Hunter Combo is now a regular effect instead of permanent. This will make it recognizable and purgable by enemies, for better or worse.
  • Hunter Combo duration increased from 5 turns to 6.
  • Finishing a Combo will no longer put Sword/Gun/Tool Combo on cooldown, though the skills will remain unusable while you are affected by Hunter Combo.
  • Combo skills will now scale base damage and hitcount based on the current total combo step, rather than the specific combo type step.
    • For example, if you use Sword -> Sword -> Gun, the Gun combo skill will use its third tier damage and hit count. (Effect will still be the first tier of Gun combo)
  • Sword Hunter Combo buff increased from 20/30/35 Boost to 25/40/50 Boost.
  • Gun Hunter Combo buff increased from 40/60/70 Bonus to 40/65/80 Bonus and Crit.
  • Base damage reduced from 1 hit x 250/300/400/500% damage to 1 hit x 200/250/300/400% damage.
Prey Seeker:
  • Now deals 2 hits x 75% damage (150%) instead of 1 hit x 125%.
  • Prey Seeker (Sword) now grants +120/180 Crit and +Level/Level *1.5 STR/DEX/INT.
  • Prey Seeker (Gun) no longer increases STR/DEX/INT, but foes that hit you will receive a 50/75% DoT and -Level/Level * 1.5 STR/DEX/INT for 7 turns.
  • Prey Seeker (Tools) now heals for 10/15% of max HP/MP
  • Prey Seeker (Mixed) now grants +25 Boost, +40 Bonus/Crit, and +30 Avd for 7 turns.
Focused Hunt:
  • Crit damage modifier reduced from +60% to +20%.
  • The extra hit now inherits any extra Crit or Bonus from the skill used when applicable.
  • -All increased from -10 to -30.
  • Silvered Mortalbane: -All increased from -20 to -40.
  • Cooldown reduced from 14 to 12.
  • Silvered Beastbane: -Crit debuff reduced from -200 to -100.
  • Cooldown reduced from 2 to 1.
  • Initial hit to first target reduced from 115% base damage to 50%.
  • Additional hit to all targets base damage increased from 115% base damage to 150% + 10% per combo step.
  • Silver Bullet: No longer heals for 30% max HP. Instead adds +50% base damage to the first hit, and +200 Crit for the entire attack.
  • -Boost debuff reduced from -30 + 10 per combo step to -30 + 5 per combo step.
  • Silvered Shadowbane: Additionally inflicts -20 Boost/Bonus/Crit for 13 turns.
  • Cooldown increased to 11 from 9.
  • -Bonus debuff increased from -30 + 15 per combo step to -60 + 5 per combo step.
  • Silvered Revenantbane: -Bonus debuff increased from -45 + 15 per combo step to -75 + 5 per combo step.
  • MP cost increased from 10 to 20.
  • This attack now has +50 Bonus.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a bug where ShadowHunter could get stuck in place when jumping back after a Sword skill.
  • Fixed a bug where ShadowSlayer E could sometimes check the player's permanent effects.

As always, things are still subject to change an update, so please keep the feedback coming!

And that's all for this week!

< Message edited by Laeon val Observis -- 12/6/2024 20:05:16 >
DF AQW  Post #: 1
12/20/2024 11:24:48   

I rarely criticize Inn fights, but this is one of the worst fights we have gotten in a long long time, and I don't think there are many who disagree with this. And the reason for this is very simple.

It's the RNG in the fight and how much it impacts the fight.

Otherwise the mechanics aren't that bad. But since we aren't able to influence when either of the two time men do their attack, it's basically just re-rolling until you get the preferred outcome for the cooldown attacks. And I heavily doubt this was the intended purpose.

It's even made worse when those attacks don't even follow any kind of pattern. It's just pure random nonsense that can make or break your fight and it's not fun. You can't really strategize with that design. Not many classes can just adjust to all outcomes of the fights.

While playing this release (and the "nerf" after it) I was reminded by one of my favorite Inn fights, Chaos Slayers and how much worse it would be if all rotations were just randomized. That would also make it one of the worse fights of the Inn. Now as it is, it's great. I can start the fight with different rotations for different classes and adjust how I want to go from there. With this, I can't do that. I'm just left hoping for the good outcome. And that really doesn't make me want to try different classes or strategies, because it's all random.

Sure, being able to influence CD attacks would lower the difficulty of the fight, but that is not a bad thing. Not every fight needs to be harder than previous one, some can be a bit easier too. In this case, it would just make this so much better, even one of the best fights of this year. But as it stands out, 2024 ends with one of the worst Inn fights in the history of DF.

DF AQW  Post #: 2
2/15/2025 2:50:55   

I plan on getting in some practice runs on this challenge but I do not see the point of losing all that gold. It would have been much better (for me) before the food nerf. I imagine the next thing that might happen is that our pet dragon will be banned from the Inn.
DF  Post #: 3
2/16/2025 2:57:36   
Laeon val Observis

And once again, no one is forcing you to horde all the Inn stuff, let alone conquer all challenges. At this stage, paranoia of a Dragon ban/rebalance should only be considered if the devs will devote time to improve other pets beyond just T1 Chimera. Time to move on from what is already clear to be one of the most obnoxious challenge fights in a long while.

< Message edited by Laeon val Observis -- 2/16/2025 3:02:03 >
DF AQW  Post #: 4
2/16/2025 7:35:16   


Laeon val Observis wrote: And once again, no one is forcing you to horde all the Inn stuff, let alone conquer all challenges. At this stage, paranoia of a Dragon ban/rebalance should only be considered if the devs will devote time to improve other pets beyond just T1 Chimera. Time to move on from what is already clear to be one of the most obnoxious challenge fights in a long while.

What is the strategy for this test of meanwhile? The chronologists seem to have extra bonus at times and easily slice through 250 mpm shields and at other times they can be partially blocked with 74 BPD between shield turns. Pirate does not seem to be that good but it works fairly well fighting them individually. If no one likes this battle then why can it not be adjusted or "nerfed" to the degree that it is reasonably difficult but not obnoxious?
DF  Post #: 5
2/16/2025 14:55:17   
Laeon val Observis

Did we get revisions on Goose Dragon beyond its Chaotic and Extreme variants, despite it being another (set of) slot machine fight(s)?
DF AQW  Post #: 6
2/16/2025 18:40:49   


Laeon val Observis wrote: Did we get revisions on Goose Dragon beyond its Chaotic and Extreme variants, despite it being another (set of) slot machine fight(s)?

Those battles were not too difficult as I recall and DoomKnight v2 could win it. The prize is the extreme extra fluffy tog pet which is in the bank for my main character.

People at the Falcon's Nest Discord have answered some questions for the "Test of Meanwhile" battle and I thank them for the help.

Many youtube video strategies involve "re-rolling" the fight until a more favorable rng program is reached. I may try that soon enough. Thanks for the help Laeon.

DF  Post #: 7
2/17/2025 5:01:27   

I was able to win using the kathool adept class and several potions. It was an ugly battle.
DF  Post #: 8
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