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Meet the ArchKnights ~ Aquadorian

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10/23/2006 7:34:17   
Watcher of the Deep

Meet the ArchKnights ~ Aquadorian

OK, this is my week for answering any questions about me that you might like to ask!

Here is a link to previous Meet the Mods / Meet the ArchKnights threads so you can see how this has been done before.

To help you decide the kind of questions to ask - and to answer a few obvious ones up-front - here are a few answers already: -

Age: 47 (yes - the oldest Mod/Archknight - even older than Icemaster Yeti!)
Nationality: English
Hobbies: Chess, Bridge, Cricket, Rugby Union, Russian Classical Music and a kind of Rock Music that has almost disappeared from people's memories called Progressive Rock or Art Rock (mainly Genesis, Pink Floyd, Yes). Oh, and of course, AQ and DF. Not really any other computer games.
Married: Yes, with three kids aged 8, 6 and 2. So my time is pretty full nowadays :)

How did I get into AQ? Helping out my eldest two kids, I got interested in the choice of weapons etc. and there I was sucked into Equipment Comparison, even before I knew the forum existed!

If I'm English how come I sometimes use American spelling? Between the ages of 8 and 11 - a long, long, time ago - I went to school in Rochester, NY and then at an American school in Brazil, so I tend to switch spellings according to the situation. I'll probably spell in English fashion in this thread as it's "me".

I'll keep going until Sunday 29th October. Oh, and if I'm not around anytime you'll find me in here (thanks Enzik) XD

Fire away! (I'm holding my Nightmare Shield, not sure if you're going to attack me with melee / ranged / magic . . .)

All finished now!

Have you tried out my spreadsheet? If not, have a go. Click on the sig below and then follow the link

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/30/2006 1:03:58 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
10/23/2006 7:43:08   

...Woot 1st post/reply?

I pwn your Nightmare Sheild :P ~Hehe but only for one turn. Then I switch to my Undefeatashield which - unluckily for you - triggers against anything containing the words "ZeroHex" (absorbing all your other attacks) and multiplying all my random damage by 82. One hit from me then does 6842 points of damage, and you're toast.~



Do you like cereal? ~I much prefer toast, well done.~

If so, what kind?

What kind of milk do you like with cereal?

Is cereal good with milk or what!?

Cereal, 1-10? ~In fact, toasted ZeroHex82 is really rather good but there's something missing. "Hey, Galanoth, be a good chap and pass the marmalade would you?"~

Are you?

Fat? ~Nah. Lean and mean.~

Retarded? ~Not when I last saw my shrink. He said "Aaaah" and ran away so I'll never actually know.~

A horse? ~Horses run away from me too.~

A cricket hater? (The insect) ~And crickets. Can't say I actually hate them but they're bad for my teeth.~

A loner? ~Well, I would be if it weren't for all my minions.~

A poser? ~*grins* *do you like my teeth?*~

Moo. ~ROAR~

Do you like turtles? ~Hmmm, you know that soup called Mock Turtle Soup which was "Mock" because it wasn't really turtle? Well, it didn't taste realistic, if you know what I mean~

I have a turtle, do you? ~Heh.~

What kind of turtle is your favorite? ~Erm, the one in the soup?~

Did you ever kill a turtle? ~Not as such, the waiter did that~

If so your mean! ~Of course~

I HATE YOU! ~Yes, I guess you would. if you weren't toast, that is.~


FREAKIN TURTLE HATER! ~No. "Hater"'s the wrong word there - I think turtles are quite tasty. But you need several rows of teeth like mine to get past the shell, if you're in a hurry~



Do you like...

Sean Paul? ~No~

Eminem? ~No~

Rob Zombie? ~Oops. ***Various weapons / shields / armours trigger on "Zombie" and several innocent bystanders are badly hurt***~

Yo mama jokes? ~No, but I guess you're going to inflict some on me.~

AIM? ~No~

Google? ~Yes~

Butlers? ~Yes~

Monkeys? ~Too chewy~

Fat monkeys? ~Slightly better, but still chewy~

Single celled organisms? ~Such things exist? I must have missed the lessons that day~

What do these abbreviations mean?

Rofl ~Roll on the floor laughing. (I have to throw in the occasionally correct answer to keep the natives happy)~

Lmao ~Laugh my antennae off~

Omg ~Orang utans Make Gravy (on a good day)~

Zomg ~Zeugmatic orang utans make gravy (and a hasty rush for the door). You'll only understand the "hasty rush for the door" once you've understood "zeugmatic" ;) I like zeugmas. This is partly why my shrink ran away.~

Brb ~Birmingham Royal Ballet~

Bol ~Isn't / Wasn't he the tallest ever basketball player?~

Bbl ~Yep, I think we're talking basketball here. So no, not really, my sports are cricket, rugby (remember I'm English), tennis, badminton, squash~

Randomness. ~Chaos. Yeah!~

Pie! ~Turtles. No, only joking. ZeroHex82 with kidneys and onions.~

Yo mama. ~Yo.~

Jello. ~Jelly~

Dinosaur. ~***smacks lips*** shame they're extinct.~

Potato chips. ~Crisps~

Hold your tongue and say: I was born on a pirate ship XD ~Oh all right then. "I losh lorn on a lirate slip"~

Ever seen these movies?

Face Off ~Yes - I like most films with Travolta or Cage in them~

War Of The Worlds ~Haven't seen the Spielberg version - I must do that (although I don't like Tom Cruise) - but I saw the very old Orson Welles version which was quite creepy / gripping I seem to remember (no I didn't see it when it first came out - I'm not that old). And the book's excellent of course.~

Dinocroc ~No~

Frankenfish ~No~

Darkness Falls ~No~

White Noise ~No~

Stir Of Echoes ~No~

Boogieman ~No~

Sleepy Hollow ~Yes - quite good - Johnny Depp's always the business . . .~

Pirates Of The Caribbean ~. . . and even more so in this one! Excellent film and I've watched it many times~

Ok, i'm done.

Thanks for answering all my questions. ~Hmmm. You actually ask everyone the same questions don't you?~

Well, see ya later, i'm gonna go study the effects of salt on an open wound. ~Yeah, see ya. Thanks for the toast.~

P.S. If I ever become an AK, will you post in my meet the AK thread? ~You betcha~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/23/2006 16:39:39 >
AQ DF  Post #: 2
10/23/2006 13:35:01   


Just the one question for now

Do you compare DF weapons, or just AQ? ~Just AQ for now. Personally I don't know about the plans for DF, but at the moment since there aren't any stats trainers it's very easy to say which item is better than another without needing people to do comparisons as such. Once you have character stats it will be a brave new world!~

Bye! ~Cheerio~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/23/2006 16:43:07 >
MQ  Post #: 3
10/23/2006 16:11:48   

HIya! ~Well hello~

|()| Raise the roog


are you good at chess? ~I was the best at school; used to play club-level a lot (middling results), and a couple of times for the county 2nds (lost both of those). So I suppose I was at my peak when I was young (best performance was about 42nd in the London under-16 championships)~

i bet i can beat u. ~Maybe, maybe not!~

i knew It!

meh. ~No, truly you might well win! My brain cells are disappearing at an incredibly fast rate (where did that marble go?)~

so, 47 eh....well, if i missed your birthday...errr happy birthday? ~No it's ok - not long now till I'm 48 (Nov 6th). ~

Do you like cereal? ~Oh no, not another one!!~

You sure? ~Definitely toast~

You really sure? ~My shield triggers against "Dragon" as well - not surprisingly - so you'd better be careful . . .~

I'm not sure if your sure. are you? ~Yep I'm defintely sure. No cereal. And I do like toast . . .~

Do you hate 1337 and Ch@ts33k? ~1337 was the start of the hundred years war between England and France, and . . . no ok you don't want to hear about that. Well, in all seriousness, no I don't hate them but I'm maybe a little old in the tooth for that and it's like another language to learn . . . so little time . . .~

ok, that's all, C U L8ter lol. ~Yeah, see ya. Glad you dropped by~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/23/2006 17:00:54 >
AQ  Post #: 4
10/23/2006 16:16:37   
You`re Tearing Me Apart, Lisa!

Hail the Watcher of the deep! ~Hey my friend - good to see you! I'm really having fun here :)~

You're defending against melee/ranged/magic eh? Element X it is! =D ~ZOMG now I'm in trouble! **Writes a note to Yulgar: "any chance of an element X shield?"**~

Alright, now here come some serious questions. You can raise your Nightmare Shield right about now!

What are your opinions on Football? I wondered, seeing as you are english like myself, because it is greatly appreciated amongst our nationality. Do you hold the same strong passion as the majority? My view on the whole, it seems like a sport people have to love solely for the sake of patriotism, but not for the genuineness. I'm not saying everybody's like that; just quite a lot. I don't like football one bit. In fact, there are times when I outright hate it, and I just can't stand the idea of being forced into something just so I can actually have something in common to talk about with my friends. ~I agree. By the way, for everyone else reading this, we're talking about soccer. Yeah - as far as I'm concerned it's way too simplistic a game. I like sports where a whole load of things can happen. What can happen in that game? A player has a choice of passing the ball to one of his teammates or kicking a goal. He either achieves that or he gets tackled or fouled. That's about it really. Very boring. And yeah - some people will talk about it incessantly. And you won't escape it once you start work either - you'll be in the minority wherever you go. I often wish I lived in a country like the States (which I did when I was younger) 'cos American Football and Baseball are much better sports I think (the first being vaguely similar to Rugby and the second even more vaguely similar to Cricket in some ways)~

Erm... following on, what I basically want to know is this; do you think there is something terribly wrong with me or something? @-@ ~Definitely not, or, if there is, there's something wrong with both of us :)~

Do you think the "caning" method should be reinstated? I'm asking, since you were probably around in that era during school, right? I personally think it should, but who am I to judge upon something I've never experienced before <__<; ~I think maybe it was a good idea in theory as a kind of ultimate deterrent, but it probably only worked for those who weren't actually caned: it was the threat of possibly being caned that was the good idea, not the canings themselves. Those who actually were caned went around as if they were "big" / "heroic". [Funnily enough we could easily be talking about pre-emptive strikes on Iraq in the same vein XD]. Humiliation was always the best form of punishment in fact. If someone misbehaved and the teacher made him feel small in front of his friends, that was the worst punishment~

What were your favourite subjects during school? ~Music, Maths and English (until the 6th Form when I hated doing Chaucer and some overrated poets. So by that time it had become just Music and Maths)~

I read somewhere that you play the piano? If so, we share a musical instrument! What style of playing are you into? I work with Jazz, but don't jump on me - I'm still learning the basics at school :p ~I certainly won't jump on you! I play mostly Classical music, especially from the Romantic period of Chopin, Rachmaninov, Prokoviev, Debussy, Faure. But then again, I did once play in a Rock band that played stuff a bit like Genesis (or at least, we used to try)~

Well I'll keep it short here. In this case, I *think* I know enough about you.. well, enough of the information you're willing to share anyway ^_^; ~By all means come back and ask some more!~

Hope you can find the time to answer these questions!

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/23/2006 17:29:12 >
Post #: 5
10/23/2006 16:26:58   

Hiyas Aqua! Finally a chance to get to actually talk to you about non-business stuff (or as business-like as it gets around here :P)

Genesis? Nice taste man :D

So, I've always been curious to know: you said above that you got sucked into EC by helping your kids, but what process did you undergo in learning all of the fine details? What was your biggest accomplishment? Biggest challenge? I know for me at least, sometimes it can be difficult keeping up with the times and being aware of all the subtle changes that are made to the whole battle/damage system.
~I guess it all starts with the small amount of gold you have at level zero, and do you really need one weapon and one shield and one armour per element as soon as you can? I remember when the kids first started that's what they were doing - spending all their gold on water shield, wind shield, shield of darkness etc. and then we discovered the trainers and we wondered how you could afford the gold for that as well, and whether you'd survive with just a fire blade? You start needing then to compare the weapons and understanding what BtH is and all that; it all starts there really.

The biggest accomplishment in terms of the forums, for me, has been the reformation of EC. At one point it was threatened with extinction, and certainly it wasn't going to continue in its old form where Pae was spending hours a day deleting spam which represented 98% of the posts.

The biggest challenge is trying to keep as many people happy as possible at the same time and still keep the rules: probably never quite achievable (the happiness bit that is; the rules bit is of course achievable 'cos you just delete/lock anything that's not adhering to them) but you have to try. But maybe you mean challenge as in comparing equipment? Perhaps then I'd have to say that the "scraping around" for stats on new items is a bit frustrating. I'm needing to post new items in EC for discussion, sometimes before we really know all the stats for sure, and a lot of confusion can result. Or you delay posting them in which case people think the forum is less than useful for not having them there early enough.~

So anyways, I guess I'm not so much interested in the RL you as the forums you... one of the few more known figures out there whom I've never actually gotten the chance to really talk to. (Sorry if that sounds awkward in the least ~_^) So um... just any random tidbit of info you'd share about your forums experience? I don't think we'd be where we're at right now if it weren't for the constant input and feedback that the other forumites give, which is what I really feel has kept me around for so long. ~Yes indeed. What makes me most happy is when I see new people making a good job of doing comparisons themselves and sharing those results in EC, and especially when they've often been people who used to PM me in the past with basic questions, and they now have themselves become experts. It's good to see that it's not just the "old guard" all the time and, indeed, it's the new people who are usually the most keen to keep their guides updated. Take Chiniese, for example (hope you don't mind me using you as an example my friend!) - he's only 13 yet he's written a really great Darkness Weapons Guide and he keeps it updated frequently.

Also, although we have a lot of fun bouncing ideas off each other on the forum, the guides we write are mainly for the benefit of people playing the game of course, who in a lot of cases are people who just read what's in there. I get a lot of PMs from people like that - who have never actually posted in EC at all (old or new style) and that also makes me feel glad that it's being of benefit to them~

Thanks for taking the time to answer all of these! Good luck with it all :)

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/23/2006 18:18:15 >
AQ  Post #: 6
10/23/2006 16:41:19   

Hi Aqua ~Yay, Kane!~

Who (what) is your favorite... (and why, if you can)

russian composer? ~Prokoviev. His music just breaks the mould (breaking the mould seems to be a theme with me) from the time he starts writing. His first piano concerto I think was written at the age of 19 and was hated by a lot of people at the time, yet years later - when he'd become more mainstream - people looked back and could see how way ahead he was and definitely unlike anyone else. And there's a lot of irony in his music that I like - it's never predictable~

chess player (other than yourself)? ~The most beautiful games were probably played by José Raúl Capablanca, the great Cuban. The best, possibly Gary Kasparov who you might remember (he only retired fairly recently)~

color? ~Aquamarine! My colour!~

author? ~Alexandre Dumas. Who can read The Three Musketeers without wanting to rush out there with a sword and a horse? And there are many other great novels - the obvious ones like The Count of Monte Cristo, The Black Tulip and The Man in the Iron Mask, but there are also some lesser-known ones which are worth reading~

AQ weapon? ~Today I'd say my favourite is the Undefeatablade, simply because it's so hard to get it. But it's not the best as such. That's probably the Orc Cleaver of Power.~

DF weapon? ~Any of the Doom weapons, just because they're the best. But they need to stop being the best ALL the time, otherwise the game will get boring. I suppose my most interesting weapon is the Master CorDemi Codex~

AQ/DF item? ~Daimyo! He's cute, he hardly ever misses, and he even throws in some healing occasionally.~

children's book? ~On one level, Aesop's Fables (but that's a little serious maybe); so how about Green Eggs and Ham?~

If a 40-40 50% bth no special weapon falls in the forest, and there's nobody there to compare it, is it still unbalanced? ~Yes. And no. Uhhh - maybe.~

If you could be any person, who would it be? ~Omar Sharif. Great bridge player - so good he earned a lot of money playing it - and good looking enough to attract all the best-looking women. And he gets to go on loads of ocean cruises and stuff.~

If you could change anything in the world, what would it be? ~If somehow I could stop people only thinking of themselves, and to make them all think of others, that would be it. Think how much that would solve . . .~

Do you have a "day job"? ~Yes. I don't actually like it much but it brings in the money. Freelance (that's the good bit) Software Support Analyst (that's the bad bit). I don't actually get to write software myself nowadays, I just sort out problems with other people's software.~

Have you ever...

Been to disneyland? ~I've been to EuroDisney in Paris but not yet to Florida or California! One day no doubt!~

broken a bone? ~No, but I ruptured (= snapped) both Achilles Tendons on two separate occasions playing squash.~

done something without first checking to see what the numerically superior method would be? ~ROFL Oh yes :) Loads of things are governed by heart rather than head. Getting married for instance - who in their right mind would do that!?~

"improved" your kid's characters for them? ~Yep! But only in AQ cos of the training they'd leave out otherwise. With DF they play it all on their own~

been in (or near) a tornado? ~No - we don't get those over here (I think)~

locked your keys in your car? ~Strangely enough, no!~

tried to turn on your car with a house key? ~Ah yes, fairly often~

tried to open a non-car door with a car key? ~Yep, did that last week~

considered creating a bridge club in the unofficial clans/clubs forum? (I'd join) ~Hmmm - I hadn't, but that's an interesting thought. We'd need at least two more. Might have to limit it to once a week though cos of time constraints~


Is there any noise/feeling/smell you can't stand (e.g. nails on chalkboard)? ~The smell of bananas (though the taste doesn't bother me)~

Do you have any major regrets? ~I should have stuck with music (which I studied at college) rather than going into IT.~

What would you do if time/money/reaily weren't a factor? ~Travel the world!~

What would you do if a rabbit (white) appeared suddenly in your house? ~I'd call him Bernard (just to be different)~

eng means narrow in german, do you think that has any bearing on the psyche of most english people? ~Yes, unfortunately I think it does. But none of the English who play AQ or DF of course.~

If a MtAK post goes on for longer than X lines, where X is the longest number of lines in any MtAK topic, is it considered spam? ~No!~

Are you older than the staff too? ~I think I might be - certainly no-one yet has claimed to be older~

Looks like I'm out of questions, see you in strategy topic ~Indeed, and thanks for the fine work you've been doing in there~


[for the record, all attacks were magic light, except the last one, which was melee element Y]

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/23/2006 19:32:56 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 7
10/23/2006 16:52:23   

Pl-l34l2 |\/|3l-l (010l2 |\|008!!11!111!!!1!!

~Hmmm - this must be the Undead ZeroHex82. I'm sure I ate him for breakfast~

Yes, I post the same things in every single MtAK thread.

Name every single Dr. Pepper flavor! (Including combos, diet and cherry etc.) ~None of them are toast, so not worth considering~


What is the answer to question #23? ~It's the one after question #22.~

What are the heebiejeebies? ~Otherwise known as the collywobbles, but were they also a band that was a take-off of the Bee-Gees?~

What's up with Strong Bad? ~No idea~

He's always like "Holy crap"! ~pass~

Do you like waffles? ~Yes, they're almost like toast~

Do you like THE WAFFLE?! ~Probably not, if it's the one and only~

If C>D, and D>C, what is the absolute value of (moo)^x? ~quack~

How many tangets can 2 coencentric circles have? ~"tangets"? Probably any number you like~

What are the 4th and 5th dimensions?~space and time, but aren't there just four and the fourth is space/time? I don't really know, I'm not a scientist (Arts guy, me)~

Describe he net of a hypercube. ~I'd rather not~

What is a coronal mass ejection? ~Nope, not that either~

How many electrons can the 7G sublevel hold? ~Fish~

What is the "Accepted" name for element 204? ~Sturmey Archer~

How do you find the volume of a terrasect? ~You threaten it with extinction~



If E=MC2, what is pix^E=MC2? ~You've already answered it~

How many atoms are in a mole? ~It depends on the species~

What is the answer to question 3.45468? ~The one after 3.45467.~

What is the square root of (abs)2^3? ~8~

What is cow+cat/4.52223? ~Butter~

What does "¬" mean? ~It means your finger slipped when you wanted an exclamation mark~

What is another name for element 119? ~In my world, it's toast~

What is the hypercubic root of Schrodinger's equation / milkshake(uranium-99999)^7? ~His cat~

Jason+Freddy/Michael=Chucky? True or false? ~True~

What is (Marilyn Manson)^(Michael Jackson)? ~Nearly an anagram~

What is Lol/ZomgxFtwxpi/899.666546666? ~it means you've just been eaten by me~

What is another name for "ennoctpentium?" ~a broken computer~

What is Wikipedia * Uncyclopedia? ~Undefined~

How many cells are in a pentaract? ~I'll take a stab at 5.~

I have 3 apples, You steal 2, Reens gives me three, LegionOfNoodles is a cow, and likes fat monkeys. How many armpits do I have?
~None 'cos you're toast.~

A plane crashes on the border of Canada and USA, where do you bury the monkey's nuclei? ~In the ground~

What many brain cells have I? ~Probably more than me.~

What dos THIS do? ~It fills up a bit more space~

Why? ~Because you want to~

What is the cube root of the speed of light^7? ~A grey-ish hole~

If Matrix A is an M*N matrix, and Matrix B is an N*P Matrix, how many cow pies am I hiding in my 4th can of dr. pepper that was recently emptied and WHY? ~One of my minions has taken those away. The cow pie, that is, and the empty can. Strange sounds are now coming from the next room - I'll have to investigate.~

Have a bad day.

--Your mom

P.S. Credits:

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/23/2006 20:00:03 >


Your sig has been Iced
Wewt =D
2.5 yards = 78 feet
I had 1500+ posts at one time!
For teh lulz.
AQ DF  Post #: 8
10/23/2006 18:24:30   

Hey Aquadorian ~Hey~

Hav u eva squirted milk outta ur nose wen u laffed and drank milk at the same time?(Its a Eternal Evo Classic) ~No, but I've done that with other drinks (beer mostly)~

Are you gud at hula hoops and skipping? ~No~

Du u like Chinese Food? ~Yes, very much so.~

R u a fan of Star Wars ~Yep. My favourite's probably the Return of the Jedi~

Were did u get the name of Aquadorian? ~For some reason I wanted it to start with Aqua and I wanted a play on words. An Aquadorian is someone who lives in a place called Aquador, like an Ecuadorian is from Ecuador.~

No offence but r u mental? ~Well, as I said earlier, I'll never know that because the experts only ever scream and run away. But they did try to get a straightjacket on me once - that could be a clue. I ate them.~

Hav u eva gone hypo? ~Not sure what you mean - if that's short for hypochondriac then no.~

Du u like the Nightmare Set? ~Yes, apart from the animation of NmP. It needs to be slow - fair enough - to balance the excellent stats but it didn't really need to have your character falling over during the battle - that's naff~

Well thats all 4 now but not 4 long ~ok! Byee~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/23/2006 20:11:39 >
AQ  Post #: 9
10/23/2006 23:55:39   

The usual, then.

Am I God? ~I can't be sure, but I'd guess "no".~

If I'm not, who is? ~"Artix? Can you come in here for a moment? There's a question for you . . . "~

What part of the British Isles do you reside in? ~Nowadays, Kent (the bottom right hand corner) but I originally come from Hertfordshire which is about 30 miles north-west of London (that's for those who don't know their English geography)~

Basketball or not? ~I played a bit at school but that was eons ago. Not quite tall enough to be that useful - "only" 6ft.~

Does being the oldest AK mean anything to you? ~Not really; I don't feel that old~

Ever seen the Animatrix? ~No I haven't, but I've heard good things about it so I'll try and do that~

Do you know how to use chopsticks? If so, do you use them the official way, or are you a rebel like me and use them differently? ~I do use them, but I'm ignorant as to whether it's the correct way or not! In my case, being rather slow at it, it helps me eat slower which is a good thing~

Richard the Lionheart--hero or slaughterer of innocent Muslims? ~I'd probably have to go for slaughterer of innocent Muslims, although that kind of thing is usually not a black and white choice~

Why do Aquadorians (people from Aquador) like Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ~Not people as such. Scary creatures more like. Things tend to get toasted by accident whenever our fiery breath touches them, so we got used to the taste. Never actually tried cinnamon flavour Wingman - could be worth a try.~

What's it like to be old? ~Heh. Not too bad at the moment.~

Favorite AQ weapon/armor/shield/spell/pet/item? ~Undefeatablade/Nightmare Plate/Nightmare Shield/Riiiptide/Gogg/Head of Radius Dragon. For the weapon, that's not the best weapon, just my favourite at the moment because I'm glad to have gotten hold of it.~

If stat caps were raised by 5 every single consecutive day for a year, making it absolute hell to write guides, would you quit this job? ~No - we'd just re-calculate the figures once a month perhaps. I like to think that my spreadsheet makes it amazingly fast to do that, and the armour sheets automatically sort everything into descending damage sequence for you! Go for it - you could become a guide-writer too!~

If Galanoth were to balance everything, what would Kalanyr do? ~Since balance is a matter of opinion, I'm sure Kal would still be there doing his thing ;)~

Element X modifiers--what's up with that? ~Could you be more specific as to what is being modified?~

Do you speak any foreign languages? ~Not very well I'm afraid. A black mark for me (too much time thinking about and playing chess at school I fear)~


< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/24/2006 7:52:02 >
AQ  Post #: 10
10/24/2006 0:54:32   

Hey Aqua

So, how do you fit some of your time into being on the forums? I could imagine it is hard to do that when you are married, and have 3 kids. Cause I'm having a bit o' trouble finding enough time from school. ~It's certainly a little tricky to fit it all in - luckily I have an understanding wife. I generally get on the forums for a few hours a day with maybe an hour to play AQ/DF as well~

Heh, my father listness to Genesis, Pink Floyd, and all the other type of older rock, so I have grown up with it, and have my mp3 filled partly up with that today;) ~Awesome. What's your favourite track / album? I'd have to think about mine, there's so much that's good (and someone might ask later . . .)~

Are you interested in football? And when I say football, I mean the not-soccer type, 'cause my nation(Denmark), soccer is the biggest sport, while football is my favorite, and I played it this year, though the season is ended. ~Like Legasee (see above) I don't like football much, which is slightly unusual where I come from although not so rare in the public school (= "private school" confusingly for those not English) sector. Rugby Union's my favourite winter game although I'm definitely too long in the tooth to actually play it now.~

Did you make the first spreadsheet, or were you one of the first to make it? ~No, I wasn't the first by any means, in fact I'm a relative newcomer (only joined the forums in February, having started playing AQ the middle of last year. I think Mysticforce's (clicky) may have been the first. The main difference is, most people seem to want to fill up the screen with just two weapons, whereas my aim was always to compare a lot of weapons at once and sort them automatically (to make guides easier to write - I always have in mind the readers of the forum, not just the posters).~

Uhmm.. yeah, breakfast calling. Edit: Breakfast done, more questions.

If we fire away, Reign Defender would be better;) ~XD~

Why is the thread called "Meet the Archknights".. wait.. don't tell me.. you have dual personalities? ~Oh, several actually. But they didn't have chains strong enough to keep me in the asylum. No rules about ArchKnights having to be human, is there? Heh. No, but seriously, "Meet the ArchKnights" is a long-running idea - everyone who becomes one is supposed to introduce themselves in this way (the archive of previous MtAK and Meet the Mod threads is linked in the first post above)~


~See you later~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/24/2006 8:14:14 >
AQ  Post #: 11
10/24/2006 1:10:53   

Greetings Aqua!

- Wow! I never thought that you are older than Icemaster Yeti! ~Yes - and a few grey hairs to prove it! But I only feel about 20-ish~

- So, does your kids play AQ too? ~Yes, although they've only been playing DF lately (they don't like having to do the training and classes in AQ; the opposite of me cos I like the stats aspect)~

- Do you have any best moment of your life with family and friends? ~My wedding day was awesome! We hired an old school for the reception, I drank loads of champagne and played the piano, lots of people had a good sing-song, the food was great, the limo, the hotel . . . I'll stop there but you get the gist~

- Are you working? If yes, how did you manage to play AQ if you are working? ~Luckily I can manage on 5 hours sleep a night, and also I work near to home. So an hour getting me and the kids ready for school / work, 9 hours at work, 1 hour travelling, 3 hours family stuff when I get home leaves about 5 hours free in the evening! ~

- Basically, what makes you so addicted to equipment comparison? ~Hmmm. Wanting to know what the best equipment is - maybe it goes back to the caveman in me, preparing to go off and fight the wooly mammoth?!~

- Have you been to any other country? ~Lived in the USA and Brazil for a few years when much younger; worked in Wales and Ireland; various trips to Portugal, France, Hong Kong, Thailand, Croatia; and I once went Youth-Hostelling with some friends round a number of European countries. I enjoy getting away when I can (a bit limited right now with a 2-year-old to look after)~

- Best place that you usually hang out during your younger days? ~Wow these are good questions :) I used to play a lot of squash (depending on where you live you might not have heard of that - it's a bit like racketball. Or is that racquetball. Not sure of the spelling) and the club where I played was a great place - whenever I dropped by there was always someone I knew and people would often go down there just to hang out, not always to play the game. And in any case the games only lasted about 45 minutes (after which I'd a hundred deaths every time) so there was plenty of time for chilling~

- What would you do if you are very stress? ~Play the piano. If I play Chopin I always think "hey - this guy's feeling a lot more than me" (I always tend to try and get inside the mind of the composer) and it makes me forget all about my worries~

- So, do you have a speciality that others do not have? ~Not sure about that. I honestly can't think of one~

- Favourite number? ~11~

- When is your birthday? :D ~November 6th~

- Any favourite sports? ~Cricket, Rugby Union, Squash~

- What do you usually do when you are bored with AQ/DF? ~Back to the piano. But I do talk to the wife occasionally ;)~

That's all for now. I will be asking more later! BYE!

*snuggle Aqua* ~*snuggles aNyThInG*~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/24/2006 15:54:22 >
AQ DF  Post #: 12
10/24/2006 2:33:39   

Well now, a fellow Englishman. Pleased to meet you. ~And you :)~

47...wow. Well, it's the right age for it. Old enough that you can still just let the stupidity roll over you, as it's meaningless.

How did I get into AQ? Helping out my eldest two kids, I got interested in the choice of weapons etc. and there I was sucked into Equipment Comparison, even before I knew the forum existed!

...That...must have been DIFFICULT. Weapons that have special attacks come in fairly early, especially if you use magic weapons. I have to wonder how you dealt with the stranger things without the forums for a reference for what it does? Things like...say Coin's Coin, or the Hotshot Sword. ~Well, I think in those early days I just trained all the stats equally so it didn't matter whether the weapon was Magic or Melee! But certainly the game got much more interesting for me once I discovered Neon's Master List of Game Formulae (clicky) now taken over by SCAKK. Basically I didn't always believe what some people were saying about certain weapons and I wanted to see for myself which was really better. Doing the actual maths clarifies things.~

This there anything specific about AQ you like? ~Class abilities!! I wish there were loads more classes. *snaps fingers* nope that didn't do it. Oh well, I'd better go and see Warlic about that.~

How about 'dislike'? ~That a Ranger should train the same stats (STR/DEX/LUK) as a Warrior, the only difference being he chooses only Ranged weapons. It makes no sense to me that it should have to be like that.~

'Comparatively' makes sense. 'Aquatic'? ~Aquadorians are from Aquador. We're sea creatures that devour anything (although we have our favourite snacks - ZeroHex82s and turtles are a recenty-discovered delicacy, well-toasted). Before becoming an AK I was "Watcher of the Deep".~

What keeps you coming back, other than to help the children? ~Oh, the children have long ago defected to DF. I prefer AQ because of the stats, the modifiers etc. And I like playing with spreadsheets; talking to people like you is quite pleasant too ;)~

How do you cope with excessive forum stupidity? One of those days that just makes you go 'ARGH!' ~Well at least as an AK I can do something about it (if it's on a forum I have the rights on). Otherwise I have faith that my fellow mods/AKs will handle the situation. But if I do get angry I go and play the piano - calms me down every time~

If you play regularly, what build do you like, and why? ~I keep a number of characters going, the one I like least being the Hybrid (literally neither one thing nor the other). So I don't have any particularly uber character. Level 92 Warrior, Level 77 Beastmaster, level 77 Mage, Level 76 Hybrid, Level 50 Ranger. Plus I get less time to play, with all the moderating, comparisons, stuff like this, answering a lot of PMs etc.~

Any favoured stat, and why? ~Charisma - for the fun! Sometimes it's great sitting back in NmP watching the pet and guest destroy the enemy!~

How long do you and your children tend to play AQ/DF? ~They probably play only a few hours a week. I usually manage to get in about 10~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/24/2006 17:39:39 >
AQ  Post #: 13
10/24/2006 19:19:12   
Eternal Chaos

Like no waiz! It's Mr. Aquadorian! All hail! *bows* loki says I have no love. He makes my cryz! ;_; Shame on you, loki! You made Eternal cry! *sniffle* ~In that case Loki no friend of mine. Hmmm. I think grilling might be best this time. Grilled Loki Surprise.~

Hmmm, I think maybe I need to make my MtAK replies a little longer, now. << >> ~Only if the mood takes you! I might come back to this one and add some more by the way~

Cereal and Toast go great together! Maybe we should add in a turtle or two. Good delicacies. ~Yep~

You like Chinese food? So do I! Is there any region of China whose food you find most preferable? ~Yum. I love the slow-cooking of the Shanghai cuisine: those noodles are the best and mmm - those steamed pork dumplings . . . maybe better than toasted ZeroHex82 after all. Mind you, that was only breakfast. Now we're talking main meal.~

Is there any other kind of internation food that you enjoy? I also like Italian and Japanese food as well. ~Italian yes - big time. Love all of it. And I've enjoyed the few Japanese meals I've had but we don't tend to get that cuisine out here in the suburbs (I must get up to London more). Off to bed now but I'll be back at lunchtime (hopefully!) *yawn* *now dreaming of dumplings*

OK I'm back!~

...I have yet to eat Indian Food again. It tastes great, but I nearly died from the spiciness. Say, have you ever tried it? ~Even better. Indian food is my greatest favourite of all. Spicy's good - as hot as a Vindaloo although a Phall is maybe hotness to far~

Favorite food group? ~Tricky. Perhaps fish.~

Favorite dish? ~Dover Sole bonne femme (it's a flat fish which is fairly local to me, and the way the French cook it with white wine is just great~

Do you like cooking/baking? ~Yes, although I can't claim to be that good at it.~

You got sucked in here just because you were helping your kids? Interesting... ~Yes. But now that the kids have gone over to DF entirely it's just me involved in AQ~

Your spreadsheet is too complex. I'm too lazy to make something that good. =] ~That's very kind of you. I've tried to keep the complexity tied to the protected cells, so hopefully in fact it's quite easy to enter stuff into the open cells. But you know how it is - it can only be as simple as the AQ design allows. For example "Stat bonuses on special Yes/No" is always hard to explain to people, especially since that's a bonus on BtH as well as on damage, and I have had the odd complaint about that, but the thing is that people would have the same problem with understanding - if not more of a problem - if they were trying to do the calculations by hand. Another problem is people move cells (with cut and paste) which causes errors, but it would cause errors in all known spreadsheets because if you move cells the cells they're based on haven't necessarily moved, meaning that results in one column apply to things input in another column. (So people should only ever copy, not move) It could be resolved with VBA (programming behind the scenes) but I've tried to avoid having that so people don't have the "do you trust the macros" message.~

You like chess, Aqua? I love chess! What's your favorite opening? Mine's the King's Gambit. ;) Risks are good. ~Interesting. That one's gone out of fashion a bit, so it can be useful to throw at people who've forgotten how to deal with it! I tend to play Queen-pawn openings as White (so Queen's Gambit Declined or attacks against the King's Indian / Nimzowitch etc.) but if I'm up against someone who knows a lot of "book" I'll try the Bird/Larsen attack which is an unusual opening with f4 and b2 (big pressure on square e5). My main in that one is to castle queenside and throw all the kingside pawns up with two rooks on g1 and h1, queen on e2, a knight on e5, bishop on b2 - in an ideal world. But getting to the position where that's possible can be tricky!~

Why do people think that the youngest AK and the oldest AK don't have much in common? Well, then again, "Watcher of the Deep" and "Heart of an Angel" don't really go together, do they? >.> Oh wait, we didn't have these shackles back then. *shakes fist at Reens* ~The shackles didn't hold us for long ;)~

Do you ever take out your anger on the forumites, or just go to the piano? How do you deal with stupidity? Honestly, I think you're a more gentle AK than I am. Oh wait, hence the name. >> ~I try not to get angry. Although, like you, I particularly hate impoliteness (it never hurts to say things like "please, and it sometimes even helps). But people generally just have to suffer a deleted thread or sarcasm at worst, rather than an angry post as such.~

If we switched boards (Battle Strategy and EC) would you go on a locking rampage like me, too? ~We have a slightly different style although both have their merits. In my case I'd go on a deleting rampage (where justified) on the basis that I don't want potential poster B to see poster A's illegal effort, which is the drawback of the locking idea. Whereas locking deliberately shows the bad post for what it is - as an example - which can be a good thing. So it depends on how likely it is that potential poster B is to read other posts and understand the reason for the locking. I take the approach that most people are too lazy even to do that (a lot of them will just read the spam and copy the behaviour rather than reading the results of it), hence I like deletion slightly better in most cases (sorry about the lengthy answer!)~

I think you need more than five hours of sleep (SCAKK, don't comment, please). =/ ~You're probably right. But I just like being awake~

Aren't people supposed to get around 8 hours per night? And even more for people like me. <.< ~Yes, very true~

I'm amazed ZeroHex82 hasn't destroyed your mind. All I ever responded was "42." It makes life so much easier. ~I might well go over to your method on that~

...Maybe I should eat his ghost. ~Yeah - we'll join forces. **Bwhahaha** we're now completely unstoppable~


Anyhow, I'll be back soon! Hopefully this doesn't close by then. Just in case I'm not, though...

*ByeSnuggles la Aqua* ~*Snuggleglomps Eternal*~

Nos Vemos!

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/25/2006 7:48:01 >
AQ DF  Post #: 14
10/24/2006 19:24:55   

You make me so sad, Eternal Chaos ;_; I'm sorry! ;_; I didn't mean to make you cry! I just hope you know that Aquadorian is smarter than Eternal, and Eternal only knows the process of answering with "42." >> Sorry there! *hugs Zero* (I also hope you know that it was a joke; I apologize if you are offended. *Bows*)I know you were joking, I was too. It just surprised me ;_;

Hello, Aquadorian. ~*Various weapons and shields trigger on "undead", "zerohex" and "82"* *BOOM* That's odd, all I can see is a strange pile of dust here. "Hello! Anyone there?"~

Would you like to play a game? ~*42* Hmmm. Auto-answer appears to have clicked in. Just like Eternal thought.~

The device strapped on your computer will deliver an EMP, disabling it forever, in one hour.

The key to the device is hidden.

Look over on the table.

You should find some helpful information there.

Whether you live or die is up to you.

~That was an odd inscription just to the left of the pile of dust. I couldn't make it out.~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/25/2006 7:56:28 >
AQ DF  Post #: 15
10/24/2006 20:13:49   

Hello, Aquadorian.

Would you like to play a game? ~42~ ~Aargh. Auto-answer's still on.~

The device strapped on your computer will deliver an EMP, disabling it forever, in one hour.

Ever seen a preview for that movie called Déja vu? ~OK - sorted now. Err - I think I've seen it before?~

Yeah. It looks... weird... but I wanna see it XD ~And see it again. And again.~

Do you like turtles? ~I think we're into over-the-top cruelty at this point~

I do. One time when I was a little kid, my grandpa caught this HUGE snapping turtle, cut the head off, and made turtle soup.

The head was still snapping after being chopped.

Yeah. I don't remember it XD.

Speaking of movies.... what's your favorite one? ~Four Weddings and a Funeral. Not to your taste presumably, but you might like the bit where the bloke dies (that's supposed to be a sad bit)~

Mine is Saw III... or it WILL be Saw III in 2 days. ~Hmmm - riiight. Well, er, see you then.~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/25/2006 8:05:45 >


My story
~The Awakening~ || Comments thread
AQ DF  Post #: 16
10/24/2006 21:00:31   

*Jar Jar voice* Mesa Back!!!* end jar jar voice*

*darth vader breathing*

So...you like pool? ~Yeah but it's too easy. Snooker's the real game =_=~

Polls? ~I create them~

Sure about pools? ~That's something else, but yes~

like to swim? ~Of course, I'm aquatic~

I thought so.

I'd own you ROFLLZLZZLZLLKAJDSS11!!1!!!111!!! ~Only in your dreams~

i thought so.

well, see ya.

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/25/2006 16:14:57 >
AQ  Post #: 17
10/24/2006 21:14:55   
Count Krisarius

So, you finally decide to do one of these? Well, then let the games begin. *cracks knuckles* ~lol is that by any chance a quote from "Raven"? Spoken in a kind of archaic Scots accent?~

Do you ever find it odd that many of the people you converse with on these forums are much closer to your childrens' ages than your own? ~Nah. Some of us have just lived longer than others - meaningless otherwise. Some of the wisest are young while some of the most foolish are old~

*Comment here* Good choice in music there; I personally love Pink Floyd. ~Wonderful. Best album for me = Dark Side of the Moon~

Why did you decide to do one of these? ~I think everyone, or at least nearly everyone, who becomes a Mod or an Archknight does one of these~

I've never been to Brazil, but would very much like to. How is it there? (though I realize things have changed since your stay there)
~I didn't like it a lot at the age I was (9-10) (in Sao Paulo) because there were a whole load of kidnappings and walking anywhere alone was out of the question. I think it might be even worse nowadays from that point of view.

Have you ever tried composing music? (sorry if this was asked) ~I did a bit of that at college and mostly just for fun - I was in a Barbershop Quartet (called "Close Shave") and I wrote a number of close-harmony arrangements of folk tunes for singing in that. Other than that, just a couple of poor efforts I had to write for my degree (it's not the same when you have to do these things)~

What is your ideal "comfort" food? ~A toasted bacon and egg sandwich! Or - even better - fish soup! Salt & Chilli King Prawns! mmmmm~

I'm quite the coffee drinker, are you really a part of the tea-drinking dark side? (I needed one joke question) ~No I must be on the side of the light because I much prefer coffee :)~

Well, that's it. I'll see you around. ~Indeed! I'm sure you'll keep returning often to make sure that excellent Fire weapons guide (clicky everyone) is kept updated ;)~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/25/2006 16:54:05 >
Post #: 18
10/27/2006 2:09:14   

Hey dont expect me 2 come from nowhere or else ~XD~

so how does it feel like 2 be Ye Olde Seadog of AKs? ~Perfectly fine.~

Met ani AKs in person? ~No, but that would be good one day!~

wat does hypochondriac mean? ~I believe it's someone who habitually thinks they are unwell when in fact they are not~

Wen u squirt beer outta ur nose,how does it feel? ~If / when I get into such a state it's hard to remember it the next morning XD~

Well thats it 4 me *away from aquadorian* not 4 long *carries undefeatashield in case ebil aqua attacks him* ~No - I don't believe it! "Hey - Yulgar - you told me that mine was the only one . . . " Well, isn't that typical? He keeps re-releasing those rare items.~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/27/2006 7:34:39 >
AQ  Post #: 19
10/27/2006 8:56:47   
Guardian Patrick

Hello ~Hello~

How're you? ~Fine~

Do you like Pure English or American English? ~Either. I grew up in both countries~

You're lucky, you know that? ~Uh huh~

Are you dreaming to be part of staff member? ~I don't get enough sleep to dream!~

Pssst, how did you become an ArchKnight? ~I was asked~

Will you become a mod? ~Who knows?~

Are you strict? ~When necessary~

Do you speak french?? ~Only a very little~

That's all, good bye! ~Bye!~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/27/2006 16:08:04 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
10/27/2006 9:21:23   

*leaps out of a volcano, battling several dragons at once, while watching TV and eating a packet of crisps.*


why Aquadorian? you could've had Earthdorian, Airdorian, Volcanodorian.... ~Answered that already higher up (I like to encourage reading ¬_¬)~

are you familiar with the old robot saying: "DOES NOT COMPUTE"? ~Only in the really bad b-movies~

can you insult me in binary? because i bet you can't. ~I won't try. But I guess this means you're a fan of Lenore Syndrome.~

would you say you are a well-balanced person? ~Probably not - I'm a musician and work in IT - not the best recipe for balance~

Fire Weapons Guide? why don't you just poke the encyclopaedia until everyone stops asking? ~You don't get everything from an encyclopedia. Ah, now lower down you admit to using my spreadsheet so I think maybe you know the answer really? But yeah, a lot of people don't bother to look in the 'pedia at all and that's just lazy.~

if you look into my eyes, and one and one make two, what do two and one make? ~err, three. Was there meant to be a witty answer?~

are you a hypochondriac? ~No~

any embarrasing medical conditions? ~Nope.~

please explain exactly (leaving allt he unexplainable jargon in) how you create those great spreadsheets which i find so useful.

you have six minutes.... GO! ~lol. For the whole spreadsheet I somehow think we'd run out of time. But I've just the six minutes edtiting this post about the Guardian Dragon calculations - that's got enough unexplainable jargon left in I think!~


< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/27/2006 18:23:41 >
AQ DF  Post #: 21
10/27/2006 12:12:13   

Hello person who I never knew existed until just now. ~But I knew you existed.~

Why are you Aquadorian and not me? ~Because I didn't want to be Asterion and you had never considered Aquadorian~

For that matter why am I Asterion and not you? ~Because you had never considered wanting to be anyone other than Asterion and I didn't want to be~

How do you respond to your opponent's accusations that you are, in fact, a fluffy pink bunny? ~I growl menacingly. He either runs away or I eat him up with my pink fluffy (err I mean green scaly) jaws~

And how do you respond to accusations of unfairness in the ground breaking court case of SporkGoddess vs FoonGoddess? ~I agree that it was unfair not to break for lunch~

Will these accusations affect your campaign for mayor of Atlantis? ~Hmmm that's a good point. Would you like to be my campaign manager? I ate the previous one~

What is your opinion on your esteemed opponent Sir Reginald Fluffy Bottom of the Snugglywuffins? ~Highly overrated in the past methinks. To his friends he's known as "Shredgie" which takes away a lot of his credibility and I have a firm belief that the public are beginning to swing towards my candidacy, especially since I went into his office and ate all his staff~

Hast thou any plans for All Hallow's Eve? ~=_=~ (Serious look) Took my kids to a Halloween party. We're going all American over here nowadays huh? Appreciate the throwback to archaism kind sir.~

Pie? ~Definitely. But such a choice. I'll go for fish pie please.~

Here is a philosophical question for you:

If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it does it make a vodka martini? ~No, it's a trap, so it's a gin martini~

And if so is that vodka martini shaken or stirred? ~The gin martini must be stirred, not shaken, else it bruises~

Is that all? ~Nearly~

Anyhoodles ~Now it is~

Buh-bye now ~Cheerybye~

~Asterion, lord and master of all things. He whom the universe revolveth around.

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/27/2006 18:49:38 >
Post #: 22
10/27/2006 14:26:05   


what would u do if aliens invaded earth? ~Eat them all up~

can u ask artix to give me a golden axe? i've been really good. ~Nope, out of the question~

can u give me a golden axe if artix can't? ~Nope, not possible~

buttersckotch or chocolate chip cookies? ~chocolate chip cookies. chocolate wins.~

pepperoni or cheese pizza? ~pepperoni~

milk or juice? ~juice~

how come i still don't have that golden axe? ~cos you can't have it~

have an ultra ice katana then? ~Nope~

am i asking for too much stuff? ~Yep~

should i stop asking for stuff now? ~That would be wise~

r my questinons annoying u? ~Nearly. But you'll know when you've gone too far - you'll get eaten~

peanut butter or jam? ~Hmmm that's tougher. Peanut butter, but if the jam is marmalade and it's breakfast time I'll go for the marmalade (a very English choice that one)~

chocolate or straw berry or vanilla ice cream? ~chocolate~

homer, bart or stewie? ~bart~

dragon hand z, dark wartexx or heavy monster smasher? ~heavy monster smasher. But not necessarily because it's best, just that I've already got a Dragonhand (non-z) and a Black Wartexx~

i don't get nightmare plate, explain it to me plz ~Four hits, good defence, you'll find it in the 'pedia . . . you'll need to be more specific~

nightmare, reign or shadow? ~Each is good for different reasons. I'd agree with the conclusions found in this excellent guide here (clicky)~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/27/2006 19:26:29 >
AQ  Post #: 23
10/27/2006 18:08:29   

Hey there,

Can't say I've ever seen you around before. Love your answers in this thread, though... Hurrah for droll humour :) ~Hurrah indeed. Even droller when I leave out the emoticons (9_9) oops there's one~

Oh, and your music taste wins. Well, I guess I've never listened to Russian classical music, but Progressive rock is great. So you like Pink Floyd? I'm going to see Roger Waters in concert this February, performing all of Dark Side as well as a few other things.
~Wonderful. The last time I saw them Live was while they were on their Division Bell tour. I bet you can't wait till February~

What's your favourite Floyd song, if you have one? ~Oh now that one is a hard question. Deep thought at this point . . . . ok but am I allowed two? I'd go for Breathe and Money.~

Well, I never really got into the 'asking inane questions' thing, so I'll leave it at that for now. Ciao!
~Heh. You've got me singing it now (Breathe that is). "For long you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be"~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/27/2006 19:08:45 >
AQ  Post #: 24
10/27/2006 20:00:55   
Ribarg? Zard contest runner-up


I've seen you around, unlike the others. >.<.0

Have you seen me around? <.>.0 ~Yes I have~

Do you like water? <.0.o ~Definitely~

How do you make those coolio spreadsheets? o.0.o ~Thanks - I use Excel a lot at work, so I guess I'm just used to it~

Are you getting annoyed of me yet? >.o.0 ~No - have a read of some earlier posts!~

Bye...... ~Bye~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/28/2006 16:09:03 >
Post #: 25
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