Sa_ReDMaN -> Kaiju (6/29/2007 16:19:43)
[image][/image] Kaiju Elemental Location: Togzilla Attacks! Level: 30 Element: Water Damage: 246-349 Damage Type: Melee HP: Scaled MP: Scaled Stats: STR: 12, INT: 2, DEX: 6, END: 18, CHA: 1, LUK: 1, WIS: 0 Defenses: Melee: 0, Pierce: 0, Magic: 0, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0 Offenses: Crit: 2, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0% Resistances: Shrink: 100, Immobility: 30 Attack Type 1, 1.2 - punches you twice doing 2 246-349 melee water attacks Attack Type 2, 2.2, 2.3 - kicks, punches you and employs some magic doing 3 246-349 melee water attacks Gold gained: Scaled Experience gained: Scaled [image][/image] Alternative Image Thanks to -- ArcticRaider for info. -- Kaiju for info. -- Naurchir for image. -- GhostBear5 for reformatting the entry. -- Stephen Nix for additional info. -- SalvationXI for corrections.