To use our forum, JavaScript and Cookies
must be enabled.
Mozilla FireFox 1+:
- Select "Tools" from the browser Menu bar
- Select "Options"
- Click on "Content" at the top of the window
- Verify that "Enable JavaScript" is selected
- Click on "Privacy" at the top of the window
- Click on the Cookies tab
- Verify that "Allow sites to set cookies" is selected
- Verify that "for the originating site only" is selected
- Select the "OK" button
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6+:
- Select "Tools" from the browser Menu bar
- Select "Internet Options"
- Select "Security" tab
- Select "Custom Level" button
- Locate "Scripting" and verify that "Active Scripting"
is enabled
- Select the "OK" button on the "Security" window
- Select the "Privacy" tab
- Move the slider to "Medium High"
- Select the "Apply" button on the "Privacy" window
- Select the "OK" button on the "Internet Options"
Opera 9+:
- Select "Tools" from the browser Menu bar
- Select "Quick Preferences "
- Verify that "Enable JavaScript" is enabled
- Verify that "Enable cookies" is enabled
Once you have enabled both JavaScript and Cookies you may try
the forum again.